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Europe׳s Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) was characterized by large international imbalances and uneven national labor market reforms. In this paper׳s model, labor policies that aim to increase the welfare of capital-poor individuals within each country are influenced by financial integration across differently capital-abundant countries. The model predicts that capital outflows should be associated with labor market deregulation, as was the case in EMU, and helps interpret inequality developments and policy tensions in that experience.  相似文献   

进入新世纪,日本将生物技术产业纳入国家经济发展的最重要产业之一,政府和民间通过各种方式全力推进其技术研发和成果产业化进程。 在农业领域,日本虽然在基因育种等个别领域起步较晚,但凭借其在尖端技术研发和资金投入等方面的实力,农业生物技术的研发水平在短期内迅速提高,综合研发能力和许多单项技术水平已处于世界前列。基因组研究和转基因技术开发不断取得突破性进展,功能食品开发成果显著,胚胎移植和克隆技术已实际应用,利用不同生物手段育成大量的动植物新品种。许多研发成果已成功转化并实现产业化,生物技术在日本的现代化农业中起愈加重要的作用。 本文概述了目前日本农业生物技术的发展战略和政策措施,以及种植、畜产、水产等六大领域生物技术的研发现状和最新进展,并对农业生物技术主要研发机构的情况作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

Ensar Yilmaz 《Empirica》2010,37(3):253-269
This paper firstly discusses the impact of inflation on real output in different theoretical models and then investigates this impact empirically in an economy facing persistent high inflation. We find some evidence of Sidrauski’s (Am Econ Rev 57:534–544, 1967) superneutrality of money for Turkey in the long run. However, it seems that inflation affects real output negatively in the short run. These results are more compatible with a class of utility functions in which real money balances and consumption are perfect complements as Asako (Econometrica 51(5):1593–1596, 1983) elucidates.  相似文献   

文章针对当前我国金融监管普通存在着监管理念不清、法规不全、措施落后等诸多问题,应借鉴西方国家成功的监管模式和手段,应地制宜采取多种措施,以全面提高我国金融监管水平,增强国际竞争力。  相似文献   

文化产业是为了满足精神文化需要从事的文化产品生产或提供文化服务的行业门类的总称。文化产业的快速发展是我国经济健康均衡发展的客观要求,文化产业投融资对文化产业的发展具有重要的推动力量。在我国文化产业融资中存在一些问题如政府对文化产业的投入资金不足、投入力度不大;文化产业投融资方面渠道较少、渠道不畅;文化产业知识产权评估体系不够完善科学,文化项目评估能力弱;风险投资对文化产业的支持力度不够;鼓励投入文化产业的相关政策不够完善等。为了正确认识和解决我国产业投融资中存在的问题,笔者从不同的方面提出了相关的建议和对策,以加快我国文化产业的快速健康发展。  相似文献   

The diversity in innovation patterns across manufacturing and service industries and in their outcomes in terms of hourly labor productivity are investigated in this article considering six European countries. The Schumpeterian insights into the variety of innovation are developed in this work by identifying different innovation–performance relationships for industries and countries, relying either on the dominant role of product innovation, or on the diffusion of process improvements. Moreover, the “push” effect of innovation is combined with the “pull” effect of demand, by considering the impact of the dynamics of consumption and investment at the sectoral level. The results point out a “North-South” divide across EU countries, with the three countries of Northern Europe closely associated to the model of productivity growth based on product innovation, and the three Southern countries, mainly relying on the mechanisms by which process innovation is at the root of productivity improvements.  相似文献   

本文从顺治年间湖广军饷供给这一新的视角来分析清初所谓的剿抚之举 ,认为清军之所以能在与南明起义军余部的战争中取胜 ,与其在湖广地区恢复社会秩序、发展经济密切相关。  相似文献   

This article reviews changes in Australian protection policy between 1967 and 1995, particularly the political economy aspects. The story is quite complex, and until 1974 was unusual by international standards, with a sophisticated Australian tariff debate and the remarkable transparency role of the Industry Assistance Commission (IAC), and its predecessor, the Tariff Board. The role of Alf Rattigan, Chairman of the Tariff Board and later the IAC, is stressed. Liberalisation since 1988 has been drastic, so that most tariffs will be brought down to 5 per cent by the year 2000. All quotas were ended by 1993. This can be contrasted with very high protection levels in 1967 and quite high levels even in 1987. Substantial unilateral trade liberalisation normally requires exchange rate depreciation, and the floating of the Australian dollar made the tariff reductions possible. The motives for Australian trade liberalisation in the 1980s are compared with those for similar liberalisations in many developing countries.  相似文献   

我国科学技术研究不端行为的责任与管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在概括分析美国处理研究不端行为的政策基础上,比较了我国研究不端行为和研究不法行为的区别并作了定义;研究了我国有关法律、规章和政策对研究不端、不法行为的界定、责任处置和存在的问题;分析了我国对研究不端行为处置的管理监督体制;提出了加强我国对研究不端行为管理的若干建议,并对目前传媒(主要是网络)上对“研究不端行为”的揭露与处置方式提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

We assess the determinants of the 10-year sovereign yield for the period 2000–2015, in Portugal and in Ireland. Results show that the long-term Portuguese sovereign yield increased with the rise of the 10-year Bund yield and during the Securities Markets Programme, but decreased due to financial integration. Additionally, during the period of the economic and financial adjustment programme, there was evidence of additional rises (decreases) due to increases (decreases) in the 3-month Euribor rate, and the level of public debt. EU/IMF funding reduced sovereign yield.  相似文献   

在高校推行中英双语教学是推动高等教育国际化的重要举措,是培养高素质人才的重要途径。新疆高校中英双语教学中存在的主要问题是缺少评价体系。要进行双语教学,真正实施素质教育,就必须改变原有的评价手段、评价内容和评价方法,形成良好的评价机制和导向机制,这样才能调动师生的积极性,不断推动双语教学的发展。  相似文献   

但随着公共财政框架的建立、财政改革的深化和科技事业的发展,现有的黑龙江省财政科技经费管理模式已不适应,迫切需要建立财政科技经费新型管理制度和框架,才能充分发挥科技资金效益,提升黑龙江省科技实力,建设创新型黑龙江。从黑龙江省近年来不断加大财政科技投入的力度,努力提高财政科技支出资金的绩效管理水平的实际出发,指出了黑龙江省财政科技资金在管理分配及其绩效等方面存在的问题,并分析了其产生原因,进一步提出要建立科技资源配置的决策和统筹协调机制、完善科研项目经费使用的监管机制、提高财政科技支出资金的综合使用效益、提高预算管理水平及调整相关科目及核算办法等对策建议。  相似文献   

新媒体与文化产业的结合,改变了传统文化产业的制作方式和传播平台,展现出文化创意产业的技术、文化、知识等创新要素,赋予了文化产业在数字化时代的新内涵。新媒体在文化产业中的作用是全方位的,创意产业中的动漫,文物交易、工艺品、设计、时装设计电影、互动休闲软件等内容形式、创作手段、传播媒介及产业经营思路发生根本的变化和迅猛的发展。经过改革开放近30年的快速发展,广州已进入全面推进现代化大都市建设的关键时期,在数字传媒时代中,广东如何抓住机遇,大力发展以人才资本为主的创意产业,从而引领产业向高端发展,对推动广州经济社会发展模式的转型和建设创新型城市具有十分重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

Supply and demand factors in the output decline in East and Central Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Andrew Berg 《Empirica》1994,21(1):3-36
What are the relative weights of supply and demand factors in generating the output declines observed in Poland during its transition to the market? And how important are the factors that fit under the rubric of “supply and demand” in comparison to other potential reasons for the output decline, especially adjustment away from the Soviet-style economic system? The initial decline seems to have been due to a combination of aggregate demand shocks associated with the stabilization, declines in inventory investment due to the transition from a shortage economy, and especially shifts in demand away from socialized sector industry towards other sectors of the economy. Growth has come primarily from expansion in new sectors, such as services and residential construction, and in new enterprises. The applicability of one-good macroeconomics is limited in understanding either the output decline or the subsequent growth in Poland.  相似文献   

政府是否能够影响聚集经济内的创新活动?新经济增长理论、新马歇尔理论与创新经济学从不同的角度对这一问题进行了阐述。文章对比了政府在硅谷与新竹这两个典型集群的自主创新中所扮演的不同角色,结合昆山电子信息产业集群自主创新的的实践经验,提出了政府促进集群自主创新的有效路径。  相似文献   

This article uses survey data to investigate the relationship between citizens’ confidence in formal institutions and reliance on informal institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). We find an endogenous substituting relationship and that the different institutional structures currently existing in the two entities in BiH are significantly linked to respondents’ confidence in formal and reliance on informal institutions. In addition, perceptions of higher indirect costs of institutions and a lack of their improvement are associated with a lower confidence in formal and a greater reliance on informal institutions; the minority ethnic groups in each region are less confident in formal and rely more on informal institutions compared to the majority group; and more reliance on informal institutions is found amongst males and respondents from urban areas.  相似文献   

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