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本文考察固定资产加速折旧企业所得税政策(以下简称固定资产加速折旧政策)对企业产能过剩的影响.尽管固定资产加速折旧政策旨在通过降低税负缓解企业资金紧张,加速企业设备更新,但企业间异质性可能会使得这一政策对不同企业的产能产生差异化影响.为了评估这一政策的净效应,本文采用双重差分模型,以我国A股上市公司为样本,研究固定资产加速折旧政策的经济后果.结果 显示,固定资产加速折旧政策显著加剧了试点行业所在上市公司的产能过剩.进一步,该政策发布后,企业资本性支出显著增加,固定资产利用率降低,并在其中发挥着部分中介效应.考虑地区和行业竞争的影响,上述结果在产品市场竞争程度较低的企业中更为显著.固定资产加速折旧政策导致的产能过剩加剧在一定程度上造成企业投资效率降低、业绩下滑.本文的研究提供了较为明晰的政策含义:固定资产加速折旧政策在增加企业固定资产投资的同时,会在一定程度上加剧企业产能过剩并降低企业投资效率和企业绩效,需要对企业投资决策进行恰当的引导.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the criticisms that have been made of the view that trade liberalisation benefits developing countries. In particular, it focuses on mainstream NGOs’ criticisms of the NAMA negotiations. The paper firmly concludes that the belief that trade liberalisation hampers development opportunities is mistaken. Developing countries have a strong interest in a successful outcome to the NAMA negotiations and the Doha Round as a whole.  相似文献   

van Bragt  D.D.B.  La Poutré  J.A. 《NETNOMICS》2003,5(2):101-118
We show that adaptive agents on the Internet can learn to exploit bidding agents who use a (limited) number of fixed strategies. These learning agents can be generated by adapting a special kind of finite automata with evolutionary algorithms (EAs). Our approach is especially powerful if the adaptive agent participates in frequently occurring micro-transactions, where there is sufficient opportunity for the agent to learn online from past negotiations. More in general, results presented in this paper provide a solid basis for the further development of adaptive agents for Internet applications.  相似文献   

雷蒙 《WTO经济导刊》2012,(11):92-92
作者曾为本刊驻WTO特约记者,长期以来为本刊拉巴德(WTO总部所在地)之声专栏撰稿,提供来自一线的动态信息。稿件忠于事实、观点清晰,同时文笔简练、文风活泼,形成了本刊密切关注多哈回合谈判进程的最佳视角。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2017,60(4):473-482
Many successful companies spend substantial time and effort engaging with potential consumers on social media sites. They determine how consumers spend their time online and develop interesting content to increase awareness and enjoyment of the brand—often only to lose those potential customers because the purchase process becomes too difficult once consumers have decided to buy the product. New technology recently introduced by third-party vendors allows companies to offer a sales option directly on social media websites such as Facebook and Instagram. In this article, we present the effects on the consumer decision process created by the ‘Buy Now’ option across the consideration, evaluation, purchase, and post-purchase stages. We compare and contrast three distinct decision models: (1) traditional media only, (2) traditional media and social media with only a communication capability, and (3) traditional media and social media with the added function of immediate purchase. We argue that though the possibility of buying on social media will decrease the number of brands considered and evaluated, the number of purchases and amount of brand advocacy will increase significantly due to the ease of purchase. We conclude with some recommendations on future research.  相似文献   

在上一期的文章中,记者同读者一道回顾了两年来老牌贸易大国美国在世贸(WTO)多哈回合谈判中是如何玩弄花招的。那就是,在明明由于自身原因使谈判陷入停滞的情况下极力将责任推卸给中国、印度、巴西等国。当时,出于突出重点的需要,记者有意略过了由其他世贸大国共同参与的博弈过程。这一次再来把这一段补上。  相似文献   

一切要从两年前谈起。2008年7月,世贸组织(WTO)小型部长级会议在日内瓦举行。30多个成员的部长希望通过努力就农业和非农谈判的模式达成一致。就在多数人都以为即将大功告成之时,美国突然反悔,提出现有协议不能满足其市场准入目标,要求印度、中国、巴西等发展中国家在农业、非农甚至服务市场开放方面做出更大的让步。印度马上在农业方面明确拒绝了美国的要求,各方还没有来得及充分探讨非农问题,小型部长级会议便只能以宣告失败而收场。  相似文献   

ChinaandtheUnitedStatesfinallyreachedanagreementonChina'sentryintotheWTOonNov.11,1999.ThisisanimportantmptowardsChina'sWTOentry,thatinvolved13yearsofnegotiation.AccordingtoPremierZhuRongji,"Thenegotiationshavelastedsolonsthatourhairhavegrey.Theyshoul...  相似文献   

LEGISLATlONOnJuly1,1979,theLawofthePeople'sRCpublicofChinaonJointVenturesUsingChineseandForeignInvestmentwasadopted.ThiswasthefirstforeigneconomiclawinChina.Fromthenon,China'suseofforeigninvestmenthasenteredanewhistoricalperiod.Afterthelawwaspromulgated,tomeettheneeds0fChina'sreformandopeningandthedeveIopmentofforeigninvestmentuse,theLawofEnterpriseswithF0reignCapitalwaspromulgatedinl986andtheLawofChinese-F0reignCooperattheEnterpriseswaspromulgatedin1988.Onthebasisofthesethreebas…  相似文献   

Sino-French Joint Venture Dynasty Winery Co.,Ltd.,since the establishment in 1980,has had a history of steady development of 28 years.In the past 28 years,Dynasty Winery continues the market expansion,and increasing the market share,and strengthening the influence of the brand and the company.Till now,"Dynasty Wine",has become popular among the consumors.  相似文献   

Journal of Business Ethics - In developed economies, powerful legislative and regulatory frameworks, for people with disability (PWD) over the last five decades, have provided major motivation for...  相似文献   

China enjoyed an estimated 20% rise in revenue, profits and exports in 2005 despite trade rows with the US and the EU, according to a report from the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Textiles.  相似文献   

赵钧 《WTO经济导刊》2013,(12):89-89
11月14日,《中国企业社会责任研究报告(2013)》在京正式发布,该报告由中国社会科学院经济学部企业社会责任研究中心编著,包括政府部门、专业机构、企业代表、  相似文献   

《中国广告》创刊40年以来,为众多读者展现了诸多高水平的创意策划案例及相关理论研究成果,是中国广告与世界广告进行对话的重要渠道。在我近四十年的学术生涯中,《中国广告》始终担当着引领者的作用,对我乃至整个行业都产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

Why An International Code of Business Ethics Would Be Good for Business   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Many international business training programs present a viewpoint of cultural relativism that encourages business people to adapt to the host country's culture. This paper presents an argument that cultural relativism is not always appropriate for business ethics; rather, a code of conduct must be adapted which presents guidelines for core ethical business conduct across cultures. Both moral and economic evidence is provided to support the argument for a universal code of ethics. Also, four steps are presented that will help ensure that company ethical standards are followed internationally.  相似文献   

‘开源节流’恐怕是目前我们应对能源危机的解决之道:在新能源技术还未完全成熟之时,尽可能提高现有能源效率则是最重要和有效的途径。我们宁肯放弃业绩,也不会妥协我们的核心价值观。提高能源效率、促进城市可持续发展绝非凭一己之力就能完成,它需要不同企业、不同组织,乃至不同国家之间的共同行动和跨界合作。我过去更多关注‘这个公司是做什么的’,到伊顿之后我更关注‘这是怎么做的?’  相似文献   

In the absence of any institution for imposing legal liability on global business, the idea of instituting a cosmopolitan court for international corporate offenses is advocated. The proposal is then critically examined and defended in light of a number of key objections. Having both civil and criminal jurisdiction, such a tribunal could benefit domestic and international legal systems, multinational corporations, and victims of transnational and international corporate misdeeds. By laying down minimal global standards of corporate liability, resolving conflicts between the regulatory activities of national legal systems, and affording redress for aggrieved parties in countries with inadequate legal infrastructures, the tribunal would promote the objectives of compensatory, distributive, procedural and retributive justice at the global level. Moreover, the court would assist corporations by translating compliance with minimum ethical standards to the bottom line. Ethical corporations will gain competitive advantage relative to unscrupulous firms, since the latter'ss activities will be sanctioned. The international community need not leave obedience to basic norms up to the voluntary good-will and discretion of multinational firms.  相似文献   

Sino-French Joint Venture Dynasty Winery Co.,Ltd.,since the establishment in 1980,has had a history of steady development of 28 years.In the past 28 years,Dynasty Winery continues the market expansion,and increasing the market share,and strengthening the influence of the brand and the company. Till now,"Dynasty Wine",has become popular among the consumers. 28 years ago in 1980,Remy-Martin Group of France signed a cooperation agreement with the vineyard of State Farm Tianjin Bureau,and together they  相似文献   

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