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区域可持续发展的系统调控研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
任何社会经济活动都必须在一定区域进行,由于区域在空间上和时间上以及自然、经济社会文化背景的差异,形成了区域经济活动的高度复杂性.继而在区域发展过程中就不可避免地产生一系列的问题和矛盾.如人口增长、资源短缺、环境恶化、社会经济增长方式的高耗粗放等.不妥善解决这些问题.就会阻碍社会经济的进一步发展.具体来讲就是影响区域的持续发展.因此.如何解决区域持续发展问题成为许多国家进行调控管理的一项重要的内容,为了有效的解决区域持续发展问题、国家应对区域发展进行必要的调控.即由政府运用一定的手段.对区域发展进行适当的干预和调节.以缓解区域发展中出现的某些突出的矛盾.促进区域的协调发展.最终实现区域持续发展。本文从理论上探讨了区域可持续系统调控的目标.调控的途径以及调控的对策和手段  相似文献   

We study the property of additivity in bankruptcy problems and in allocation problems. In bankruptcy problems we use this property to characterize the Talmudic rule proposed by Rabbi Ibn Ezra. Moreover we generalize this rule to every bankruptcy problem. Again, using additivity we characterize the rights egalitarian solution in allocation problems.  相似文献   

在社会经济系统中,各类扩散问题的运行机理有一定的相似性,即微观个体间的互动是导致宏观层面上扩散现象的原因。微观仿真模型是研究扩散问题的一类重要的方法,在介绍相关微观仿真模型建模原理的基础上,本文以SARS模型为例,展示了微观仿真模型在处理个体异质性方面的优势。由于各类扩散问题的相似性,因此最后探讨了SARS模型经过一定的修正后,如何应用于创新扩散和金融市场中交易者之间的互动等问题。  相似文献   

发展少数民族地区的特色产业,是解决少数民族地区经济发展问题的有效途径,是解决我国民族问题的方法之一。我国少数民族地区特色产业作为一种相对较新的产业模式,仍然存在着许多亟待解决的问题。将企业孵化的模式引入少数民族特色产业中来,可以有效的解决特色产业发展初期面临的困难。本文以促成少数民族特色产业与企业孵化相结合为目的,从政府的角度出发,剖析了政府在民族地区特色产业孵化的过程中应起的作用,需扮演的角色以及要注意的问题。  相似文献   

发展电子商务面临的问题与障碍分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
针对目前电子商务发展过程中出现的问题,笔者提出了要用科学的发展观对待和解决信息时代出现的网络经济新问题。在对我国电子商务发展现状以及问题与障碍进行详细分析的基础上,提出了解决问题的对策与思路。  相似文献   

食品质量安全源头管理再探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食品安全是近些年来人们特别关注的焦点问题之一,由于我国食品工业生产力总体水平还不高,质量问题较为突出。目前必须切实从源头上采取措施,严格治理,将质量安全隐患遏止在萌芽状态,实现"事前预防",而不做"事后诸葛",才能从根本上解决问题,保证百姓健康。  相似文献   

随着改革开放的深入推进,各种外来思想冲击着传统思想。面对激烈的竞争和复杂的社会,人们不可避免的存在各种问题。高校贫困大学生也一样。高校贫困大学生存在诸多的思想心理问题,如价值观问题、人格缺陷、自我意识偏差等。而这些问题产生的背后有着深层的原因。通过对高校贫困大学生这一改革开放产生物进行原因分析,发现高校贫困大学生的思想心理问题产生有五大主要原因:社会原因、环境原因、家庭原因、学校原因和个体原因。  相似文献   

This paper discusses a number of problems arising in comparisons of levels of national accounting aggregates between countries with different economic systems, notably between countries with market economies and countries with centrally planned economies. It considers problems arising from differences in the national accounting concepts used and problems arising from institutional differences, both of which are viewed as relating to the concepts on which the comparison should be based and the adjustment of national data to these concepts. The final section considers index number problems.  相似文献   

This article first reports the results of an on-line DELPHI Questionnaire study of the management problems of Internet/Web systems development. The study results indicate two "most important' clusters of problems: those that are concerned with strategy-related issues, and those that are concerned with data integrity and privacy issues. The first group is generally rated as being more important than the second. The article briefly discusses the overall results of the study. Thereafter the article is devoted to the "strategy' category of problems, with attention to the findings of other studies, including six prior similar-methodology DELPHI studies involving problems of managing technologies in other technology realms. Strategy problems are ranked among the most important technology management problems in all of the fields of these studies. A broad industry and academic effort to deal with the strategy and planning problem seems necessary to establish strategy theory and best practices for planning that are useful across many technology fields.  相似文献   

以2017年中国政府向世界遗产委员会提出的唯一 世界自然遗产申报计划的梵净山为研究区,通过专家评议确定 研究区环境问题类型,再以773处环境问题分布的实地调研数 据为基础,运用空间分析技术和层次分析法对环境问题的空间 分布及影响强度进行分析,结果表明:1)环境问题分类体系 包括7个一级指标,13个二级指标;2)空间分布特征为集聚 型,空间密度呈现“外疏内密”格局,空间集聚程度形成3个 等级;3)生物多样性价值受到的影响强度最大,违规人类活 动类问题是最突出的环境问题;4)空间分布主要受自然和人 文因素影响。进一步提出相应整治策略,为我国世界遗产提名 地环境整治提供借鉴。  相似文献   

张石磊  冯章献  王士君 《经济地理》2011,31(11):1834-1839
资源型城市特定的发展脉络决定了其转型期面临产业发展问题、景观生态问题、贫困问题、空间问题、二元结构问题、土地利用问题、政企协调问题、区域协调问题等突出矛盾.问题的破解需要规划的综合响应,包括城市规划导向、规划体系、规划内容、规划执行等方面.这种响应也体现在规划编制内容的优化,规划体系的调整,规划执行的演进等.特别是总体规划、详细规划,区域规划、景观规划、空间规划、棕地开发规划、产业发展战略规划、城市更新规划等法定规划与非法定规划的协调与综合集成.白山市作为典型的资源枯竭型城市,转型问题突出,其城市规划实践在导向与内容上针对转型期问题和需求具有良好的响应,值得借鉴.  相似文献   

探讨药品招标采购中的"二次议价"问题及解决对策,为规范药品采购机制提出政策建议。"二次议价"的主要根源在于量价不挂钩,带量采购能够有效遏制"二次议价"以及由"二次议价"引发的药品回扣和药品购销暗箱操作等痼疾。  相似文献   

A three-questionnaire DELPHI management issues study of technology management problems identifies the top 24 technology management problems of advanced-technology product companies. These problems are ranked in order of importance. Strategic planning for technology products is found to be the dominant problem. A striking theme of the findings is the extent to which several of the twenty four issues are related to this dominant problem. Arguably, not only is strategic planning the top technology management problem of product development in high-tech companies but it is also the cornerstone problem. Dealing effectively with this top problem will require attention to aspects of several others of the management problems. This article first examines the area of strategic planning in advanced-technology product development. It then summarizes the DELPHI study's findings and explores the central role among these findings of strategic planning for technology products. The next 10 problems in importance then are examined in the context of their relationship to the top issue of strategic planning for technology products.  相似文献   

This paper expounds the existent problems in the method and parameter of economic evaluation on construction project, which distributed by the State Planning Commission. By using technical economics principles, the author analyzes the problems and finds out the reasonable, simple, practical methods to solve the mutually exclusive schemes problems.  相似文献   

本文分析了我国农村存在的环境问题,从经济学角度分析了农村环境问题产生的原因,并提出了农村环境问题的治理措施与途径:消除其公共物品性和外部性。  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a new strategy for comparing the behavior of a hyperbolic discounter who possesses self-control problems to an exponential discounter who does not. Our strategy controls for inherent differences in overall levels of impatience across discount functions, which thereby allows us to isolate the pure effect of self-control problems. We argue that self-control problems, in their pure form as we identify them, can have a very surprising effect on intertemporal choices. Our method reveals that differences in decision making that could be attributed to self-control problems are at least partly (and perhaps entirely) just an artifact of an uncontrolled comparison.  相似文献   

This paper deals with regional accounting problems in Finland. Regional policy planning problems and special regional characteristics of the country are discussed as a background to the development of regional accounts. Accounting problems such as regional division, regionalization methods, general and special solutions to problems affecting specific sectors of the accounts, and problems in allocating production across regions are dealt with in the paper. In addition, supplementary data such as state income and expenditure data by region and regional input-output calculations, both of which may be needed in regional policy-making, are discussed. In Finland, both types of data have been included in a regional data bank compiled by the Central Statistical Office. For the future, monitoring regional standards of living and observing differences in welfare and in production by region remain important challenges for the development of regional data systems.  相似文献   

A three-questionnaire DELPHI management issues study of technology management problems identifies the top 24 technology management problems of advanced-technology product companies. These problems are ranked in order of importance. Strategic planning for technology products is found to be the dominant problem. A striking theme of the findings is the extent to which several of the twenty four issues are related to this dominant problem. Arguably, not only is strategic planning the top technology management problem of product development in high-tech companies but it is also the cornerstone problem. Dealing effectively with this top problem will require attention to aspects of several others of the management problems. This article first examines the area of strategic planning in advanced-technology product development. It then summarizes the DELPHI study's findings and explores the central role among these findings of strategic planning for technology products. The next 10 problems in importance then are examined in the context of their relationship to the top issue of strategic planning for technology products.  相似文献   

Persistent problems feature prominently in transition management and system innovation literature. They serve both as a point of departure, and as justification for the contention that a system innovation is needed. The concept ‘persistent problem’ however is underdeveloped; it is used to label (symptoms of) problems that appear to be complex, uncertain, difficult to manage, and difficult to grasp, but as such provides no way for unravelling how the persistence of these problems actually works. A better understanding can help new practices, like niche-innovations, to overcome enduring problems, contributing to a transition or system innovation. Drawing on the work of Giddens and others, this paper proposes a conceptualisation that can be used to identify and unravel persistent problems. The conceptual framework is built on the notion of systemic reproduction, and further operationalised by iteratively combining a historically informed system analysis with an actor-guided system analysis. The historically informed analysis focuses on features that are exactly the strongholds of the current system, but are said to have negative side effects. In concurrence with that, the systemic reproduction of these negative side effects can be unravelled by analysing how new practices shape their agency in relation to their direct environment. A persistent problem then is a systemically reproduced negative side effect of a success factor of the system in focus. The operationalisation brings the conceptual framework to the actor level, and opens up possibilities for investigating how systemically embedded problems manifest themselves in the daily practice of actors that try to take on enduring problems. In the second part of the paper, this approach is illustrated by using it to unravel problems of tenability of the Dutch health care system. A historically informed analysis is integrated with an analysis of a new practice in health care that deals with patients who suffer from medically unexplained physical symptoms.  相似文献   

我国与欧盟的高科技贸易迅速增长,但其中暴露出的问题也日益明显。从欧盟方面看,制约双边高科技贸易的主要因素来自欧盟国家对华高科技出口的限制性政策和对中国高科技出口产品的歧视性措施;从我国实际情况看,主要问题是前一阶段外资政策的偏颇和对自主科技创新能力的关注不够。如何解决这些问题,使中欧高科技贸易能够在更高的水平上健康发展,这是中欧经贸界人士最关心的问题。  相似文献   

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