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在分析百舸物流公司的经营环境和本身优劣势的基础上,运用SWOT分析方法研究了公司的战略目标定位,得出了差异化集中战略,并明确公司的战略目标,设计了公司实现战略目标的实施方案.  相似文献   

经销商、公司战略目标、公司出货量、公司营收四者密切相关浑然一体。方正现在的问题就在于,万一公司战略目标达不到呢?  相似文献   

通过预算指标落实公司战略科学的战略和强有力的执行力是企业成功的两大重要因素。公司战略由战略目标和战略路径两要素构成。战略目标是公司一定时期内为完成使命所拟达到的预期效果,决定着公司的发展方向和进程;战略路径是通往目标的道路选择,决定着公司实施战略目标的方式与手段。战略目标和战略路径转化为企业各层级员工步调一致的行动,必须通过预算指标的构建来实施。  相似文献   

[案例]H公司是2012年创立的一家专注于传感器研发、生产和销售的民营公司,创立近五年间,人员规模达到800人,2016年营业收入达5亿元人民币.公司发展势头迅猛,公司领导把未来的战略目标确定为三年内实现20亿营收,并成为国内前十的传感器生产制造商.但在实现战略目标的过程中,各层级人员较高的离职率一直困扰着公司管理层,内部人才数量与业务高速发展之间的较大缺口,也严重影响了公司战略目标的实现.  相似文献   

人才供应链的建设始于公司战略目标的要求,终于战略目标的实现。公司所需人才供给,不仅在于数量上要得到满足,更在于质量上要符合岗位任职要求。  相似文献   

闫宇  董红 《科技与企业》2014,(17):112-112
深化“两个转变”,努力建成“一强三优”现代公司是公司科学发展的战略目标。作为公司实现战略目标的基本实践单元--班组,如何加强管理,不断提升班组建设科学化、标准化、现代化水平成为各级工会组织工作的重中之重。本文将从班组的组织建设、队伍建设和机制制度建设等方面着手研究如何加强班组建设水平,进而实现国家电网公司“一强三优”战略目标乃至“两个一流”的公司愿景。  相似文献   

公司财务预算存在的问题及其解决办法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周旭 《活力》2010,(12):33-33
一、公司财务预算存在的问题 1.重视短期活动,却忽视战略目标。由于部分公司在财务预算管理过程中,只重视短期活动,忽视长期发展目标.使各期编制的财务预算衔接性差,预算指标与公司长期发展战略不相适应。以公司战略目标为基础进行财务预算管理,可使公司把眼前利益与长远发展有机结合起来,促进公司的可持续发展。  相似文献   

公司治理的核心就是确保企业能够实现其自身的战略目标,而内部控制建设与财务监督是公司治理中两个重要的内容。通过加强内部控制建设与财务监督可以更好的促使企业战略目标的实现。本文首先分析了我国企业内部控制建设与财务监督上存在的问题,并在分析问题的基础上提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

文章阐述了A公司始于萨班斯法案的内控实践在内控文化和目标、审计博弈、责任、治理结构等方面存在的不足和问题,并从理念、设计和执行局限性等角度剖析了A公司问题的内在原因.认为A公司应吸收COSO先进内控理论,实现理论本地化,围绕公司战略目标,遵循以人为核心、均衡成本风险性价比、绿色通道等原则,对公司文化、治理结构、监管资源、业务流程、关键控制点等要素进行构建和完善,以获取内控收益,促进公司战略目标的实现.  相似文献   

企业并购重组后,实现并购战略目标的两个关键因素是实现文化融合和管理融合,其中管理融合中至关重要的是实现资金管控。本案例以A公司并购重组B公司为背景,描述并购重组后A公司通过"四位一体"的资金管控平台实现了财务管理融合,从而实现了并购战略目标。文章对企业实施并购重组后如何对被兼并企业进行有效的资金管控具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

In a hierarchy of project objectives, strategic objectives will often be principally different from the operational ones. Operational objectives concern the project outputs/results, and strategic objectives concern the project goal and purpose. In this study, risks are categorized as risks to operational, long‐term, or short‐term strategic objectives, and, by studying a dataset of some 1,450 risk elements that make up the risk registers of seven large projects, we examine how operational and strategic risks are distributed in the projects. The study strongly indicates that risks to a project's strategic objectives rarely occur in the project's risk registers, though project success and failure stories indicate their importance.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how multiple and competing objectives are managed within an organisation, and the role that the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) plays in balancing organisational objectives. The issue of achieving multiple objectives, those which represent the interests of various stakeholders, has come to the forefront of the corporate agenda, as companies are seen increasingly as more than a source of profit for shareholders, but rather as ‘citizens’ playing a broader role in society. This study adopts an exploratory case study approach to understand how the BSC is used in management decision and control processes to assist with the balancing of objectives. The case organisation is a state-owned electricity company, and provides a unique setting where multiple and equally important strategic objectives exist. The results demonstrate that the BSC has the potential to help in making trade-offs and balancing objectives, but there are certain requirements for this to succeed. The paper provides insights into issues of balanced strategic management, as it discusses ‘balance’ in terms of both process and outcomes.  相似文献   

This research focuses on the strategic alignment of a firm's human resources. Specifically, I investigate employee ‘line of sight’ to an organization's strategic objectives. Line of sight is conceptualized as an employee's understanding of an organization's objectives and how to contribute to those objectives. Line of sight was expected to vary across individual characteristics (e.g. hierarchical level, tenure) and relate to important work outcomes (e.g. work attitudes, turnover). Results of a field study confirmed many of the hypotheses, supporting the importance of this construct to research and practice.  相似文献   

It is difficult to find indicators for measuring the achievement of objectives during the progress of project portfolios. This article presents an approach for developing key strategic perfor‐mance indicators considering this limitation. The indicators proposed help measure the achievement of a portfolio's strategic objectives taking into account the realization of key benefits. This approach helps identify strategic interdependences between projects that the portfolio is composed of, facilitating the understanding of how the performance of a single project affects the overall performance of a portfolio. The key perfor‐mance indicators can also be used for monitoring the materialization of risks and opportunities influencing the strategic performance of a portfolio.  相似文献   

尹乔 《价值工程》2010,29(2):71-73
在组织绩效管理实践中,组织往往因为绩效考核方案的不足而导致绩效管理实施的失败,在企业管理实践中,很多管理者仅仅根据绩效考核的指标进行管理,从而导致整个组织管理的失败。本文从系统的观点出发,通过对组织面临环境的分析和诊断,尤其是对其影响因素的分析,设计出组织的战略目标,并根据组织的战略目标,设计出动态适应外部环境变化的组织绩效管理的系统,同时对绩效管理系统的每一个环节的具体实施做出分析。  相似文献   

Strategic sourcing has long been utilized by organizations to maximize budget efficiency. The process includes a spend analysis, which historically has been performed by identifying the commodities and services purchased that resulted in the greatest spend, and establishing contracts with suppliers for these items in an effort to decrease the overall price through quantity discounts. This process restricts the data used in the spend analysis process to basic transactional information, and has not considered corporate social responsibility objectives as part of the strategic sourcing process. This paper modifies an existing spend analysis process framework, and applies the framework in a case study that uses additional data points to identify opportunities that allow an organization to simultaneously achieve both strategic purchasing and social responsibility objectives. The case study uses healthcare purchasing data from eight Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers. The goal of the model generated using regression analysis in the case study is to determine the buy characteristics that are most likely to generate mandated savings within the medical centers, in conjunction with achieving sustainability goals. The extensions of the regression model were examined to determine how collaborative buyer/supplier relationships can achieve organizational strategic objectives.  相似文献   

K Heidenberger 《Socio》1992,26(2):129-146
This nontechnical interdisciplinary paper highlights major principles of strategic decision support in preventive health care and points to selected key literature. It begins by looking at preventive health care from strategic perspectives such as determinants of health, health care costs, objectives of prevention, political order constellations and available data. Next, the paper identifies strategic decisions and decision-making to be supported. Having gained strategic perspective, it discusses tools for decision support. These tools are here related to two planning steps (i) assessment, problem and goal analysis; and (ii) design and choice of alternative interventions. Qualitative as well as quantitative aspects of computer-assisted policy analysis in preventive health care are outlined and examples presented.  相似文献   

加快经济发展方式转变的战略路径探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许青云 《价值工程》2010,29(8):253-254
加快经济发展方式转变是2010年经济工作的重中之重,是深入贯彻落实科学发展观的重要目标和战略举措,有着丰富而深刻的时代内涵,意义重大。经济发展方式转变的战略路径概括为四个方面,调整经济结构是经济发展方式转变的基本要求;强化自主创新和科技进步是经济发展方式转变的中心环节;发展低碳经济是经济发展方式转变的重要动力;进一步转变政府职能,建设服务型政府是经济发展方式转变的有力保障。  相似文献   

环洞庭湖具备了成为湖南新的经济走廊和经济增长极地带的基础,环洞庭湖生态经济区共同物流优先发展、协调发展、绿色发展、联动发展战略及明确的阶段战略目标,加上具体的战略措施将有利于该区域"水路为主体,水陆并网"的共同物流体系的实现,为环洞庭湖生态经济区的可持续发展提供有力保障。  相似文献   

浅析企业集团财务集中管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周志刚 《价值工程》2010,29(2):32-33
企业集团财务集中化管理模式更有利于公司从宏观上控制、协调,财务管理可以实现规模效益。集中化管理模式对于实现总公司战略目标有着重要意义,特别是对全球性战略目标的大型跨国公司更具有吸引力。  相似文献   

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