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This paper unpacks the dominant conceptualizations of talent management (TM) in contemporary academic publications, and considers these in relation to the increasingly important workforce population of skilled international migrants. It postulates that TM approaches are generally built from a relatively narrow human capital-based perspective wherein organizations focus on readily accessible and immediate skills, ignoring the longer term strategic potential of the international workforce of skilled migrants, particularly for multinational enterprises and other international organizations. Through a series of propositions, the paper highlights how organizations, in strategically using a more comprehensive TM lens rather than a human capital lens in approaching the TM of skilled migrants, could benefit from improved HRM performance over time. It also proposes a research agenda, by which future studies might test, explore, and further develop understanding on a more strategic utilization of skilled migrants in organizations.  相似文献   

当今社会的用工模式为多元化的用工模式。其中,人才派遣用工模式因其具有独特的优势而受到许多企业和组织的青睐。文章阐述并分析了人才派遣用工模式的功能、实施效果、优劣势、激励措施。  相似文献   

The study investigates talent management practices in Russian and foreign companies and their influence on a company's performance. In our work, foreign companies are foreign-owned companies (multinational or global) that operate in the Russian market and their headquarters are located outside the Russian Federation. Attention is paid to the analysis of the factors that support talent management implementation. As the results of the research are based on a comparative analysis of differences and peculiarities in talent practices in Russian and foreign companies, the paper explores and provides a number of ideas and conclusions about talent management elaboration, realization and talent practices improvement in the Russian context. Our data show that talent management practices are influenced by a number of factors that are different, in parts, in Russian and foreign companies. Supplementary analysis also suggests that the positive connection between talent management efforts and a company's performance can be found.  相似文献   

印度与中国的经济增长模式不同,印度"藏富于民"而中国"藏富于国",印度经济增长潜力远远大于中国,印度经济增长动力既源于印度的包容性增长措施,又促进了印度的包容性增长。印度包容性增长经验给我们的启示包括改善收入分配比例,调整投资结构,降低通货膨胀,改善产品出口结构等。  相似文献   

高职院校旅游类人才培养和就业问题的相关调查研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
孙飒 《价值工程》2011,30(18):209-210
我国高职教育起步较晚,旅游学科本身发展历史较短,又属于边缘学科,旅游类专业课程设置还处于探索阶段,很多问题仍制约着高职类旅游教育的发展。该论文以西安SVT学院为样本学校,通过对其近三年来旅游专业毕业生就业状况的追踪调查为切入点,对高职类旅游专业的专业设置、课程设置等方面存在的问题进行分析探讨,并提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

Anchored in institutional theory, our aim in the present study was to understand how large and economically successful organizations in India engage with the issue of disability within and outside of their organizational boundaries, and communicate such engagements through their annual reports. Based on a qualitative content analysis of the organizations' annual reports for the year 2009–2010, we examined if these organizations spoke about recruitment and other organizational treatment of people with disabilities (internal focus), and if they engaged with issues related to disability in the realm of corporate social responsibility (external focus). We found that, despite no institutional pressures, organizations engaged with disability-specific issues both internally and externally. While we found differences with respect to organizational age and sector (public and private sector), we did not find any differences in the engagement and communication of activities based on organizational industry type and global presence. We discuss implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of surveys of firms that were conducted both in India and Thailand. The surveys centred on a wide range of human resource management practices (staffing, training, compensation and evaluation). The sample consisted of both the subsidiaries of multinational corporations and locally owned companies. Statistical analysis suggests pronounced differences in employment practices between India and Thailand in some areas, while considerable similarities in other areas. The study controls for a variety of organizational factors (e.g., firm size, ownership (foreign versus domestic), union status).  相似文献   

李俊霞 《价值工程》2014,(16):200-201
随着市场竞争的不断加剧,人才对企业发展的重要性逐渐凸显。本文通过阐述人才工作是一项社会系统工程,同时提出相应的政策建议,进而为企业人才现代化管理提供参考依据。  相似文献   

姚非凡 《价值工程》2014,(25):170-171
加强医院人才队伍建设不仅是实现科技兴院的必由之路,更是确保医院能够持续发展的源泉。为了促进医院的可持续发展,必须保证人才使用的最大化效益,因此,可以通过优化培养人才、合理引进人才以及科学转化人才和规范人才管理机制来为"人尽其才,才尽其用"提供必要的保障。  相似文献   

杨杰 《价值工程》2013,(20):180-181
本文从乡土人才的开发谈起,解读了乡土人才管理的意义,阐述了加强乡土人才的管理、提高管理员的自身素质之价值,分析了推动乡土人才管理制度的改革办法。本文对乡土人才的管理、开发方面存在的问题进行了具体的分析,并阐述了相关改革的思路,希望同仁共同商榷与指正。  相似文献   

本文阐述了高职院校旅游业管理型人才培养的定位,总结了旅游管理人才培养模式的国际经验,并以北京经济管理职业学院旅游管理专业人才培养模式的实践探索为基础,构建了旅游业管理型人才培养体系——理实"三循环"的人才培养模式,校企融合的职业素质培养形式,全程实训管理体制,突出管理素质的课程结构。  相似文献   

王志涛 《价值工程》2011,30(20):99-100
在企业的生存发展过程中,人才是起着至关重要的作用,这就使中小企业在生存发展迈向趋于稳定强大的阶段,人才起着关键性的作用。大企业可以靠其名气以及雄厚的财力吸引人才的加盟,而中小企业在名气和财力资源方面显得远远不足,提供的平台相对较低一些,所以中小企业如何吸引人才的加盟是中小企业经营者十分关心注意的问题。本文通过多中小企业自身特点的分析,浅谈一下关于中小企业在吸引人才方面的一些策略。  相似文献   

加入WTO后,陕西经济的快速增长并没有缓解人才供需之间的矛盾。人才就业难与企业招人难、留人难等问题仍然十分突出,主要原因是人才供需断层问题的不断加深且一时间难以改善和解决。而解决这个矛盾的突破口就在于改善当前高校的教育模式,培养出企业需要(甚至是急需、不用企业培训花费较大成本再教育)的人才,高校如何转变教育模式是解决当前就业问题的有效途径之一。本文通过对现状和原因的分析,在此基础上对人才供给与需求的有效衔接提出相应的建议措施。  相似文献   

薛艳 《价值工程》2014,(36):224-226
本文通过对广州地区会展行业企业发展、会展人才需求状况、广州科技贸易职业学院会展专业毕业生就业情况的调研与分析,得知目前广州地区会展人才在培养方面存在主要问题在于学生实操能力欠缺,院校传授知识与企业实际需求脱节现象严重,会展对口就业情况有待进一步改善。  相似文献   

王晓燕  张伟  苗飞  宋进朝  冯敏 《价值工程》2011,30(35):194-194
针对高职院校教育特点,进行建筑工程技术专业与建筑工程管理专业人才培养模式探索和建设,重新构建新型教育模式,致力培养出"懂技术、会施工、能管理"的建筑实用型人才。  相似文献   

王新秀  高义丰 《价值工程》2014,(35):244-245
五年制高职教育是我国高等教育方面不可或缺的重要部分,对于我国各行业专门人才的培养起到了十分重要的作用。但五年一贯制的高职人才培养却面临着诸多的困难,无论是教学管理还是学生质量都没有实质性的提高,如何将高职学校从人才培养的困境中成功地挣脱出来,成为高等职业学校的重点研究课题。本文作者从事高职教育多年,对高等职业人才培养的探索和实践提出一些自己的观点和看法。  相似文献   

陈丽 《价值工程》2014,(26):149-150
随着我国经济建设的不断发展,人才市场的服务功能越来越重要,完善有效的人才市场能够促进经济快速稳定的发展。本文通过阐述河南省人才市场的现状以及存在的问题,提出了针对性的对策,以充分发挥人才市场的作用。  相似文献   

The Indian economy was forced to adopt a structural adjustment programme at the beginning of 1991. The structural adjustment programme or liberalization initiated the process of the opening up of an otherwise closed economy of India. Liberalization created a hyper-competitive environment and to respond to this turbulence, Indian organizations adopted innovative changes in their HRM practices. Current research shows that HRM practices are important for enhanced corporate performance but little has been reported on the effect of HRM practices and corporate performance in the context of economic liberalization of India. This study tries to understand the role of innovative HRM practices and specifically questions how HRM practices, such as the role of HR department, recruitment, retraining and redeployment, performance appraisal and compensation, enhance corporate performance during the change process. A multiple-respondent survey of 69 Indian organizations was undertaken to study the impact of innovative HRM practices on firm performance. The survey found that the innovative recruitment and compensation practices have a positive significant relationship with firm performance. It was observed that recruitment, the role of the HR department and compensation practices seem to be significantly changing within the Indian firms in the context of India's economic liberalization. The synergy between innovative HRM practices was not significant in enhancing corporate performance during the liberalization process.  相似文献   

当前信息时代背景下,人才已经成为企业发展的核心,人力资本投入也成为占据我国各种不同企业类型投入成本的很大比重,企业的竞争已经体现在人才的竞争,企业的成败也逐渐体现在人才发展战略的成败。通过实证分析,对我国企业人才再教育的形式进行总结并提出其中的不足之处,针对获取再教育渠道拓展,再教育方式等多个层面提出自身的意见及策略,与业内人士共享。  相似文献   

张锋 《价值工程》2015,(7):60-61
进入现代社会,企业之间的竞争日益激烈,而要想在激烈的市场竞争中站稳脚跟,就必须加强企业的人才储备。本文对人才留用机制的建设和人力资源管理方面提出一些意见和建议以供参考。  相似文献   

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