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自人类诞生以来,对自身自由发展的要求不断提高,为实现人的合理存在价值不断探索"完整的人"的积极涵义。马克思哲学中蕴涵着丰富的人学宝藏,其一生始终关注人的现实生存及人的理想发展问题。"完整的人"并非是一个偶然产生的概念,是经过历史大环境的不断沉淀和积累的必然历史过程。  相似文献   

毛泽东同志曾教导我们说:人是要有点精神的."精神"是一种情怀,一种境界,一种超越,一种不甘平庸、不甘屈从、不甘得过且过的血性和品质.人与人相比也许并不多什么,只是一点精神;人与人相比也许并不少什么,也只是一点精神.但没有精神,一切皆无从谈起!敬业精神既是起点,也是目标,更是一日一日漫漫人生路中奋勇前进的动力.不论岗位多么平凡,不论工作多么普通,只要充分发挥档案工作"敬业精神",就能在平凡的岗位创造出非凡的业绩,从而实现人身的最大价值.  相似文献   

<正>随着社会的发展、人类的进步,人们越来越把"人"放在了第一位,越来越注重对"人文"的探讨和研究。当今社会,有一种权威的看法概括了"人文"的深刻内涵。"人文"有两个支柱:一个支柱是要实现个人的价值,实现他的权利和能力。第二个支柱,是要有一种归属感,归属于一个共同人类群体,使个人在这个群体中发挥出最大的潜能,实现个人与群体的共同进步。对于一个企业来说,职工是企业中最活跃和最具能动  相似文献   

正人的一生该怎样度过才有意义?这是一个穿越古今又常谈常新的话题,是对人成长的拷问,因为人是万物之灵,所以值得探寻,因为人生苦短,所以必须思考。古人留下了"未知生,焉知死"、"生亦何欢,死亦何哀"诸多思考论述。笔者从十个方面来谈谈自己对人生粗浅的所思所想、所感所悟。一、谈学习自从盘古开天地,三皇五帝到如今,人类社会发展和个人的进步都离不开学习,学问是人生真正的财富。"知识改变命运,学习成就未来",一个人的精神发  相似文献   

也许你不知道结核杆菌是什么东西,但是你一定听过肺结核。肺结核就是吸入结核杆菌而导致的一种常见的可怕传染病。在全世界,每年都有大量的人感染结核杆菌,并且,每天有4000人左右因它而丧命,它是仅次于艾滋病的由单一传染源引起的"全球杀手"。定居农业给结核杆菌安了家结核杆菌成为"全球杀手"不是偶然的,它与人类发展史紧密联系在一起。一方面,这种细菌随着人类发展而不断壮大,另一方面人类历史上许多重大事件也在结核杆  相似文献   

管理的核心在于人的管理,激励约束是人员管理中永恒的方法,两者组合方式的差异将最终导致管理效果的大相径庭。人类在对外部物质世界进行探索的同时,也对其自身的本质做了几千年的寻觅,可至今我们仍不能简单地用"善"与"恶"来概括"人"——这一复杂而多变的有机体。事实上,非"善"即"恶"的人是不存在的,著与恶是相对的,是共同存在于人性之中的,人是善与恶的  相似文献   

汉征 《企业研究》2007,(11):62-63
一、"人的全面发展"—新世纪的最高使命人力资源开发与管理,不仅仅是为了推动人类社会发展、科技进步和经济增长,而更重要更本质的是为了"人的全面发展",也啊就是人本身的进步与发展,人的自由与幸福。"人的全面发展"就是指每个人在体能、知识、智力、技能、潜能、和心理能力等方面的全面和整体发展、综合发展。其实质是人的智慧潜能的开发。人的潜力来自人的素质的不断提高。人的素质的育成和不断提高,有赖于人类社会环境的培育和发展及所有社会个体的全方位参与,包括社会经济发展、科学技术研发、文化教育事业、民主参与、社会决策、社区发展等。而这一切实质上可以归结为全社会人力资源能力建设的全面推进。  相似文献   

彭政 《秘书》2014,(5):15-16
物以类聚,人以群分。商品的价值是通过交换实现的,而人的价值是通过与人交往实现的。为人处事见品行、见能力。笔者结合所见所闻,归纳出八条处世感悟,与秘书共勉。认识自我。俗话说,人贵有自知之明。人生最大的敌人是自己,最大的失败是自大。千百年来,无数先贤围绕“认识自我”这一命题不断思考和论述。德国著名哲学家尼采有句名言:人距离自己最远。  相似文献   

是什么在影响我们的品格是什么在影响每个人的人生父亲母亲,就是那个引领我们穿越过去和未来给了我们无限可能的人为什么我们在日常生活中,常常"无意识"地受到了影响?为什么一个人的行为、情绪会影响周边的人?为什么员工的直接上司,是对员工影响最大的那个人?  相似文献   

爱因斯坦说过:一个人的价值,应该看他贡献什么,而不应当看他取得什么。当我是个学徒的时候我不断的想要弄明白设计是什么,如何用绘图工具更好的表现我的创作以及用什么材料和加工工艺实现我的创作?设计是为解决问题而产生的有意识的活动,设计就是要让我们去理解我们是在为谁服务,了解我们服务的群体在什么样的时间空间内、要做什么、  相似文献   

Polanyi (1944 , [1957] 1968 ) has distinguished three "patterns of social integration," namely, "reciprocity,""redistribution," and "exchange." This triad has provided the starting point for most subsequent discussion. Our purpose is to introduce a further type of coordination, the "destructive mode of coordination." This mode achieves coordination by intimidation, threat, and the use of non-institutionalized coercive means. Resources and human efforts are allocated in order to appropriate what other people produce. Two simple examples provide an introductory illustration: traffic circles (roundabouts) and prisons. Appropriation through pirating provides a further example of destructive coordination. More specifically, biopiracy (blood patenting) is discussed in order to clarify the relationship between destructive coordination and the institutionalization of property rights. Finally, we focus on the role of destructive coordination as a transitional mechanism that is supported by the institutional vacuum, ultimately yielding to other modes of coordination.  相似文献   

A bstract . The Talmudic Sages displayed a remarkable understanding of economic laws and practices. A knowledge of this understanding would be useful for the development of western economic thought. Especially is this true of the insight these Jewish scholars won into the nature of value , one of the most controversial economic concepts today. The Talmud —a compilation of studies, disputations and interpretations from Palestinian and Babylonian academies from the 3rd century B.C.E. to the 5th century C.E.—contains a complex system of value concepts in which economic aspects are part of a larger set of ethical and legal doctrines. This includes "ideal" and "market value," the value of human life and its link to man's productive capacity, the derivation of present value from calculations of expected income flow from the person's labor, the nucleus of the concept of "human capital," of "free labor" as against "slave labor," subjective and objective value with the latter made subjective and the former objective, psychic value and marginal utility. The most intriguing doctrine is that of a "valueless value"; the Talmudic sages attempted the quantification of a negative value couched in positive and psycho-economic terms, an idea which, it is held, has no parallel in western economic thought. This idea, it is argued, has significance for modern welfare economics; it is a distinct category in which the valueless subject is given a positive numerical value (1) (2).  相似文献   

When it comes to rethinking the Hiroshima A-bombing and its historical impact, there arise a number of approaches to be exercised from different perspectives related to the human condition and the current situation today. This essay presents two of them: a poetical reflection and a philosophical pondering that are characterized by either factual inquiry or empirical wisdom. The former is deplorably sentimental and unforgettable with regard to the deadliest mode of warfare that has ever occurred in human history. The philosophical pondering from a Taoist viewpoint is thought-provoking and instructive with ongoing relevance to the problematic globe. Hence when the poet calls out "No More Hiroshimas," we shall go ahead and appeal for "No More Wars,""No More Sharp Weapons," or "No More Excessive Forces." However, what haunts the world all the time is constant warfare at varied scales here and there; and what worries us right now is the hard fact that some nations are presumably taking the risk of developing nuclear weapons on a starvation budget, for they think that they are under the threat and pressure of other countries armed with plenty of such mass-destructive devices. They all seem to have neglected or obliterated the historical memory of Hiroshima as a symbol of the worst violence ever known to humankind.  相似文献   

什么是艺术?无论人们如何地自以为"是",无法规避的依然是"是"本身;"人是……"始终是那条作为终有一死者的人由之而来又复归而去的道路,即"存在和人之本质的关联"的道路。而"艺术"作为这条道路的一部分,仍然是有待深思的字眼。笔者尝试从《艺术作品的本源》一文出发,探索海德格尔艺术之思的独特境域。  相似文献   

A bstract .   Research examining the importance of path dependence and culture for institutions and development tells us that "history matters," but not how history matters. To provide this missing "how," we provide a framework for understanding institutional "stickiness" based on the regression theorem. The regression theorem maintains that the stickiness, and therefore likely success, of any proposed institutional change is a function of that institution's status in relationship to indigenous agents in the previous time period. This framework for analyzing institutional stickiness creates the core of what we call the New Development Economics. Historical cases of postwar reconstruction and transition efforts provide evidence for our claim.  相似文献   

陈艳萍 《价值工程》2008,27(2):108-109
工作流是一个面向过程的概念,它使用who(执行者)、what(任务)、when(条件、规则)贯穿于完整的企业经营过程。其中执行者主要是指执行任务过程中参与操作的人员和组织单位。文中详细讲述了工作流中的十一种执行者。这些执行者基本上可以满足企业的具体需要,从而提高工作流的适应性和灵活性。  相似文献   

文章结合发电企业的工作性质,提出以企业文化推动"创先争优"活动,将"创先争优"深化到日常工作、生活中,要求发电企业员工从最基本的工作做起,从小事做起,认认真真、踏踏实实地履行发电安全职责。深化企业文化与"创先争优"的结合,在党、团员中树立一个"创先争优"的风向标,全心全意为人民服务,带头干实事、做好事,带领广大职工群众积极进取,在平凡的工作岗位上争创一流业绩。  相似文献   

《德意志意识形态》论述了人的全面发展从人和动物的区别、人和人的各种意识、人的异化角度来看,都是必然的;人的全面发展从人的实践活动、精神活动和人的本质的实现来看,都是可能的。马克思、恩格斯对人的历史发展、自由而全面发展作了比较系统、完整的论述,指出人的自由而全面的发展是人类社会发展的最终目的,提出了人的自由全面发展的和谐社会前景。  相似文献   

"Just get out a proposal," is a command that is heard all too frequently from the officers of an institution, notes this author. The result is a slap-dash replica of what should have been a carefully constructed piece. With advise on the do's and don'ts of proposal writing, the author explains how any fund raiser can reach what at first seemed an unobtainable goal.  相似文献   

沈红冲 《企业技术开发》2009,28(8):42-42,51
"生态学"原是是研究动物与其有机及无机环境之间相互关系的科学,现已扩大到包括人类社会在内的多种类型生态系统的复合系统。人类面临的人口、资源。当前人们都提倡绿色生态生活,而现代绿色生态楼宇建筑是符合了人们生活得需要。文章就绿色生态楼宇建筑应具备什么条件,应如何设计?论述了生态学的角度下得现代楼宇建筑设计,与同仁商榷。  相似文献   

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