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The mergers and acquisitions (M&A) literature is vast, spanning over half a century of research endeavor and drawing upon multiple disciplinary perspectives. Despite this wealth of material, the field suffers from a lack of connectedness. There is limited and compartmentalized understanding of the complexities of the M&A process, as the various streams of M&A research are only marginally informed by one another. As a result, the existing body of knowledge on M&A research remains fragmented. There is a need to establish links between existing approaches to M&A and the critical success factors they each promote. In this article, the need for a pluralistic and holistic explanatory framework that reflects the multidisciplinary nature of M&A is highlighted. The article shows that dynamic relationships between different perspectives on M&A and critical success factors matter. Identifying these relationships may help to further our understanding about M&A performance outcomes. Thus, the paper focuses on both relationships within each stage and between stages of the M&A process. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Despite the fruitful research on the motives and outcomes of cross‐border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) of Chinese multinational corporations (MNCs), there has been scant research on the impact of cross‐border M&As on corporate governance. In this article, we fill the research gap by exploring whether cross‐border M&As may lead to an improvement in corporate governance of Chinese acquirers. In particular, we examine the impact of cross‐border M&As on earnings quality of Chinese MNCs. We find that the acquisition of a target firm from a developed country leads to a significant improvement on the acquirer's earnings quality. In comparison, the acquisition of a target from an emerging market does not have such an impact. Our results are robust to various corporate governance measures, alternative econometric methods, and controls of relevant firm characteristics and macroeconomic variables. Finally, we show that the effect of cross‐border M&As on earnings quality is more pronounced in non‐state‐owned enterprises (non‐SOEs) that have conducted large M&A deals. Our article offers new insight to the international business literature on latecomer perspective and liability of foreignness. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

本文首次将跨国并购视为单独变量,运用1999-2007年中国制造业企业数据,使用倍差法和分位数回归方法,实证检验了跨国并购对国内企业竞争力的直接和间接效应。研究结果表明:外资并购对企业竞争力的直接效应和短期间接效应并不显著,但存在正向且非常有限的长期间接效应;同时,外资并购对规模较小的企业的竞争力有显著的抑制效应,而对于规模较大的企业,外资并购会在短期内增强其竞争力,但同时存在长期的抑制效应。  相似文献   

The global banking industry has seen dramatic changes in the past 40 years. Most recently, the financial liberalization of emerging markets and the global financial crisis have significantly impacted the market share of banks worldwide. This article investigates the impact of the 2007–2008 financial crisis on cross‐border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) in the banking sector and emphasizes the role of emerging‐market banks in the postcrisis consolidation trend. Using M&A data and concentration data over the period 2000–2013, our analysis indicates that the financial crisis had a significant impact on worldwide M&As, especially on the direction of the transactions. Emerging‐market banks appear to be major acquirers in the postcrisis period, targeting both neighboring countries and developed economies in Europe. We also observe an increase in bank concentration in developed markets most hit by the financial crisis, especially in the United States and the United Kingdom, whereas bank concentration decreased in emerging markets. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We examine whether corporate governance differences affect firm valuation in cross‐border mergers. We find that takeover premiums are decreasing in the quality of the foreign acquirer's home country governance for deals completed with stock, suggesting that the acquirers compensate target shareholders for the resulting exposure to inferior corporate governance regimes. Correspondingly, we find that the acquiring firm stockholders' abnormal returns at the merger announcement are increasing in the quality of corporate governance for stock offers. Finally, we find that foreign acquirers from countries with better corporate governance are more likely to make stock offers.  相似文献   

This paper explores the concurrent effects of cultural, political, and spatial distances on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) flows occurring between any two countries belonging to the whole European Union (27 States) or to the European Neighbours group (16 States) over the period 2000–11. In the econometric analysis, based on zero‐inflated models, we simultaneously estimate the probability of engaging in a cross‐border M&A and the intensity of the deals. This allows us to adequately model the two different mechanisms which may result in the absence of deals in the cross‐border bilateral M&A transactions. The absence of deals may be due to either the lack of any transactions or unsuccessful negotiations. Taking into account the effect of population, gross domestic product, technological capital, financial conditions and quality of the institutions, we find robust evidence that the multi‐dimensional distance between two countries negatively affects both the probability and the intensity of M&A deals.  相似文献   

This article considers the strategic motivation and performance of Chinese cross‐border mergerand‐ acquisition (M&A) activities of 27 deals that took place in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets in 2000–2004. The study finds that cross‐border M&As formation by Chinese firms are primarily motivated by market development (that is, increasing market share) to enable faster entry into new markets, promote diversification, and obtain foreign advanced technology and other resources. In terms of wealth creation, the study finds that cross‐border M&As create value for Chinese acquiring firms. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This article examines how government ownership affects the relationship between private benefits of managerial control, measured as excessive overhead expenses, and profitability of acquirers. A total of 246 merger and acquisition (M&A) events from Chinese state‐controlled listed companies (CSCLCs) between 2001 and 2006 constitutes the analytical sample. Under a low level of government shareholding, private benefits of managerial control positively correlated with acquirer announcement returns. However, there was no relationship between private benefits of managerial control and acquirer announcement returns under a high level of government shareholding. The implications of these findings for scholarship and practice are discussed. Copyright © 2011 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在邓宁OLI范式的基础上,对于跨国公司的三种优势而言,垄断优势(所有权优势)是决定其FDI最根本的因素;在动态的国际经营环境中,跨国公司将通过跨国并购的方式维持既有优势和创造新的垄断优势。FDI的这种新趋势,其直接效应就是跨国公司在世界范围内形成对诸多产业的产业控制,使发展中国家面临着新的更多的挑战。  相似文献   

中外企业并购动机比较分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为,西方发达国家企业并购动机主要是市场导向型、竞争导向型和战略导向型,而我国企业的并购动机则主要是政府及政策导向型、资源导向型和投机导向型,这是市场性、竞争性、战略性、资源性、政策性(即政府的作用)和投机性等多方面因素相互作用的结果.文章提出,企业并购应当从企业长远发展的角度出发,消除非理性的并购动机,使并购真正成为企业发展战略的有机组成部分.我国的企业并购,一方面要进一步规范政府行为,杜绝硬性的行政性行为,更多地使用经济手段,使政府积极科学的作为与市场机制有机结合;另一方面企业要端正并购动机,进行双向及多向思考,注重与目标企业间的优势互补与资源共享,整合双方的优势资源,追求企业的持续发展.  相似文献   

文章重点讨论了政策干预下的汇率走势,以及预期因素作用下进口商和消费者的行为模式,在假定马歇尔—勒纳条件成立,汇率变动完全传递给贸易品价格的条件下,研究了汇率变动和贸易余额的关系。认为在政策干预和汇率走势形成稳定预期的条件下,汇率升值不但不能减少贸易逆差,反而扩大贸易逆差,反之反是。文章通过一系列实证检验和对比研究,发现上述作用机制在2005年7月至2008年6月的中美贸易中能够较好地成立。  相似文献   

This study investigates the value creation mechanism in cross‐border acquisitions (CBAs) by employing a structural equation modeling technique and surveying 103 CBAs performed by Nordic firms. The results reveal that resource possession, resource picking, and resource utilization are three important strategic dimensions for realizing synergy and creating value in CBAs. Furthermore, mediation analysis shows that the two acquisition‐based dynamic capabilities—value identification and resource reconfiguration—act as important mediators in how the joining firms’ resource base impacts acquisition outcomes. The results shed light on the mechanisms through which the constructs influence value creation in CBAs and highlight the procedural and dynamic character of these determinants. The results also indicate that an integrative and process perspective, such as the “input‐process‐output” model proposed in this study, is an important step forward in merger and acquisition (M&A) research. Moreover, numerous research findings offer tactical implications for international acquirers. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We study the growth effects of outward‐ori,ented econ,o,mies by using sto,chas,tic fron,tier anal,y,sis to mea,sure the effi,ciency exter,nal,i,ties of three forms of eco,n,omic cross‐bor,der activ,i,ties – inter,na,tional trade, for,eign direct invest,ment (FDI) and migra,tion – for OECD coun,tries. The study also exam,ines whether the effi,ciency of these cross‐bor,der activ,i,ties is affected by the level of human cap,i,tal in the host coun,try. We find that inter,na,tional trade and FDI are impor,tant chan,nels for improv,ing effi,ciency, as is human cap,i,tal accu,mu,la,tion, and that the positive effects of inter,na,tional trade, FDI, and migra,tion depend cru,cially on the level of accu,mu,lated human cap,i,tal. Our results show that the impact of human cap,i,tal is impor,tant for increas,ing effi,ciency via inter,na,tional trade flows and FDI flows, while immi,gra,tion into coun,tries that are richer in human cap,i,tal enhances their effi,ciency rel,a,tively more than immi,gra,tion into coun,tries with lower human cap,i,tal. These results remain robust to alter,nate mea,sures of human cap,i,tal, con,trols on edu,ca,tion lev,els among immi,grants, and to a non‐para,met,ric esti,ma,tion of the model.  相似文献   

This paper aims to empirically examine how intellectual property rights (IPRs) protection, foreign direct investment (FDI) and research and development (R&D), along with other possible variables, may affect the economic growth of the host country. Using the panel data of 92 countries during 1970–2007, I conclude from the system generalised method of moments estimation that domestic investment share, FDI, R&D capacity, openness to trade, human capital and IPRs protection all have statistically significant and positive impacts on economic growth. A further investigation of countries at different levels of development suggests two striking findings. First, besides the domestic investment, openness, human capital and IPRs protection, R&D is the key to drive economic growth in the higher‐income countries, while FDI is the engine of growth in both higher‐income and middle‐income countries. Second, a positive and significant impact of IPRs protection on economic growth is found in both higher‐income and lower‐income countries. However, such an impact is not detected in the middle‐income countries.  相似文献   

姚圣 《财贸研究》2011,22(4):78-85
"紫金矿业"事件引发了众多媒体对政治关联环境效果的关注,一般认为政治关联是导致紫金矿业环境业绩持续低下与环境信息披露不足的主要原因之一。但此结论是否具有普遍性需要进行深入研究。通过使用上市公司研究样本,具体验证政治关联对环境业绩与环境信息披露的影响,结果表明,政治关联与环境业绩低下没有显著的关系,但对环境信息披露具有显著的负向影响。  相似文献   

We examine the effects of greenfield FDI and cross‐border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) on total factor productivity (TFP) in developed and developing host countries of FDI. Using panel data for up to 123 countries over the period from 2003 to 2011, we find that greenfield FDI has no statistically significant effect on TFP, while M&As have a positive effect on TFP in the total sample. Greenfield FDI and M&As both appear to be ineffective in increasing TFP in the subsample of developing countries. In contrast, M&As have a strong and positive effect on TFP in the subsample of developed countries.  相似文献   

The Indian software industry is a prime example of globalisation. The industry has been characterised by large cross‐border mobility of its skilled labour force. Using a unique survey of Indian software firms, our paper quantifies the extent and impact of mobility on firm behaviour and performance. Cross‐border labour mobility in the paper refers to both temporary and permanent labour flows by Indian software professionals. The picture that emerges is of a highly mobile world in which temporary mobility has been an important characteristic of the industry. A significant number of workers have work experience abroad in a developed country. Moreover, the share of skilled workers with such experience has been positively associated with the incidence of skilled migration from the firm. This suggests network effects are at work. In terms of the impact on performance – as measured by the change in turnover per worker and the change in the employment size of the firm – the paper finds little evidence of a robust adverse effect. Further, the evidence suggests that there have been important external effects at work, as through changes in the willingness of workers to acquire skills, as well as through increased provision of educational services. These have further abated the risk of a brain drain. However, the software industry may be rather different from other industries. Our results need to be interpreted as the outcome of a particular case of skilled migration and not one necessarily representative of all types of skilled migration and source sectors.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to applying the time‐varying symmetrized Joe–Clayton copula to study the dynamic linkage among possible safe haven assets (SHAs) in the major international markets over the past 34 years. We re‐examine four major asset types (long‐term government bonds, equity indices, oil, and gold) and test whether they are qualified individually as a safe haven asset against when paired against each other in a specific market. The empirical analyses indicate that: (1) Government bonds are generally confirmed SHAs. (2) Gold and oil are overwhelming SHAs against government bond across the markets. (3) US and East Asian markets (Japan, Australia and New Zealand) have more SHA options than the other regions against equity index.  相似文献   

Emerging‐market multinational enterprises (EMNEs) have become major players in the global economy, with an increasing share of global foreign direct investment (FDI). Indigenous mobile network operators (MNOs) in sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA) are not left out in this pursuit, as they seek growth and competitiveness beyond their domestic markets. We investigate the FDI location choices and competitive interactions of the five indigenous SSA MNOs that had internationalized as of 2014 and find that, contrary to the literature, these EMNEs, operating in a key and rapidly developing industry, did not tend to commence their cross‐border expansion in geographically close markets. In addition, the MNOs are more likely to invest in countries with stronger control over corruption and do not appear to engage in heavy head‐to‐head competition with their rivals. These findings contribute to the internationalization literature in the context of the investment and competitive behaviors of the currently underexplored indigenous SSA multinationals.  相似文献   

企业多角化和绩效之间的关系是战略管理研究的中心之一。本文以多角化企业的范围经济优势和内部交易成本为理论起点,结合我国制度环境特征,检验了我国中小企业多角化与绩效的关系。实证分析结果证实了二者之间存在“∩”型关系,即一定程度内的多角化能促进企业绩效,超过一定程度,企业绩效将随多角化程度的增加而显著降低。  相似文献   

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