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Metropolitan areas with a significant presence of warehouse stores had lower retail food price increases during 1977 to 1992 than did areas with no warehouse stores. The negative impact occurred largely during the first half of the 15-year period. Strategic learning appears to have led to a different response from incumbent supermarkets during 1985–1992. Change in prices was positively related to change in concentration and negatively related to entry.  相似文献   

This note shows the existence of price dispersion and pricediscrimination in a spot market for water.Several behaviors contributing to this dispersion/discrimination arefound for both the seller and buyer in this relatively competitive market,and examples are given of each. Using some previous theoretical work,the common thread linking the differing behaviors is shown to bediffering levels of information and search costs.  相似文献   

从可替代能源看天然气价格   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国天然气与其他能源的比价关系目前还未形成国际上通行的按热值进行计算和比较的方法,特别是与煤炭、石油相比的环保效益更没有得到充分体现,从而影响了天然气资源的有效配置。国家发改委最近对天然气出厂价格进行了调整,但与煤炭、石油等其他替代能源相比,价格涨幅仍是最小的,而且与国际天然气价格相比,我国天然气价格和上调幅度也很低。文章利用热值比较法对天然气与石油、煤炭和电力进行了价格比较。并对这几种能源对天然气价格的影响程度赋予了相应权重,进而测算了与这几种替代能源挂钩的天然气理论价格及趋势。文章认为我国应积极推进天然气定价市场化进程,大力调整天然气的价格,逐步缩小实际价格与理论价格之间的差距,建立完善天然气与替代能源价格联动机制。  相似文献   

Indirect damages to broiler and pork producers fromsupra-competitive pricing of synthetic lysine, whichis an important feed additive, are discussed in thisarticle. Indirect damages occur in fundamentallydifferent ways in the two industries because thebroiler industry is vertically integrated while thepork industry was dominated by independent producersduring the 1992–1995 time period. Pass-through ofhigher lysine prices to hog feed purchasers isdemonstrated with regression analysis of purchasesof a feed premix containing synthetic lysine and aregression analysis of purchases of synthetic lysinefrom feed dealers.  相似文献   

A manufacturer's choice between resale price maintenance (RPM) and exclusive territories to protect dealer provided services is examined empirically. The relative efficacy of RPM in solving the free rider problem depends on the life cycle of the product being distributed. A manufacturer of a product with a long life cycle is more likely to protect its dealers' investment in service with exclusive territories, whereas RPM becomes the more probable restraint for products of short life spans. Data gleaned from vertical restraint litigation strongly support this hypothesis.The author wishes to thank Howard P. Marvel, Laura A. Boyd, and two anonymous referees for comments on earlier versions of this paper. The financial support of The Procter and Gamble Fund is also gratefully acknowledged. Any errors are mine alone.  相似文献   

This study attempts to identify the major factors affecting farm and nonfarm income by using panel data of 894 rural households, interviewed in 2003 and 2005 in rural Uganda. We supplement the panel data with household-level soil fertility data and road distance data to the nearest urban center on three road types: tarmac, loose-surface, and dirt roads. The results suggest that soil fertility, measured by the soil organic matter (SOM) content, is positively associated with crop income but not with livestock and nonfarm income. We also find that the total road distance to the nearest urban center and the road quality have strong negative associations with the crop income.  相似文献   

This paper examines the efficiency and price effects of mergers by applying a frontier profit function to data on bank megamergers. We find that merged banks experience a statistically significant 16 percentage point average increase in profit efficiency rank relative to other large banks. Most of the improvement is from increasing revenues, including a shift in outputs from securities to loans, a higher-valued product. Improvements were greatest for the banks with the lowest efficiencies prior to merging, who therefore had the greatest capacity for improvement. By comparison, the effects on profits from merger-related changes in prices were found to be very small.  相似文献   

Using contemporary data for an extensive sample of 1020 Indian firms, this paper investigates the impacts that size and age of firms have on firm-level productivity and profitability. In India older firms are found to be more productive and less profitable, whereas the larger firms are, conversely, found to be more profitable and less productive. These performance differences are explained as arising from the market-restricting industrial policies that have been followed in India over the past three decades.  相似文献   

Employment Tribunals are the formal means of adjudicating disputes over individual employment rights in the UK. This article hypothesizes that, because small firms favour informality over formality, they are more likely (i) to experience employee claims than large firms; (ii) to be subject to different types of claims; (iii) to settle prior to reaching a formal Tribunal; and (iv) to lose at a Tribunal. Data from the 2003 Survey of Employment Tribunal Applications are used to examine these hypotheses. They are generally supported, although in relation to the third there was no size effect. Furthermore, our results show that firms that have procedures and follow them are more likely to win than those firms that do not have any procedures. Recognizing the benefits of informality, while also ensuring that small firms follow proper standards of procedural fairness, is a policy dilemma that has yet to be resolved.  相似文献   

Using data on marginal interest rates of loan and deposit products by Spanish banks, we find that the level of interest rates on loans (deposits) across geographic markets decrease (increase) with the number of banks in each market, and that the level of interest rates on loans increases with the level of interest rates of deposits. We also find that the dispersion of interest rates of both loans and deposits increase with the number of banks. This evidence is interpreted as evidence of customer’s search costs in retail banking, consistent with predictions from the Carlson and McAfee (J Polit Econ 91:480–493, 1983) model of market competition with search costs.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the impact of foreign multinationals on the start-up size ofdomestic entrants in Irish manufacturing industries. We use the regression quantileestimator, which allows us to take account of the heterogeneity of entrants' start-upsize. Estimation results show that the presence of foreign multinationals in a sectorimpacts negatively on the start-up size of domestic entrants of all sizes in modernsectors and on the start-up size of large domestic entrants in traditional sectors. Thisnegative effect may be attributed to competition of domestic plants with foreignmultinationals and other domestic plants in the final goods and/or the intermediategoods market.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between a Real Estate Investment Trust's (REIT's) stock returns and top management changes. The results indicate an inverse relationship between the probability of a management change and a REIT's recent stock price performance. This is consistent with internal monitoring of management activities by the board of directors, other top managers, or large block shareholders.  相似文献   

Empirical studies have shown that the size distribution of firms can be described as a Pareto distribution. However, these studies have focused on large firms and aggregate statistics. Little attention has been placed on the role of technology in shaping firm size distributions. Using a comprehensive dataset of manufacturing firms and the Community Innovation Survey from the Netherlands, the paper investigates the relationship between firm size and technology. It shows that technological factors shape the distribution of firm size, suggesting that the Pareto law is not an invariant property and that technology can constrain the “self-organising” character of industrial economies.  相似文献   

This paper examines empirically the relationship between market orientation and business performance in the context of British machine tool industry. An industry-specific market orientation scale was developed. Factor analysis revealed that there were four latent dimensions underlying the market orientation: customer orientation, competitor orientation, departmental responsiveness, and customer satisfaction orientation. Findings suggest that customer orientation and customer satisfaction orientation have a stronger impact on performance than the other dimensions, and that competitor orientation has a U-shape relationship with performance. Departmental responsiveness did not appear to be significantly related to the business performance. Managers could use the multidimensional conceptualization to develop particular kinds of orientations required for better performance.  相似文献   

近年来国际油价暴涨,油气企业效益普遍明显提高,对于目前国内已经改革重组的钻井行业来讲,也面临着诸多机遇和挑战。本文从国际钻井工程服务市场的现状出发,初步研究了钻井成本随油价变化的规律,并以斯伦贝谢(Schlumberger)、哈里伯顿(Halliburton)等服务公司效益随油价的变化情况为例,探讨了油价对国际钻井市场的影响,期望为钻井行业决策提供一定参考。  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the determinants of firm start-up size of Spanish manufacturing industries. The industries’ barriers to entry affect the ability of potential entrants to enter the markets and the size range at which they decide to enter. In order to examine the relationships between barriers to entry and size we applied the quantile regression techniques. Our results indicate that the variables that characterize the structure of the market, the variables that are related to the behaviour of the incumbent firms and the rate of growth of the industries generate different barriers depending on the initial size of the entrants. JEL classifications: L110, L600.  相似文献   

Dick Durevall   《Food Policy》2007,32(5-6):566-584
There is a widespread belief that consumer coffee prices are high relative to bean prices and that lower consumer prices would lead to substantial increases in bean exports from Third-World countries. This issue is evaluated by analysing how retail prices, preferences and market power influence coffee demand in Sweden. A demand function is estimated for the period 1968–2002 and used, together with information on import prices of coffee beans, to simulate an oligopoly model. This approach gives estimates of the maximum average degree of market power and shows how coffee demand would react to reductions in marginal cost to its minimum level. The maximum level of market power is found to be low, but it generates large spreads between consumer and bean prices because the price elasticity has low absolute values. Moreover, the impact of a price decrease would be small because long-run coffee demand is dominated by changes in the population structure in combination with different preferences across age groups. Hence, a change to perfect competition would only have a negligible effect on bean imports.  相似文献   

Although the average change in house prices is related to changes in fundamentals or perhaps market-wide bubbles, not all houses in a market appreciate at the same rate. The primary focus of our study is to investigate the reasons for these variations in price changes among houses within a market. We draw on three theories for guidance, one related to the optimal search strategy for sellers of atypical dwellings, another focusing on the bargaining process between a seller and potential buyers and the third relying on the concept of land leverage. We hypothesize that houses will appreciate at different rates depending on the characteristics of the property and the change in the strength of the housing market. These hypotheses are supported using data from three New Zealand housing markets.  相似文献   

纵向结构特性与电煤价格形成机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,煤电矛盾始终困扰着相关产业与政府,其实质是未能构建起有效的电煤价格形成机制。本文分析了四种典型纵向结构下的价格机制,并在此基础上分析了我国煤电产业链价格机制失效的原因。本文提出了煤电产业链整体规制的观点,并构建了整体规制框架,讨论了电煤基准价格、上网电价与销售电价之间的关系,以及煤电一体化对电煤价格形成的影响。本文认为,基于现实背景,以电价倒推来确定电煤基准价格并对电煤价格实施区间规制,应可作为近期内解决煤电矛盾的可行方案。  相似文献   

In this study the authors analyze fixed broadband retail prices in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), and provide estimates about the effect of price changes on broadband adoption. The analysis is based on a survey of plans and tariffs conducted by the authors during Q2 2010. Their results suggest that fixed broadband services in LAC are generally expensive and of poor quality when benchmarked against Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, although there is significant variance between markets in the region. In order to isolate the effect of prices on broadband adoption they use an instrumental-variable approach. Their findings show that broadband demand is relatively elastic to price in LAC but not in the OECD. They estimate that an average price reduction of 10% would result in an increase of almost 22% in the penetration rate in LAC, equivalent to almost 8.5 million additional broadband connections. Several policy implications result from these findings. First, national broadband policies in LAC should pay a closer attention to a deficit of competition in fixed broadband services, as households and firms face high prices for poor quality services, thus deterring adoption. Second, while their findings generally suggest that price reductions could significantly increase penetration, they elasticity estimates reveal that price effects might not be sufficient to achieve the penetration goals set in national broadband plans. This validates the need for complementary policy strategies that affect other determinants of broadband demand. The example of Brazil is used to illustrate this finding.  相似文献   

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