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The existence of core allocations in a one sector model of capital accumulation with heterogeneous households is demonstrated. The result follows as an application of Scarf's Theorem on the core of a balanced game.  相似文献   

The paper examines optimal debt and capital accumulation for an open economy which faces an imperfect international capital market. The major finding is that the optimal pattern of debt and capital accumulation is affected by relative factor intensities. Factor intensities determine whether substitution or complementary relationships exist between debt and capital. The relationship between the country's net wealth and its two components financial and productive are also determined by factor intensities.  相似文献   

高储蓄率、要素收入分配不平等和产业结构升级是我国经济增长过程中三个典型事实。本文构建一个非平衡增长模型表明这三者是一个自洽的系统,存在相互制约和矫正关系。在我国劳动收入和资本收入的储蓄倾向不同与劳动收入占比较低的背景下,高储蓄会出现两个相反地影响产业结构的动力。一方面,高储蓄转化的高投资更多体现为工业品,阻碍了服务业发展,同时,高储蓄导致的低消费使得恩格尔效应无法发挥作用,阻碍了产业结构升级;另一方面,高储蓄导致高投资,推动了资本深化,这又促进了产业结构升级。产业结构变迁又反过来影响社会储蓄率和要素收入分配。文章证明这个系统存在一个广义平衡增长路径。  相似文献   

In a competitive economy, capital import will affect the distribution of income among domestic economic units. Our main aim is to determine the optimal level of capital import, given that the distribution of income among people is accounted for. In order to consider explicitly the effect of capital import on saving behavior, we shall adopt a simple, two-period life cycle growth model. It will be shown that in order to know if the government can increase everybody's long-run utility, the criterion of the golden rule is important.  相似文献   

In a model where agents use their labour/education choice to adjust their consumption profile over time, I show that the impact of uncertainty on growth depends, critically, on agents’ attitudes towards risk, reflected by the coefficient of relative risk aversion. In this respect, the well known result from the literature on ‘saving under uncertainty’ can be extended into a broader context, whereby the intertemporal profile of consumption is determined via human capital accumulation rather than saving and physical capital investment.  相似文献   

Modigliani-Miller's theorem, which asserts that corporate financing policy is of no consequence, has been shown to hold true under a set of assumptions which is less restrictive than the original set used by MM. Preceding proofs were based on the theory of general equilibrium. Basically, this paper examines MM's second proposition—the linearity of the cost of equity capital with respect to financial leverage—when dropping a few of their basic assumptions but retaining their assumption about incomplete markets. In particular, this paper relaxes the assumptions that (a) the inflows are perpetual and that (b) the firm's future returns belong to the same risk class. The results of the analysis indicate that the linearity will be sustained. The nature of the financial risk premium (the slope), however, has to be modified.  相似文献   

In recent years speculation has increased regarding the existence and magnitude of hidden inflation in the Soviet economy. This speculation has unintentionally, but necessarily, called into question a great deal of econometric research predicated on the assumption that Soviet statistics are workably reliable. This paper attempts to evaluate these issues by examining the CIA's unofficial estimates of hidden inflation in the industrial sector calculated by James Steiner. A careful reconstruction of Steiner's arithmetic procedures reveals that the high levels of hidden inflation he estimates are invalid.  相似文献   

This note investigates the importance of testing the validity of the Hicks-neutral technical progress assumption in the context of examining the substitutability or complementarity between capital, labour and energy in the UK industrial sector, It is found that the hypothesis of neutral technical progress must be rejected in favour of the non-neutral hypothesis: with technical progress thus biased to using both capital and energy but to saving labour. In addition, it is found that all three factors are substitutable for one another when non-neutral technical progress is modelled.  相似文献   

This paper studies the patterns and key determinants of staged economic development. We construct a two-sector dynamic general equilibrium model populated with one-period lived non-overlapping generations, featuring endogenous enhancement in modern technology and endogenous accumulation of labor skills and capital funds. We consider preference biases toward the traditional sector of necessities, capital barriers to the modern sector, and imperfect substitution between skilled and unskilled workers. By calibrating the model to fit historic U.S. development, we find that modern technologies, saving incentives and capital scales/barriers are the most important determinants of the takeoff time. By evaluating the process of economic development, we identify that what shapes saving incentives is most crucial for the speed of modernization after taking off. We further establish that labor, capital and output are most responsive to the initial state of modern technologies, but least responsive to skill endowments, along the dynamic transition path  相似文献   

Low rates of saving and capital formation have been a disturbing and persistent characteristic of the United States' economy. The leading explanation of this phenomenon is based on the effects of inflation under our nonindexed tax system—a financial explanation. This paper explores, with a simple life-cycle savings model with irreversible capital, whether a real explanation exists. The analysis indicates that plausible prospective declines in the growth rate of the working-age population can lower the equilibrium interest rate and the rates of saving and capital formation in spite of a relatively high marginal product of capital. The policy implications of the real explanation are also discussed.  相似文献   

The Australian telecommunications sector is being improved and extended through substantial recent investment in intelligent technology such as digital switching, fibre optics, satellite and cellular transmission, and the Internet. These technologies are being progressively integrated with technology from the broadcasting, computer and electronics industries, providing a unified information infrastructure for information transmission and processing. Technological progress embodied in new equipment has the effect of increasing the efficiency of the factors of production. Such efficiency increases can be biased towards a particular factor. For instance, the impact of labour-augmenting technical change is a decline in the cost of labour per unit of production. When such biases are apparent the relativity between the costs of labour and capital per unit of production is changed. In the longer term, technical change can impact on the rate of employment growth and also on the rate of capital accumulation. In this study the Australian telecommunications cost structure is examined for the period 1919 to 1988. To measure labour saving and capital saving technical change a translog cost model is estimated. Multiproduct telecommunications cost studies typically employ the translog cost model (Evans and Heckman, 1984; Roöller, 1990a; 1990b; Shin and Ying, 1992; McKenzie and Small, 1997). The translog model places no a priori restrictions on substitution possibilities among the factors of production, and allows scale economies to vary with the level of output.  相似文献   

通过吸收内生增长理论的思想 ,修正外生农业技术进步的假设 ,本文提出了一个内生农业技术进步的二元经济增长模型 ,并以此对倍受瞩目也颇多争议的“东亚奇迹”及中国经济 ,从二元经济结构转换的角度进行了分析。本文认为 ,“东亚奇迹”是传统农业劳动力不断转向现代非农业部门的结果 ;是现代部门以资本反哺传统部门 ,推动农业技术进步 ,促进劳动力转移的结果 ;也是现代部门均衡发展 ,吸纳剩余劳动力 ,加速结构转换的结果。因此 ,虽然非农部门的全要素生产率提高不够显著 ,但劳动力结构转换仍然推动经济实现了持久的高速增长。  相似文献   

财政政策、货币政策与国外经济援助   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过把国外经济援助分成直接对私人的经济援助和直接对政府的经济援助来讨论这两类经济援助对政府财政政策和货币政策的影响。我们发现对私人的经济援助的增加可以使得私人消费水平和政府公共消费水平增加 ,但是它也导致政府收入税税率和通货膨胀率的提高 ;另一方面 ,对政府的经济援助增加可以使得均衡时的私人资本存量、私人消费水平和政府公共消费水平增加 ,同时可以使得均衡时的收入税税率和通货膨胀率下降。  相似文献   

在垄断竞争的差异化产品模型假设下,在成本结构中引入技术进步的两种类型即资本节约型技术进步和劳动节约型技术进步。本国劳动节约型的技术进步使得本国同类产品的产出数量增多,贸易条件下降;但资本节约型的技术进步可使本国差异化产品种类增多,贸易条件上升。通过中国工业品行业的资本劳动比和贸易条件变化的关系,初步验证了该理论模型。  相似文献   

This paper studies the factors responsible for the secular decline of Singapore's unemployment rate over the period 1966-2000 in an environment of low and stable inflation rates. We introduce wage bargaining and unions into a specific-factors, two-sector economy with an export sector and a non-tradable sector to obtain an endogenous natural unemployment rate. Increases in the relative export price and capital stock in the export sector are predicted to reduce structural unemployment. These hypotheses could not be rejected based on structural estimations and co-integration regressions. Empirically, capital accumulation in the export sector explains most of the decline in Singapore's unemployment rate.  相似文献   

A now classic model of public sector growth is Baumol's (1967) ‘Macroeconomics of Unbalanced Growth’. That model implies that one cause of public sector expenditure growth is a low or zero rate of productivity growth in the public sector relative to the private sector. Previous studies have tested, and partially confirmed, the Baumol hypothesis by computing productivity indices for various public sector activities. In this paper I attempt to test that model in a more direct manner. The unbalanced growth model is used to predict growth rates of per capita government expenditures, government's share of GNP and the pattern of government expenditure growth. These predictions are compared with observed growth rates of aggregate government expenditures. The model predicts the growth rate aggregate government expenditures, the growth rate of government's share of GNP, and the pattern of government expenditure growth reasonably well, and the data tend to support the Baumol model.  相似文献   

Under a labor-managed system of the Yugoslav type of 1965–1971, the process of capital formation is subject to special difficulties, linked to the structure of property rights. Workers possess neither permanent nor transferable claims on capital assets but are, nevertheless, required by law to maintain the value of the firm's initial capital stock and of any additions to it. The law is intended to protect the nation's capital stock but is ill designed for this purpose. Its immediate effect is to reduce the collective's willingness to undertake bank-financed investment, and thus it promotes inefficient intertemporal allocation.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of Marx's circuit of capital is presented, whose elements, the composition of capital, the rate of surplus value, the rate of capitalization of surplus value, and production, sales and financial time lags, are measurable from the accounts of capitalist firms. The model is solved for exponential paths. A solution with a positive rate of accumulation generally exists. On paths with positive rates of accumulation and positive time lags in the recommital of realized value to production an expansion of credit is required to permit the sale of commodities. A model of demand pull inflation is incorporated in the framework.  相似文献   

This paper studies, within an OLG general equilibrium framework, the role of relative factor intensities in determining the relationship between the terms of trade and the capital stock. It shows that a diversified production equilibrium can be characterized by a positive association between these two variables if the investment sector is more labor-intensive and sector technologies are relatively dissimilar. Therefore, capital accumulation and terms-of-trade improvements do not require an import sector growing faster than the export sector when the latter is more capital-intensive. Large Stolper–Samuelson effects on factor incomes drive the results.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of a public intermediate good on trade patterns, capital accumulation, and the gains from trade in a two‐country, three‐sector overlapping generations model. A public intermediate good affects not only the productivity of private production but capital accumulation; thus, the results differ from those obtained in previous studies. First, opening to trade may accelerate capital accumulation in the higher‐savings country. Additionally, the country producing a public intermediate good more (which is labor‐intensive) may be the importer of the investment good (which is the most capital‐intensive). Finally, the lower‐savings country may have lower steady‐state welfare under trade.  相似文献   

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