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I provide comments on two papers, Barker and Teixeira ([2018]. Gaps in the IFRS Conceptual Framework. Accounting in Europe, 15) and Van Mourik and Katsuo ([2018]. Profit or loss in the IASB Conceptual Framework. Accounting in Europe, 15), in this issue, which were presented at the EAA-IASB research forum in Brussels. The paper accepts the shortcomings of the updated IASB conceptual framework and argues that these are in large part due to the origins of the document. It points out that the original US project was an attempt to make standard-setting more consistent and involved creating principles which would explain existing standards. Constituents have subsequently resisted attempts to make the framework theoretically sound because they fear this will encourage too much innovation. Standard-setters prefer incremental change, so continue to work with a model created to resolve a problem of the 1970s. I suggest that since standard-setting has been professionalised, the more significant need to is to define what information investors find useful. This may involve providing more granular information about the entity’s business model.  相似文献   


In March 2018, the IASB published its revised conceptual framework including notable changes to the chapters on the objective of financial reporting and on qualitative characteristics. The IASB put more emphasis on stewardship as part of the decision usefulness objective, reintroduced prudence as an aspect of neutrality and introduced a tolerable level of measurement uncertainty (as a successor to reliability) as part of faithful representation. The present paper discusses the substance of and reasons for these changes in light of the history of the IASB’s work on conceptual frameworks. The paper also explores the possible impact of these changes on the IASB’s future standard-setting by looking at the other chapters of the IASB’s new framework. This paper finds that the more pronounced role of stewardship and the reintroduction of prudence do not seem to entail a revised conceptual thinking of the IASB in the other chapters, while the introduction of a tolerable level of measurement uncertainty provides the IASB with a conceptual tool with the potential to substantially affect future standard-setting debates. However, its positioning as part of faithful representation is questioned and an alternative arrangement of qualitative characteristics suggested.  相似文献   

在中国经济全球化发展过程中,国际化会计人才的培养是我国会计事业发展的重大任务。首先,本文在阐释国际化会计人才培养的概念内涵与基本目标、构建国际化会计人才培养概念框架并简述国内外相关研究的基础上,将改革开放四十年来我国国际化会计人才培养划分为探索学习期、市场发展期、国际趋同期和全球机遇期四个阶段;其次,总结了我国在会计准则全面持续趋同、国家人才战略实施、国际化会计人才培养和国家经济全球化发展等方面取得的丰硕成果,提出了以国际需求拉动、国家战略引领、国际广泛合作、院校倾力培养和社会积极参与为基本特点的我国国际化会计人才培养"五环模式";最后,基于利益相关者视角分析了我国国际化会计人才培养面临的主要挑战,探讨了国际化会计人才的质量提升战略举措。  相似文献   

对2007年1月1日至2011年12月31日五年的登记结算数据进行分析显示:五年间深市证券账户盈利621.95亿元,所有账户中仅机构账户总体盈利。从盈亏账户比重来看,机构账户盈利占比最高,个人账户中,微型市值账户盈利占比最高。个人账户尤其是小微市值账户ST股持股比重高于机构账户,而深成指持股占比远低于中大市值账户和机构账户。并且,小微市值账户的交易频率远低于中大市值账户,而持股集中度高于中大市值账户与机构账户。小微市值账户的开户时间越早、投资经验越丰富、年龄越大,其盈利能力相对越强;反之,交易越频繁、投资越分散,盈利能力则随之降低。其他类型账户与小微市值账户的情况大致相同。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a basis for progress in the development of the conceptual framework (CF) as a foundation for developing accounting standards. This topic has gained increased prominence following the IASB's (2013) release of its Review of the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting (RCFFR) proposing changes to the CF. In this paper the broad socio‐economic environment is seen as determining the primary purpose of General Purpose Financial Reporting (GPFR), which, in turn, establishes the high‐level properties of a CF suitable to meet that primary purpose. This is to support market stability and efficiency through the provision of an account of the financial position and performance of an entity that accords with economic reality. The case is made that the primary purpose of a CF is to provide the principles for the development of accounting standards that will result in GPFR that is useful. This requires theoretical coherence. The CF should drive the standards and if standards depart from the CF principles, such departures should be justified. This proposal is consistent with the position adopted in the RCFFR. However, in contrast to the RCFFR, this paper accents the purposive approach and links the formation of standards directly to the CF. This approach implies that standards are subordinate to CF principles; therefore compliance with standards should not provide a basis for compromising the faithful representation of economic reality. From the purpose identified for GPFR, the paper argues for a default presumption in favour of Fair Value Accounting, a retreat from the asset/liability approach, and a re‐casting of the income statement to focus on operational flows.  相似文献   

This paper examines the usefulness of the Social Amplification of Risk Framework (SARF) in understanding the media's role in risk communication. Since the SARF was created in 1988, it has been both further developed and critiqued for (amongst other things) its: static conception of communication; lack of attention towards how key actors use the media; lack of systematic attention towards the media as an amplification station; and simplistic assumptions of how the media operate as an amplification station. A complex heavily‐mediated risk communication case study—the battle between Greenpeace and Shell over the deep‐sea disposal of the Brent Spar oil rig (1995)—is used to explore whether the SARF in its current stage of development stands up to these critiques. It is concluded that these critiques are more a consequence of how researchers have used the SARF rather than a fault of the SARF itself. Using the SARF framework with a qualitative case study methodology enabled systematic analysis of the role of relevant media in the social amplification of risk in the Spar issue, exposing how Greenpeace used the media to successfully communicate three risk signals, together with the inadequacies of Shell's reactions; and revealing the layering within amplification stations, including the media itself.  相似文献   


Public concern is a pivotal notion in the risk perception, communication and management literature. It is, for example, a central concept with regard to the social amplification of risk, and as a justification for policy attention. Despite its ubiquity, the notion of public concern remains a ‘black box’ presenting a poorly understood state of affairs as a reified matter-of-fact. Paying attention to the deployment and metrics of public concern, and the work it is required to do, will enhance the power of approaches to understanding risk, and policymaking. Thus, the broad purpose of this paper is to unpack the notion of public concern by adopting an ontological yet critical perspective, drawing on a range of literature that considers ontology. We reflect on how publics and public concern have been conceptualised with regard to the dichotomies of individual/social and private/public, given that they imply different levels and dimensions of concern. We draw on empirical work that illuminates the assessment and measurement of public concern and how the public have responded to risk events. Considering public concern through an ontological lens affords a means of drawing renewed critical attention to objects that might otherwise appear finished or ready-made.  相似文献   

This paper emphasises the importance of business history for analysing labour market structures and practices in financial markets in the United Kingdom and more particularly at Barclays De Zoete Wedd (BZW), the international investment banking arm of the British bank Barclays plc. By adopting an historical perspective, this study departs from existing literature and presents new explanations concerning the importance of the relationship between business history and the origins and functions of internal labour markets. The theoretical framework elaborated involves a model and a timeline in its analysis, which highlights significant emerging patterns in internal labour markets that become evident over time. The study reveals evidence that, contrary to the arguments raised by scholars which suggest a decline in internal labour market practices in favour of a return to a more market-based system, internal labour market arrangements continue to apply to an organisation such as BZW at all stages in its organisational development.  相似文献   

New perspectives in accounting history have uncovered previously unattended relations between accounting and government. Earlier Foucauldian analyses of governments have not explained sufficiently the relations of accounting practices to governmental discourses in order to manage populations.
This work uses the governmentality frame to analyse the role of accounting in two organizations located in the south of Spain in the second half of the eighteenth century: the New Settlements of Sierra Morena and Andalucia (NSs) and the Royal Tobacco Factory of Seville (RTFS). The period studied is remarkable because it was the apogee of the Enlightenment in Spain. From the standpoint of government, this period facilitated a new way to manage populations. The present work has drawn on Foucault's concept of governmentality in order to discover how accounting worked in two government-supported organizations independently of the discourses that pervaded each one. Drawing on the reticulation of the space, the use of rules and accounting from the governmental perspective, we analyse those institutions.
The article concludes that the reticulation of space is an essential apparatus to exert action at a distance; the rules are a type of government technology; and, overall, accounting is a practice for the mastery of the population independently from the discourse of the institution.  相似文献   

The familiar adage that ‘time is money’ may not be entirely accurate according to research involving hypothetical choice: People’s decisions are less sensitive to temporal expenditures and outcomes than monetary ones. We provide a novel examination of whether similar patterns of risky choice are found for time and money when choices are consequential (i.e. monetary outcomes are obtained and temporal outcomes are experienced) – both for one-shot and repeated choices, over gains and losses. On the aggregate, across decision contexts (described and experienced), choices are similar for time and money. However, on the level of the individual, little relationship between risk preferences for time and money are observed. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of these findings.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the long-run properties of the monetary exchange rate model using data for the drachma–dollar and drachma–mark exchange rates under the hypothesis that the system contains variables that are I(2). Using the recent I(2) test by Paruolo (On the determination of integration indices in I(2) systems. J. Economet. 72 (1996) 313–356) to examine the presence of I(2) and I(1) components in a multivariate context we find that the system contains two I(2) variables in both cases and this finding is reconfirmed by the estimated roots of the companion matrix (Do purchasing power parity and uncovered interest rate parity hold in the long-run? An example of likelihood inference in a multivariate time-series model. Juselius, J. Economet. 69 (1995) 211–240). The I(2) component led to the transformation of the estimated model by imposing long-run but not short-run proportionality between domestic and foreign money. Two statistically significant cointegrating vectors were found and, by imposing linear restrictions on each vector as suggested by Johansen and Juselius (Identification of the long-run and the short-run structure: an applicaion to the ISLM model. J. Economet. 63 (1994) 7–36) and Johansen (Identifying restrictions of linear equations with applications to simultaneous equations and cointegration. J. Economet. 69 (1995b) 111–132), the order and rank conditions for identification are satisfied, but the test for overidentifying restrictions was not significant only for the case of the drachma/mark rate. The main findings suggest that we reject the forward-looking version of the monetary model for the drachma/dollar case but not when the drachma/mark rate is used, a result that is attributed to the monetary and exchange rate policy followed by the Greek authorities since Greece's joining of the European Union. Furthermore, we test for parameter stability using the tests developed by Hansen and Johansen (Recursive estimation in cointegrated VAR-models. Working paper (1993) University of Copenhagen) and it is shown that the dimension of the cointegration rank is sample independent while the estimated coefficients do not exhibit instabilities in recursive estimations. Finally, it is shown that the monetary model outperforms the random walk model in an out-of-sample forecasting contest.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the results of a case study that examines the effect of the contract and accounting on inter-organisational trust in an international joint venture (IJV). The empirical setting of the research was an IJV relation between a United Arab Emirates (UAE) firm and its western partner. Data were gathered from multiple sources, including documents, observations, interviews and discussions with managers. The paper aims to explore the process of trust development and the role of the contract and accounting in this. We find that trust developed differently for the partners. Moreover the trust concerns of the partners were not the same. Based on this we conclude that trust was not automatically reciprocated. Instead it needs relating to other items such as the contract, accounting and also the institutional environment. The open-book accounting we observed could only be termed ‘partial’ because the western partner had access to the local partner's books but not the vice versa. But this partial open-book accounting created conflicts between the partners. We argue that developing one kind of trust through one particular medium may help one party but may damage the relationship between the partners.  相似文献   

Alais, Froges et Camargue (AFC or Pechiney) came into being following mergers within the French aluminium industry during and immediately following the First World War. The new management had to cope with a rapidly expanded, diversified and geographically dispersed business enterprise. During the inter-war period AFC's directors created a strong administrative and functional organization to unify and standardize the use of management tools and the operation of the financial information system. The accounting department, closely linked to the Chief Executive Officer from 1921, was to be the main focus of the new organization. The ideology of rationalization, typical of the inter-war period, was clearly to be found at Pechiney's headquarters, reflected in the systematization of management, the training of clerks and mechanization.  相似文献   

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