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近几年来,服装电子商务发展迅猛,但是低价格、去库存式的基本模式一直存在。这种模式下,品牌服装的数字板型无法进行快速响应。O2O模式是服装电子商务的一种新模式,这种模式下有利于品牌服装及时获取顾客直接体验,并通过信息化手段快速反馈,生产企业及时进行数字板型响应,以适应更大的市场需求,这也是本文的研究目的所在。  相似文献   

The question of how workers might respond to new technologies has lurked behind many debates on the subject. It has not been posed directly, in part because of concerns about the determinism of asking about the effects of a technology. A preliminary is to set aside these concerns by showing that effects can be identified without determinism. The main argument is that technologies can be assessed on six dimensions: intended or unintended effects; direct and indirect effects; degree of reconstitution in use; immanence; degree of success and degree of discontinuity with the past. These dimensions can then be used to pose questions about any one technology. Three illustrations suggest how such questions can be posed in concrete conditions. Technologies can be challenged so that alternatives to extant systems of work organisation can be considered.  相似文献   

许多稠油井抽油机因为油稠、负荷重,必须采用低冲次采油,现场应用较多的是磁调速电机来调整冲次.虽然能够达到降低冲次的目的,但是电机损耗较高。抽油机节能变速器是一种针对低冲次高耗井的节能装置,是磁调速电机的替代产品。通过变速装置降低电机对抽油机变速箱的传递速度,改变电机扭矩,降低了电动机运行的均方根电流;既能达到到低冲次采油的目的,又有明显的节能效果。  相似文献   

长期以来,我国对医疗卫生领域的全行业管制,采取的是一种“方式单一”且“混业管理”的管制模式。即无论是公共卫生还是医疗服务,统统采用一种管制模式和一套管制制度。然而,医疗卫生服务活动可以明确地区分为公共产品、准公共产品和私人产品。可以根据不同产品的产品性质构建不同的供给模式和管制模式。形成“分类-分管”管制模式。即对于公共卫生领域采取公共供给和政府严格管制模式;对于妇幼保健、特殊疾病的预防与治疗等准公共服务采用政府主导管制模式;而对于医疗服务领域则采用私人供给和“有管制的竞争”模式。这有利于提高卫生管制的针对性和专业化程度,提高政府卫生管制有效性。  相似文献   

模块化:解决复杂系统问题的有效方法--以家庭装修项目为例   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
模块化是系统的分解与集成,它是追求创新效率与节约交易费用的分工形式。作为解决复杂系统问题的有效方法,模块化可以使复杂的系统问题简单化、僵化的系统灵活化、耗时的工期高效化、集中的决策分散化。模块化的关键点与难点在于对系统的功能性分析,而模块化程度则取决于系统的可分性与投入、需求的多样化。  相似文献   

要促使我国教育市场化规范有序的发展就一定要明确教育市场化并非所有的教育都要市场化,而是将政府不从事的那部分教育市场化,并且要加强对教育市场的培育与监管,还要拓展教育市场化方法的创新,才能提高教育市场化的声誉,降低教育市场化成本,促使教育市场规范有序地向纵深发展。  相似文献   

本文详细论述了胶印机递纸牙机构凸轮设计的原理、方法和步骤,并借助Matlab软件对该理论的可行性进行了验证,为凸轮设计提供了一种新的参考.根据已知条件,确定递纸牙摆动角加速度曲线,利用积分算法求得凸轮转角与递纸牙摆角的关系,通过求解四连杆方程得到递纸牙与四连杆主动杆之间的关系,即凸轮转角与四连杆机构滚子中心的关系,从而求得凸轮的理论轮廓线.再由滚子的半径和理论轮廓线方程求得凸轮的实际轮廓线.按照上述解析过程,带入参数,通过Matlab计算,得到由一系列连续点构成的凸轮轮廓.  相似文献   

In the past industry has had to rely on a number of “rules of thumb” to provide a means of reasonable analysis for many design, operation, safety and similar issues. The lack of readily available computing facilities made the use of “rules of thumb” a necessary part of doing business in the hydrocarbon processing industry. And these “rules of thumb” have proven useful and allowed many tasks to be accomplished successfully. Today, however, availability of mainframe computers or desktop computing facilities has provided a tool that has decreased the need to rely on “rules of thumb.” And in many cases processing improvements can only be accomplished by replacing “rules of thumb” with more rigorous analysis. In the ethylene oxide producing/consuming industry a widely-used “rule of thumb” concerns the storage of ethylene oxide water solutions. A well-publicized “rule” stated that solutions in excess of 1-2 weight percent ethylene oxide in water should not be stored [1]. This “rule” is certainly valid in many situations. However, this guideline may be unnecessarily restrictive in other cases. The impact of several key process parameters impacts the amount of ethylene oxide in water than can be safely stored. This study will show that higher concentrations of ethylene oxide in water can be safely stored under the right circumstances. The study will also discuss the key variables that determine whether aqueous ethylene oxide solutions can be safely stored. Finally, a methodology used in determining how much ethylene oxide in water can be safely stored will be outlined.  相似文献   

Abstract . Any realistic assessment of research projects must allow for possible failures. Scaling down the Potential gain from each project by its probability of achievement ignores the expenditure on unsuccessful projects and is therefore misleading. The method proposed here is more sound: it uses a concept termed the Survival Probability Function, which is simply the probability that a Project will still exist at various times in the future. This function can be derived from estimates for the survival factors and durations of project stages. The function can then be used to calculate the statistics of project successes and failures, and can be employed in a standard Risk Analysis. More simply, if can be used as a weighting function for cash flow patterns. This leads to a comparison method for projects with different risks and different potential returns, and thus to project portfolio selection.  相似文献   

抽水蓄能电力产品的分类、社会属性与成本分摊   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
抽水蓄能电站的产品基本上可分成高峰电能和辅助服务两大类。高峰电能相当于电力系统内的私人产品,可以直接卖给电力消费者,当具备相关条件时,其价格可由市场竞争决定。辅助服务相当于电力系统内的公共产品,不能直接卖给电力消费者,只能由系统操作机构(相当于电力系统的管理者)统一收购;其购买成本,也只能通过向电网用户的普遍加价(相当于电力系统的消费税征收)予以收回。  相似文献   

Yang Liu 《R&D Management》2019,49(5):819-834
Multinational corporations (MNCs) face a significant purchasing power gap of customers between developed and emerging economies. In R&D intensive industries making physical products, MNCs can benefit from economies of scale. Therefore, managers strive to achieve a product standardization–adaptation (S‐A) balance when navigating the purchasing power gap. Through focusing on five MNCs headquartered in developed countries, I examined how MNCs can achieve such a balance through new product development (NPD). I found that (1) an S‐A balance can be achieved through three NPD strategies (product simplification, product retaining, and reverse innovation); (2) managers need to take into account five key factors when choosing NPD strategies (product complexity, product modularity, brand strategy, position in local competition, and internal technical standards); and (3) the NPD strategies can be implemented through structural separation, temporal separation, and a shared value. This research reveals the complexity of achieving an S‐A balance when managers navigate the purchasing power gap in NPD. Different NPD strategies have certain advantages and shortcomings. High product complexity and product modularity can serve as favorable conditions for a product simplification strategy. A brand strategy of leading‐edge technologies can serve as an adverse condition for a product retaining strategy. Strong local competitors in emerging markets can be a motivation for a reverse innovation strategy, while stringent internal standards for safety can be an adverse condition. This research also reveals the nuances of implementation of NPD strategies in terms of managing innovation and refinement activities. MNCs may need temporal separation when adopting both downhill and uphill NPD strategies.  相似文献   

抱枕,是居家用纤维装饰产品,式样变化不多,设计其形状的变化方式,能够实现其多功能性,做到既可以居家使用,也可以外出使用,既可以抱又可以背靠,还可以作为旅游护具使用。抱枕的可变化性,实现了其便携物品的性能,为抱枕的深度开发提供了可能。  相似文献   

This article focuses on how the phenomenon of conflict between buyer and seller in complex projects can be approached from a theoretical and a methodological angle. Two paradigms for approaching conflict are discussed: conflict as a problem to be removed and conflict as a resource and tool for improvement. Constructs to be used include conflict events that indicate traces of conflict. It is further argued that the conflict events should be related to formal and informal governance mechanisms in order to understand how conflict can be used to strengthen the business relationship between the parties.  相似文献   

This paper looks at a number of others which bear on the interface between Corporate Strategy and R&D Planning to see if a more systematic approach can suggest a sequence to be followed so that Corporate Strategy can be seen as a source of ideas for R&D.
The purpose of R&D is defined in terms of contributing to the competitiveness of the Company or Business Unit being served. The areas of competition or threats from the external environment are then explored using a model taken from Porter's book 'Competitive Strategy'. Each area of competition is considered in turn and strategies identified which might enable the company to maintain its competitive edge. Sub-objectives for the R&D function can then be determined allocating resources and time for their completion.
It is the performance of the R&D function inj fulfilling these sub-objectives which can be the basis of measuring the effectiveness of R&D.  相似文献   

针织面料主要用作内衣生产,用针织面料进行春秋季外衣设计,能发挥针织物柔、垂、贴、透的特点。针织物不只可以用作贴身的内衣生产的面料,在外衣设计中也能够发挥针织物休闲的特点,为服装设计增添新的思路。针织物的透气性可以进行相对大小的控制,以满足设计要求;针织物能够通过自身组织设计,满足外衣设计的尺寸稳定性;针织面料服装在加工过程中,要注意自身的加工特点。针织面料与机织面料有机结合设计效果更好,能够充分发挥各种面料的性能特点。  相似文献   

介绍了在基于Windows2000Professional平台的PC机上,采用动态域名解析技术架设个人Internet服务器。通过安装Apache,Serv_UFTPserver等软件并进行正确设置,可以提供www服务和FTP服务。因此使自己或他人可以远程访问个人PC机中的数据,实现信息交流与共享。同时克服了专业Internet服务器所提供的免费空间的各种限制,从而可以采用最新的网络编程技术,在PC机上来构建自己的Internet动态网站。  相似文献   

We show that managerial overconfidence can be a rational response to the economic and institutional environment, rather than a personal trait. A manager, whose contract may not be renewed upon poor performance relative to his peers, chooses risky projects in the firm. This may result in more than half of the managers rationally estimating their abilities to be better than average. Although there can be underconfident managers in equilibrium, it is never the case that more than half of them estimate their abilities to be below average in any equilibrium.  相似文献   

Gavin Maasdorp 《Food Policy》1998,23(6):505-518
A number of pertinent questions on regional trade and food security in southern Africa is addressed in this paper, namely: Should a country go it alone or should it belong to a regional trade bloc? Within the SADC region, should countries be content to be cereal importers? How can free trade be phased in? How can intra-SADC trade be expanded? Potentially sensitive agricultural products are listed and the sensitivity in grain milling and cereals is discussed in detail. The major conclusion is that trade in the region can contribute substantially to provide improved food security. There is also considerable scope for greater intra-regional trade in grain and other food products, and for greater cross-border investment in agriculture and agro-industry.  相似文献   

The cutting-stock problem, which considers how to arrange the component profiles on the material without overlaps, can increase the utility rate of the sheet stock, and is thus a standard constrained optimisation problem. In some applications the components should be placed with specific orientations, but in others the components may be placed with any orientation. This study presents an overlap index and it is much more suitable for the active-set SQP method which can reduce the time spend for constraint consideration. Using this method, various object orientations can be considered easily and the number of object on the sheet stock can be improved by up to eight percent.  相似文献   

It is difficult to avoid errors in sales forecasts for new industrial products, especially when the forecasts are made at the new product screening stage. But if managers are aware that a forecast is likely to be in serious error, they can take steps to deal with the uncertainty. A research project analyzed 185 new product projects to develop four major indicators of sales forecast error. The indicators can be derived for specific firms from typical project screening questions and can be used to alert new product managers to special development problems that may be present.  相似文献   

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