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策划在人们心目中是一种神秘的职业,是化腐朽为神奇的点金石。未曾涉足时,对这个领域感到深不可测,望而却步。可是,一个偶然的机会,我也有幸当起了小小的策划人,没有想到的是,初次涉足它却取得了成功。那是我决定不再做工薪族后,应一个书商之约写了一部《投资热点透析》的书稿,在写作过程中,无意中阅读了许多有关策划的文章,后来书稿以种种原因未能出版,但却由此喜欢上了策划这一行业,我认真地非常有兴趣地研读了一些策划大师的策划理论和策划方案,后来,终于跃跃欲试了。初次搞策划是为一个小型家电公司,他们当时生产出了一…  相似文献   

朋友之间在一起打赌是常事,一天,好事的A又挑起了战火,他说:“谁能用4.3升汽油从昆明世博园开车到玉溪红塔大酒店门口?”众人随即应道:“小事一桩。”这时,A又提出进一步的规则:“油箱必须是完全空的,不能熄火驾驶,不能空档滑行,车型不限但必须是四个轮子的。”在座的几位都是牙齿吃黄的老驾,走南闯北,经验丰富,没有一个服气的。B说他用夏利可以做到,C喊他用菱帅没问题,  相似文献   

2004年元月6日,乡计生办通知我,限我两天时间到县计划生育服务站做结扎绝育手术。于是,我骑自行车匆忙赶到计生办,在主任办公室找到张主任。我问张主任:“按照咱《山东省计划生育条例》第36条之规定,公民享有避孕方法的知情选择权。那么我有没有这项权利?”张主任很生气,粗暴地  相似文献   

最近感觉沿海房地产市场的“洗衣粉”快撒完了.当然还需要媒体、政府、开发商在里面搅和一下.才会最终到房地产泡沫的破灭,在这个时候.最适合回顾过去我与房产的欢乐时光.  相似文献   

强地震的发生并非是经常的事,即便有感地震发生了,也并不是每个人都能遇到,因为中国地域之广,相对而言地震毕竟是在小面积发生的。笔者曾亲历了三次地震,至今想起来还记忆犹新。  相似文献   

我1990年从事审计工作以来,已有十几年审计工作经历,审计过上百个单位,有许多令我引以为自豪的审计案例,然而最使我难忘的还是第一次计算机审计经历。 一、担当重任 那是1995年夏天,我局按审计署工作安排,开始对某国有专业银行资产负债损益进行审计,我担任了该项目的主审。当时局领导和科长对这项工作极为重视,作了周密的审前思想动员和准备,要求对存在的棘手问题——计算机做账情况给予充分考虑,提醒审计组成员务必  相似文献   

我是在审计机关刚组建时从商业部门调到审计局的。回眸这24年的风雨审计历程,有酸甜苦辣,有阳光雨露,也有累累果实。其中有一次特殊的审计经历,我永远都不会忘记。  相似文献   

光阴荏苒,回首往事,也许每个曾经从事过审计的人,都会有一些关于那个年代的记忆。我从事审计工作已整整十七个年头了,十七年来,确有一些令  相似文献   

“同志,饿了吧!来,吃个鸡蛋”。“渴不渴,喝点水”,“不好意思,农家做的腌菜味道不好,将就一下……”  相似文献   

敢于尝试 这是照相馆女老板雅丽最切身的感受。三年前,她所在的公司关门了,消沉了好一段时间的她准备去练摊儿。开始那阵,她的丈夫和父母极力反对,但倔强的雅丽坚持到批发市场批了几十双鞋垫和袜子,学着小贩亮开嗓子吆喝。第一天下来,居然挣到20多元钱。 随后的日子里,她依旧摆摊,虽然也有分文未进的时候,但大多数时间还  相似文献   

一份佛跳墙是昂贵的。揭开绍兴酒坛的盖子的人,会明白“坛启荤香飘四邻,佛闻弃禅跳墙来”这句话是怎么来的。鱼翅、鲍鱼、海参、鱼唇……此前1800多年,它们仅仅是作为相互独立而割裂的名贵食材。直到1876年,那坛酒里温和渐进的相互辉映或是激烈迅猛的化学反应之后,它们溶为一体,由此成为中华饮食中最顶级的一道菜。  相似文献   

去年10月,花旗资讯在北京正式启用"aigo"作为爱国者的新标识,由此正式吹响了花旗资讯向国际市场进军的号角.  相似文献   

Abstract. A brief review is first presented of the changes in pricing institutions in China since 1949, with particular emphasis on the shift from an equilibrium price system to a distorted price system. The authors argue that distorted prices are harmful to economic growth even in a planned economy, since even an experienced economic planner can never escape from the full implications of a distorted price system. Examples are given showing the detrimental results of such a system. The central point of China's economic reform is the extension of decision-making power to enterprises and the introduction of a market mechanism so as to improve microeconomic efficiency. But such a goal cannot easily be achieved due to the false information provided by the distorted price system. So price adjustment becomes an issue of primary importance, and the authors discuss the difficulties for price adjustment posed by various interest groups.  相似文献   

When adverse financial conditions mean that many life assurers have sharply reduced solvency levels, a number of new issues arise for regulators, including the basic issue of how solvency is measured. There are also issues about life assurers' investments, and their products and how they are priced. Lastly, the regulator (in the UK, the Financial Services Authority) needs to ensure that customers and their advisers have suitable information about the solvency of the firms they are dealing with.  相似文献   

Pension reforms in many developed countries make individuals shoulder a bigger share of longevity and income risks. The desired response is that individuals accumulate private assets for retirement. Whether this actually takes place, is of paramount relevance for scientists and policy makers. We take Germany as an example: Twenty years of pension reform have transformed the monolithic German pension system into a multipillar system. Formerly generous public pension benefits are gradually being reduced, whereas substantial incentives are granted to occupational and private saving schemes. Has this transition worked out? We survey the reform steps and households’ reactions: How did individuals adjust their labor market behavior? How did private and occupational pension plans take off? How do behavioral adjustments vary in the population? Most Germans adapted to the new situation. Both actual and expected retirement decisions changed and the share of households without supplementary pensions decreased from 73% to 39% in little more than a decade. This is a remarkable success. Nonetheless, households with low education, low income and less financial education did neither adjust their retirement behavior nor pick up supplementary pension plans and are thus likely to face difficulties in bridging the gap arising in future pension income.  相似文献   

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