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The extensive use of training demands more extensive evaluations of its real effects. Human resource scholars attempt to develop multi-dimensional training evaluation models, often ignored by practitioners, whereas training managers tend to evaluate only reaction evaluations, the first dimension in several models. To provide more practically relevant research, this study includes five training parameters in a model that assesses trainees' overall satisfaction with training (OST), which results from perceived usefulness of training, perceived trainer performance and perceived training efficiency. Structured survey data from a sample of 13,753 trainees, grouped in 1230 courses, involving 3047 companies, and financed by an Italian inter-professional fund, confirm the role of all three antecedents of OST. Moreover, of the five course- and participant-related variables, participation of female workers (which is also a moderator variable), the length of the course and the type of target audience influence trainees' OST. These results provide useful implications for practitioners in shaping their courses and audiences to maximise the trainees' reactions.  相似文献   

Social exchange theory was used to understand employee perceptions of organizational support for work–family issues in this study of 373 employees from 40 New Zealand firms. These perceptions of family support were found to positively influence job and life satisfaction, and negatively influence turnover intentions and job burnout. Consequently, there is strong support for firms supporting work–family issues leading employees to reciprocate with superior outcomes. In addition, the mediating effects of life satisfaction were explored, as there have been calls to test the effects of existing relationships outside the workplace. While life satisfaction was not found to fully mediate any attitude, it did partially mediate all outcomes. Similarly, life satisfaction was also a significant predictor of all outcomes. This indicates that the role of firms in providing a supportive work–family climate is important and can consistently contribute to employee outcomes. Furthermore, the role of non-work attitudes is also important to acknowledge, and highlights the need to explore non-work aspects as potential mediators of work outcomes in social exchange relationships.  相似文献   

福利满意度对员工工作态度的影响机理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛任  袁凌 《企业技术开发》2006,25(11):72-74
福利满意度作为员工对企业福利制度和措施的一种感受和评价,对员工的工作态度和行为产生很重要的影响。文章分析了福利满意度对企业员工工作态度及行为的影响机理,并指出人力资源管理者在提高员工福利满意度,端正员工的工作态度,减少员工离职行为的过程中应当注意的问题。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the latent factor structure of the occupational profile construct of the training needs analysis (TNA) scale proposed by Hicks, Hennessy and Barwell (1996). Data were collected from 72 Australian nurses. Principal component analysis and multi-dimensional scaling methods were employed to delineate a five-factor model. This study demonstrates a good fit of data as opposed to asymmetrical disposition of factor structures as promulgated by previous studies. This research confirms the original latent factor structures; however, validation using a confirmatory framework to analyse the TNA scale is required in future. This study suggests some practical implications for human resource managers.  相似文献   

A number of studies in the human resources literature acknowledge the importance of workplace training for inducing organizational commitment on the part of workers. However, small sample sizes and the absence of relevant panel data have raised concerns about the general validity of results and highlighted the need for further research to explicitly include on-the-job training as an important facet of job satisfaction. A similar empirical gap exists in the economics and industrial organization literature, where, despite the importance of both on-the-job training and job satisfaction to influence labour productivity, the relationship between the two has received surprisingly little attention. The aim of this paper is to bridge this gap in our knowledge and assess the impact of further training on job satisfaction in the western regions of Germany. We use data derived from the German Socio-economic Panel, which covers the period 1984 to 2002. Concentrating on full-time employed individuals, we focus in particular on the 1989, 1993 and 2000 interview waves, which include a number of questions on work-related training and offer detailed information on the type and duration of training received, and whether employers sponsored such training. The empirical results of the study provide information about the decision to participate in further training and the latter's impact on job satisfaction. Gender inequality issues in Germany's segmented labour market are explained by reference to discrepancy theory, equity theory, social exchange theory and the perception of a breach in the psychological contract between firms and female trainees.  相似文献   

In light of the dramatically aging workforces in many industrialized countries, age diversity management will become a major challenge in human resource management. To successfully handle an age-diverse workforce, it is crucial to understand how employees of different ages can be motivated. This paper analyzes age's moderating role in the relationship between situational job characteristics and job satisfaction. To control for the potential influence of the cultural and institutional context, we use data from the USA, Japan and Germany. Findings show that older employees' job satisfaction is driven by different factors than younger employees: older employees put more emphasis on good relationships with colleagues, while income, advancement opportunities, job security and having an interesting job are less important. However, these effects are mostly nation-dependent, which underlines the importance of conducting cross-cultural or cross-national aging research.  相似文献   

South East Asian petroleum retailers are under considerable pressure to improve service quality by reducing turnover. An empirical methodology from this industry determined the extent to which job characteristics, training opportunities, age and salary influenced the level of job satisfaction, an indicator of turnover. Responses are reported on a random sample of 165 site employees (a 68% response rate) of a Singaporean retail petroleum firm. A restricted multivariate regression model of autonomy and training opportunities explained the majority (35.4%) of the variability of job satisfaction. Age did not moderate these relationships, except for employees >21 years of age, who reported enhanced job satisfaction with additional salary. Human Capital theory, Life Cycle theory and Job Enrichment theory are invoked and explored in the context of these findings in the South East Asian retail petroleum industry. In the South East Asian retail petroleum industry, jobs providing employees with the opportunity to undertake a variety of tasks that enhanced the experienced meaningfulness of work are likely to promote job satisfaction, reduce turnover and increase the quality of service.  相似文献   

We describe a genetic algorithm for the partial constraint satisfaction problem. The typical elements of a genetic algorithm, selection, mutation and cross-over, are filled in with combinatorial ideas. For instance, cross-over of two solutions is performed by taking the one or two domain elements in the solutions of each of the variables as the complete domain of the variable. Then a branch-and-bound method is used for solving this small instance. When tested on a class of frequency assignment problems this genetic algorithm produced the best known solutions for all test problems. This feeds the idea that combinatorial ideas may well be useful in genetic algorithms.  相似文献   

There are different ways in which training providers and recipients assess the value and outcome of training programmes. Generally, evaluations by clients of training services in the public sector do not receive serious attention as one cohort of officials succeeds another. Such an approach restricts the prospect of improvement, particularly since the providers are not subjected to undergo self-assessment of their programmes. This article seeks to achieve a better understanding of the assessment by soliciting opinions of both clients and providers of training programmes offered by the Civil Service Training and Development Institute in Hong Kong. The views of both the trainers and recipients were collected through a number of surveys and interviews. The response from trainees and trainers reveal significant differences about the expectations and actual content of the training programmes. Interestingly, there were similarities as well in their assessment in some areas. A common position declared by the trainees is that training keeps them informed about the latest developments but does not help them to adjust to changing circumstances. The other complaint was that adequate training was not provided for performing on the job. Trainers expressed different views, but agreed on the fact that the institute is unable to cope with the task and responsibility of training the entire public service and conceded that it is difficult to anticipate the future training needs in the rapidly changing environment in which public administration takes place.  相似文献   

Theories such as human capital theory, the metaphors of learning and the high involvement work paradigm all suggest that the quality of training and learning varies along a number of axes. This article shows how these theoretical insights have been translated into questions used in a UK survey of 6829 employees carried out in 2006. We find that the qualities of both the training experience and on-the-job learning are strongly associated with the extent and nature of employee involvement. This suggests that employee involvement is likely to play an important role in the process of upskilling the workforce, which has been accorded a central role in the economic strategies of many nation states as well as supra-national organizations such as the European Union.  相似文献   


Previous research on performance appraisal in Human Resource Management has found that frame-of-reference (FOR) training can improve rating accuracy. However, both the time-consuming development of training materials and the almost exclusive use of experimental evaluation designs limit the dissemination of FOR training as well as a better understanding of how and when it works. Therefore, unlike past research, the present studies used more general rater training materials and examined improvements in rater accuracy by means of a double-pretest one-posttest design. Study 1, using a student sample (the majority being part-time employees; N = 58), demonstrated the effectiveness of the rater training over and above a testing effect. Study 2 with participants from the workforce population (N = 45) replicated these results. In addition, in Study 2, pre-training rater self-efficacy moderated rater training effectiveness such that the rating accuracy of trainees with low self-efficacy improved more than did accuracy scores of trainees high in rater self-efficacy. We conclude that an effective FOR training can be conducted with less organization-specific materials, though both testing effects must be controlled for and individual differences (i.e. rater self-efficacy) between trainees have to be taken into account.  相似文献   


The possible role of job satisfaction (JS) on organizational commitment (OC) has been a very important and hotly debated topic among experts. However, existing studies have yielded mixed results potentially due to utilization of small datasets, different methodological designs, estimation techniques that do not control for potential endogeneity between the variables, or a combination of these issues. Using a large matched employer-employee data-set from Britain (WERS2011), we find that increases in employees’ JS positively influence OC. We also show that this relationship holds when an instrumental variable framework (IV ordered probit/IV probit) is adopted to take into account the potential endogeneity of JS. However, throughout the analysis, the IV estimates are smaller in magnitude in comparison to where JS is considered as an exogenous variable. Moreover, utilising a two-stage probit least square (2SPLS) estimator, we support our previous findings i.e. increased JS is likely to lead to enhanced OC, but we also show that greater OC leads to higher levels of JS suggesting that JS and OC are likely to be reciprocally related. Overall, the IV estimates confirm the importance of addressing the endogeneity issue in the analysis of the relationship between JS and OC.  相似文献   

社区人居环境满意度研究——以大连市为例   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以大连市为例,通过问卷调查形式,引入DPSIR模型,运用数学和地理空间分析的方法,定量研究社区人居环境的满意度.研究表明,虽然大连市是人居环境优秀城市,但是居民对社区人居环境满意度的评价却属"一般"等级;从指标权重排列看,社区人居环境的满意度受居民自身状况影响较大,如收入状况、文化层次等;大连市社区人居环境满意度较高社区的分布形式既有分散的核心点分布,又有集中连片的条带状布局.  相似文献   

消费技能是消费者和消费资料相结合的技术和能力。这种能力从根本上决定着消费需要的满足程度。本文依据经济学原理论证了培育消费技能的必要性,并在对消费技能进行界定的基础上,提出了企业培育消费技能的对策。  相似文献   

Training evaluation remains an indispensable yet incomplete component of human resource development. In this article, we introduce a new omnidirectional four-level training evaluation framework that is constructed within two independent focal axes –intentional change and range of audience – which specify different expected organisational changes and interested audiences in the evaluation. The four evaluation levels – identification, consumption, utilisation and realisation – are not necessarily linear and ascending, but are independent tools that can be combined in an ascending, descending or independent manner, tailored to the situation, evaluation focus, organisational context, desire or requirement. The omnidirectional training evaluation framework expands training evaluation theory to focus on a better understanding and conceptualisation of surrounding factors, be they organisational, resource-based or otherwise, and moves the evaluation process from an autotelic Human Resource activity towards an integrated organisational one.  相似文献   

Bullying can precipitate many negative outcomes at work, but previous research does not adequately address how such misbehavior affects employee dispositions and attitudes; how these characteristics impact ethical decision making is also underexplored. Given these research gaps, the purpose of this study is to assess (1) the impact of bullying on Machiavellianism and job satisfaction, and (2) the influences of Machiavellianism and job satisfaction on perceived ethical issue importance, a measure of ethical decision making. Three hundred eighty‐four sales and business employees working for different firms operating in the United States answered a self‐report questionnaire. The findings showed that, after accounting for social desirability bias, workplace bullying was positively associated with Machiavellianism and negatively associated with job satisfaction. Machiavellianism was negatively related to the perceived importance of an ethical issue embedded in a vignette highlighting Machiavellianism and latent bullying behaviors. In addition, job satisfaction was positively related to ethical issue importance. Finally, both Machiavellianism and job satisfaction mediated the relationship between bullying experiences and importance of an ethical issue, as evidenced by their significant indirect effects. HR professionals should minimize bullying and Machiavellianism to reduce the corrosive effect on the ethical environment and enhance work attitudes and ethical decisions.  相似文献   

Enterprise systems (ES) are large software packages that have been widely adopted, but are complex to deploy. One way to obtain more value from them is to train end-users. However, little is known about the effectiveness of ES training. This study examines post-training behaviour in the ES environment through the concept of training transfer and the theoretical framework of self-determination theory. It proposes that end-users’ computer self-efficacy (CSE) and mastery orientation (MO), as well as the perceived ease-of-use (PEOU) of a system, influence their motivation to transfer the skills they have gained during training to their work environment and to use the system. Data was collected from 170 ES end-users, who had previously attended ES training, through a survey. Partial least squares modelling was used to analyse the data, and all of the hypotheses were supported. This study is among the first few studies that investigate the more distal impact of information systems training.  相似文献   

Downsizing has been a recurrent theme in corporate life for the last 20 years. Literature in this area has evolved sporadically and covers many aspects of it. Although this has resulted in rich data, there is a lack of robust research that integrates the strategic and operational elements of downsizing. Furthermore, downsizing results in negative outcomes such as loss of skills, learning and innovation. It can also result in negative emotions including anger, frustration and guilt. However, there is insufficient data about the specific conditions or contextual factors that influence survivors reactions. This article presents the findings of a study conducted in four large organisations in the UK that have undergone downsizing. It proposes a theoretical model encapsulating the organisational context, and argues that the two key factors that determine the context are frequency of downsizing and the degree of control that the organisation exercises in making the decision to downsize. A broad set of propositions is presented as to the likely reactions of ‘survivors’ in the various organisational contexts of downsizing.  相似文献   

This paper describes a model developed to measure customer satisfaction with enterprise training programmes. Based on developments in customer satisfaction and quality measurement, it is proposed as an alternative to the training evaluation model developed by Kirkpatrick (1959). A single indicator, a Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), quantifies the level of satisfaction with each training programme. The model also measures the individual parameters that contribute to the CSI, as well as their relative importance. It facilitates a benchmarking process regarding these parameters and between training programmes. The development process of the model is described, as is its use in practice.  相似文献   


Bicycle sharing is an emerging business in many cities worldwide and has attracted a large number of users, due to its convenience, environmental friendliness, low cost, and flexibility for short-distance travels. This study evaluates main factors affecting the perceived service quality, satisfaction, and loyalty of bicycle sharing customers. We design measurement variables, conduct a satisfactory survey on customers using OFO bicycle sharing service in Ningbo, China, develop a Service-Satisfaction-Loyalty model using structure equation modeling (SEM), and conduct statistical analysis. The perceived service quality was simplified to three dimensions including: perceived service quality of platform, perceived quality of bicycle entity, and perceived quality of value. The results show that SEM model can account for commonly unobserved variables within satisfaction and loyalty of bicycle-sharing. Perceived services quality of bicycle entity and platform are found to affect customer satisfaction significantly, while perceived quality of value is not a significant factor. This study confirms that satisfaction decisively leads to loyalty of bicycle sharing.  相似文献   

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