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环境标志制度已经成为国际贸易中越来越重要的一项制度,环境标志通过利用公众对环保产品的选择,逆向引导企业参与环保,具有良好的环保效果。我国已建立了环境标志制度,但有待完善。我国应结合WTO规则,提高国民的环保意识;建立环境标志体系,完善环境标志制度;积极参加CTE关于环境标志问题的讨论,维护发展中国家和我国的贸易利益,才能使我国的环境标志制度与国际市场全面接轨。  相似文献   

近年来,我国环境标志产品及其认证市场得到了较快发展,但由于受到行业管理、经济利益诸多因素的影响,导致了一定程度上的混乱。《整顿我国环境标志产品市场的对策建议》一文对环境标志、认证及有关标准现状进行了介绍,建议对现行的环境标志、认证及有关标准进行简化,并在采用国际标准的基础上实行统一管理。  相似文献   

环境标志制度与技术性贸易壁垒   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
环境标志制度的迅速发展适应了环保政策由“法规导向”转为“诱因导向”的世界潮流,但由于各国环境条件千差万别,要想实现环境标志的全球统一是不可能的。在环境标志制度的授予及鉴定标准难以完全基于客观的环境或技术等因素的情况下,环境标志很有可能成为一种事实上的贸易技术壁垒。在wTO贸易规范中,环境标志制度应该属于TBT规范范围内的事项。  相似文献   

为实现贸易与环境的可持续发展,国际贸易中的环境标志制度作为一种手段正在被普遍运用。作为高污染产业的纺织业,在国际纺织品贸易中,环境标志制度得到了更大程度的应用。本文从经济学角度,对纺织品贸易中环境标志制度的正、负效应用模型进行了分析和评价,认为纺织品环境标志制度的实施所带来的经济效率,有利于经济和环境的可持续发展,但短期内对纺织品出口国也有不利影响。  相似文献   

谁是中国开展环境标志。产品认证的权威机构仅有一家,即中国环境标志产品认证委员会,它是代表国家对产品环境行为进行认证、授予产品环境标志的唯一机构。  相似文献   

为确保中国环境标志的正确使用,倡导可持续生产和消费,促进环境友好型社会建设,我部制定了《中国环境标志使用管理办法》。现予发布,自发布之日起执行。附件:《中国环境标志使用管理办法》二○○八年九月二十七日  相似文献   

随着全球经济的迅速增长以及生态环境的急剧恶化,人们对环境问题及其影响的关切日益增强,"预防为主、治理为辅、防治结合"的理念日益深入人心,一场以保护环境为宗旨的绿色消费运动已在各国悄然兴起,环境标志制度和环境标志标准也由此成为全球关注的热点。1环境标志环境标志又称"绿色标志'域"生态标志"。它通过政府部门或公共、私人团体依据一定的环境标准向有关厂家颁布证书和标志的形式,来证明其产品生产、使用以及回收处置的整个过程符合特定的环保要求。ISO14020《环境标志和声明通用原则》中,对环境标志作了如下定性阐述:"环境…  相似文献   

随着中国绿色环境标志产品第一份清单的开出和两部门(财政部与国家环保总局)发布的目录名称是“环境标志产品政府采购清单”予以保护的实行,加之,政府绿色采购清单所划定的产品必须是获得环境标志认证的产品。这意味着。凡进入清单的产品必须先取得国家“环境标志产品”资格。  相似文献   

目前,我国已有 200多家企业生产的近 50大类、 500多种产品获得了环境标志,其中包括电冰箱、彩电、空调、无磷洗衣粉、生态纺织品等。 环境标志是一种用在产品或其包装上的标签,证明该产品不仅质量合格,而且在产品生产、使用和回收再利用中符合特定的环保要求。标有这种标志的产品即是环境标志产品,又称绿色产品。 我国从 1994年开始实行环境标志产品认证制度。由于国际上尚无统一的环境标志产品标准,我国在借鉴北欧、德国等国家和地区相关标准的基础上,相继制订颁布了无铅日用陶瓷、低辐射彩电、无苯鞋胶、低甲醛地板等绿色产品技…  相似文献   

<正>绿色旅游饭店是国际上饭店服务业广泛采用的一种环境标志。欧洲一些饭店意识到饭店的环境影响,从加强环境保护和提高饭店竞争力的双重目的出发,自20世纪80年代就开始进行环境管理,并取得了显著成效。绿色旅游饭店通过规定环境标准的要求、环境标志的评价方法和环境标志的使用,全面提升饭店的环境管理水平,进而提高饭店的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

We study markets in which consumers prefer green products but cannot determine the environmental quality of any given firm's product on their own. A nongovernmental organization (NGO) can establish a voluntary standard and label products that comply with it. Alternatively, industry can create its own standard and label. We compare the stringency of these two types of labels, and study their strategic interaction when they coexist. We find that even with error‐free labels, environmental benefits may be smaller with two labels than with the NGO label alone, and we characterize when label competition is more likely to be environmentally beneficial.  相似文献   

Sustainable development is a key issue for society. Beside corporate's efforts, consumers should have responsibilities for environmental protection and consider sustainable coexistences between future generations and natural ecosystems. In this study, a 4 × 2 factorial between‐subject experiment is adopted to develop eight environmental policy disclosure scenarios based on different environmental advertising claims (product orientation, process orientation, image orientation, and environmental fact) and eco‐labels (available/unavailable) to explore the effect of consumer attitudes and behaviors. This study's results show that environmental advertising claims have significant effects on consumers' attitudes. The product, process, and image orientation advertising, along with advertising with eco‐labels, can induce more positive attitudes and stronger purchase intentions. Individuals with greater environmental concerns have a significant positive attitude toward environmental advertising. Consumer attitudes toward environmental advertising also have positive effects on purchase intentions and sustainable consumption behaviors. Finally, this study offers useful findings, practical implications, and insights.  相似文献   

This paper questions the honesty of third‐party certification in the market for a good whose environmental quality is not observable by consumers. The certifier maximizes a weighted sum of its own revenue and social welfare. The higher the relative weight placed on revenue, the stronger the certifier's incentive to mislead consumers. Certification is analyzed as a costly signaling mechanism that, besides displaying labels, transmits information through market prices. Honest certification requires that prices credibly signal environmental quality to prevent cheating. I show that certification can only be honest when the certifier is driven more by social welfare than by profit. In the reverse case, the certifier cannot help jamming the price signal, thereby granting unreliable labels.  相似文献   

In recent years, the idea of ‘green’ or ‘political’ consumers expressing their political beliefs in everyday life has been widely embraced. Eager to satisfy the needs of this new market segment, firms have allocated substantial resources to environmental management, social accountability, corporate citizenship, occupational health and safety etc. During the 1990s, the industrialized world also witnessed a growing number of environmental labels, expected to guide the political consumers in their shopping decisions. Evaluations of these environmental labelling (eco‐labelling) programmes indicate that some labels and product groups receive a great deal of attention while others remain in obscurity. To understand these differences, the paper will discuss some of the factors that determine the market impact of environmental labelling. It is concluded that the concept of the ‘green’ consumer is over‐simplified and fails to capture the actual complexity of consumer values, attitudes and behaviour. The results are based on existing literature and our own empirical findings. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

An emerging topic in environmental management studies is the role of eco‐labels in guiding consumers in their purchasing choices. In order to contribute to the current debate on this topic, this research paper aims to assess, through a quantitative analysis, whether the knowledge, awareness and information that consumers gather on the environmental impact of a product through an eco‐label can stimulate an eco‐friendly behavior. Moreover, we assess whether general attitudes in purchasing behaviors determine a personal attitude toward ecological consumption. The findings from this study, which is based on a large dataset of Italian consumers, highlight a significant role of eco‐labels in increasing the consumer's perceived behavioral control, unlike loyalty in brand and in store, which do not exert a significant influence. Practical implications for green business strategies emerge. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

The purpose of our study is to explore how companies operating in the Nordic wood products value chains currently use environmental performance measures in their environmental policy and communication with stakeholders. Apart from the regularly‐used environmental management certificates, the ability of wood material to store carbon and the use of sustainable forest management certificates open up interesting strategic options for firms in the implementation of their environmental policy. The primary was collected through thematic managerial interviews in 2011 from 37 companies in Finland, Sweden and Norway, of varying size, roles in the value chain, conditions for green business practices and exports. Forest certification and environmental management systems were frequently used, but managers did not always perceive them to be useful, particularly for raising environmental awareness at the final consumer level. Nevertheless, the general attitude towards using environmental performance measures was seen as positive. Companies with a business‐to‐business orientation were the most proactive in terms of environmental communication, whereas companies in consumer markets were more reactive. The key stakeholders targeted for environmental communication were value chain partners and the authorities, and only to a lesser degree employees and environmental non‐governmental organisations. The key strategic role of environmental management and communication appeared to be securing the firms against negative environmental claims. The Nordic wood industry could improve their communication if the strategic orientation is shifted from the forest certification to the use of generic eco‐labels, and most of all, to the adoption of quantitative measures like carbon footprints and environmental product declarations. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

  • This paper explores the effectiveness of cigarette warning labels across two countries, one (the UK) with new and stricter legislation where text based labels have been made more prominent and one (the USA) with less stringent regulation, where labels are less visible. Using longitudinal data from the two countries, the research seeks to investigate the impact of the different types of warning labels on the information processing by consumers. This paper assesses the effectiveness of warning labels in terms of: consumer attention, elaboration, contemplation on quitting and behavioural compliance. This study provides a comprehensive examination of these key factors in a fixed causal sequence. Structural equation modelling was used to test this model based on longitudinal panel survey data from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey. Analysis of a sample of 901 US smokers and 1459 UK smokers yielded results in full support of all hypothesised relationships in the model proposed for both countries. Findings suggest that the new European Union policy of more prominent warning labels has a direct effect on influencing behavioural compliance by smokers.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This empirical article contributes to the sustainable development debate by examining consumer responses to carbon labels within a real world context. Given the limitations of methodologies that use self‐reported or intended measures of purchasing behaviour, we use the loyalty card data of the largest supermarket retailer in the UK to measure the impact of carbon labels on sales by different consumer segments. The data show that the trial of carbon labels on supermarket own brand products has had no discernible impact on shifting demand to lower carbon products. In order to explore possible reasons for lack of impact, nine focus groups were held using purposive sampling by retailer consumer segments to allow an exploration of awareness, understanding and use of carbon labels. The findings from the focus groups identified possible reasons for this lack of impact: lack of awareness and understanding of carbon labelling; constraining or facilitating social and cultural influences; and the heterogeneous nature of consumers. As a result, a number of implications for stakeholders are discussed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the determinants of consumer attitudes toward organic products marketed by mainstream retailers under a private label. Since organic products are credence goods, consumers cannot directly verify whether these products comply with official standards. Organic labels are the primary source of consumer trust in organics, but these labels must be noticed and understood before consumers will actively seek them out. In that some consumers may not prioritize product labels when they shop, it is sometimes up to retailers to strengthen consumer trust. Within the antecedents of this trust, we isolated the contribution of the corporate social responsibility associations held by consumers about retailers. We surveyed Italian customers interested in organics and found that they are more likely to trust the private‐label organic products sold by a retailer when it is considered socially responsible. Our results also show that consumer trust translates into brand loyalty and a willingness to pay a premium price for organic products. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

丁应逵 《价值工程》2014,(2):180-182
分类是数据挖掘的重要组成部分,它根据类标号已知的数据建立模型,进而使用该模型来预测类标号未知的数据所属的类。KNN方法作为一种简单、有效、非参数的分类方法,在文本分类中得到广泛的应用,但是这种方法在训练样本的分布不均匀时会造成分类准确率的下降。针对KNN方法存在的这个问题,本文提出了一种基于相对距离的KNN分类方法,这种方法减少了边界点处测试样本的误判。实验结果显示,这种方法具有很好的性能。  相似文献   

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