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陆闻艳 《价值工程》2005,24(9):85-87
绩效评价是现代人力资源管理的重要内容之一,如何客观、公正地评价员工的绩效,采用更加灵活的模式评价管理者的工作,是当前人力资源管理与实践亟待探讨和解决的问题。本文阐述了360度评价法的产生和发展过程,通过对案例的分析进一步说明其优缺点,最后提出展望。  相似文献   

企业关键绩效指标(KPI)评价体系是在企业战略目标分解基础上形成的,用于动态掌握企业战略达成情况,是企业管理决策控制系统的重要组成部分。本文对电网经营企业建立关键绩效评价体系的必要性及其设计原则进行了阐述,并在对电网企业价值链分析的基础上,提炼了包括财务指标和非财务指标在内的电网企业关键绩效指标(KPI),以引导和控制企业战略的实施。  相似文献   

In the past few years, few human resource practices have received as much attention as multi-source feedback systems (MSFSs). In the US and Canada, it is estimated that over one-third of organizations are using some form of MSFS and recent surveys show that this practice is still gaining popularity. Concurrently, a substantial amount of literature has focused on the effectiveness of this performance management practice. However, while few would dispute the popularity of MSFS, relatively little has been published on the use of these systems outside North America and thus little is known about their form and effectiveness in international contexts. This paper outlines the results of an international survey of MSFS. Interview data from HR managers and consultants from Argentina, Australia, China, Slovakia, Spain and the UK demonstrate that MSFS are being implemented, in slightly different ways, in each of these six countries. The main challenges in the application of MSFS in these various countries are the communication efforts necessary before and after implementation, and the inherent difficulty in giving and receiving feedback. The results of this study also provide data as to the perceived future of MSFS in each of the countries surveyed.  相似文献   

大学教师的专业发展影响学校的核心竞争力,也影响着培养学生的整体素质。目前比较有效的专业发展是大学教师的专业团队建设。如果能把团队建设和教师专业发展有效结合,不但会促进青年教师的快速成长,也会对学校的未来规划发展起到至关重要的作用。随着团队建设如火如荼的开展,对建设的成果考核是不容忽视的课题,需要考虑在考核时纳入专业发展的绩效考核体系。文章以关键绩效指标为依据,考虑从未来教师专业发展视角来分析团队建设的优势和不足,为后续政策制定、建设规划提供支持。研究结果设计了能够促进教师专业发展的对团队评估的关键绩效考核指标。  相似文献   

本文从工作绩效的范围、工作绩效的维度、对管理者绩效的描述、绩效评估工具与程序的开发四个方面对美国绩效评估中度量传统的重要研究成果加以介绍,并提出度量传统的视角过于单一,不能充分体现评估过程中多因素的互动关系。  相似文献   

在综合分析城市基础设施建设与运行特点及绩效评价内泥沙的基础上,构建了较为全面的城市基础设施综合绩效评价指标体系.指标体系由基础设施配置效应、经济效应、公平效应3大综合效应目标、七个专项系统目标和19个基础指标组成,采取主成分分析法和特尔菲法相结合的方法对指标进行数据处理,并以青岛市为案例进行了实证分析.  相似文献   

企业并购绩效评价是企业并购战略得以实现的重要步骤,而目前的绩效评价研究一般集中在企业和经营管理层面,很少涉及并购绩效评价的系统论述。基于此,本文首先界定了并购绩效评价的概念,指出并购绩效评价体系的内容及层次性特征,然后设计了企业并购绩效评价的程序并着重论述了其评价过程。在并购盛行的全球环境下,希望本文对我国企业并购绩效的研究有所贡献。  相似文献   

This paper suggests a novel approach to program evaluation that allows identification of the causal effect of a training program on the likelihood of being invited to a job interview under weak assumptions, i.e., by measuring the program-effects by pre- and post-treatment data that are very close in time for the same individual.  相似文献   

This paper explores existing performance feedback models and their implications for understanding antisocial behavior at work. We begin with the presentation of a summary model that outlines constructs and relationships common in current feedback models. Then, we discuss what these constructs and relationships suggest about the occurrence of antisocial responses when negative performance feedback is provided. In addition, we use the performance feedback model to identify areas of research that have been ignored in current conceptualizations of antisocial work behavior.  相似文献   

科学、合理、高效的辅导员绩效考评是加强辅导员队伍建设的重要内容,是充分发挥辅导员在学生事务管理工作中核心作用的必然选择。本文分析了目前高校辅导员绩效考核中存在的问题,阐明现有的考核体系指标和分析方法不科学的原因,并根据辅导员的岗位特点,给出了完整的高校辅导员绩效管理系统构建方法。  相似文献   

文章从多个方面论述了领导干部政绩考核的新思路。通过分析领导干部政绩考核的重要性及面临的问题和工作难点,提出领导干部政绩考核具体的解决方法。  相似文献   

文章从多个方面论述了领导干部政绩考核的新思路。通过分析领导干部政绩考核的重要性及面临的问题和工作难点,提出领导干部政绩考核具体的解决方法。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the problems and prospects of 360-degree feedback methods. The rationale behind these appraisal systems is that different evaluation perspectives add objectivity and incremental validity to the assessment of individual performance. This assumption is challenged in this paper. Our research shows that there is a consistent difference in self- and supervisor ratings especially. This implies that, as long as these differences are understood as the result of several effects in measuring one's performance, the multi-source assessments will lead to a false sense of security and objectivity. Instead, when the differences are understood as subjective evaluations with a value in themselves, then different perceptions can be used for a better understanding between supervisors and employees of the working relations, personal performance and underlying motives for career development. Several recommendations are made for human resource management practices and future research.  相似文献   

本文运用管理学激励和绩效理论,通过对某工厂的调研,研究并建立了该厂的绩效评估体系。该体系通过对一线工人的绩效评估以及对先进小组的表彰奖励,实现了激发工人积极性、提高工厂生产绩效的目的。  相似文献   

针对当前高校绩效预算管理研究中存在的考评责任主体不明确问题,论文试以高校组织结构为平台,以构建一个闭环的高校预算绩效考评体系为目标,分别从建立高校绩效预算评价体系,构建高校绩效预算考评指标,制定与考评结果相配套的促进机制三个方面对基于组织结构的高校绩效预算考评体系进行了研究。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the scheme of performance-related pay facing NHS managers, using both quantitative and qualitative date from a questionnaire survey. We find that the scheme is modestly successful. On the basis of self-reported data from managers covered by the scheme, there are clear indications that it has raised motivational levels, and induced more effort, albeit for only a minority of the managers. These results stand in some contrast to those from a number of earlier UK studies, and may show what happens in relatively mature PRP systems. In seeking to understand why the scheme was not more successful, we found that motivational and behavioural change was less likely among those who thought that certain aspects of the objective-setting process were done badly, or that assessments were conducted inappropriately, or that the subsequent rewards were unattractive. We finish by drawing out some implications for HR policy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to describe the design of Global Leadership Life Inventory (GlobeInvent), a 360-degree leadership feedback instrument. This instrument is presently used in executive programmes to help identify the operational mode of individual executives. Proper use of this instrument enables the user to determinate those areas of leadership behaviour where improvement is needed.

Because most studies pay attention only to the surface manifestations of leadership, most leadership feedback instruments, in turn, are not concerned with the psychodynamic processes that underlie leaders' character and behaviour. To address this gap, the GlobeInvent is based on a clinical orientation to the study of leadership. This approach provides a more complete analysis of the ‘inner theatre’ of leaders?–?that is, what makes them tick?–?as well as measuring the dynamic, two-way relationship between leaders and followers.

The first step in designing the instrument was to pinpoint significant themes pertaining to exemplary leadership. To that end, semi-structured interviews with senior executives were held. The leadership dimensions that emerged from that process were then tested on an international sample of senior executives. Analysis of the data from the testing confirmed the existence of twelve robust dimensions with a high reliability and internal consistency.

Because the GlobeInvent is a 360-degree feedback instrument, this article addresses differences between ‘Self’ scores and scores given by others (‘Observers’), gender differences in scoring and the influence of nationality, management experience and age on test results. The implications of using such an instrument as a 360-degree feedback tool are reviewed, and suggestions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

企业绩效评价方法取向研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在开展企业绩效评价时,应确定评价层次问题。不同层次有不同的评价对象,其评价尺度和指标就会有差异。本文通过中国传统的评价方法和目前世界上(主要是美国)流行的主要评价方法(EVA、BSC)进行了对比分析,试图提出以平衡记分卡为主体,以适合我国国情和有益于提高企业竞争力的企业绩效评价方法。  相似文献   

绩效棱柱模型从利益相关者的角度,通过利益相关者的满意维度、战略维度、流程维度、能力维度和贡献维度的因果联系,形成了一套系统有效的绩效评价方法。本文根据高等院校本身所具有的特点,应用绩效棱柱模型,提出高等院校绩效评价的设计思路,探索适合于高等院校的绩效评价体系。  相似文献   

The Personality Audit (PA) was developed to meet a need for a relatively simple multiple feedback instrument that could clarify the various motivational needs of executives. Using a psychodynamic approach to leadership, the PA allows the test-taker to assess him- or herself in seven personality dimensions important in human behaviour and to identify personal ‘blind spots’. The resulting insights can be used to formulate appropriate leadership development goals.

The objective of this paper is to describe the design and psychometric properties of the PA. This instrument, in contrast with other tools that can be used to clarify the inner theatre of individuals, is designed not only to report information given by the test-taker but also to reflect the perceptions of observers representing both the test-taker's public and private spheres. This paper describes in detail the conceptual foundations of the questionnaire, the psychometric methods used to confirm its validity and reliability, and possible directions for future research.  相似文献   

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