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This article investigates the differences in the application and impact of digital technologies between manufacturing subsidiaries and lead companies, the principal orchestrators of global automotive value chains. Utilising a dataset of 10 in-depth interviews with automotive industry actors, we analyse headquarters–subsidiary differences in the patterns of digitalisation-driven upgrading. A theoretical framework is offered that explains why the significant upgrading achievements of manufacturing subsidiaries deploying industry 4.0 technologies will not reduce the gap between lead companies and manufacturing subsidiaries in terms of value generation. We show that the concept of ‘industry 4.0’ is much narrower than that of ‘digitalisation’ and transition to smart factories is only part of the digital transformation story. Industry 4.0 technologies contribute to the upgrading of operations, and enable subsidiaries to take on production-related knowledge-intensive assignments (functional upgrading). Conversely, digitalisation serves lead companies’ strategic differentiation efforts, and facilitates achieving competitive advantage: the latter are crucial for value capture.  相似文献   

This article develops a general model that estimates market power exertion in a bilateral market relationship for processors and retailers where each may also have market power in their primary input market and output markets, respectively. Monte Carlo experiments are used to generate industry data for market structures such as perfect competition, monopoly, monopsony, bilateral imperfect competition with an integrated processor/retailer, bilateral imperfect competition with separate processor and retailer, and bilateral imperfect competition with four adjacent upstream and downstream markets. Then, new empirical industrial organization models are estimated using the data with models that match the market structure under which the data were generated (true) and with models that reflect alternative market structures (alternative). The general model is derived using the production function approach without imposing the fixed proportion assumption. Monte Carlo simulation results indicate that the general model is preferred to alternative models that presume competitive behaviour by processors in primary input procurement and by retailers in the output market. Results indicate that less flexible models lead to biased market power estimates in the presence of market power in the corresponding input and output markets.  相似文献   

This paper reports our experiences with the application of a number of alternative approaches to a study of women's economic circumstances and quality of life in a typical western city. The important work of, especially, Martha Nussbaum on the capabilities approach to evaluations of “quality of life” has highlighted pitfalls associated with the use of a narrow informational base in studies of women's lives and has emphasized the value of qualitative methods in these evaluations. However, to date, most discussions of the relevance of plural approaches to studies of women's lives have been conducted in the context of developing countries. This paper contributes a practical, current example of the relevance of such approaches to assessments of the lives of women in western countries as well. The research findings reported in the paper also cast further light on the importance of several, related themes in the literature on the capabilities approach, namely the importance of understanding how women's aspirations and expectations change with their economic and social experiences; and the importance of appreciating the social uses of language and how this affects the way in which women describe their lives.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze how strategic competition between a green firm and a brown competitor develops when their products are differentiated along two dimensions: hedonic quality and environmental quality. The former dimension refers to the pure (intrinsic) performance of the good, whereas the latter dimension has a positional content: buying green goods satisfies the consumer's desire to be portrayed as a socially worthy citizen. We consider the case in which these quality dimensions are in conflict with each other so that the higher the hedonic quality of a good, the lower the corresponding environmental quality. We characterize the equilibrium configurations and discuss the policy implications deriving from our analysis.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyze whether investment in soil and water conservation results in a higher yield and income and/or mitigate variability in yield and income to subsistence farm households in the Hunde-Lafto area. Net returns from crop production with and without soil and water conservation (SWC) are compared based on stochastic dominance (SD) criteria. A non-parametric first order SD and normalized second order are used for data analysis. Analysis is based on the Soil Conservation Research Program (SCRP) database for the Hunde-Lafto research unit. The results of the analysis suggest that adopting a conservation strategy results in higher grain yield and net return than in not adopting. The normalized second order SD analysis results do not support the hypothesis that conservation strategy is unambiguously better than a noconservation strategy in reducing variability in yield and net return to farmers. However, conservation strategy has shown second order dominance at lower levels of yield and income that often correspond to unfavorable rainfall conditions. This makes it a preferred strategy to cope with the most prevalent risk factor of moisture shortage. Therefore, appropriate policies to help and encourage farmers to adopt SWC structures will contribute to improving the welfare of subsistence farm households in the study area and in other similar settings in the country. Designing and implementing SWC techniques that may result in unambiguous second order SD dominance will further improve the desirability and adoption of conservation measures.  相似文献   

This paper explores the heterogeneous productivity impact of trade, product market and financial market policies over the last decade in China. The paper makes a critical distinction between downstream and upstream industries, focusing on the indirect effects of regulation in upstream industries on firm performance in downstream manufacturing industries. We identify the differential effect of these policies on firm productivity growth depending on how far incumbents are relative to the technological frontier. Trade and product market reforms are found to deliver stronger gains for firms that are closer to the industry-level technological frontier, while the reverse holds for financial market reforms. The key conclusion that can be derived from the empirical analysis is that further product, trade and financial market reforms would bring substantial gains in China and could therefore speed up the convergence process. Taken at face value, the empirical estimates would imply that aligning product, trade and financial market regulation to the average level observed in OECD countries would bring aggregate manufacturing productivity gains of respectively 9%, 3% and 6.5% after 5 years.  相似文献   

This paper aims to demonstrate the importance of protein production for the global environment and to give insight into the way consumers frame the protein part of their meal. Using a macro perspective, it presents a review of the literature on current and future impacts of the nutritional transition that has made animals the chief source of protein in many countries. Protein-related environmental pressure is put into the perspective of a number of vital Earth-system processes whose boundaries have already been overstepped or are under threat of transgression. To inform policy-makers about these linkages a long-term global food security frame is proposed. Using a micro perspective, survey data on consumers reveal that their frames and habits are strongly adapted to the current meat system. Although this system has induced some pickiness about meat as well as uneasiness about meat's animal origin, there is a large psychological distance between consumers and experts in their view of protein sources. It is suggested that a global food security frame may help to bridge this distance by creating overlapping frames, capturing both altruistic aspects and a reasonable measure of self-interest. This may enable a novel protein transition, featuring a greater share of plant-based protein.  相似文献   

High population pressure and the rapid pace of human activity including urbanization, industrialization and other economic activities have led to a dwindling supply of arable land per capita and a process of agricultural intensification in South Asia. While this process has significantly increased food production to feed the growing population, it has also entailed considerable damage to the physical environment, including degradation and depletion of natural resources and unsustainable use of land and water resources. This paper employs the analytical tools of economic theory, environmental and ecological economics to model the impact of irrigation in South Asia. It underscores the need for an eclectic approach to policy responses stemming from private and common property rights theories, externality theory and sustainability theory with a view to environmentalizing agricultural development.  相似文献   

对质量缺陷管理的影响因素及其对质量绩效的作用机制的相关研究进行了系统的总结、归纳和集对,总结了研究现状,指出了研究不足和未来研究方向。  相似文献   


In an effort to help address severe levels of poverty, multinational firms are increasingly seeking to include African smallholders in their global value chains (GVCs). Despite efforts of multinationals to provide such opportunities, the number of successful inclusions remains limited. We draw from the entrepreneurship domain to approach this important issue from an opportunity perspective. At the heart of our effort to develop a greater theoretical understanding is the insight that opportunities can both be discovered and created by smallholders. The key implication of this insight is that multinationals will gain more from their efforts to include small landholders in their GVCs if they adapt their value chain systems in ways that also accommodate joint creation of opportunities with smallholders rather than expect that all smallholders adapt to the systems developed by the large global firms for their large suppliers.  相似文献   

This paper explores and contrasts the different social processes of valuation now appearing as economic means of valuing the environment. Monetary valuation via stated preference approaches has been criticised for assuming well formed and informed preferences and excluding a range of sustainability concerns such as rights, fairness and equity. Deliberative monetary valuation (DMV) in small groups is a novel hybrid of economic and political approaches which raises the prospect of a transformative and moralising experience. Critics of standard contingent valuation approaches have advocated this as offering a way forward. However there has been a lack of clarity as to the means of obtaining values, the expected outcomes and their role. Moving to group settings of deliberation raises concepts of social willingness to pay and accept which are distinct from an aggregate of individual value, although this does not seem to have been widely recognised. A new classification of values is presented appropriate to the literature trying to merge economic and political processes. Values associated with the individual may be exchange values, charitable contributions or fair prices, while social values can be speculative, expressive or arbitrated. The use of DMV is shown to result in different values due to variations in the institutional setting and process of valuation.  相似文献   

连锁物流服务质量体系构建与实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许良  俞明南  汪克夷 《技术经济》2010,29(7):120-126
本文在回顾国内外物流服务质量研究的文献基础上,对连锁物流服务质量的相关理论进行了分析,构建了连锁物流服务质量体系,认为连锁物流服务质量应当由正向过程质量、逆向过程质量以及结果质量3个维度所组成,并设计了相应的测量工具。通过对48家国内连锁企业的实证问卷调查,验证了测量量表的可靠性和有效性。  相似文献   

Much of the existing literature on the economics of child labor assumes that child labor is synonymous with employment in income‐generating activities. However, children also perform domestic chores, and excessive involvement in chores may be detrimental to their wellbeing. This paper investigates the effect on child health and education outcomes of participation in domestic chores as well as participation in income‐generating activities. Our data come from the 2014 Young Lives survey of Ethiopia. We use the guidelines of the 18th International Conference of Labor Statisticians and the United Nations Children's Fund to make a distinction between light work and harmful work, and apply this distinction to both domestic chores and income‐generating work. Using an instrumental variables approach, we find that involvement in harmful domestic chores is strongly associated with poor health and education outcomes. Our findings suggest that excessive involvement in domestic chores constitutes a form of child labor. Ignoring domestic chores will lead to an underestimate of the prevalence of child labor, especially among girls, whose exposure to chores is much higher, on average, than that of boys.  相似文献   

行业专门化与审计质量——来自中国审计市场的经验证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章运用中国上市公司2002-2007年的数据,研究了会计师事务所行业专门化投资行为对审计质量的影响。研究发现,在控制了其他变量之后,审计质量随着会计师事务所行业专门化投资程度的上升而先下降后上升,呈现U型函数关系。文章的研究结论有助于丰富会计师事务所行业专门化对审计质量影响的研究,并为我国会计师事务所通过行业专门化发展战略实现做大做强提供重要的数据支持。  相似文献   

This paper studies voluntary public good provision in the laboratory, in a cross-cultural experiment conducted in the United States and Japan. Our environment differs from the standard voluntary contribution mechanism because subjects first decide whether or not to participate in providing this non-excludable public good. This participation decision is conveyed to the other subject prior to the subjects' contribution decisions. We find that only the American data are consistent with the evolutionary-stable-strategy Nash equilibrium predictions, and that behavior is significantly different across countries. Japanese subjects are more likely to act spitefully in the early periods of the experiment, even though our design changes subject pairings each period so that no two subjects ever interact twice. Surprisingly, this spiteful behavior eventually leads to more efficient public good contributions for Japanese subjects than for American subjects.  相似文献   

The question of public debt management for both developed and developing economies has generated an enormous amount of political as well as academic interest. This study examines how governance affects public debt accumulation in the MENA countries during the 1996–2015 period. The six Worldwide Governance indicators (voice and accountability, political stability and the absence of violence/terrorism, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law and control of corruption) were used to measure the quality of governance in these countries. The results show that only three governance indicators support well the hypothesis that poor governance leads to higher accumulation of MENA public debt. Moreover, the estimates suggest a significant indirect impact of bad governance operating via decreased GDP growth. These findings have important implications for policy makers of these countries, which are currently facing major fiscal and external imbalances due to the high cost of war and terrorist attacks, low oil prices and a decline in trade. Sound public debt management represents an urgent task especially that public debt management problems often find their origins in the lack of attention paid by policymakers to the costs of bad governance and weak macroeconomic management.  相似文献   

制度质量、制度稳定性与经济增长:一项实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用1995-2009年95个国家三个样本组平均每5年期的面板数据,设定跨国面板固定效应模型,检验了制度质量、制度稳定性对经济增长的影响,并对制度质量和制度稳定性对发达国家和发展中国家经济增长的不同作用进行了比较分析.研究结果表明高质量的制度促进经济增长,不稳定的制度阻碍经济增长;和发达国家相比,制度质量对发展中国家经济增长所发挥的作用相对较小,而制度不稳定对发展中国家经济增长所产生的阻碍作用却相对较大,这主要是因为发达国家更透明的市场信息,更完善的资本市场和保险市场减少了制度不稳定性所带来了短期危害.  相似文献   

公司治理与会计信息质量:一项经验研究   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
杜兴强  温日光 《财经研究》2007,33(1):122-133
文章以盈余管理程度的反向作为衡量会计信息质量的标志,构建了一个会计信息质量的综合指数,采纳“泊松回归”分析方法,对公司治理的六个层面(包括股权集中度、高层管理当局薪酬、最终控制人性质、高层管理人员数量、高层管理当局持股比例、公司治理中的会议频次等)对会计信息质量的影响进行相应的经验研究。  相似文献   

食品质量安全的首要问题是保证居民的主食安全。我国有65%以上的人口是以稻米为主食的,稻米质量是否安全,一定程度上决定了我国居民食品质量安全的总体情况。稻米质量安全生产强调产地环境、过程控制和产品质量三个方面。其中,产地环境强调土壤、空气、水的控制要达到相应环境监测标准,因此,文章从水、土壤、空气三个方面客观分析了我国稻米质量安全生态环境的现状,指出了我国稻米质量安全生态环境面临的严峻现实,并提出在做好现有工业企业污染防治的基础上,严格控制和禁止新污染源产业在稻米主产区内建设;进一步创新产业化组织形式,加强稻米质量安全产业化建设;建立和完善主产区稻田生态监测系统,指导农户按照稻米质量安全生产规范种植的建议。  相似文献   

目的:介绍健康相关生命质量(HR-QOL)的概念,并对在亚洲国家应用HR-QOL工具提供帮助和建议。方法:在回顾国内外相关文献的基础上,总结亚洲国家可获得的HR-QOL测量量表,并举例说明HR-QOL在亚洲应用过程中存在的问题。结果与结论:HR-QOL工具在亚洲国家的应用绝大部分属于翻译和修改现存的工具,翻译的质量、版权等问题影响着翻译后的量表效度,另外量表管理模式以及亚洲各国的文化特点等都影响着HR-QOL工具在亚洲国家的发展。  相似文献   

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