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Cross-national alliances have become an increasingly salient part of the contemporary global environment. These alliances bring together firms embedded in diverse institutional environments. Diversity in institutional environments makes meaning creation difficult as well as necessary. Our paper suggests that the alliance partners need to manage three kinds of meaning, namely pragmatic, moral, and cognitive. It is the effective management of meaning, which determines whether an alliance is able to achieve legitimacy. Implications for alliance management are discussed.  相似文献   

Certain theories suggest that the capacity of a region to generate new firms, called entrepreneurship capital, has positive spillover effects on the production of the firms in that region. Evidence generated with aggregated data at the regional level supports this prediction. This paper argues that, using aggregated data at the regional level, entrepreneurship capital could be correlated with regional production even if entrepreneurship capital has no spillover effects on firm production. This will not be the case when data at the firm level are used. This paper provides evidence from a sample of 11,276 Spanish firms during the 2004–2012 period. Positive spillovers are estimated in between effects models, but such spillovers are only found in technological firms when within effects models have been estimated. Thus, the regional entrepreneurship capital spillovers are unclear when data at the firm level are used. Plausible interpretations and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Strategic alliances are well-established organizational forms and a means of strategy implementation. Despite their growing pervasiveness in the economy, existent literature provides few insights about earnings quality of strategic alliances. This challenge is especially severe in contractual alliances (CAs), where firms do not form a new corporate entity that is separate from the parent organization in comparison to joint ventures (JVs). We investigate how earnings attributes differ depending on involvement in strategic alliances of 8137 CAs and 3026 JVs spanning 1997–2007. We find, in particular, that earnings attributes of firms involved in contractual alliances are broadly reflective of low underlying accounting quality. Relative to JV firms and non-alliance (NA) firms, they have higher levels of discretionary accruals, lower accrual quality, and earnings that are less persistent, less smooth, less relevant, less timely, and less conservative. They also have lower earnings response coefficients.  相似文献   

This study examines how Internet startups' venture capital financing and strategic alliances affect these startups' ability to acquire the resources necessary for growth. Using the initial public offering (IPO) event as an early-stage measure for Internet startups' performance and controlling for the IPO market environment, this study found that three factors positively influenced a startup's time to IPO: the better the reputations of participating venture capital firms and strategic alliance partners were, the more money a startup raised, and the larger was the size of a startup's network of strategic alliances.  相似文献   

Based on a sample of 61 international firms in China with industry symbiosis, we examine the effects of cultural alignment on firm performance. We first predict that symbiosis will have a negative effect on firm performance. After that, focusing on the most dimension of culture, i.e., collectivism/individualism, we also predict that in a society with a high collectivistic value, organizational collectivism will be positively correlated with firm performance because of its alignment with the prevailing societal culture. Finally, we predict that this cultural value should have a moderating effect on the relationship between symbiosis and performance. Data are collected from multiple sources to test these predictions. The results of the data analyses show the benefits of building a collectivistic organizational culture for firms with a high level of industry symbiosis.  相似文献   

Firms in transitional economies are learning to develop strategies to exploit new market opportunities though bounded by their lack of market experience and resources as well as institutional and cultural heritage. This paper examines the managerial orientations of top managers in the transitional economy of China by focusing on a firm's team and organizational resources. Specifically, the following antecedents motivate a firm to put more emphases on strategic orientations: the firm has an effective top management team, strong managerial competences, and when the firm has ample endowment of slack resources, social network, and support from the institutional environment. Empirical results support that team orientation, managerial competence, social network, and local institutional support are instrumental in developing market-focused strategic orientations. In addition, strategic orientations with heavy emphases on overall low costs and product innovation relate to higher firm performance.  相似文献   

This paper uses a new data set on innovation output to assess the degree to which the level of innovation in manufacturing firms is influenced by firm size and firm age. Indicators of innovation output used are the number of new products introduced as a function of firm sales and the proportion of firm sales obtained from products first introduced in the previous five years. While the evidence is mixed, the results tend to indicate that it is possible to separate the effects of age and size in assessing the level of innovation. Both firm size and firm age tend to be inversely related to innovative output.  相似文献   

Exports,firm size,and firm dynamics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper explores the relationships between exports, firm size, and firm dynamics. It is based on a unique longitudinal data set collected at the establishment level, covering some 7000 manufacturing German firms. We present stylized facts on exports and firm size, showing that the probability that a firm is an exporter increases with firm size; however, there are many successful exporters among small firms, and non-exporters among larger firms, too, while most of the exports are from the top size groups of firms. An econometric study shows a picture that is consistent with theoretical considerations: The impact of firm size on exports is positive but decreasing, while human capital intensity, domestic market share, and advanced technology all have a positive influence on the export performance of a firm. Firm growth and export performance are positively related, as is expected from a model of a price-discriminating monopolist.  相似文献   

Organizational capital is an institutional arrangement in a firm’s production and management activities, which helps integrate all resources in the firm and affect the firm’s strategic choice and performance. This paper classifies organizational capital into three subtypes, namely power orientated capital, norm orientated capital and knowledge orientated capital. Moreover, strategic proactiveness is also brought into this influencing process. Results show that strategic proactiveness fully mediates the effect of power orientated capital on firm performance, but partially mediates that of norm orientated capital. It is also found that neither power nor norm orientated capital affects innovative performance, whereas knowledge orientated capital affects directly both financial performance and innovative performance. The significance of this research is to provide a meaningful supplement to the theory of decision-making-process for the top management team. Suggestions on how to cultivate organizational capital are provided for Chinese enterprises. __________ Translated and revised from Guanli shijie 管理世界 (Management World), 2007, (5): 83–93  相似文献   

Warranty management is frequently discussed in the context of businesses’ ongoing efforts to reduce costs. However, how marketing can contribute to warranty cost reduction is empirically unclear. This opacity led to the current study, which focused on how warranty claim costs and abnormal warranty accrual costs mediate the relationship between brand equity and firm value—as well as the contingencies for the mediation. The result shows that brand equity reduces warranty claim rate and abnormal warranty accrual rate through which it increases firm value. In addition, product innovativeness decreases the association between brand equity and warranty claims and between brand equity and abnormal warranty accruals. As such, the findings revealed the roles of brand equity and product innovation in warranty cost reduction and thus suggested the need for managers to build and leverage their marketing resources when attempting to control warranty costs.  相似文献   

This study tests, using a sample of cross-border alliances, how different alliance capability components intersect to develop resource complementarity and trust and how such interpartner attributes themselves intersect to enhance performance. We find that management capability allows firms to build resource complementarity and trust. High formulation capability is required for management capability to positively shape resource complementarity. Search capability is only positively linked to resource complementarity when formulation capability is low. International alliance experience drives resource complementarity. Trust has an inverted U-shaped relationship with performance, and resource complementarity drives trust and performance. Resource complementarity positively moderates the trust–performance link.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the role of human capital in determining regional variations in firm births. It is argued that both the level and heterogeneity of human capital are particularly important for services. This is confirmed by an empirical analysis of data for sub-regions of Great Britain from 2001 to 2007 utilising ordinary least-squares and maximum likelihood models incorporating spatial effects. Other variables found to impact on the creation of new service firms are related to labour market effects, agglomeration economies and competition; there are also significant differences in the impact of human capital between services and manufacturing.  相似文献   

Learning, experience, and firm size   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The process of producer's learning by experience is characterized as a parameter-adaptive process, rather than an ad hoc specification, that includes the accumulated volume of output in the firm's cost function. Deviations from the neoclassical optimization conditions can be decomposed into learning and production variation components. In a given time period, the production level may be greater or less than the level associated with price equals marginal cost, depending on the learning value and the direction of the marginal risk of production. The uncertainty-based measure of elasticity of scale is presented and indicates that the traditional view that the presence of uncertainty can discourage the managerial decision to expand is restrictive.  相似文献   

This paper examines the connections between variations in profit and loss rates among firms in small-firm and large-firm size classes as reflections of uncertainty. We find that, within industries, such variations are particularly great for firms in small-firm size classes, leading to operating policies for small firms best characterized as entrepreneurial. Large firms, in contrast, faced with less uncertainty in earning profit, appear to adopt policies that manifest an emphasis on strategic planning.The authors appreciate the helpful comments of John C. Woods, Bruce D. Philips, and anonymous referees on an earlier version of this paper. Data used in this study were developed under contract SBA-9216-AER-85 with the U.S. Small Business Administration. The authors alone are responsible for the results presented.  相似文献   


We examine the effect of intellectual capital on firms’ innovativeness and the moderating role of firm size in software development firms in Kenya. Using moderated regression analysis, we found support for the proposition that human and social capital enhance firms’ innovativeness. We did not, however, find any significant effect of organizational capital on firms’ innovativeness. The results from the moderated regression suggest that the smaller the firm, the stronger the influence of intellectual capital on firms’ innovativeness. The results therefore indicate that human and social capital are critical in the innovation process and so firms that neglect these capitals are unlikely to realize the potential to innovate particularly in software development firms.  相似文献   

Exploration and exploitation constitute two separate, potentially conflicting strategic choices for firms engaged in international strategic alliances. Our empirical study challenges the ambidexterity argument and demonstrates that exploration and exploitation are separate (though not necessarily antithetical) strategies with different antecedents and performance consequences.Our results show that while competency similarity is conducive to upstream innovative performance, prior experience with the partner is potentially damaging for this type of performance and trust and cultural distance do not play significant roles. When the motive is efficiency and downstream market performance, prior experience with the partner instead is beneficial, as are high levels of trust and low levels of cultural distance. These findings have key implications for literature on strategic fit and alliance performance.  相似文献   

Based on R&D investment data from Chinese listed manufacturing firms, this paper examines the effect of R&D spending on firms’ future performance conditional on their strategic positions. We find that firms pursing a product differentiation strategy have more R&D spending than those with a cost leadership strategy. In addition, we document a positive effect of R&D spending on firms’ future performance if they adopt a product differentiation strategy. Meanwhile, for the firms that adopt a cost leadership strategy, the relationship between R&D spending and firm performance resembles an inversed U-shape. Furthermore, we find this inversed U-shape relationship only exists for non-state-owned firms. Overall, this paper provides guidance and useful suggestions on the efficient allocation of R&D resources for Chinese manufacturing firms.  相似文献   

Based upon new perspectives to explain superior business performance, an integrative conceptual model that links these different explanations of superior performance is presented, highlighting the role of knowledge-related resources as key antecedents of the continuous creation of competitive advantages (Day 1994, Day George S. The capabilities of market-driven organizations. J Mark 1994a, 58 [October]: 37-52., Day George S. Continuous learning about markets. Calif Manage Rev 1994b, 36 [Summer]: 9-31., Hunt and Morgan, 1995, Hunt Shelby D., Morgan Robert M. The comparative advantage theory of competition. J Mark 1995; 59 [April]: 1-15). An empirical test of this conceptual model is conducted with a Chilean sample of publicly traded firms, using structural equations modeling. The results show a significant impact of: market orientation, market sensing and innovativeness (among other knowledge-related resources) on superior performance, thus providing support for the original ideas of Drucker (1954) [Drucker Peter F. The practice of management. New York: Harper and Row Publishers, 1954.] and Schumpeter (1934), and for the dynamic evolutionary approaches to strategy (Dickson, 1992, Dickson Peter R. Toward a theory of competitive rationality. J Mark 1992; 56: 69-83., Dicskson, 1996, Dickson Peter R. The static and dynamic mechanics of competition: a comment on Hunt and Morgan's comparative advantage theory. J Mark 1996; 60: 102-106.; Hill and Deeds, 1996, Hill C.W., Deeds D.L. The importance of industry structure for the determination of firm profitability: a Neo-Austrian perspective. J Manag Stud 1996; 33: 429-451.).  相似文献   

Heterogeneous ability,career choice and firm size   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Entrepreneurial ability is the ability to innovate new products. Managerial ability is the ability to maintain the profitability of current operations. By assuming heterogeneous abilities of acquiring and maintaining an endogenous number of production processes, the model of this paper predicts a distribution of firm sizes, a diversity in the composition of R&D and chosen career. Firms conduct product improvement if and only if managerial ability is high relative to entrepreneurial ability. Individuals choose careers as either innovative entrepreneurs, managerial entrepreneurs or salaried employees depending on their abilities. An individual's entrepreneurial ability may not be high enough to choose a career as an innovative entrepreneur, but if managerial ability is sufficiently high, then a career as a managerial entrepreneur is optimal. Managerial ability has an effect on expected firm size if and only if the individual is a managerial entrepreneur.This material is based upon work supported by the Research Committee of the Rutgers Graduate School of Management. I wish to thank two anonymous referees for helpful suggestions.  相似文献   

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