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徐卡 《广告导报》2008,(5):64-65
卡缪搬家了。马奎斯搬家了。 卡尔维诺搬家了。莫内搬家了。 林布阑搬家了。毕加索搬家了。 瑞典KOSTA BODA彩色玻璃搬家了。 英国WEDGWOOD骨瓷搬家了。 法国HEDIARD咖啡搬家了。 诚品敦南店搬家了。 写下以上文字的许舜英搬家了。  相似文献   

<正>这是一个最好的时代,这是一个最坏的时代。《艺术财经》创刊至今已经6年了,几乎陪伴了中国艺术市场最跌宕起伏的时期:艺术品火了,画廊多了,艺术家富裕了,艺术院校扩招了,艺术产业化了,艺术品金融化了,艺术品能作为赚钱的工具了,拍卖行善于营销了但与此同时,艺术市场的泡沫出现了,艺术变成了热钱追捧的对象,艺术家不再考虑学术了,策展人明码标价了,艺术跟金融危机挂钩了,艺术与权力并行了  相似文献   

因为没有对石油价格对冲,失去了利润;因为没有利润,失去了红利;因为没有了红利,失去了投资者;因为没有了投资者,失去了融资;因为没有了融资,失去了航空公司;因为没有了航空公司,失去了旅游业;因为没有了旅游业,失去了经济——所有这一切都是由于没有对石油价格进行对冲。这就是全球经济的相互链接性。  相似文献   

高铁的运营缩短了城市间时空距离,扩大了城市辐射半径,加快了人员流动,促进了知识溢出,带动了产业集聚,调整了产业结构,显著提升了城市的创新发展能力。  相似文献   

<正> 党的十一届三中全会以来,我国实行改革、开放的方针,已经取得了很大的成绩,国民经济注入了强大的活力,促进了经济和社会的发展。在商业方面,也进行了不少改革,取得了很大成绩。主要是:调整了社会商业结构,实行多种经济成份并存发展;改革了商品购销体制,实行计划调节和市场调节相结合;改革了商品纵向分配办法,建立了横向联合的新的商业组织形式;改革了企业经营机制,实行政企职责分开,增强了企业活力和竞争能力,等等。从而促进了工农业生产和科学技术的发展,扩大了流通,繁荣了经济,活跃了市场,改善了人民生活。商业企业的经济效益也有了明显的提高。  相似文献   

一只马蹄钉断了,失去了马蹄鞋;马蹄鞋没了,倒下了战马;战马倒下了,摔伤了将军;将军没了,输掉了战争;战争输了,最后亡了国家,这一切的一切,都是因为一只小小的马蹄钉。  相似文献   

今天你消费了吗?会到哪里去消费?会用什么方式消费?享受到了消费过程中的愉悦了吗?体会到了快乐消费的理由了吗?体验到了上海国际购物天堂元素了吗?  相似文献   

1上幼儿园后,把天真弄丢了;上小学后,把童年弄丢了;上初中后,把快乐弄丢了;上高中后,把思想弄丢了;上大学后,把追求弄丢了;毕业后,把专业弄丢了;工作后,把锋芒弄丢了;恋爱后,把理智弄丢了;按揭后,把下半生弄丢了。——我们丢了什么  相似文献   

吴朋 《商界》2008,(5):94
朋友发财了,买了宝马,置了豪宅,娶了漂亮的老婆,受到了别人的尊重。  相似文献   

从安然丑闻看证券市场的监管   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张新 《新财富》2002,(1):64-70
“证监会干什么去了?会计师协会干什么去了?公司的审计委员会干什么去了?会计干什么去了?律师干什么去了?股行干什么去了?分析师干什么去了?机构投资者干什么去了?人们的投资常识呢?”面对“安然丑闻”,美国能源和贸易委员会民主党人士John Dingell发出了上述一连串严厉质问。  相似文献   

Using store-level scanner data, elasticity matrices are estimated using a twotiered demand system. Two basic models are estimated, one with promotion variables and one without. Differences between the estimates across the two models are statistically significant. However, when the elasticities are used as 'inputs' into several simulation exercises, there are only small differences in merger effects and patent damage estimates.The results suggest that the differences are not 'economically' significant.  相似文献   

吕莱 《国际市场》2011,(5):46-49,10
"不能思考的人是愚者,不愿思考的人是盲从者,不敢尝试思考的人是奴隶。"在卡内基的书桌上方,醒目地贴着这样一句话,此箴言融入卡内基的人生哲学中,激励着他努力探索,对自身及社会进行深刻的观察和反思的重要历史阶段,史称"镀金时代"。这一时期,美国工业发展迅猛,科技水平不断提高,城市化进入高潮,初步完成由农业社会向工业社会、由自由资本主义向垄断资本  相似文献   

Entrepreneurs are more susceptible to certain cognitive biases than are managers who are not entrepreneurs, but it is not clear why. In an effort to help explain why, I examine differences in the degree to which entrepreneurs exhibit the overconfidence bias. Results show that individual age, firm decision comprehensiveness and external equity funding affect the degree to which entrepreneurs are overconfident. In addition, founder-managers are shown to be more overconfident than are new-venture managers who did not found their firms. The results suggest that entrepreneurs' cognitive biases are a function of both individual and contextual factors.  相似文献   

DDS的背景噪声分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先对2种不同类型的幅度量化杂散信号进行了描述和时域分析,然后用离散傅里叶变换法着重对无相位舍位民政部下的幅度量化杂散信号进行了频谱仿真。得到了一些关于其频谱特征和杂散水平的规律性结论,这些结论对DDS的工程应用有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   


This paper examines the influence of location advantages and firm-level advantages on the propensity of Latin American firms to export. An empirical test based on Latin American firms in the automobile parts industry suggests that firms in more competitive Latin American country environments are more likely to export than those in less competitive country environments. Also, older and larger firms are more likely to export than are younger and smaller firms, and businesses that are subsidiary companies are more likely to export than are independent companies. Implications for managers and policy makers are presented.  相似文献   

The results of two nationwide studies of opinions on the advertising of sensitive products in the US are presented in this study. Results show higher levels of approval than had been indicated in previous studies. Several significant differences are observed when the results are cross-tabulated using a number of demographic variables. Conclusions are drawn and implications for managers and researchers are summarized.  相似文献   

二氯苯生产技术进展与发展趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了二氯苯生产方法、用途、市场需求及发展趋势,重点介绍了二氯苯异构体分离技术。针对国内对、邻二氯苯生产现状,提出一些发展建议。  相似文献   

在微观计量经济研究中,居民收入与消费分布结构的研究通常采用参数模型进行实证分析,但是实际经济环境中往往存在一些不确定的因素,参数模型所提供的结果并不完全与实际相符合。在计量经济模型分析中采用非参数回归技术,在数据较多的情况下,不需要预先确定变量之间的函数关系,可灵活机动的从多个方面考察收入与消费的相依关系和变化趋势,并可以证明非参数方法的结果优于常规的参数方法。  相似文献   

This paper examines entrepreneurial influences on the size of the new firm. Theory and previous empirical research indicate that the entrepreneurial attributes most likely to influence the characteristics and performance of new firms are motivation, workskills and information. The results of a regression analysis confirm these hypotheses when turnover and total assets are the dependent variables but are less conclusive when employment is the dependent variable. Possibly the most interesting finding is that the entrepreneurs who create the most jobs are those who are highly motivated, have managerial skills and whose firms are in the manufacturing sector.  相似文献   

A conceptual framework for understanding how perceptions of retail environments are formed is developed in this paper. In developing the framework, three main issues receive theoretical attention. First, the problem of conceptualizing retail environments is tackled. Second, the dimensions of environmental perception are discussed from the standpoint of retail arenas. Third, the factors that moderate how different retail environments are perceived are treated producing a few research propositions. The article also reports the findings of a pilot study. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses are conducted and they show that the separate perceptual dimensions manifest themselves in distinct ways in different retail environments. Finally, the theoretical and managerial implications are discussed and future research suggestions are spelled out.  相似文献   

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