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在一些基层经理和员工心目中,所谓人力资源管理就是管管招聘和人事档案等杂事。后来,设立了人力资源部,有了人力资源总监,招来一批斯斯文文的“知识分子”,上来就大谈战略,说是要成为公司发展的战略伙伴。左一个战略,右一个战略。大家还没搞清楚这是怎么回事,又开始大谈特谈企业文化,说人力资源部是公司文化的倡导者和代言人。到后来,  相似文献   

我国的人力资源管理目前仍处于起步阶段,无论是大型国有企业还是小型民营企业,都处在一个学习、实践、再学习、再实践的过程,因为我们国家的人力资源管理在一定程度上,还有人事管理的积淀、人事管理的行为、人事管理的影响。这些东西是在十几年内根除不净的,因为这是一种中国的文化。准确地说,人力资源管理是由西方传过来的,而我们国家从建国到现在一直延续着计划管理当中的人事管理,把人作为一种附属物进行调配和调整,存在着进入一个“令”、长工资一个“文”、调整人一个“件”等现象,行政化色彩很浓。在这一前提下,要将传统的人事管理转为以人为本的人力资源管理,就需要对人力资源部经理的角色进行重新定位。  相似文献   


在我的心目中,所谓人力资源管理就是管管招聘和人事档案等杂事。后来,设立了人力资源部,有了HR总监,招聘了一批斯斯文文的“知识分子”,上来就大谈战略,说是要成为公司发展的战略伙伴。左一个战略,右一个战略。大家还没搞清楚这是怎么回事,又开始大谈特谈企业文化,说人力资源部是公司文化的倡导者和代言人。到后来,又说要做公司的HR咨询顾问。再后来,又说要当基层经理的管理助理。  相似文献   

有效地进行人力资源管理是现代企业管理成功的基石,企业非人力资源经理对人力资源管理的思想意识、技能运用及与人力资源经理的有效配合是实现管理目标的基础。  相似文献   

HR不同并购阶段的不同角色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当今时代,人力资源管理对企业发展的重要性已经成为人们的共识。然而,面临企业并购失败率如此之高的现状.人力资源经理是否参与其中?扮演了何种角色?  相似文献   

对HR经理进行考评的目的是什么?是为了促使HR部门在组织目标实现的过程中发挥更大的作用。包括从员工和直线主管那里获得对HR管理效果的反馈:通过判断何时增加或减少HR管理活动来提高HR管理的作用:帮助HR部门在实现组织共同目标时改进职能和变换角色。  相似文献   

严川 《人力资源》2015,(3):80-82
过去的一年,人力资源界最热烈的探讨莫过于人力资源部门的价值与存废:先有管理大师拉姆·查兰撰文称要分拆人力资源部,后有《青年中国说》首播、90后老板余佳文扬言:我的公司全是90后,我砍掉人力资源部,员工薪水他们自己定,我来发!我鼓励员工之间吵架,吵不了就打。于是,有危机感的人力资源工作者(以下简称HR)脑洞大开,思量着自身职业发展的各种可能性;而一些学习意识较强的企业也相机而动,其中谋划着要建立共享服务中心  相似文献   

现代企业的竞争力,很大程度上取决于企业人力资源的开发和管理。人力资源管理中,激励处于核心地位,对于高层经理的激励则属核心中的核心,可以说对于高层经理的激励效果直接影响企业的整体营运业绩。 激励,从理论上有很多种定义,通俗一点说就是采取措施让别人按照你的期望去做。作为老板、总经理、董事长等企业的当家人,你可能期望高层  相似文献   

论文中分析研究了岗位竞争制,与国有企业经理人激励之间的关系。建立了岗位任命制和岗位竞争制的激励产出模型。通过比较与分析,得出了主要的结论:岗位竞争制的激励效果要优于岗位任命制。在文章最后提出一些建议。  相似文献   

HR competency research has predominantly focused on identifying generic HR competencies for HR practitioners using a universalist approach. This approach has led to the distinction between strategic and functional HR competencies, and a belief that the former is superior to the latter for successful performance in the HR domain. However, little attention has been paid to the interrelationships between strategic and functional HR competency dimensions, and their perceived relevance to strategic and functional HR roles. Drawing on a situationalist perspective and using a mixed-method approach, seven HR competency concepts are identified and examined for their perceived relative importance to strategic and functional HR roles. The findings indicate that Business Awareness competencies are important differentiators between strategic and functional HR roles, whereas Leadership and Relationship Building and Self-Belief and Social Factors are generic to all HR practitioners. The findings also indicate that there is a wider range of HR attributes required for HR job success than those espoused in the HR literature. Theoretical implications and recommendations on selection and development programmes for HR practitioners are also discussed.  相似文献   

The implementation of human resource (HR) practices (HRPs) is increasingly regarded as a cornerstone in the achievement of overall HRM effectiveness. This article addresses the role of the HR department in contributing to line managers' (LMs) effective implementation of HRPs. It does so by comparing the actions of HR departments in both effective and ineffective implementation processes in different firms. Its findings reveal that HR departments can make a difference by taking initiatives that foster LMs' implementation abilities, motivation and opportunities, such as deploying in‐the‐field HR specialists, framing practices in appealing ways, involving LMs in the development of HRPs and seeking CEO support, among others. By fleshing out these HR initiatives and linking them to the AMO framework, we build an inductive model that offers a more nuanced view of what HR departments can do to have their proposals effectively implemented by LMs.  相似文献   

企业家人力资源的创新计量   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
知识经济下,企业家人力资源已成为企业最关键的价值驱动因素,因此对企业家人力资源效率的审计十分关键。本文认为企业家人力资源计量是对其进行审计的基础,企业家人力资源的计量确定了账面价值,而审计的结果将有助于确定企业家人力资源的市场价值。作者认为,企业家人力资源计量应该采纳与生产型人力资源截然不同的计量模型与审计方法,即期权计量和机会成本法,在此基础上创新性地提出企业家人力资源的模糊性审计方法。  相似文献   

We want to create a new narrative about the human resource (HR) profession. HR professionals have often been plagued with self‐doubts, repeatedly re‐exploring HR's role, value, and competencies. If HR is to fully (and finally) become a profession, these self‐doubts need to be replaced with informed insights. These informed insights should be based more on global data than personal perceptions so that the emerging narrative for the HR profession has both substance and meaning.  相似文献   

This article summarizes and analyzes the 1996 Innovative Teaching in Human Resources and Industrial Relations (HR/IR) Conference. It deals with the (1) origins, content, and format of the conference; (2) key trends, ideas, and themes that emerged from the conference; and (3) implications from the analysis for the next HR/IR teaching conference (scheduled for June 1999). Special attention is paid to the different disciplinary approaches to teaching HR/IR, newer nontraditional methods for teaching HR/IR, and practitioner influence on HR/IR teaching and research. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Drawing on role identity and social context theories, we introduce a conceptual model of first-line manager (FLM)’s HR role identity that extends the current theorization of what precedes their effective HR implementation. We establish that FLMs' role identity will guide their HR implementation behavior by attaching the HR role to their self-concept. We also develop a multi-actor HR involvement perspective to the discourse on FLMs' HR role identity since role identity is believed to increase when FLMs recognize HR role expectations and then behave as desired. In explaining the role of multi-actor HR involvement, the climate for HR implementation is considered a mediator in the relationships between HR involvement and FLMs' HR role identity since the social context created by each HR actor represents FLMs' interpretations of HR role expectations. Accordingly, we develop several propositions that serve as a baseline for future endeavors.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The popular film Schindler's List is a cinematic portrayal of Oskar Schindler , the German industrialist who rescued more than a thousand of his Jewish workers during the Holocaust . While the film has generated much debate over the character's motivations, the historical Oskar Schindler can be viewed as an economic actor who made several choices. Examined together, these various choices make an excellent case for amenity potential , a concept from the work of Harold Demsetz which explains how one's control over a firm's resources gives one opportunities to use those resources for whatever purposes one sees fit, subject to legal and market constraints . Applying amenity potential to the economic puzzle of Schindler's choices reveals how and why he was able to make various choices which followed the letter of the law in Nazi Society, while violating its spirit.  相似文献   

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