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This paper proposes an innovative econometric approach for the computation of 24-h realized volatilities across stock markets in Europe and the US. In particular, we deal with the problem of non-synchronous trading hours and intermittent high-frequency data during overnight non-trading periods. Using high-frequency data for the Euro Stoxx 50 and the S&P 500 Index between 2003 and 2011, we combine squared overnight returns and realized daytime variances to obtain synchronous 24-h realized volatilities for both markets. Specifically, we use a piece-wise weighting procedure for daytime and overnight information to take into account structural breaks in the relation between the two. To demonstrate the new possibilities that our approach opens up, we use the new 24-h volatilities to estimate a bivariate extension of Corsi et al.’s [Econom. Rev., 2008, 27(1–3), 46–78] HAR-GARCH model. The results suggest that the contemporaneous transatlantic volatility interdependence is remarkably stable over the sample period.  相似文献   

Using data on a five-minute interval basis, this article analyses the effects of intraday seasonality on volatility transmission between the spot and futures markets of the CAC40, DAX30 and FTSE100. Remarkable differences in the impulse response analysis and in the dynamic and directional measurement of volatility spillovers are encountered depending on whether the intraday periodic component is considered. Thus, the convenience of removing intraday seasonality seems to be critical to reduce the risk of spurious causality when employing high-frequency data in volatility transmission. Moreover, the impact of market microstructure noise seems negligible when using an optimal frequency of observations.  相似文献   

Current studies on financial market risk measures usually use daily returns based on GARCH type models. This paper models realized range using intraday high frequency data based on CARR framework and apply it to VaR forecasting. Kupiec LR test and dynamic quantile test are used to compare the performance of VaR forecasting of realized range model with another intraday realized volatility model and daily GARCH type models. Empirical results of Chinese Stock Indices show that realized range model performs the same with realized volatility model, which performs much better than daily models.  相似文献   

Using the theoretical link between put options and credit default swaps (CDS) in a very general setting, we develop a robust measure of CDS implied volatility (CIV) that captures the information content of CDS markets. Specifically, we use the unit recovery claim to bridge CDS and deep out-of-the-money put options of the same firm and then back out CIV via the binomial tree. Our CIV measure strongly co-moves with the option implied volatility (OIV), with a correlation coefficient of 0.8. Based on the standardized difference between CIV and OIV, we construct CDS and option trading strategies. Without taking transaction costs into account, the long–short CDS trading strategy achieves an annualized return of 58.29% and a Sharpe ratio of 2.97, which cannot be explained by non-parametric skewness and volatility risk.  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence regarding high-frequency trader (HFT) trading performance, trading costs, and effects on market efficiency using a sample of NASDAQ trades and quotes that directly identifies HFT participation. I find that HFTs engage in successful intra-day market timing, spreads are wider when HFTs provide liquidity and tighter when HFTs take liquidity, and prices incorporate information from order flow and market-wide returns more efficiently on days when HFT participation is high.  相似文献   

Two volatility forecasting evaluation measures are considered; the squared one-day-ahead forecast error and its standardized version. The mean squared forecast error is the widely accepted evaluation function for the realized volatility forecasting accuracy. Additionally, we explore the forecasting accuracy based on the squared distance of the forecast error standardized with its volatility. The statistical properties of the forecast errors point the standardized version as a more appropriate metric for evaluating volatility forecasts.We highlight the importance of standardizing the forecast errors with their volatility. The predictive accuracy of the models is investigated for the FTSE100, DAX30 and CAC40 European stock indices and the exchange rates of Euro to British Pound, US Dollar and Japanese Yen. Additionally, a trading strategy defined by the standardized forecast errors provides higher returns compared to the strategy based on the simple forecast errors. The exploration of forecast errors is paving the way for rethinking the evaluation of ultra-high frequency realized volatility models.  相似文献   

Inspired by the recent literature on aggregation theory, we attempt to relate the long-range correlation of the stock return volatility to the heterogeneity of the investors' expectations concerning the level of the future volatility. Based on a semi-parametric model of investors' anticipations, we make the connection between the distributional properties of the heterogeneity parameters and the auto-covariance/auto-correlation functions of the realized volatility. We report different behaviors, or change of convention, the observation of which depends on the market phase under consideration. In particular, we report and justify the fact that the volatility exhibits significantly longer memory during phases of a speculative bubble than during the recovery phase following the collapse of a speculative bubble.  相似文献   

We employ data-based approaches to identify the transmissions of structural shocks among investor attention measured by Google search queries, realised volatilities and trading volumes in the United States, the United Kingdom and the German stock market. The two identification approaches adopted for the structural vector autoregressive analysis are based on independent component analysis and the informational content of disproportional variance changes. Our results show robust evidence that investors' attention affects both volatilities and trading volumes contemporaneously, whereas the latter two variables lack immediate impacts on investors' attention. Some movements in investors' attention can be traced back to market sentiment.  相似文献   

Recent literature provides mixed empirical evidence with respect to the forecasting performance of ARFIMA and HAR models. This paper compares the forecasting performance of both models using high frequency data of 100 stocks representing 10 business sectors for the period 2000-2010. We allow for different sectors, changing market conditions, variation in the sampling frequency and forecasting horizons. For the overall sample and using the 300 sec sampling frequency, the forecasting performance of both models is indistinguishable. However, differences arise under different market regimes, forecasting horizons and sampling frequencies. ARFIMA models are superior for the crisis and pre-crisis sub-samples. HAR forecasts are less sensitive to regime change and to longer forecasting horizons. Variations in forecasting performance could also be explained using differences in the levels of persistence underlying each model.  相似文献   

We introduce a variant of the Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard stochastic volatility model where the non-Gaussian Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process describes some measure of trading intensity like trading volume or number of trades instead of unobservable instantaneous variance. We develop an explicit estimator based on martingale estimating functions in a bivariate model that is not a diffusion, but admits jumps. It is assumed that both the quantities are observed on a discrete grid of fixed width, and the observation horizon tends to infinity. We show that the estimator is consistent and asymptotically normal and give explicit expressions of the asymptotic covariance matrix. Our method is illustrated by a finite sample experiment and a statistical analysis of IBM? stock from the New York Stock Exchange and Microsoft Corporation? stock from Nasdaq during a history of five years.  相似文献   

Recent research examining high-frequency financial data has suggested that volatility dynamics may be confounded by the existence of an intra-day periodic pattern and multiple sources of volatility. This paper examines whether these dynamics are present in the US Dollar exchange rates of five Pacific Basin economies. Using 30-min sampled returns, evidence of a ‘U’-shape intra-day pattern in volatility for regional markets is reported and controlled for using a Flexible Fourier transform. Supportive evidence for the existence of multiple volatility components is offered by semi-parametric fractional difference estimates of the long-memory properties of absolute exchange rate returns at various intra-day data sampling frequencies. Further parametric evidence of an explicit component structure in such high frequency exchange rate volatility is offered by the estimates of a component-GARCH model which comprises both a long-run volatility component exhibiting slow shock decay and a short-run volatility component exhibiting far more rapid decay, and provides a generally superior fit to the data. Further application of these C-GARCH models in the analysis of high frequency volatility spillovers between the currencies considered also reveals that such spillovers are predominantly transitory rather than highly persistent in nature, but that where volatility spillovers do impact on the long-run component of exchange rate volatility the Australian Dollar plays a pivotal role in the localised causality transmission mechanism.   相似文献   

A large body of literature finds that the unexpected trading volume, which is obtained by filtering out time trend, autocorrelation, can be used as a proxy of the information flow and can explain the heteroskedasticity of stock return in some degrees. In this paper, we find that the heteroskedasticity exists in the unexpected trading volume, and we further generate a new information proxy by filtering out the heteroskedasticity from the unexpected trading volume, termed “persistence-free trading volume”. Our empirical results indicate that the persistence-free trading volume can explain the heteroskedasticity of the return better than the unexpected trading volume; moreover, the explanatory power of the persistence-free trading volume is positively related to market maturity.  相似文献   

Thanks to the access to labeled orders on the CAC 40 index future provided by Euronext, we are able to quantify market participants contributions to the volatility in the diffusive limit. To achieve this result, we leverage the branching properties of Hawkes point processes. We find that fast intermediaries (e.g. market maker type agents) have a smaller footprint on the volatility than slower, directional agents. The branching structure of Hawkes processes allows us to examine also the degree of endogeneity of each agent behavior, and we find that high-frequency traders are more endogenously driven than other types of agents.  相似文献   

This paper introduces novel ‘doubly mean-reverting’ processes based on conditional modelling of model spreads between pairs of stocks. Intraday trading strategies using high frequency data are proposed based on the model. This model framework and the strategies are designed to capture ‘local’ market inefficiencies that are elusive for traditional pairs trading strategies with daily data. Results from real data back-testing for two periods show remarkable returns, even accounting for transaction costs, with annualized Sharpe ratios of 3.9 and 7.2 over the periods June 2013–April 2015 and 2008, respectively. By choosing the particular sector of oil companies, we also confirm the observation that the commodity price is the main driver of the share prices of commodity-producing companies at times of spikes in the related commodity market.  相似文献   

In this article we introduce a linear–quadratic volatility model with co-jumps and show how to calibrate this model to a rich dataset. We apply GMM and more specifically match the moments of realized power and multi-power variations, which are obtained from high-frequency stock market data. Our model incorporates two salient features: the setting of simultaneous jumps in both return process and volatility process and the superposition structure of a continuous linear–quadratic volatility process and a Lévy-driven Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process. We compare the quality of fit for several models, and show that our model outperforms the conventional jump diffusion or Bates model. Besides that, we find evidence that the jump sizes are not normally distributed and that our model performs best when the distribution of jump-sizes is only specified through certain (co-) moment conditions. Monte Carlo experiments are employed to confirm this.  相似文献   

Adapting the Fama–French three-factor model to a global context, this paper investigates idiosyncratic volatility as a measure of country-specific risk, and explores its determinants by using the equity and risk data of 47 developed and emerging countries during the period 1995–2016. We find the stock market turnover to have a positive and significant impact on the country-level idiosyncratic volatility, while information disclosure and investor uncertainty avoidance degree are negatively associated with country-level idiosyncratic risk. Moreover, improvements in economic, financial, and political risks, as measured by GDP growth, FX stability, foreign debt health, and non-corruption degree decrease the country-level idiosyncratic volatility significantly. Among all sets of market structure, investor preference, and economic, financial, and political risk variables considered, we find financial risk factors, FX stability and foreign debt health, to have the highest explanatory power over the cross-sectional differences in country-level idiosyncratic risk.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the intra-day effects of verbal statements and comments on the FX market uncertainty using two measures: continuous volatility and discontinuous jumps. Focusing on the euro-dollar exchange rate, we provide empirical evidence of how these two sources of uncertainty matter in measuring the short-term reaction of exchange rates to communication events. Talks significantly trigger large jumps or extreme events for approximately an hour after the news release. Continuous volatility starts reacting prior to the news, intensifies around the release time and stays at high levels for several hours. Our results suggest that monetary authorities generally tend to communicate with markets on days when uncertainty is relatively severe, and higher than normal. Disentangling the US and Euro area statements, we also find that abnormal levels of volatility are mostly driven by the communication of the Euro area officials rather than US authorities.  相似文献   

Due to dwindling commercial interest in the feeder cattle futures contract, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) decided to replace the contract's physical delivery provision with a cash settlement provision, arguing that cash settlement would help reduce price volatility and attracts more commercial interests. In this article, we apply stochastic volatility models to investigate the CME conjecture, using four different estimators based on opening, high, low, and closing prices, respectively. With each estimator, we find that the volatility of the feeder cattle futures price decreases after the implementation of cash settlement. We conclude that the change in the contract specification enhances price discovery and the contract's hedging performance.  相似文献   

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