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机场跑道场景下,由于雾、霾等恶劣天气以及大气散射的作用,使拍摄的图像对比度降低,颜色退化,物体特征难以辨认,影响机场跑道图像的异物检测与识别,带来一些安全隐患。针对上述问题,提出基于双线性插值和中值滤波的改进的引导滤波算法,提高图像对比度和处理速度,利于机场跑道异物检测与识别。仿真结果表明,改进的引导滤波算法与已有算法相比,处理速度提高了2~3倍,且图像彩色值分布更广,直方图更均匀。该算法拥有良好的边缘保持性,在细节增强方面有很好的指导意义。随后将改进的引导滤波算法移植到数字信号处理器(DSP)平台上,以满足实际工程应用对小型化的需求。  相似文献   

本文针对陶瓷瓷砖色差分析、分类检测中出现的问题,提出对瓷砖图像处理时要先进行图像预处理,阐述了预处理的步骤和相应的算法。  相似文献   

噪声图像的恢复是影响图像信息提取的一个重要因素。主要针对现存的噪声图像恢复算法在消除细线及椒盐噪声方面的困难,基于待检像素的邻域信息提出了一种针对细线和椒盐噪声感染的图像的恢复算法。实验结果表明,文中所提算法不仅具有很好的抑制细线及椒盐噪声的效果,而且有效地保存了图像的细节与结构信息,同时对其它的噪声也有一定的抑制作用。  相似文献   

同频混叠信号的处理一直是通信信号处理中的难点,常规的信号处理方法难以对其进行有效分析。本文运用最新的盲源分离理论,实现了混叠通信信号的盲分离。仿真结果表明,本文采用的算法分离效果好,运算速度快,可移植性强,基本实现了对混叠通信信号的实时盲分离。  相似文献   

为了降低FastICA算法的计算复杂度,提出了一种基于多用户检测串行干扰抵消的新型独立分量分析算法MUD_FastICA。该算法结合了盲信号分离和多用户检测串行干扰抵消两种信号处理技术,利用减法和低维特征值分解来保证每次分离出不同独立分量和达到降低算法复杂度的目的。通过分析和仿真可以看出,所提算法在不影响分离性能的前提下,显著降低了算法的迭代次数和每次迭代的计算复杂度。在信噪比0 dB和4个源信号混合情况下,分离第二个信号的迭代次数和所需计算单元分别下降了14%和37%,分离第三个信号的迭代次数和所需计算单元分别下降了22%和58%,因此更加适合对实时性要求高的通信系统。  相似文献   

混合像元已成为遥感图像处理、分类的难点和重点。独立分量分析(ICA)能够实现图像的去 相关性以及得到相互独立的分量,但是,由于ICA模型的各成分独立性和数据统计分布规律 的不变假设,影响了遥感图像分类精度。针对这一问题,提出了基于变分贝叶斯ICA(VBICA) 的遥感 图像分析方法,并利用遥感图像进行验证,结果表明:VBICA方法提取的独立分量具有均方 根误差小、迭代次数少和稳定性较好的特点;基于VBICA方法的遥感分类精度达到了9155% ,且目视效果较好;VBICA方法突破了ICA的局限性,提高了遥感图像自动分类精度,具有很 好的应用前景。  相似文献   

提出了小波分析和方向滤波相结合的有云遥感图像目标检测方法。首先对原始遥感图像进行小波分解,采用比率-平均边缘检测法检测人造目标的边缘方向,在该方向上进行Frost滤波,有效抑制云层干扰的同时突出了人造目标及其边缘信息;然后进行阈值分割并剔除大块云层,根据区域的平均边缘梯度剔除小块云层,实现了有云遥感图像的舰船目标检测。实验证明,该方法能减少遥感图片云层对舰船检测的影响,并具有较高的目标检测率。  相似文献   

针对独立分量分析(ICA)模型在火山灰云遥感检测中的不足,提出了一种改进型ICA即变分贝叶斯ICA(VBICA)和支持向量机(SVM)相结合的火山灰云遥感检测算法,实现了火山灰云信息的近似分离。实验结果表明,所提算法能够从中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)遥感图像中检测出火山灰云目标信息,且总检测精度和Kappa系数分别达到了88.4%和0.801 1,取得了较好的检测效果。  相似文献   

针对数据链网络的发展趋势及应用需求,揭示了有中心无中心融合处理的基本原理 ,并对其处理流程与关键技术进行了深入分析,并提供了解决思路及仿真分析。在此基础上 ,结合机载信息融合的功能及应用,分析对比了有中心无中心融合处理结构的优缺点,并提 出了适合当前数据链网络现状的融合处理方式建议,对网络化多平台信息系统的信息融合架 构设计、方案选择具有重要参考意义。  相似文献   

李璐  邱源斌 《进出口经理人》2010,(5):I0002-I0003
过去的照片主要是两维的.现在处理静止图像和视频图像的三维技术已经成熟。不仅拍摄3D图片的相机即将上市,能产生3D效果的电视、相框、投影仪、打印机等产品也即将上市。从Photokina到PMA.从CP+到Sonimagfoto.精彩纷呈的世界影像大展.让我们看到这个行业的飞速发展,尽管发生了金融危机.但摄影行业和影像行业主要产品的销售情况仍令人满意.这也让我们看到中国企业在这个行业还有很多发展机会.领先的中国企业正通过参加世界级的影像展览.去发现这些机会。  相似文献   

This research explores the role of processing fluency perceptions in consumer experiences of mobile online shopping. Processing fluency refers to the ease with which information is processed, and plays a pivotal role in the short, interactive sessions that characterize interactions with mobile devices. The findings from two empirical studies suggest that perceived visual complexity reduces fluency perceptions, while perceived visual congruence (between the mobile online store and the conventional, computer-accessible online store) has the opposite effect. No differences were found in the effects of visual congruence perceptions between mobile shopping touchpoints. Processing fluency, in turn, positively affects both satisfaction with the mobile online store and choice satisfaction.  相似文献   

为解决多曝光图像融合的问题,提出了一种新颖的直接将多曝光图像融合成适合显示的低动态范围图像的方法,并且具备消除运动伪影的能力。使用联合柱状图探究两幅图像之间像素值的对应关系,对每幅图像检测分别得到一幅伪影权值图,用来构造融合时的度量。在梯度域中进行融合,根据多维黎曼流形几何(Riemannian Geometry),从多个输入图像的结构张量中推导得出融合的梯度域,然后使用均值滤波器在多尺度上进行梯度域的非线性修改,通过解泊松方程得到融合图像。最后,还提出了一种新颖的色彩复原算法,用以避免造成色彩偏差。实验表明,该方法能够有效融合含运动物体的多曝光图像,无论哪幅图像被选作参考图像,都能获得高质量的结果图像。该算法同时具有处理的有效性和时间的高效性。  相似文献   


An interpretive method drawing from social psychology, feminist theory and art criticism is developed to analyze contemporary images of gender. Utilizing and expanding upon visual research techniques, a selection of ads from contemporary fashion magazines and catalogs was assembled to illustrate particular themes suggested by research on the representation of gender in advertising. The body‐and what it expresses‐is a site of central concern, and discussion focuses on how female and male bodies are represented in advertising. The conventions of art history, when framed within a social science perspective, offer unique contributions to the study of advertising and gender, well suited for researchers interested in the culture of consumption.  相似文献   

粮食的结露与处理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
主要阐述了粮食结露的含义与类型,分析了引起粮食结露的形成条件、因素,重点讨论了储粮结露的预防与处理。  相似文献   

开春第一个月,全国加工贸易研讨会就成功举办,吴仪副总理作出重要批示指出,十六届三中全会《决定》明确指出,“继续发展加工贸易,着力吸引跨国公司把更高技术水平、更大增值含量的加工制造环节和研发机构转移到我国,引导加工贸易转型升级。”对于这一段经典的指示精神,商务部副部  相似文献   

演唱声音的处理技巧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
歌曲的演唱有不同的风格,不同的要求,也有不同的演唱技巧,所以也就要求音响效果把不同风格的各种类型的演唱都完美地表现出来.美声歌曲是体现音色优美;民族歌曲是体现民族风味和地方色彩;通俗歌曲是体现深沉的情感;而摇滚歌曲则是体现强劲的激情.由于歌曲的风格有所不同,其音响处理的要求也就不同.  相似文献   

Several dimensions of consumer retail patronage decisions that affect the firm's marketing program are investigated. In particular, the focus of the research extends previous research in the area to investigate the images held by consumers of shopping malls rather than individual stores. Second, the ability of store managers to accurately predict the image held by consumers both of their own shopping area and of a competitor's shopping area is investigated. This is designed to evaluate the ability of managers to predict consumer perceptions irrespective of their own beliefs. Finally, differences in the perceptions of two potential market segments are compared. Manager ability to differentiate between segments is noted. The implications for marketing programming decisions and the contribution the research makes to the body of literature on image measurement are discussed.  相似文献   

Most studies on retail price images do not capture the complete domain of this construct because they predominantly measure the cognitive dimensions of price perception. The current paper extends this research by integrating emotions in the analysis of retail price images. Results from an empirical study demonstrate that several price‐related emotions mediate the impact of cognitive price image dimensions on intentions to shop in retail stores. Such effects exist for distress, anger, contempt, shame, and guilt. Furthermore, these emotions have an incremental effect on shopping intentions beyond the mere cognitive price image dimensions. Hence, integrating these emotions in the analysis of retail price images improves the prediction of such intentions considerably. An analysis of direct, indirect, and total effects shows that price‐level perception influences shopping intentions negatively via increased contempt, shame, and guilt, but positively via value for money. Value proves to be a central dimension of a retailer's price image as value influences shopping intentions directly, but also via reduced distress, anger, contempt, shame, and guilt. The results yield important research and management implications, as integrating emotions in the analysis of retail price images extends the understanding of customer reactions to retailers' pricing activities. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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