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We examine how software international entrepreneurs in Iceland use online social network sites to develop and harness their network relationships. To study these relationships, we use a combination of participant observation on LinkedIn and open ended face-to-face interviews. The framework for this study is based on resource-based view, networks and international entrepreneurship theories. We found that entrepreneurs with the largest networks use the online social network to demonstrate their network strength and to identify opportunities to bridge relationships. Our contribution illustrates how entrepreneurs acquire resources to internationalize through online social capital formation.  相似文献   

The extent to which the entrepreneur interacts with the networks in his local environment during the process of starting a new firm was studied. This study was based on the premise that, during this process, he is seeking not only the resources of equipment, space, and money, but also advice, information, and reassurance. Consequently the help and guidance received from both the formal networks (banks, accountants, lawyers, SBA) and the informal networks (family, friends, business contacts) will influence the nature of the firm substantially.The study was conducted in St. Joseph County, Indiana, a county that has experienced the same economic problems as many other towns in the midwest smoke-stack belt during the 1970s. In 1982, in response to this general decline in the business climate, a fund was raised to create and manage a new industrial strategy. Before this, there was no collective strategy for nurturing either the small firm or the new firm. Therefore, in order to determine the extent to which an interventionist strategy was appropriate, a research project was designed that posed three basic questions: what does the environment look like; does it need changing; and, if so, in what ways? This article reports part of that study—a survey of firms that had started in the county in the previous five years (1977–1982). It was concerned with two issues: the characteristics of the St.Joseph County entrepreneur and the usage of the formal and informal networks.The results of the survey show that the aggregate characteristics of the St. Joseph County entrepreneur are similar to those found in other studies. The new firms were founded by local people from small firms who started their small firms in similar industries that were local in nature. Moreover, the majority (90%) not only started small, but also grew very little subsequently—firms that have been classified elsewhere as life-style ventures. It is to be expected that such people would have a strong local network, both formal and informal, particularly in a county with a population of only 220,000. However, the results of the second part of the study showed that the main sources of help in assembling the resources of raw materials, supplies, equipment, space, employees, and orders were the informal contacts of family, friends, and colleagues. The only institution that was mentioned with any regularity was the bank, which was approached towards the end of the process when many of the resources were assembled and the elements of the business set in the entrepreneur's mind. This was not because the formal sources were unwilling to offer guidance, but rather that the entrepreneur and his social network appeared to be unaware of what was available. Moreover, in using only business contacts, family, and friends, the entrepreneur was likely to re-create the elements of previous employment, even when he was starting business in an entirely new market. Further, there was no significant difference between growth and no-growth firms. It would appear that in this county, the formal network was uniformally inefficient.This research shows that a major aim of the new strategy should be to increase the awareness of the community to the formal sources and types of help that are available. However, whilst most of the institutions are prepared to solve specific problems, they are not in the business of diagnosis or counseling. The network needs a hub or an enterprise office.The data on the start-up process and the role of networks in relation to new firms are very sparse and often anecdotal. This study was conducted in one environment, a small midwest county with a jaded entrepreneurial tradition. Further studies are necessary. Research questions include the extent to which networking is crucial in the start-up process, the length of time it took for the sophisticated networks of Boston's Route 128 and California's Silicon Valley to develop, and the effect of different geographic, cultural, and economic conditions. Only in this way is it possible to determine the extent to which regional, regeneration strategies for new firm creation should be county specific rather than state or country wide.  相似文献   

This research examines factors that influence the development of marketing cooperation among cluster-based firms in different regions in the world. Theorists have consistently demonstrated the role and importance of economic externalities, such as knowledge spillovers, within industrial clusters. Less research attention has been paid to the investigation of marketing-based externalities, though it has been suggested that these may also accrue from geographical agglomeration. The study focus is on the development of joint marketing activities between firms operating in a single industry sector, located in close proximity. The results suggest that social networking is important in facilitating inter-firm cooperation in marketing activities. The study also explores whether the levels of inter-firm cooperation differs between countries with distinctly different levels of social collectivism. Interestingly, this study finds few significant differences in marketing cooperation among cluster-based firms from Scotland and Chile.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine the influence of institutional dimensions (regulative, normative and cultural-cognitive) on the probability of becoming an entrepreneur. The main findings demonstrate, through logistic regression, that a favourable regulative dimension (fewer procedures to start a business), normative dimension (higher media attention for new business) and cultural-cognitive dimension (better entrepreneurial skills, less fear of business failure and better knowing of entrepreneurs) increase the probability of being an entrepreneur. Data were obtained from both the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor and the International Institute for Management and Development for the year 2008, considering a sample of 30 countries and 36,525 individuals. The study advances the literature by providing new information on the environmental factors that affect entrepreneurial activity in the light of institutional economics. Also, the research could be useful for designing policies to foster entrepreneurship in different environments.  相似文献   

This article focuses on valuation issues and methods that are related to a closely held entrepreneurial enterprise. This focus is motivated by the fact that the number of small, closely held business start-ups, which we refer to broadly by the term “entrepreneurial enterprises,” continues to grow year on year, and new business ventures remain the primary source for employment growth in the USA and most industrialized nations. Also, the topic of valuation of entrepreneurial enterprises has for the most part been ignored. The traditional approaches to valuation of small, closely held entrepreneurial enterprises are, in our view, wanting in a number of important respects. Simply, traditional valuation methods are modeled in a manner that is applicable to a going-concern business with a history of sales and revenues. That is not the case for an entrepreneurial enterprise as we define it, and thus use of traditional valuation methods is questionable.  相似文献   

Why do investments in certain places yield jobs, growth, and prosperity while similar investments made in seemingly identical places fail to produce the desired results? Starting with the observation that innovation clusters spatially across a broad spectrum of industries, my work seeks to understand the mechanisms and institutions that promote the creation of useful knowledge. In my conceptualization, entrepreneurs, as the agents who recognize opportunity, mobilize resources, and create value, are key to the creation of institutions and the building of capacity that will sustain regional economic development. Entrepreneurs benefit from location. But entrepreneurs are also pivotal as agents of change that can transform local communities. The initial event or entrepreneurial spark that gives rise to prosperous regions is not deterministic nor do they automatically set in motion path dependencies that automatically yield successful places. What matters most is human agency—the building of institutions and the myriad public and private decisions that determine what I call the character of place—a spirit of authenticity, engagement, and common purpose.  相似文献   

Why do cooperatives often pay a pooled price, despite the free-riding incentives it entails? In this paper, we highlight that a cooperative is an enterprise owned by a network of entrepreneurial members. By taking explicitly into account the social interactions among entrepreneurial members and the impact of social ties on members’ product quality provisions, we identify the circumstances when pooling is efficient. It is shown that social interactions mitigate the free-riding effect of pooling and that the amount of members’ social interactions depends upon, and increases with, the cooperative’s pooling ratio. We show that the complete pooling policy is not only economically efficient but also socially advantageous when the context of the cooperative is conducive to frequent social interactions among members.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of entrepreneurship in the industrialization of Hong Kong. Kirzner's concept of entrepreneurship is applied to explain the industrial dynamics of the economy. Using the electronics industry as illustration, this article argues that Hong Kong's manufacturing industry has been driven principally by adaptive entrepreneurship, which takes the form of small-scale enterprise, product imitation, subcontracting and spatial arbitrage. Furthermore, those firms adopting imitative strategies were able to survive, though many of them relied on very small profit margins. Radical innovative strategies were seldom adopted and were not feasible in the environment of Hong Kong. Adopting adaptive entrepreneurial strategies, Hong Kong's manufacturers learned from foreign firms and imitated their products. Later, by exporting improved commodities at lower prices, they competed against the original suppliers from economically more advanced countries. This constitutes Hong Kong's industrial success.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(7):1092-1109
Liverpool surpassed Bristol as Britain's premier slave trading port in the mid-eighteenth century, but the reasons for Liverpool's eventual dominance remain debated. This article utilises the theoretical framework of entrepreneurship and notions of capital applied within associational networks to determine whether or not Liverpool merchants had a ‘particular spirit of enterprise’ which enabled their success. An analysis of the trends in investment patterns of Liverpool slave voyages demonstrates that Liverpool merchants managed voyages in comparatively larger investment groups. Thus, they had greater access to knowledge, skills and resources, which allowed for more competitive advantages to their trade.  相似文献   

Internationalization as an entrepreneurial process   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
When firms cross-borders it is, by definition, internationalization. We believe that often internationalization should be seen as either a by-product of a firm’s efforts to improve its position within its network or networks, or as the result of an entrepreneurial action. We consider three theoretical approaches as a starting point and breathe life into them with a rich case study. We suggest adjustments to Johanson and Vahlne’s business network internationalization process model, an update of the Uppsala internationalization process model, to emphasize the entrepreneurial aspects of the process.  相似文献   

This article is an introduction to the special issue from the 4th Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Research Conference held at Imperial College Business School, London, in 2010. The article has two objectives. The first is to summarize the history of the GEM consortium, some of the contributions that it has delivered, and some challenges and opportunities ahead. The second is to present a summary of the papers in the context of the utility of GEM data in comparative entrepreneurship research.  相似文献   

Although we know a great deal about the relationship between self-employment and the experience of positive emotions such as passion, excitement, happiness, satisfaction, and flow, there is some research that suggests that the self-employed may be more susceptible than employees to negative emotions such as stress, fear of failure, loneliness, mental strain, and grief. We draw on the literature on role requirements to develop a model of career pursuit based on individuals' willingness and abilities to regulate these emotions. Using a nation-wide survey of more than 2700 US citizens we show that over and above the effects of positive emotions, the self-employed experienced fewer negative emotions than those who are employed, contingent on their regulatory coping behaviors. We discuss implications of these results for the literature on entrepreneurial emotions.  相似文献   

This paper examines antecedents of ex-ante voluntary information disclosures for standardized contracts in entrepreneurial networks. Entrepreneurs (e.g., franchisors) may make such disclosures to prospective business partners in order to signal profitability of partnering, attract financial and managerial resources, and develop their entrepreneurial networks. In practice, only a fraction of franchisors make financial performance representations (FPRs), an ex-ante voluntary information disclosure to prospective franchisees. We address gaps in the signaling, voluntary information disclosure, franchising, entrepreneurship, and small- and medium-enterprise (SME) literatures. We draw on signaling theory to develop a theoretical framework and investigate factors that influence a franchisor’s disclosure decision. We evaluate hypotheses from our theoretical framework through econometric analyses of multi-sector panel data for the US franchising industry. We estimate a logit model and use lagged independent variables to address our dichotomous independent variable and potential endogeneity, respectively. Our results support the view that firms signal their quality through FPRs to attract potential business partners and expand their entrepreneurial networks. Beyond the extant literature, we find that rigorous partner qualification is another driver of voluntary information disclosure in franchising. Our findings also provide empirical support for the complementary role played by multiple quality signaling mechanisms used by franchisors and yield public policy implications for franchising.  相似文献   

International springboard is an entrepreneurial act that requires international entrepreneurial orientation (IEO). An important aspect of international springboard is the establishment of a deeply localized flagship foreign subsidiary to help pursue diverse international strategic goals. We model parent-level IEO as a mediator in the relationships between diversity of international strategic goals and flagship subsidiary localization strategies (customer responsiveness, market scope, and local cooperativeness). The results from a sample of 208 Chinese MNEs demonstrate that the three dimensions of IEO (innovativeness, proactiveness, and risk taking) play an important but differentiated mediation role. The study illustrates the connection between parent-level entrepreneurial behavior and subsidiary-level strategic actions through which MNEs capture cross-national entrepreneurial opportunities.  相似文献   

引资谈判涉及当事各方的商务安排与利益调整,主要包括认股价格、投资组合、业务合作、董事席位及公司章程修改等内容。由于中外文化背景不同和法律环境差异,使得引资谈判始终贯穿着观念碰撞与观点冲突。面对诸多难点,成功的谈判必然是中外双方在理解文化和法律差异基础上坦陈分歧、寻求共识的过程。  相似文献   

This study proposes a multi-dimension, multi-contingent “fit” perspective for examining different practices adapted by entrepreneurial firms in acquiring human resources. We posit that while environmental constraints are important considerations for adapting recruitment practices through networks, strategic needs and interpersonal dynamics are the key drivers behind the evolution of such practices. As they transit from the startup to the growth phase, entrepreneurial firms utilize different network pools in search of diversity, yet cling to strong ties to find talents with common values and goals. Our findings carry important implications for future research in human resource management by integrating the macro- and micro-perspective, and at the same time, enhance the understanding of network effects and their strategic bearings in the entrepreneurial process, specifically in the acquisition of human resources.  相似文献   

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