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范香花  程励 《旅游学刊》2020,35(4):36-50
发展乡村旅游是实现乡村振兴的重要路径,而社区居民的旅游支持是影响乡村旅游发展的关键因素之一。文章基于共享视角,采用fsQCA方法构建了形成社区居民高水平旅游支持度的复杂因果模型,综合纳入了社区居民人口学特征、社区旅游参与相关变量及旅游共享感知等不同类型影响因素,以揭示社区居民产生高水平旅游支持度的前因条件组合及其结构关系。该文以成都市青杠树村乡村旅游社区为例,基于问卷调查结果,对旅游社区居民的旅游支持度进行复杂性分析。研究结果支持了复杂性理论的主要准则,证实了社区居民高水平旅游支持度前因条件的异质性和复杂性,获得了能促使社区居民产生高水平旅游支持度的11种前因条件组合及其所形成的复杂因果模型。研究不仅能深化学界对各影响因素与社区居民旅游支持度之间所存在的非对称因果关系的认识,还能为预测和提升乡村旅游社区居民旅游支持度的管理实践提供依据。  相似文献   

激发内生动力、推进乡村振兴,关系着民族复兴的进展和成效。为了探讨民族地区社区增权对居民旅游参与意愿的影响关系,文章从增权理论视角出发,引入社区增权、旅游支持态度等变量来构建居民旅游参与意愿的形成机理模型,选择了湖南凤凰、湖北恩施和重庆云阳等旅游目的地进行实证分析。研究发现:第一,社区增权是驱动居民旅游参与意愿的关键因素;第二,心理增权对社区增权的影响效果最为显著,社会增权和政治增权次之;第三,社区增权能强化居民旅游支持态度,但旅游支持态度和参与意愿之间并没有直接和必然的联系。管理者应重视社区增权在民族旅游发展中的重要作用,培育居民的主人翁精神,使其积极参与当地旅游开发,实现民族地区旅游健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

乡村土地旅游化利用逐渐成为全面推进乡村振兴发展阶段过程中的一种普遍现象,但国内外学者目前对于“旅游化与乡村土地利用”关系的系统理论研究还较为欠缺。本研究基于我国乡村旅游发展中土地利用旅游转型的现象观察和文献梳理,提出“乡村土地旅游化利用”的概念,并对其内涵与外延进行系统解读,从局部与整体、结构与功能、保护与发展3个视角,以及发展阶段性、主体多元性和系统复杂性3个方面归纳阐述了乡村土地旅游化利用的效应特征,通过引入“情境—结构—行为—结果”框架对乡村土地旅游化利用的形成机制进行了深入剖析。研究结论如下:乡村土地旅游化利用受到地方性、价值观和制度安排的情境条件约束,内部结构主要由土地资源结构、利益主体结构、治理力量结构、共同利益和集体行动组成,行为过程主要由政府、社会和农户三大主体根据各自利益诉求和共同利益协同进行决策,呈现出土地利用多功能化、旅游高质量发展和乡村振兴3个方面的效果。本研究旨在为全面推进乡村振兴阶段过程中的乡村旅游发展与土地利用深度融合提供理论支持。  相似文献   

以往旅游学界的研究较多地关注了政府-企业或社区居民、外来精英-目的地本地居民的知识转移过程与影响机制,关注了跨国公司、连锁企业等边界清晰、运营规范的大型组织之间的知识转移问题,但对小微企业间的知识转移问题关照较少。而乡村旅游发展的实践层面,大量小微企业间的知识转移行为愈加普遍,且被认为是这些小微企业提升恢复力与创新力的关键环节,因此,探讨乡村型旅游目的地内小微企业之间的知识转移动力因素与作用机制具有重要的研究与实践意义。该研究通过对江西省婺源县的3个典型旅游村落开展田野调查,对27位旅游小微企业主进行深度访谈和质性研究,探讨了乡村旅游小微企业之间的知识转移实践。研究发现,乡村旅游小企业间的知识转移体现出强烈的自组织特性,多个小微企业基于相互依赖、信任与互动开展知识转移中的合作,由此形成非正式合作网络。研究采用扎根理论范式,提出了促动旅游小微企业间知识转移的动力因素,包括能力与意愿驱动、乡村社区嵌入性合作关系网络、政府支持3个主范畴及相对应的12个子范畴。3个主范畴的作用机理不同,知识转移主客体的能力与意愿是核心驱动力,构成内驱变量;乡村社区嵌入性合作关系网络是知识转移得以开展的情境条件...  相似文献   

乡村旅游投资主体关系研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文选择了国内经济发达地区和欠发达地区的一组乡村旅游开发案例进行对比研究,分析了国内乡村旅游开发中的投资主体关系.参与乡村旅游投资的主体包括政府、外来投资商、乡村集体组织和乡村居民个体.由于对乡村旅游开发要素的所有权不同,国内不同区域之间的市场化水准不同,投资回报不同,因而乡村旅游投资主体参与乡村旅游投资的方式也有所不同.但不管是发达还是欠发达地区,由于旅游资源的国有,土地资源的公有,在乡村旅游投资中,政府发挥着主导的作用;乡村地区资金的稀缺性,使得外来投资商可以获取乡村旅游投资的主要收益;而乡村地价较低,使得乡村居民的投资往往被边缘化.  相似文献   

"美丽乡村"建设的大背景下,探索金华乡村旅游发展中的生态利益矛盾冲突及其协调机制。在明确乡村旅游发展的利益主体的利益诉求及矛盾冲突基础上,提高政府部门做到上行下达的能力,建立良好的管理机制的同时,保障乡村居民的利益并建立适度的约束政策。在引入外来资金和技术支持的过程中,提高对乡村旅游外来经营企业的准入门槛,强化企业的社会责任感。  相似文献   

乡村旅游是推动乡村重构的重要驱动力量,乡村社会重构是乡村重构研究的重要内容。本文以典型旅游村落湖州市顾渚村为案例地,从乡村居民视角出发,分析乡村社会重构的特征,并通过扎根理论方法构建了旅游驱动下乡村社会重构机制理论模型。结果表明:(1)乡村旅游发展改变了乡村居民的原有身份,乡村居民从农民、打工者转变为旅游经营者,实现了社会身份的重构。(2)乡村旅游发展带来了大量外来人员进入乡村,乡村社会关系格局逐渐从“差序格局”转变为“多元格局”,实现了社会关系的重构。(3)乡村旅游发展使乡村居民与乡村环境之间的关系发生改变,乡村从传统乡土社区转变为旅游服务社区,实现了社会空间的重构。(4)旅游要素的介入是旅游乡村社会重构最重要的驱动力量,乡村经济重构、乡村空间重构、资源环境驱动、旅游市场驱动、政策制度驱动、行为主体参与6个方面分别构成了乡村社会重构的空间载体、物质基础、支撑机制、引导机制、促进/约束机制和引擎机制,各作用机制之间相互影响、动态耦合共同推动了乡村社会的重构。  相似文献   

基于三元交互视角,文章从人(居民行为逻辑)、事(旅游本质)、境(社会网络环境)视角系统探究我国民族村寨居民旅游支持行为意愿的内涵与产生机理,构建“关系嵌入-感知价值-居民旅游支持行为意愿”的概念模型,并基于贵州西江千户苗寨378份有效问卷进行实证检验。研究结果表明:(1)关系嵌入对居民旅游支持行为意愿有直接的正向影响作用;(2)感知价值对居民旅游支持行为意愿具有一定的正向影响作用;(3)关系嵌入与感知价值的交互作用对居民旅游支持行为意愿具有显著正向影响。文章为研究民族村寨居民旅游支持行为的影响机理提供了新的认知视角,同时为培育居民的旅游支持行为提供了有益的实践启示。  相似文献   

随着我国乡村旅游进入新的发展阶段,乡村旅游开发的组织机制问题越发引人关注,女性参与乡村旅游开发已经成为不争的事实,女性村官对乡村旅游开发的决策作用日渐显著。因此,乡村旅游开发中女性村官参与行为影响机理研究对于深入研究乡村旅游开发组织机制问题,促进我国乡村旅游可持续发展意义重大。文章在改进计划行为理论(TPB)模型基础上构建乡村旅游开发女性村官参与行为意向影响框架,以282位湖南女性村官的调查问卷为数据来源,应用结构方程模型(SEM)对女性村官参与乡村旅游开发行为意向的影响机理进行研究。研究发现:(1)女性村官对于借助旅游开发带动农村经济发展的参与行为意向较高;(2)主观规范、行为控制认知以及参政特征3个变量对乡村旅游开发中女性村官参与行为具有显著的影响,影响系数分别为0.406、0.258和0.250,其中,主观规范影响最大;(3)女性村官参与旅游开发的行为态度对行为意向没有直接影响,而是通过参政特征变量间接影响行为意向;行为态度的中介作用变得更为复杂,这与已有计划行为研究不同。  相似文献   

随着个性化乡村民宿产品需求与落后供给的矛盾不断加大,乡村旅游发展形势变的严峻。以辽宁青山沟为例,运用文献分析、田野调查等方法,对该地旅游资源、现状进行分析;以"中国传统文化"为切入点,融入中国书法、茶艺、萨满文化等传统要素,设计开发乡村主题民宿产品。  相似文献   

The development of tourism projects is often predicated on land expropriation. It is therefore important to understand residents' attitudes towards land expropriation and how changes in those attitudes can benefit both the land expropriation process and tourism development. Taking Wudaoliang in Sandaogou village in Hebei province as a case study, this study focuses on residents' attitudinal change by taking a longitudinal approach involving non-participant observation and 180 interviews. Critical event analysis was conducted, and a framework for modelling attitudinal change was adopted. The results show that the attitudes of rural residents towards tourism development were not static but underwent a dynamic process of change across three phases. These results suggest that residents should deepen their involvement in the land expropriation process and that information transparency can reduce social conflict, which will facilitate the sustainable development of rural tourism. The theoretical and practical contributions of this study are also discussed.  相似文献   

乡村居民作为乡村旅游资源的重要载体和乡村旅游开发的核心利益主体,其参与旅游发展的态度、参与程度不仅关系到乡村居民自身利益,对于提高旅游者体验质量,开拓乡村旅游市场,促进乡村旅游地可持续发展等都有着重要的现实意义。本文在文献研究和实地调研的基础上,从实证经济学角度出发,以贵州安顺天龙屯堡乡村旅游发展模式为个案,对乡村居民参与旅游发展的实践进行分析,进一步探索和揭示乡村社区居民参与旅游发展的意义,并对社区居民参与旅游发展中的潜在问题提出完善建议。  相似文献   

民族村寨社区参与旅游开发的利益保障机制   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:30  
罗永常 《旅游学刊》2006,21(10):45-48
民族村寨作为一类特殊社区,是我国乡村旅游开发的重要区域.社区参与是民族村寨旅游可持续发展的前提,而社区旅游利益的保障是社区有效参与的决定性因素.本文从旅游利益分配现状及其原因出发,基于开发的基本理念和目标提出了民族村寨社区参与旅游的利益保障机制.  相似文献   

Tourism in ancient villages and towns represents a typical form of heritage tourism in rural China. It has always been regarded as an effective way to promote cultural heritage protection and rural community development. However, this type of tourism involves many stakeholders with different interests and demands, which sometimes results in conflicts. In the process of protecting against heritage and tourism exploitation, tourism in ancient villages and towns can face numerous challenges. Among these is the mode of ticket pricing, which directly relates to the interests of each stakeholder, and problems of competing demands that may become the focus of disputes. Through field research and inductive analysis of the ancient villages and towns in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Anhui provinces, four kinds of ticket pricing is identified: (a) the fully enclosed charge mode with a single-ticket ticket system for whole scenic spots; (b) the half-closed charge mode with binding ticket system for some consumption items; (c) the half-opened charge mode with limited ticket system for some self-operated scenic spots; and (d) the fully opened charge mode with a free ticket system for the whole scenic spots.By comparing the similarities and differences of typical ancient villages and towns that have adopted differing charge modes, we conclude that resource grade, local condition, tourism market factors (e.g., size, range), product orientation, business value, participation of residents and profit model are the potential influencing factors for these modes. Resource grade and regional condition are two objective factors. The remaining five factors are subjective and are connected with interests of the four main stakeholders: the tourists visiting the ancient villages and towns; external merchants; community residents; and companies that are responsible for tourism management.From the four related stakeholders' behavioral responses to different ticket charge modes, we can see that the enclosed charges will affect tourists entering the ancient villages and towns, thus impeding foreign merchants' participation and strengthening each local company's dependence on tickets. Open charges will be more convenient in allowing visitors to enter the ancient towns and villages, and will attract foreign merchants to join in and thus increase cooperation with residents. The various stakeholders therefore have an influence on ticket charge mode, and the final choice about the mode is the result of balancing their competing rights and interests. The implications of each is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the phenomenon of conflict in tourism development in rural China. Four cases were selected and analyzed as part of this exploration. The study identified eight major conflict issues: land expropriation, ticket revenue distribution, vending rights, tourism management rights, house demolition, house building, entry restrictions, and village elections. The conflict evolution process indicates that these issues are dynamic and connected rather than static and isolated. Local government was found to be the most important conflicting party for local people due to its authority and economic interests in tourism development. In addition, an often-ignored conflicting party, villagers' committees, was found to have limitations in maintaining local people's interests. The findings of this study shed light on this complicated and sensitive tourism conflict phenomenon in rural China. A couple of practical implications for local authorities and UNESCO are outlined at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

This study examines how Indonesia can responsibly develop rural tourism within the tolerance range of local people, particularly for controlling their unique landscapes. It employs reflexive photography as a tool to involve residents for rural tourism development in Sambi village. Data were collected in Sambi using reflexive photography procedures, including a photo-making process and photo-interview. Twenty-eight residents were issued a single-use camera and requested to take photographs of what they deemed important to them. Cameras were provided for a two-week period followed by individual interviews; 618 useable photos were taken. They were coded into 15 topics, and then consolidated into five themes that residents wanted to share: their way of life, environmental features, built structures, people, art and ceremony, while also protecting the cemetery and mosque from tourists. Two strategies (time and space) were utilized by the residents to negotiate what they wanted to share as well as conceal. Residents view time in terms of sacred time (residents time spent alone, family time and time for religious prayer) and impartial time (devoted to working and other daily routines). A model based on four time and space zones was formulated to understand how residents control their landscapes for tourism development.  相似文献   

十九大报告明确指出,促进农村一二三产业融合发展,支持和鼓励农民就业创业,拓宽增收渠道。乡村旅游是农民创业的热点行业,也是乡村振兴的重要举措。本研究以北京市怀柔区旅游山村莲花池村为例,利用半结构式访谈及田野调研资料,基于扎根理论分析了农民旅游创业的行动逻辑及影响因素,建立了创业者特征、创业条件以及创业环境3个主范畴下农民旅游创业的影响因素理论模型,采用二元logistic回归分析方法,从是否旅游创业、是否存续的角度,讨论了农民旅游创业因素作用的动态变化。研究发现:(1)农民旅游创业决策模型分为创业者与创业条件两个维度。其中,创业条件包括家庭人力资本、物质资本和社会资本;(2)农民旅游创业存在女性化、年轻化趋向,家庭劳动能力、道路便捷性是进行创业的先决条件,家庭社交支出、创业者周围人群以及区域大环境是创业存续的促进条件;(3)农民旅游创业主导因素由个体因素转为外部社会化因素。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the concept and practice of community capacity building (CCB) within the context of rural tourism. Issues are discussed with specific reference to an Iranian village which is a popular visitor destination. The results of interviews conducted with 34 stakeholders reveal a strong interest in tourism, yet an absence of CCB initiatives due to a variety of factors which include a lack of official support. It appears that CCB is not a prerequisite for tourism at a local level, but respondents felt that it could assist in maximising opportunities for communities to benefit from such development. The study enhances knowledge and understanding of the meaning and implementation of CCB in a part of the world which has been relatively neglected in the literature. Results also have implications for authorities and the tourism industry at work in rural areas as well as residents.  相似文献   

张琼  张德淼 《旅游学刊》2013,(12):90-96
旅游吸引物在旅游学上属于一个集合概念, 在法律上没有相关规定, 但不同属性的旅游吸引物作为个体在《物权法》上的权属性质往往是有法可循的。文章运用物权法理论, 结合新颁布的《旅游法》, 分析几个典型旅游吸引物的权属, 试图澄清几个与此相关的问题, 论证设立旅游吸引物权、为之统一立法的不合理性和不可行性, 并进一步提出充分运用《合同法》、《旅游法》以及相关法律解释等现有法律规定, 解决农村土地旅游开发中社区权益保护问题, 而不是简单地采取修改法律的方式解决此类问题。  相似文献   

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