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Involuntary job separation generally leads to lower re-employment wages. However, 20–30 percent of displaced workers experience re-employment wage gains. Theoretically, workers with higher search costs accept jobs when the marginal benefit of search is relatively high. When displaced, these workers experience wage gains because they are forced into additional search. Using data from the Displaced Worker Survey, we find that higher search costs (measured as the wage residual from the predisplacement job) are associated with higher re-employment wages.  相似文献   

本文探讨分享制企业的激励问题。分享制首先是一种利益关系,它是通过利益关系产生激励作用的。激励相容表明一种正激励,而激励扭曲表明一种负激励。一般来说,激励可以提升人们的工作积极性,但由于激励效果不可能完全均衡,就会造成企业既有技术关系的变化和要素投入结构的变化,而投入要素结构的变化,进而会对企业已有的利益关系构成影响。在缺乏精心设计和组织的情况下,就会扰动分享制企业的既有利益关系,从而造成了激励扭曲问题。由此出发,本文对利润分成、员工持股、EVA分配、分配权分配的激励相容问题进行了比较。  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of CEO ownership on firm performance. The findings suggest that CEO ownership and firm performance are jointly determined. Firm performance affects CEO ownership positively and in turn, CEO ownership has a positive effect on firm performance. Our results also show that firms managed by founder CEOs have better performance and that the CEO duality structure is beneficial in a turbulent environment.  相似文献   

2004年,电力体制改革将继续向纵深发展,主辅分离问题的推进已全面提上日程,但其难度是很大的。其难一在利益的调整,主业与辅业之间有着千丝万缕的相关利益,稍不注意,就有可能会伤了主业或辅业的元气,影响大局稳定;二在体制的变革,辅业企业的情况千差万别,采用何种方式,可以较好地实现主辅业间的行政纽带脱钩,真正进入市场;三在历史遗留问题的处理,它决定了改革的成本与实际操作方式。党的十六届三中全会明确提出,要大力发展混合所有制经济,使股份制成为公有制的主要实现形式;要大力发展和积极引导非公有制经济。这些理论上的重要突破与发展,…  相似文献   

Market Share in the Real Estate Brokerage Industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is concerned with the factors that determine the market share of listings and the market share of sales for brokerage firms. Models are developed and tested in a SMSA that conveniently corresponds exactly to a particular Multiple Listing Service area. Indices of firm specialization and market concentration were computed in addition to more conventional characterizations of the market and the data used in the study.
The regression results reveal a small degree of consistency in the impacts of the explanatory variables over the two years of the study and over the listing and sales markets. The number of salespeople is the most consistently significant variable. Indeed, market share per salesperson appears to be a non-monotonic function of the number of salespeople. The presence of a franchise and the quantity of display advertising are occasionally significant. Classified advertising, Yellow Pages advertising, and open houses all do not significantly affect market share per salesperson.  相似文献   

阐述数控机床伺服系统的控制原理及产生振荡的原因,提出了全闭环数控控制系统消除振荡的理论依据和方法。  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of employee share ownership (ESO) on three alternative measures of firm performance in a panel of 1,115 companies from the five largest European economies. The results show that firms with ESO enjoy significantly higher levels of capital market performance and of accounting performance than firms without ESO; however, the marginal effects of ESO are declining with increasing ESO levels. ESO does not have a clear effect on productivity. These findings hold for all countries except Spain. Variations in ESO levels within firms over time exert few performance effects.  相似文献   

职工潜能及潜能的开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人人都有巨大的潜能,这些潜能包括体能、智能和人格能。而人的这些巨大潜能绝大多数被闲置而未得到开发。现代心理学提供了开发职工潜能的一系列的科学方法。诸如:破除Scotoma法、走出舒适区法、观想技术法、格式塔法、提高自我形象法、双边对称法、机制激活法、改变思维方式法等等。  相似文献   

基于分享制的资本配置研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分享制是一种利益关系 ,它是通过调整利益关系影响资本配置的。本文在科斯定理的引导下 ,分析了分享制产权安排由于交易费用的作用对财务资本与人力资本在企业内部配置的影响。研究结果表明 ,各种资本在企业的投入量与交易费用的存在和产权界定系数相关 ,并有一个最优的配置规模 ;债务资本和股本的配置受经营杠杆和财务杠杆的调节 ,创新型人力资本在企业人力资本的配置中起关键作用  相似文献   

“债转股”既非一把万能钥匙 ,也非最后一顿免费的晚餐 ,“债转股”的实施 ,应是国企改革扭亏脱困的制度性运作。下文作者对“债转股”内涵的思考 ,击中时弊 ,抓住了其要害 ,尤其是文中对“推进‘债转股’工作顺利实施应注意解决的几个问题”的分析 ,在现实操作上 ,有很强的借鉴意义。———本栏首席主持 :喻 晓实施“债转股”政策无疑对国有企业扭亏解困起到积极的作用。“债转股”的实质是指在国家组建金融资产管理公司的基础上 ,依法处置银行原有的不良资产 ,将符合条件的重点国有企业欠国有银行的不良贷款 ,转化为对企业的投资即股权。…  相似文献   

企业员工培训创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识经济时代社会的生产要素已从“资本 劳动”转变为“知识 人才”,社会发展的关键要素已成为人才的培养和使用,员工培训工作已经成为人力资源工作的重点。而我国目前企业员工培训工作和国外相比存在着很大差距。文章就我国目前企业培训现状提出了建议,并分析了新经济时代员工培训的发展趋势。从我国企业的实际情况出发,提出了打造本土化的员工培训模式,以谋求更长远的发展。  相似文献   

我国已经制定了到2020年实现非化石能源比重15%、排放强度下降40%-45%的目标。由于非化石能源份额扩大将降低经济的碳强度,这二者存在较强的联系。基于过去30年的发展轨迹,综述了经济、能源与排放指标的变化,建立解析式来衡量指标间的互动影响。分析表明:非化石能源份额目标与能源强度目标的实现,关键在于抑制化石能源的消费水平。从这一意义上,经济与能源结构调整是实现目标的关键。  相似文献   

国有股减持的目标分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、减持国有股补充社会保障基金1 .国有股减持的数量空间分析据统计 ,到 1 999年底我国共有 1 0 41家上市公司 ,总股本 471 0亿股 ,其中在境内上市公司949家 ,2 96 5亿股 (其中国有股 1 5 85 .2亿股 ,占 5 3.4% ;发起人法人股 1 6 1 .8亿股 ,占5 .46 % ) ;在境外上市的 H股 44家 ,95 2亿股 (其中国有股 6 1 4亿股 ,占 6 4 .46 % ) ;红筹股 48家 ,792亿股 (其中国有股 45 3亿股 ,占 5 7.1 6 % )。所有上市公司的国有股本为 2 6 5 2 .2亿股 ,占总股本的 5 6 .3% ,按平均每股净资产 2 .43元计算 ,国有股净资产值为 6 4 4 4 .8亿元 ,相当于全…  相似文献   

Nearly half of all firms hire both part-time and full-time workers. This note uses the results of a unique survey of more than 5,000 establishments to examine the ratio of part-time weekly hours to full-time weekly hours at firms employing both types of worker. The distribution of relative hours appears fairly stable across industries, Regression analysis shows that higher quasi-fixed labor costs increase the ratio of part-time to full-time hours, although the effect is empirically small.  相似文献   

MARLENE KIM 《劳资关系》2009,48(3):466-488
In addition to facing earnings penalties because of their race and additional penalties because of their gender, black women appear to suffer a small but additional penalty because of the intersection of their race and gender. Black women have larger gender than race penalties. Although black men have greater racial penalties than do black women, black women experience larger earnings losses because in addition to racial penalties they face gender and race–gender interaction penalties.  相似文献   

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