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Innovation sourcing has become more critical across many industries. As global value chains have become more fragmented, change and opportunity comes from all sides. As a result, companies need to excel at capturing innovation opportunities with existing and potential supply chain members. This article describes a simple framework with three essential innovation sourcing capabilities needed to excel in purchasing: (1) Purchasing needs to explore unmet needs and anticipate future competitive advantages by working closely with other functions and clients; (2) it needs to explore external opportunities beyond first-tier suppliers; and (3) it needs to involve suppliers in innovation projects that consistently deliver results over time. Our framework has been developed based on a combined qualitative and quantitative research methodology that takes into account practices and results at the purchasing and company levels. The framework will help C-level managers and purchasing teams benchmark their progress in innovation sourcing and understand what steps need to be taken to achieve excellence.  相似文献   

Transformational leadership, creativity, and organizational innovation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This study proposes a model of the impact of transformational leadership both on followers' creativity at the individual level and on innovation at the organizational level. The model is tested on 163 R&D personnel and managers at 43 micro- and small-sized Turkish software development companies. The results suggest that transformational leadership has important effects on creativity at both the individual and organizational levels. At the individual level, the results of hierarchical linear modeling show that there is a positive relationship between transformational leadership and employees' creativity. In addition, transformational leadership influences employees' creativity through psychological empowerment. At the organizational level, the results of regression analysis reveal that transformational leadership positively associates with organizational innovation, which is measured with a market-oriented criterion developed specifically for developing countries and newly developing industries. The implications of the findings along with some potential practical applications are discussed.  相似文献   

Innovation—the implementation of creative ideas—is one of the most important factors of competitive advantage in 21st century organizations. Yet, leaders do not always encourage employee behaviors that are critical for innovation. We integrate existing literature on the critical factors that serve as antecedents of innovation, including employee voice and knowledge sharing, which in turn lead to creativity and innovation. Based on existing empirical research, we offer evidence-based recommendations for managers to become innovation leaders by: (1) developing the right group norms, (2) designing teams strategically, (3) managing interactions with those outside the team, (4) showing support as a leader, (5) displaying organizational support, and (6) using performance management effectively.  相似文献   

安徽科技资源配置效率评价及创新思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科技资源及其布局是区域科技创新能力的基础.通过对安徽科技资源总量、结构及空间布局状况的分析,对科技资源配置效率进行评价,找出存在问题及原因,从有利于科技经济一体化发展、提高配置效率的角度提出整合思路.  相似文献   

刘升学 《商业研究》2006,(20):167-170
现代分子生物学的一连串突破性进展,在分子水平上建起了现代生物技术平台,为生物产业的成长和壮大提供了广阔空间,而农业是现代生物技术应用的重要领域,极具产业化潜力。从经济学的角度出发,分析农业生物产业技术创新与经营的主体要素、功能要素和环境要素,探索和设计适合于我国国情的从基础研究、应用研究、推广应用到产业化及市场开发的自主创新经营体系,构建研发机构—企业—政府—市场良性互动机制和实现路径,从而提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper discusses how adoption of the social dimensions of the marketing concept may unintentionally restrict innovation and corporate entrepreneurship, ultimately reducing social welfare. The impact of social marketing on innovation and entrepreneurship is discussed using the case of multinational pharmaceutical firms that are under pressure when marketing HIV treatments in poor countries.The argument this paper supports is that social welfare may eventually be diminished if forced social responsibility is imposed. The case of providing subsidized AIDS medication to less developed nations is used to illustrate how social blackmail may result in less innovation, entrepreneurship, and product development efforts by the pharmaceutical industry, ultimately reducing social welfare.  相似文献   

“三农”问题已经成为制约我国经济社会进一步发展的突出问题。解决“三农”问题的对策主要有调整农业结构,农业产业化,农产品涨价,发展乡镇企业,减轻农民负担,增加农业补贴,加强农业投入和农业科研,加快城市化建设,等等。但每一种措施都难于从根本上解决中国的“三农”问题。  相似文献   

韩平 《商业研究》2002,(14):24-26
我国产业结构技术水平偏低 ,高加工度化程度低 ,不利于经济发展和经济增长方式的根本转变。从我国产业结构现状和特点的分析入手 ,看影响我国产业结构升级的制约因素。在此基础上 ,从战略高度找出我国产业结构升级的目标和关键。  相似文献   

重庆市作为中西部的经济大城市,其行业数据具有一定的典型性和代表性。利用重庆市全部工业行业6年的相关FDI的面板数据,通过Eview5.0回归分析,考察FDI对我国重庆市民族企业自主创新能力的影响。结果证明FDI的进入对重庆市的民族企业的产出有显著性的正向影响,但是对民族企业的科技投入有负向影响。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2019,62(3):383-393
Strategy is an important tool for competitive success and how firms formulate and implement strategy is widely discussed in both the academic and practitioner literature. Historically, there has been a divide between strategy formulation and execution. Strategy formulation has largely been associated with top management teams, while implementation was assigned to middle and lower-level managers. Organizations can benefit from broadening the strategy formulation process to include a range of both external and internal stakeholders. In this article, we explore the promise and risks associated with open strategy and offer some suggestions for overcoming associated dysfunctions.  相似文献   

不断提升海上人命救助能力是我国当下和未来的重要课题。本文梳理了我国海上人命救助的体制机制建设与政策法规发展,通过文献研究发现该主题的学术研究和技术发明数量较少,值得深入探究。本文进一步探讨了我国海上人命救助任务的特点和不足,提出通过体制机制、科技和管理等方面的不断创新推动该项事业高质量发展。  相似文献   

本文对技术贸易壁垒对太阳能光伏对外贸易产生的影响和其原因从国内外两个方面进行了分析,国外主要是贸易保护的因素,国内则是质量、技术以及标准化的因素。  相似文献   

全球贸易视角中的技术性贸易壁垒   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在全球自由化的浪潮下 ,有人认为贸易保护主义将不会存在 ,而对技术性贸易壁垒也由于《技术性贸易壁垒协议》以及《卫生与植物检疫措施协议》的制定而认为壁垒将会走向终结。但是自国际贸易产生开始 ,贸易就成为一国经济的重要组成 ,与一国的利益紧密相关 ,只要国家间存在利益上的差异 ,保护主义就不会消失 ,而TBT、SPS协议的制定并未实际约束到非技术贸易壁垒 ,所以很有必要对此进行研究 ,把握今后贸易的发展 ,以便能制定合适的贸易政策 ,并积极参与全球贸易规则的制定。  相似文献   

针对营销研究脱离企业实践、缺乏理论创新的现状,文章以郸酒的移动互联营销为例,提出“典型案例创新研究法”,探讨我国本土企业营销实践中出现的新问题、新方法和新理念,进行理论新创。基本思路如下:(1)寻找典型企业并其调查;(2)详细描述相关的现象或企业成功、失败的原因;(3)运用既有的理论对现象进行解释;(4)当既有理论不能很好地解释的现象时,提出新的解释或理论,等待经验材料和实证研究的进一步检验。文章以郸酒的移动互联营销为例展示了这一方法的应用,讨论了此方法的合理性和可行性以及相关的方法论问题,尝试性地提出了一些相对宽松的评价标准。  相似文献   

当前,从整体上看,黑龙江省审计工作开展的不够平衡,在认识上还不一致,服务意识上还有待于进一步提高。发挥审计监督作用,特别是在服务于全省高新科技产业开发区建设,促进高新区建设健康发展方面,应进一步明确审计工作的总体思路、工作目标和促进高新科技产业开发区建设的基本原则,突出高新科技产业开发区审计的重点内容,完善高新科技产业开发区审计工作的保证措施,从而为加快黑龙江省高新技术产业开发区的发展,充分发挥好审计的职能作用。  相似文献   

税收管理创新研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过税收管理规律和创新理论的分析,阐述税收管理创新实施主体、创新客体、创新目标等税收管理创新要素,提出税收管理创新要坚持有组织的创新、建立完善促进税收管理创新孵化机制的观点,并结合浙江省国税系统税收管理创新情况进行分析,研究管理创新提升税收管理效能的重要作用,提出税收管理创新可持续性发展的建议。  相似文献   

This paper critiques a recent article in this journal in terms of its use of persuasive techniques. The central issue of the original article by Miles, Munilla and Covin and this paper is whether there should be a change in intellectual property rights to address the needs of impoverished people who are HIV positive or have full blown AIDS and the countries that do not have the means to buy AIDS medication in the absence of subsidies. This paper argues that patents are state sanctioned monopolies that worked effectively for nearly a century. However, new circumstances and a globally interdependent world represent a new environment calling for an adjustment in the conventional public policy premises underlying patents. Most of the meaning and complexity of this issue is lost to the persuasive techniques of the original article.Dennis Ray teaches and researches international and comparative entrepreneurship, technology entrepreneurship and business in Asia. He teaches the international business strategy capstone course.  相似文献   

2015年李克强总理在政府工作报告中提出“大众创业,万众创新”的重大战略举措,2016年国务院又先后部署建设120个大众创业万众创新示范基地。为探究在示范基地发展中影响创新创业生态环境的关键性因素,本文采用大数据技术,从各大统计年鉴、政府官网、第三方数据提供商等渠道采集了上千万条数据并清洗后,以29个高新区和经开区区域示范基地为例构建指标评价体系,并通过因子分析的方法来计算各示范基地双创生态环境的综合得分进行综合分析,并对区域示范基地发展提出相应建议。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2023,66(2):265-276
Improving corporate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance starts with recognizing that not every dollar of earnings is created equally, as some profit may be earned at the cost of damaging the environment or of harming stakeholder relationships. These costs are often invisible to corporate employees, as they are not recorded. To earn corporate profits that are environmentally and socially responsible, boards and CEOs must overcome two barriers: (1) the ESG issue-assessment barrier, which reflects an organization’s inability to fairly assess, prioritize, scope, and plan ESG initiatives that address the invisible environmental and social damage corporations cause, and (2) the shareholder-value barrier, which recognizes that corporate employees may resist implementing ESG initiatives owing to their entrenched belief that corporations must maximize shareholder returns. To overcome these two barriers, we propose an ESG mindset model that highlights the pitfalls relating to ESG issue assessment and to the common belief in maximizing shareholder value and then suggests tactics to overcome them. The benefits to corporations that successfully overcome the barriers and improve their corporate ESG performance are threefold: They (1) will be perceived as positively contributing to environmental and societal issues, and thereby (2) avoid accusations of greenwashing and (3) improve their standing with stakeholders.  相似文献   

郑丹 《江苏商论》2012,(4):40-42
本文着力于探究惠山泥人这一民间艺术资源,并在此基础上将惠山泥人艺术放在当代文化产业发展的视野中去研究,将区域性的传统泥人文化与当代社会文化情境相联系,分析了当前惠山泥人艺术的发展状况,重点研究了惠山泥人艺术的发展思路与对策,提出将惠山泥人的艺术价值、审美价值、与社会经济价值相联系,从传承泥人艺术、发展泥艺产业、整合泥艺资源出发创新与开发新产品,使中国惠山泥人非物质文化遗产能够原生态地得以传承发展。  相似文献   

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