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论企业形象及其塑造途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章认为,良好的企业形象已成为企业生存与发展的重要条件,充分认识企业形象的作用及其构成因素,并探讨其塑造途径,对于增强企业竞争力、促进企业可持续发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

随着经济的高速发展和文化的不断传播。大众购买商品不仅只是依靠商品的本质特征,还很大程度上依赖它的品牌知名度、商品的售后服务、口碑等。物美价廉的货品已不是大多数群众追求的目标了。针对目前的社会现象,企业应如何采取更有效的对策来塑造企业形象。本文就应对当今的企业形象的影响力、企业形象的必要性、CIS战略的引入,塑造企业形象的对策作了着重分析和阐述。  相似文献   

企业形象指的是社会公众对企业的总体印象.是企业整体素质与文明程度的综合表现。良好的企业形象是企业的无形资产,企业家必须注重从内外两个方面入手,既要练好内功,又要善于运用各种媒介主动地把自己介绍给社会公众,着力塑造良好的企业形象.以提高知名度和美誉度。  相似文献   

四川省沪沽铁矿政研会在撰写的《浅谈矿山企业塑造企业形象的困难与对策》一文中认为矿山企业大多数都处于非常困难的境地,在塑造企业形象方面确实有很多难处。但是,越困难就越是要知难而进。一个企业总要有一种形象存在于社会和用户心中,没有好的形象的企业也是很难发达兴旺的。首先要增强塑造企业形象的紧迫感。当今不少矿山企业的领导层渐渐认识到:越是企业生产经营疲软,经济困难的时候,越要抓住市场经济的潮流,把握市场经济的脉搏,研究市场,顺应市场,增强塑造企业形象意识,依靠企业文化提高管理水平,塑造良好的企业形象。这…  相似文献   

企业形象关系到企业的生死存亡。良好的企业形象是企业的无形资产,是提高企业经济效益和社会效益的关键所在。本世纪70年代以来,塑造良好的企业形象日益成为全球企业实现经营目标、赢得竞争优势的新战略。企业形象战略及其特点企业形象战略是在二次大战后逐渐萌芽、70年代成熟起来的一种企业发展战略。它是指企业为在消费者和其他社会公众心目中树立良好的形象而进行的一系列决策,是企业在分析内外环境现状的基础上制定的企业形象发展目标,及实现目标的原则、方针和措施。这是企业发展战略的重要组成部分。企业形象目标千差万别,但有一…  相似文献   

随着中国品牌战略的推进,打造良好的企业形象已经成为企业参与市场竞争、融入国家发展战略的必然选择。不可否认,从整体上看,目前我国企业与西方发达国家企业在形象塑造方面缺乏明显优势,企业缺乏对形象塑造的整体认知,忽视市场营销战略设计,企业文化影响力不足,企业品牌缺乏竞争力等问题普遍存在。针对此现状,本文从现代企业形象塑造的重要性出发,结合我国企业形象塑造中的问题,探究相应的发展策略,以期对企业发展提供帮助。  相似文献   

企业形象是消费者和社会公众对企业的认识和评价,也是企业自身特征和状况的主要标志。企业形象包括企业的产品形象、服务形象、管理形象、员工队伍形象、企业家形象、企业外观形象等。  相似文献   

加强企业文化建设可以有多种途径,最基本、最关键的是塑造企业的形象,在市场经济条件下,企业形象在很大程度上决定着企业的生存与发展。企业文化建设的重要任务之一就是设计、塑造展示企业形象。下面就如何塑造企业形象,谈一下粗浅的认识。  相似文献   

邓健 《科技与企业》2007,(11):52-53
在现代企业管理模式中,越来越多的中国企业已经开始走上了品牌化管理—注重企业形象塑造的道路,并取得了一定的成效。但是,效果不是太理想,成功的典范不多、究其原因是在注重企业形象塑造时忽略了非常重要的一环,那就是企业领导者形象的塑造,而决定企业领导者形象的关键因素就是企业领导者人格魅力。  相似文献   

企业形象指的是社会公众对企业的总体印象,是企业整体素质与文明程度的综合表现。  相似文献   

塑造良好职业形象是个人取得成功的重要因素,文章论述了学生感受优秀企业文化、参与企业生产管理、学院宣传企业优秀员工、做强订单教育是塑造学生良好职业形象的重要途径。  相似文献   

The economic development of high-tech industries in Taiwan focuses on IC design, opt electrics, semiconductors, computer science and telecommunication. It is necessary for business to understand the relations and significance of the economic performance to take the responsibility and keep a positive corporate image, thus they can earn more admiration and trust from customers. How do they take the social responsibility to improve their corporate image and create the economic performance, and finally reach the top one of the whole world? This study discusses the subject concerning the continuing development of business and relevant issues stated above. We found that 68.1% of high-tech industries in Taiwan are in accordance with business ethics and norms of conduct. Businesses take their responsibility practically by participating in public welfare activities. The more responsibilities they fulfill; the better image they have. High-tech industries should target the social responsibility as their first goal and secondly improve their corporate image to increase the economic performance.  相似文献   

In today’s highly competitive airline market, preferable corporate image is acknowledged as having high potential to impact customer loyalty. Corporate image provides a powerful way of differentiating a company from its competitors and stimulating purchases. In the past, corporate image has been a vague concept and has been difficult to measure quantitatively. A fuzzy MCDM (Multi Criteria Decision Making) model is thus proposed. It can quantify corporate image and reputation so that management can fully comprehend the relative positioning of company in the markets to make informed judgments and marketing strategies. A study of international airlines serving in Taiwan is conducted for verification. The results indicate that safety record and service emerge as the critical factors of the air transport market while the incentives seem to have little attraction for customers.  相似文献   

企业文化是企业的价值体系和行为规范,它内聚力量,外塑形象。优秀的企业文化对企业的发展具有重要指导意义。文章通过对广西中烟企业文化的探究,分析该公司企业文化的一些特点,希望对国有企业文化的建设起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   

刘伟刚 《价值工程》2011,30(35):69-70
网络品牌就是企业的网络形象在消费者心目中的印象总和,它具有相对独立性、效果难以衡量,载体丰富的特点。网络品牌和传统品牌既有区别也有联系,网络品牌通过企业门户网站、网络推广和网络信息传播表现出来。一个好的网络品牌会给企业的形象、网络销售、传统销售、客户服务都带来改善提高。  相似文献   

Green marketing strategies are employed by many enterprises to enhance their corporate image and business performance. Green marketing is perceived as the commitment of a business or an organisation towards the development of safe, eco‐friendly goods and services by employing recyclable and easily decomposed packaging, better pollution prevention methods, and a more efficient use of energy. Against this background, the study followed a case study approach using South Africa's retail giants, Woolworths and Pick n Pay. Stratified purposive sampling was used to carry out in‐depth interviews and administer questionnaires with senior management of the selected retailers. In addition, document and website analyses were used for triangulation purposes. Path analysis and content analysis were used to establish the correlation. The study established that green marketing strategy has a positive effect on corporate image and on business performance. The paper recommends that if enterprises are to sustain competitive advantage, particularly in the retail sector, it is in their best interest to adopt green marketing strategies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between service evaluation, corporate image, switching barriers, and customers’ intentional loyalty. The proposed model was tested and valuated in the mobile services context. A field survey was conducted using a structured questionnaire about the investigated concepts. To test the proposed hypotheses, a model was constructed and estimated using the method of partial least squares. Findings indicate that service evaluation constructs have both direct and indirect effects, through customer satisfaction and corporate image, on customers’ intentional loyalty. The outcomes suggest that marketers, in their effort to develop more customer-oriented marketing plans, should consider both the pool-in factors, reflecting the value of the provided services, customer satisfaction, and corporate image, and the interactions among them, as well as the push-back factors, as they all impact on customers’ behavioral intentions. The research was limited to one service setting and the proposed model should be cross-validated in other service settings before the relationships among its components are fully clarified. Also, the use of cross-section design reduces inference ability regarding temporal changes in research constructs. This article contributes in adding to the body of the existing knowledge by considering both corporate image and switching barriers, along with service evaluation constructs, as antecedents of consumer’s intentions determination, resulting in a model that has not been investigated thus far.  相似文献   

公司治理结构与会计信息质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
会计信息的真实与否对于会计能否实现其目标,发挥其作用密切相关,其质量的高低不仅影响到公司的发展,还影响到公司内部不同的利益相关者,究其原因,最根本的是公司治理结构的不完善。本文即从公司治理结构的角度来分析会计信息质量问题,找出原因及相应的对策。  相似文献   

This paper examines the images of audit firms in Spain. Spain offers a valuable research context in that it is a relatively new audit market and one where the top company audits are not totally dominated by the large multinational audit firms, allowing for a comparison of the images of such firms against those associated with smaller, national audit firms. The findings of this survey are pertinent given the current level of debate internationally over the role, regulation and quality of auditing services and concerns over the potential impact of recent corporate scandals on auditor reputation.

Our study shows that the images of audit firms in Spain have differed on a number of dimensions, mostly concerned with the pricing of audit services and the spread of audit clients. Significantly, no differences were obtained in relation to the perceived competence or ethical standing of the large multinational and Spanish, national audit firms. The study also shows the areas of the audit firm's corporate image where the actual image of the firm differs significantly from that desired by the management of their clients.  相似文献   

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