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Exporter's price‐setting behaviour and currency invoicing play a key role in the literature on the new open‐economy macroeconomics. This paper estimates exchange rate pass‐through coefficients for the exports of four ASEAN countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand. In addition, previous estimates of pass‐through as well as invoicing behaviour in East Asia are discussed in the context of regional integration. The new pass‐through coefficients are estimated under two alternate specifications for up to 34 goods for each of the four ASEAN countries destined for up to 13 major markets. The results suggest: (a) little pass‐through is occurring in Southeast Asia and (b) this lack of pass‐through is more likely attributable to the fact that they are small countries in a relatively integrated market, rather than evidence of pricing to market. The implications for regional monetary integration of this apparently low degree of pass‐through are detailed.  相似文献   

There are several theoretical arguments for why the adoption of a common currency (either a currency union or a currency board) may reduce the exchange rate pass‐through (ERPT) to domestic consumer prices. This paper examines a broad panel of 101 countries over the period 1976–2006, using two‐stage instrumental‐variable estimation techniques in order to resolve the potential endogeneity problem. The main result is that ERPT indeed tends to decline in countries participating in a common currency arrangement. In particular, there has been a strong reduction in pass‐through in the member countries of the European Monetary Union (EMU) since the launch of the euro. Currency boards do not appear to be different from currency unions – both reduce the pass‐through from depreciation to inflation. Furthermore, the negative impact of common currencies on ERPT is at work in both high‐income and low‐income countries. Finally, most of the reduction in pass‐through to consumer prices under common currency arrangements happens somewhere along the pricing chain between the border and the supermarket shelf.  相似文献   

为了让人民币成为国际上的重要储备货币和投资贸易上的重要结算货币,增加人民币汇率机制的灵活性并控制由此而增加的汇率风险是人民币国际化中回避不了的问题。很多政策制定者和学者担忧:这是否会损害中国的对外贸易利益?本文在Melitz模型的框架下,在理论上分析了汇率风险对企业出口贸易的影响机理;在实证上使用中国2000—2008年的企业出口贸易和工业统计数据①,在不同的稳健情形下检验的结果表明:汇率风险对出口贸易有着相互冲突的作用力,双边汇率风险抑制了企业的出口行为,与除了出口目的地之外的其他目的地之间的多边汇率波动风险促进了企业的出口贸易;出口企业出口的产品种类和出口目的地越多,企业就会在不同的目的地之间优化分配出口资源,吸收双边汇率风险的负面冲击效应,从总体上推动贸易的发展。该论证为央行进一步放松人民币汇率浮动幅度的改革提供了理论上的支持。  相似文献   

本文通过将服务要素和汇率波动引入拓展的MO理论模型,并使用2001—2013年中国工业企业数据库和中国海关数据库匹配的样本研究了服务业对外开放对出口企业加成率的影响。研究结果表明:服务业对外开放显著提升了出口企业加成率,但人民币升值减弱了服务业开放的正面影响,该结论在经过工具变量法、替换变量等一系列稳健性检验后依然成立;服务业对外开放对技术密集型企业、非垄断企业、加工和非加工贸易企业加成率的提升作用明显,但随着人民币升值该促进作用逐渐减弱;服务业对外开放通过提升产品质量促进出口企业加成率,人民币升值通过价格效应抑制出口企业加成率;服务业对外开放和人民币升值均显著降低了加成率离散程度,优化了资源配置;服务业对外开放通过资源再配置效应提升了行业加成率。  相似文献   

In this paper, we estimate pass‐through rates of import price changes to retail prices across retailers and consumers for apparel purchases in Germany for the period of 2000–07. We find that high‐price retailers do not pass through changes in the import price. Pass‐through rates for low‐price retailers are 53 per cent within three months. Consequently, pass‐through rates for low‐income households are 58 per cent, significantly larger than those for high‐income households. We then present one possible explanation for these observations in a theoretical model with endogenous vertical product differentiation due to bundling an ex ante homogeneous import goods with services. Following an import price change, retailers who sell a cheaper unbundled product change prices to a greater extent than retailers who sell a higher‐priced bundle of product and service.  相似文献   

在国内金融开放改革面临现实抉择之际,本文采用1970-2011年的102个国家面板数据,构建Logistic计量模型,实证分析中国的资本账户开放程度和汇率制度选择对于货币危机风险的现实影响。实证研究发现,随着资本账户开放程度的提高,选择实施浮动汇率制度或超级固定汇率制有助于降低金融危机风险。利用以上模型,结合中国宏观经济数据可以测算出,在中国当前金融开放改革中,保持有限资本开放,率先实施汇率制度灵活性改革,有利于降低货币危机风险。本研究结论是中国的金融开放改革为优化决策提供了重要的理论依据和实践参考。  相似文献   

本文采用中国海关进出口数据库与中国工业企业数据库匹配后的微观企业数据实证分析企业层面实际有效汇率变动(汇率变化和汇率波动)对中国企业出口扩展边际(出口市场个数和出口商品种类数)的影响。总体样本的研究结果表明,汇率波动对企业出口扩展边际有显著的负向影响;相比之下汇率值的变化则与企业出口市场数正相关,人民币升值时会促进企业拓展出口市场;OLS和固定效应下汇率变化对企业出口商品种类的影响符号正负不一。本文进一步按照四种标准划分的子样本回归结果显示,不同企业在面临汇率变动时的反应具有异质性。  相似文献   

汇率变动对我国纺织品出口国际竞争力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在我国目前汇率制度改革的背景下,本文试图从产业组织角度探讨人民币实际汇率变动对我国纺织品出口价格影响的汇率传递问题。采用Johansen协整技术,以美国市场为主要研究范围,以印度和韩国作为我国主要竞争对手,以人民币实际有效汇率变动对我国棉纱、棉机织物纺织品的国际竞争力影响程度及特征进行实证分析,并最终认为人民币汇率变动对纺织品出口价格没有明显的影响。  相似文献   

张欣  孙刚 《财经论丛》2015,(1):39-45
运用倾向得分匹配分析法,在控制样本选择性偏误的前提下研究外汇衍生品对出口企业盈利水平以及盈利稳定性的影响.结果表明,使用外汇衍生品可以提升企业的出口收入,但不能显著提升出口利润;使用外汇衍生品虽然能够在一定程度上降低企业盈利水平的波动性,但效果并不明显.因此,应推动国内外汇衍生品市场发展,完善风险监管机制,以提高外汇衍生品的使用效率.  相似文献   

This paper examines a continuous‐time two‐country dynamic monetary equilibrium in which countries with possibly heterogeneous tastes and endowments hold their own money for the purpose of transaction services formulated via money in the utility function. Given a price system, no‐arbitrage pricing results are provided for the price of each money and the nominal exchange rate. Characterizations are provided for equilibrium prices for general time‐additive preferences and non‐Markovian exogenous processes. Under a Markovian structure of model primitives, the currency prices are shown to solve a bivariate system of partial differential equations. Assuming that each country is endowed with heterogeneous separable power utility and the exogenous quantities all follow geometric Brownian motions, an equilibrium is shown to exist and additional characterization is provided. A further example of nonseparable Cobb–Douglas preferences is investigated. The additional features over the customary environment of homogeneous logarithmic preferences are emphasized.  相似文献   

When the current account balance and net capital outflows do not exactly offset each other, international payment flows arise. Payment flows into a country push the real exchange rate up, payment outflows push it down. This article uses a model of optimal consumption and portfolio choice to determine the factors that drive international payment flows during boom‐and‐bust cycles. It shows that during such episodes, capital inflows first exceed the deficit on current account, strengthening the currency. Later on, when the return on domestic capital reverts to its normal level, the current account recovers, yet the overall decline of the net foreign asset position provokes a fall of the real exchange rate even below its initial level. Case studies of countries experiencing rapid economic expansions followed by economic and financial meltdowns confirm the article's theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

解决就业始终是中国宏观经济调控的重要问题,而出口部门的增长也始终是解决就业的重要通道.多年来,就业对出口的依赖性不仅没有下降,而是越来越强.国家为支持出口贸易的增长,不断增强出口退税的力度,从而保证就业的增加.但从2005年以来,随着人民币汇率的升值,出口商品竞争力受到削弱,而为保持出口贸易必要的增长率,又不得不大幅度提高出口退税力度,以缓解人民币汇率升值造成的压力.本文的研究表明,出口退税超额支付的结果,固然改善了企业经营绩效,间接增强了出口商品竞争力,但却造成了人民币汇率"低估"的假象.今后,在继续改革人民币汇率形成机制的过程中,科学厘定出口退税的经济职能,合理确定出口退税额的规模,是改革人民币汇率形成机制的必要条件,也是人民币汇率浮动空间的主要经济参数.  相似文献   

文章从投资者管理汇率风险的角度研究外汇资产在美元和欧元间的配置问题,建立欧元对美元汇率预测的货币模型,计算期望效用最大化目标下美元和欧元的最优配置比例,并与汇率不可预测条件下的配置效果做对比。结果发现,用货币模型预测一个季度后的欧元对美元汇率的结果相对最好;汇率可预测条件下的资产配置多数时间或者全部投资到欧元资产,或者全部投资到美元资产;汇率可预测条件下的资产配置给投资者带来的收益明显高于不可预测条件下的配置。  相似文献   

当一国经济发展和开放到一定程度,作为计价单位的货币其作用会延伸和发展,货币可兑换与货币国际化便是其中最重要的两个方面,两者既有联系,又有区别,互相促进,互相影响。如果两者之间的关系协调处理不当,会放大跨境资金流动带来的风险。人民币可兑换和国际化既是经济发展的现实需要,又面临着难得的历史机遇,如何协调好人民币可兑换与国际化之间的关系,稳步推进人民币可兑换,为人民币国际化创造条件,同时,如何利用国际化货币的优势,降低人民币可兑换过程中的风险,是值得我们研究的课题。  相似文献   

本文从价格弹性、生产投入、要素价格3个方面探讨了汇率变动影响出口商品结构的理论机制,进而从价格弹性、长短期关系以及未来变动的视角对其进行了实证检验。主要结论表明,人民币升值轻微抑制了中国整体出口,不同商品受到影响的程度不同。升值将减少初级产品和劳动密集型产品的出口,增加部分资本、技术密集型产品的出口,由于汇率的长期弹性要大于短期,这种结构优化将是一个长期过程。另外,不同的升值方式和升值幅度所导致的出口商品结构变动是不同的,为了实现出口贸易的稳定发展,渐进升值是较好的选择。  相似文献   

汇率风险如何影响中国对日本的出口   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文研究汇率风险对中国与日本的双边出口是否存在长期和短期的影响。使用多元JO-HANSEN协整检验法来检验汇率波动率与出口之间是否存在长期均衡关系。使用GRANGER非因果检验和脉冲响应函数检验短期影响是否存在。研究结果表明从长期看,汇率风险对出口没有影响,但是短期看,汇率风险确实会影响出口。  相似文献   

文章剖析了汇率行为对我国出口贸易流向的影响,在理论分析基础上构建计量模型并以1999年1月到2015年12月为样本区间,对我国出口双边数据进行实证检验,结果表明我国出口贸易份额与人民币汇率、距离、我国物价水平负相关,与进口国需求能力以及进口国物价水平正相关,我国出口的初始条件和贸易政策对出口贸易流向的作用不显著。据此文章提出要适度增加汇率弹性,加强地区间的贸易合作等建议。  相似文献   

In the light of the importance of foreign direct investment (FDI) for the promotion of economic development, this paper examines the impact of the changes in the real exchange rate and its volatility on FDI. Examining Japan's FDI by industries, we found that the depreciation of the currency of the host country attracted FDI, while the high volatility of the exchange rate discouraged FDI. Our results suggest the need to avoid over‐valuation of the exchange rate and to maintain stable but flexible exchange rate in order to attract FDI.  相似文献   

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