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We compare and contrast time series momentum (TSMOM) and moving average (MA) trading rules so as to better understand the sources of their profitability. These rules are closely related; however, there are important differences. TSMOM signals occur at points that coincide with a MA direction change, whereas MA buy (sell) signals only require price to move above (below) a MA. Our empirical results show MA rules frequently give earlier signals leading to meaningful return gains. Both rules perform best outside of large stock series which may explain the puzzle of their popularity with investors, yet lack of supportive evidence in academic studies.  相似文献   

Over the past few years, cryptocurrencies have increasingly been discussed as alternatives to traditional fiat currencies. These digital currencies have garnered significant interest from investment banks and portfolio managers as a potential option to diversify the financial risk from investing in other assets. This interest has also extended to the general public who have seen cryptocurrencies as a way of making a quick profit. This paper provides a first insight into the applicability of high frequency momentum trading strategies for cryptocurrencies. We implemented two variations of a signal-based momentum trading strategy: (i) a time series method; (ii) a cross sectional method. These strategies were tested on a selection of seven of the largest cryptocurrencies ranked by market capitalization. The results show that there exists potential for the momentum strategy to be used successfully for cryptocurrency trading in a high frequency setting. A comparison with a passive portfolio strategy is proposed, which shows abnormal returns when compared with the momentum strategies. Furthermore, the robustness of our results are checked through the application of the momentum strategies other sample periods. We also compare the performances of the signal-based momentum strategies with returns-based versions of the strategies. It is shown that the signal-based strategy outperforms the returns-based strategy. However, there appears to be no single parameterization of the signal-based strategies that can generate the greatest cumulative return over all sample periods.  相似文献   


We develop market timing strategies and trading systems to test the intra-day predictive power of Japanese candlesticks at the 5-minute interval on the 30 constituents of the DJIA index. Around a third of the candlestick rules outperform the buy-and-hold strategy at the conservative Bonferroni level. After adjusting for trading costs, however, just a few rules remain profitable. When we correct for data snooping by applying the SSPA test on double-or-out market timing strategies, no single candlestick rule beats the buy-and-hold strategy after transaction costs. We also design fully automated trading systems by combining the best-performing candlestick rules. No evidence of out-performance is found after transaction costs. Although Japanese candlesticks can somewhat predict intra-day returns on large US caps, we show that such predictive power is too limited for active portfolio management to outperform the buy-and-hold strategy when luck, risk, and trading costs are correctly measured.  相似文献   

This study examines the comparative performance of an Adaptive Moving Average (AMA) on the Australian All Ordinaries, Dow Jones Industrial Average, and Standard and Poor's 500 stock market indices. The theoretical advantage of the Adaptive Moving Average over fixed length Simple Moving Average (SMA) trading systems is its ability to automatically respond to changing market conditions dependant upon the level of volatility in the market. While the strategy is confirmed to have some market timing ability, the overall results show returns to the Adaptive Moving Average cannot compensate for the cost of trade therefore lending support for the use of a long run passive strategy.  相似文献   

We examine the behavior of a 15 strong proprietary stock trading team and show how consistent intraday trading profits were generated. The team, who worked for a large US direct access trading firm, executed over 96 thousand trades in 3 months in 2000. Profitable intraday trading occurred in an anonymous dealer capacity, on both long and short positions, especially when volume and price volatility were higher. The traders rapidly entered long (short) positions when the number of dealers and size become greater on the bid (offer) side of the spread. Profits were taken early against the trend.  相似文献   

Despite the ever-growing interest in trend following and a series of publications in academic journals, there is a dearth of theoretical results on the properties of trend-following rules. Our paper fills this gap by comparing and contrasting the two most popular trend-following rules, the momentum (MOM) and moving average (MA) rules, from a theoretical perspective. We provide theoretical results on the similarity between different trend-following rules and the forecast accuracy of trading rules. Our results show that the similarity between the MOM and MA rules is high and increases with the strength of the trend. However, compared to the MOM rule, the MA rules exhibit more robust forecast accuracy for the future direction of price trends. In this paper, we also develop a hypothesis about uncertain market dynamics. We show that this hypothesis, coupled with our analytical results, has far-reaching practical implications and can explain a number of empirical observations. Among other things, our hypothesis explains why the empirical performance of the MA rules is better than that of the MOM rule. We broaden the appeal and practical importance of our theoretical results by offering various illustrations and real-world examples.  相似文献   

Chiu and Zhou [Quant. Finance, 2011, 11, 115–123] show that the inclusion of a risk-free asset strictly boosts the Sharpe ratio in a continuous-time setting, which is in sharp contrast to the static single-period case. In this paper, we extend their work to a discrete-time setting. Specifically, we prove that the multi-period mean-variance efficient frontier generated by both risky and risk-free assets is strictly separated from that generated by only risky assets. As a result, we demonstrate that the inclusion of a risk-free asset strictly enhances the best Sharpe ratio of the efficient frontier in a multi-period discrete-time setting. Furthermore, we offer an explicit expression for the enhancement of the best Sharpe ratio, which was referred to as the premium of dynamic trading by Chiu and Zhou [op. cit.], although they do not present a computational formula for it. Our results further show that, in the case with a risk-free asset, if an investor can extract some money from his initial wealth at time 0, the efficient frontier with a risk-free asset can be tangent to that without a risk-free asset. Finally, based on real data from the American market, a numerical example is provided to illustrate the results obtained in this paper; a numerical comparison between the discrete-time case and the continuous-time case is also provided. Our numerical results reveal that the continuous-time model can be considered to be a limit of the discrete-time model.  相似文献   

MATIF is the only major exchange offering a 24-hour non-interrupted trading cycle accommodating two distinct non-overlapping trading mechanisms. We find that trading volume on the floor is significantly higher than that on GLOBEX around the switch of trading mechanism. GLOBEX is mainly used by institutions to hedge their cash positions. The higher trading volume on the floor may be attributed to several factors: trade immediacy vs. transaction cost, liquidity trading by locals, inertia to trade under a new mechanism, and transparency vs. anonymity. In addition, the floor's open is unique with large interday return volatility.  相似文献   

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