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Supermarkets use relational emails mainly to foster sales and support promotional campaigns, while brands and more exclusive retailers use more non-transactional contents in order to foster a positive attitude towards their brands, but also a better customer mood. Using the Stimulus-Organism-Response framework we study the role of relational email content and interestingness of emails emanating from supermarkets on consumer’s perceived value and on their attitude and engagement towards the supermarket, but also on their mood. Building a dedicated relational email perceived value scale and comparing three types of content, this article highlights the importance of emotional value even in a utilitarian context (supermarket). A few recommendations are offered to help supermarkets to provide value-added content to their customers in order to foster preference and loyalty in a highly competitive market where discounters are gaining shares.  相似文献   

2008 is a year full of policy changes for the real estate market. On the one hand, real estate policies were launched one after another,most frequent in recent years. On the other hand, a major policy shift was emerging, most evident in financial and fiscal policies.Macro-control policies are meant to lunctlon as a [001 ior reverse regulation. When the market is overheated, macro policies are used to cool it down; when the market is down, they are used to stimulate its development. At present, the central government has basically confirmed its stand to help the real estate market out. If the market remains down in near future, more favorable policies will be put in place.  相似文献   

本文在房地产市场局部均衡的框架下,探讨了金融支持过度与房地产泡沫生成和演化的过程,提出了金融支持过度假说,认为如果房地产开发商和置业者都可以从银行取得贷款,当房地产市场存在群体投机行为时,房地产价格将高于基础价格,并且会随着金融支持力度的增加而不断上升,这一上升的部分我们称之为泡沫.此时,如果房地产借款者违约行为迅速蔓延,房地产泡沫将随之破灭,并有引发金融危机的危险.本文最后利用文中所确定的衡量金融支持过度的临界值,对我国房地产金融支持程度进行了实证分析.  相似文献   

<正>据《北京晚报》6月7日报道,习惯遛早后去早市买菜的市民,现在开始排队到超市买更便宜、新鲜的蔬菜了。目前各超市争相通过向农民直接采购农产品以降低产品价格、保持货品新鲜,不仅同行之间竞争,也与菜市场争客流。  相似文献   

张丽 《中国市场》2008,(19):83-84
近年来我国的超市发展突飞猛进,超市物流配送中心的建设成为重要的课题,许多超市的物流配送成为制约超市经营发展的大问题。超市物流配送中心对超市的经营发展起到重要的作用。要使超市物流配送中心更好地发挥作用,一方面要做好配送中心的建设,另一方面要做好配送中心的管理。  相似文献   

Pick-up point services are one response to last-mile distribution challenges in the e-commerce growth scenario. However, in large cities in developing countries where the low-income and high-income groups are clearly divided, differences in consumer behavior between income groups may affect service distribution. The literature shows that most consumers may use pick-up points when available. However, the service implementation is facing huge inertia. A survey was carried out with 396 consumers in São Paulo, and a conceptual framework was proposed to expand the Diffusion of Innovation Theory to reveal these behaviors. Data were accessed using advanced structural equation modeling techniques (Multigroup and IPMA) to conduct a case study. The findings suggest that ‘Trialability’, ‘Compatibility’, and ‘Relative advantage’ constructs most affect consumer behavior. Location security and accessibility are matters of great concern. The higher preference to use the pick-up point system comes from low-income consumers (social classes D and E); almost 96% of them reported being affected by delivery issues. They also prefer personal attendance and supermarkets as safe and accessible locations. Higher social classes (A and B) still prefer home delivery. This research will help retailers to understand how to operate in a given market to provide an effective, fair, and sustainable service, promoting its diffusion.  相似文献   

This research examines the effects of transportation and time costs on the market basket costs of shopping at more than one supermarket. A 95-item market basket was priced in sixteen supermarkets representing four grocery chains in four geographically separated areas of Columbus, Ohio. The lowest cost market basket for each area was calculated and the costs of transportation and time added to determine their effect upon achieving a lowest cost market basket by shopping several supermarkets. When market basket items only or market basket items plus transportation costs were considered, savings were realized by shopping four supermarkets in an area as opposed to one. The addition of time costs to the total market basket cost caused shopping at two supermarkets to result in the lowest cost market basket in 75% of the observed store combinations.  相似文献   

美国由于对资产价格做出的货币政策滞后给经济带来了很大负面影响,我国也应该认识到积极的财政政策和货币政策会带来资产价格泡沫隐患,尤其是房地产泡沫问题应该受到关注。现阶段货币政策调控房地产市场面临着放松调控将导致房地产泡沫卷土重来,过度调控会阻碍经济的持续发展,微观主体预期对货币政策有效性构成挑战,基层中央银行落实政策难到住等问题。完善我国货币政策调控体系就要增强货币政策的连续性、一致性和透明度,防止心理预期的变化引起房地产价格的震荡,还要加强一般性货币政策与选择性货币政策之间的配合以及货币政策与其他调控政策的配合。  相似文献   

本文在一个不对称信息框架下分析了银行和房地产投资者之间的行动选择,认为在单重博弈中,只要房地产市场没有出现太糟糕的事情,提供金融支持是银行的最优选择.在多重博弈中,双方将根据对方过去的行动来更新自己的信念.在借款人不良贷款行为对银行的收益影响足够小的情况下,借款人采取信誉低的行动,银行采取金融支持力度高的行动,将是多重博弈的均衡解.在银行存在沉没成本的情况下,这种均衡在短期内也没有被改变,直接推动了房地产泡沫的形成.然而,在长期内这种均衡会因为参与者对市场景气的信心发生逆转而被打破,最终的均衡将是借款人采取信誉低的行动,银行采取金融支持力度低的行动,最终导致房地产泡沫彻底破灭.  相似文献   

房地产市场是我国经济的重要组成部分,自1978年来,国家针对房地产业出台了多项政策,从调控目的分为紧缩政策、中性政策和扩张政策。市场营销从买方角度考虑市场营销策略和相关政策,市场由人口、需求和购买力三要素构成。本文从三要素角度分析宏观调控政策的目的和效果。  相似文献   

Since 2009, real estate prices in Germany have been rising rapidly after a period of stagnation during the Great Recession. This raises the question of whether the recent price increases are fundamentally driven or rather an indication of a real estate bubble in Germany. To tackle this question, we take a look at several real estate demand-side indicators. As real estate bubbles sometimes form in certain sub-segments of the real estate market only, the authors also conduct a disaggregate analysis by looking at different real estate types in Germany’s most important metropolitan areas. In what follows, we investigate the relation of real estate prices and rents and test for explosive behaviour of the price-generating processes. Our findings suggest that the recent upswing in the German real estate market seems to be based on fundamental factors. Except for the sub-segment of flats in some of the metropolitan areas, there is no evidence for price increases being unsustainable.  相似文献   

Japan is often alleged to have an outdated and inefficient retail system. Detailed studies are needed to underpin these allegations. In this paper we do this for the retail sector of supermarkets. We study 18 Japanese supermarket chain store corporations. Characteristics of Japanese supermarkets are given in an historic overview. A labour cost relationship is estimated with data of 918 establishments. This relationship has already been established, tested and confirmed in many studies on European retailing. In part 1, we show that Japanese chain store corporations diversify in assortment composition as well as in service level. In part 2, labour costs of Japanese supermarkets are studies in more detail. We find statistical support for higher labour costs by more use of part-time employees, higher service level and village based stores. Furthermore, we compare labour costs of Japanese supermarkets with labour costs of French variety stores, supermarkets and hypermarkets. We find no differences in labour costs between Japan and France.  相似文献   

乐琰  勤之  黄晓玲  刘会春 《中国市场》2012,(47):36-37,4
<正>成本是普通超市5倍,首家未来超市扩张、盈利面临难题。可曾想过:去超市购物时购物车可自己上电梯、包装全机器运作,甚至收银都无人工?近日,安徽乐城投资股份有限公司投资3000多万元打造的中国首家电子化未来超市正式开业。据悉,这家名为乐城超市采用20余项顶尖技术,成本相当于普通超市5倍,投资方希望3年内在安徽开设400家此类超市。业界认为,未来超市模式虽然新颖,但过高成本和消费者习惯使其扩张和盈利都面临难题。  相似文献   


Online shopping is not a new marketing channel but has been growing tremendously throughout Japan. The rapid growth of Internet technology has enabled the Japanese to break away from their conservative culture and embark on different shopping experiences by shopping online. With the growing importance of online reviews to promote one’s business, Japanese online supermarkets are looking for ways to increase consumer-generated content. The purpose of this study is to investigate Japanese repeat online consumers and the antecedents that encourage them to review their shopping experiences, including the supermarket website they used and product availability in the online supermarket. It was found that online supermarkets must focus on establishing confidence with their repeat online consumers if they desire to increase the electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) of their online supermarket. Implications are discussed in relation to online supermarkets and repeat consumers’ intentions to review their online shopping experiences.  相似文献   

外资大举进入中国房地产市场,有利于房地产金融体系的发展以及推动国内房地产市场的发展,但是也加大了中国房地产市场的泡沫以及金融体系的风险。外资对中国房地产市场的影响具有两面性,有待于金融监管及相关体制的完善,从而使外资真正为我国房地产市场所用。  相似文献   

德国ALDI超市营销策略对我国中小超市的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶薇 《北方经贸》2014,(10):48-50
近年来,随着大型超市的蓬勃发展,我国中小型超市由于规模较小、管理落后、资金匮乏,整体竞争力弱等原因正遭受着严重的威胁。ALDI是德国一家著名的食品连锁超市,起初只是一个不起眼的小食品店,却能一跃成为世界零售业巨头,这对我国中小型超市的发展有着很好的指导和借鉴作用。通过对ALDI超市经营策略的深入详细分析,发现高质量的产品、低廉的价格;简朴的店面装潢、精打细算的办事风格;合理的用人制度;差异化经营等是ALDI在激烈的市场竞争中保持优势的重要因素。我国本土中小型超市发展要准确定位,突出特色;严把商品质量关;实施科学管理,加强上岗人员培训;实施感情营销,培养忠实顾客。  相似文献   

中国经济快速发展,人民币升值预期强烈,加之国内房地产价格高涨,使得大量热钱通过各种渠道流入我国进行套利。其快速上涨,加剧了房地产泡沫的膨胀。本文通过调查分析相关资料得出热钱在中国历年的存在变化,分析其进入渠道和影响机理,为处理房地产市场和国外热钱的关系,解决存在的问题,提供相对应的解决办法,对政府决策提供一些思路。  相似文献   

在传统的电子商务模拟实训中,由于脱离了市场和社会,使得学生重视交易的成功,忽视了交易的成本,培养的学生拥有了熟练的操作技能,但缺乏相应的市场意识。准职业环境实训将模拟实训和市场有机地结合起来,既加强了学生操作技能的训练,又增强了学生的商务意识,提高了学生的综合素质。  相似文献   

2004年宏观调控以来,我国政府出台的一系列房地产市场调控政策虽然取得一定的成果,但是房地产价格依然不断上涨。本文依据大量统计资料,从供给与需求两方面分析宏观调控背景下我国房地产市场价格形成机制,揭示出我国房地产价格不断上涨的内在原因在于房地产市场制度的欠缺以及市场供求主体的不成熟。  相似文献   

By exploiting the unique situation in China that numbers of listed firms diversified into the real estate industry during the recent housing boom period, we find that firms' real estate diversification positively influences their subsequent leverage ratios. Further investigations suggest that such an increase in leverage mainly comes from short-term debt instead of long-term debt. We also find that housing price growth and state ownership are underlying mechanisms through which real estate diversification stimulates leverage. Last, we find that firms with real estate diversification enjoy less financing cost deterioration and less market value deterioration when they raise more debt.  相似文献   

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