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11月27日至28日,由中国报协电子技术工作委员会主办的“2013年全国报社新闻技术工作会议暨中国报业技术年会”在长沙举行。  相似文献   

实行合同能源管理和发展节能服务产业,是运用市场机制推动节能减排的重要措施。当前我国节能服务机构处于迅速发展时期,但发展不平衡。为促进节能服务产业改革,需要对市场化的节能服务公司创造的价值和节能服务成本的补偿有科学的评价。这里结合节能服务收费探讨三个有关问题:一、节能服务价值评估和定价结构:二、节能服务收费方式;三、促进节能服务产业发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

媒体代理公司的位置正在发生改变,客户期待代理机构在策略前端做出更多的贡献,起到策划引导作用。  相似文献   

如何维持和客户之间的良好合作关系?一方需要媒介提供良好的专业服务,为客户提供尽可能多的广告附加价值,另一方面也需要转变媒介角色,与客户建立一种利益共同体的关系,一种双赢的模式,形成一种企业与媒体共成长的模式。电视媒体会议营销近几年也从后台走到前台,通过会议营销,把具有良好合作关系的客户召集起来,使媒体和广告客户之间可以随时随地双向沟通,  相似文献   

媒体发展的趋势随着三网融合和数字化的发展,越来越。趋向于智能化,从报纸到智能的报纸、电子书、杂志,包括平板电脑、计算机,越来越多的平面电视、杂志、碟片融合到数字化载体当中。广播电视最清晰的融入到网络电视、IP电视等等。这是一个媒体智能化不可逆转的一个趋势。据工信部数据统计,  相似文献   

影响力——媒体价值的新思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年,全国共设电台282座,电视台314座,广播电视台1913座,开办广播节目2355套,电视节目1255套,另有1。759个县级广播电视台在电视公共频道的预留时段内插播自办节目。媒介市场的拥挤以及媒介经营市场化程度进一步提高,使得媒介竞争也相应地升级。  相似文献   

鉴于地区品牌簇群的媒介投放趋势呈现集中、复杂的共性,对于媒体尤其是电视媒体而言,需要改善频道品质,提升营销策略,与品牌簇群建立更加紧密的伙伴关系,实现传播价值最大化。  相似文献   

随着以互联网技术为代表的现代科技的迅猛发展,媒体行业正在进行一次彻底的整合和冼牌。从而进入一个全新的阶段——混媒时代。在混媒时代,各种媒体在信息源、传播媒介、传播渠道、受众划分等方面的壁垒不断消解。互相融合,形成一种你中有我、我中有你的局面。  相似文献   

中国权威调查机构央视市场研究(CTR)的调查结果显示,我国两岸三地的广告花费总额达到3593亿元,较上年增长27%。中国已成为全球第五大广告市场。据预测,2010年前后,中国广告业将超过日本,成为仅次于美国的全球第二大广告市场,可以说中国正成为全球广告业竞争的主战场。而谁拥有中国市场谁就拥有了广告业的未来。  相似文献   

最近一段时间,关于员工的新闻成为社会责任领域关注的焦点,尽管早就有"员工是企业最大的财富"的提法,但是并不是所有的企业都真正理解员工的价值,并将关爱员工付诸实践。  相似文献   

伴随国内媒体领域竞争日益升级,电视媒体也迎来了品牌意识觉醒的时代,“品牌价值”成为继收视率和广告收入之外第三个最具意义的衡量指标。  相似文献   

甾宁 《广告大观》2008,(4):88-90
在2007年的央视十佳广告代理公司中,熊勇算是最为年轻的操盘手。年仅32岁的他,却对于经营广告代理公司别有一番见解。他把同路传播清楚定位在做“媒介投资价值的提升者”,以投资人的眼光看待媒体,帮助广告主投好每一分钱,从而在其中,找到本土广告代理公司的未来。  相似文献   

王东林 《广告大观》2009,(6):118-118
众所周知.户外新媒体受益于资本开放和数字化技术的广泛应用。它们催生出种类繁多的新媒体,像楼宇电视、公交移动电视、地铁电视以及列车电视等。  相似文献   

The unique characteristics and universal popularity of social media enable consumers to experience their customer value and thus improve their psychological well-being. Hence, it is important for researchers to investigate how consumers experience their customer value in this new media and demonstrate how managers can use the ensuing knowledge for designing appropriate marketing strategies. This article is a step toward that direction. We explore the antecedents and consequences of customer value in social media so as to provide a deeper insight into consumer behavior and subsequently discuss its managerial implications. Specifically, we develop a model that incorporates psychological well-being as the endogenous variable, interdependence self-construal and independent self-construal as exogenous variables, and social value, content value, social identity, self-esteem, and flow as mediating variables. Based on data from a sample of 437 social media consumers collected by an online survey and through analysis of the data by SPSS 22.0 and Amos 22.0 programs, the study revealed that consumers can gain psychological well-being by either of two paths: consumers with a higher degree of interdependent self-construal will have a higher degree of social value experience, thus leading to a higher degree of psychological well-being through a positive mediating role of social identity; whereas consumers with a higher degree of independent self-construal will have a higher degree of content value experience, thus leading to a higher degree of psychological well-being through a positive mediating role of self-esteem. Managers can segment the consumers based on their self-construal and design appropriate customer relationship strategies.  相似文献   

Word-of-mouth (WOM) is widely regarded as one of the most influential factors impacting consumer behavior, yet traditional models were constructed oblivious to the potential of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) and social media. In particular, very little is known about the dynamics affecting consumer attention within two-way many-to-many mediated environments even though attention constitutes a critical step. Thus, we construct a conceptual framework that grounds consumer attention within a larger progression of behavioral responses to eWOM. We then conduct an experiment (n = 28) that isolates contextual antecedents of attention to positive, negative, and neutral WOM for both luxury and non-luxury brands within a social media platform. Using behavioral eye-tracking, we find that WOM message valence interacts with brand type to affect attention differently. Implications of these findings for facilitating eWOM are discussed with future research directions suggested.  相似文献   

周湘艳 《广告大观》2009,(5):117-118
在广播媒体的发展之路上,先后经历着电视媒体、网络媒体等多种多样新媒体形式的冲击,曾一度被定位为“弱势媒体”的广播媒体发展令人担忧。但是,多年过去了,“广播时代”并没有远去。相反,移动人口的增加、媒体融合趋势似乎已经为广播媒体带来了新的活力与生机。  相似文献   

In a low-cost switching environment, certain firm actions undertaken by service employees can improve consumer loyalty, satisfaction and reduce price sensitivity. Interestingly, consumers' satisfaction levels can actually increase when experiencing a price increase. Counterintuitively, when consumers experience a price decrease, their loyalty decreases, suggesting that it might be in the firm's best interest to not offer such pricing discounts as these customers may be hypersensitive to price. Overall, it appears much easier for service employees to positively influence customer satisfaction than customer loyalty; satisfied consumers do not necessarily become loyal consumers.  相似文献   

Research and applied evidence suggest that online opinion leaders are important promoters of products and services. However, managers and firms need to choose which opinion leaders to work with and better understand how to collaborate with those leaders to promote different types of products and services. Online opinion leaders should be used to promote the experiential (hedonic) and functional (utilitarian) value of products and services over different online forums. In this article, we describe how online opinion leaders can serve appeal leadership functions, serve knowledge leadership functions, and take multiple roles (e.g., experts, celebrities, micro-celebrities, micro-influencers, early adopters, market mavens, enthusiasts). We then present a five-stage planning process designed to guide partnerships with online opinion leaders. Specific steps in the process include: planning (setting the objectives of the campaign and the role of online opinion leaders), recognition (identifying influential and relevant online opinion leaders), alignment (matching online opinion leaders and online forums with the products or services promoted), motivation (rewarding online opinion leaders in a way that aligns with their social role), and coordination (negotiating, monitoring, and supporting the influence of the online opinion leaders).  相似文献   

陈俊良 《广告大观》2009,(9):113-113
媒体是时代的产物,媒体评估也应随媒体环境的变化与时俱进,但无论环境如何变迁,媒体评估体系所追求的,应当始终是媒体效应的真实呈现。  相似文献   

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