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近年来,随着社会经济的发展,同业竞争的加剧,建设银行基层员工的工作压力和心理承受能力不断受到新的考验。作为各级管理者,尤其是从事思想政治工作条线的管理人员,如何辨别员工的情绪,分析影响情绪变化的因素,进而实施有效的员工情绪管理,已成为获得竞争力的重要内容。本文结合建设银行思想政治工作现状和员工情绪变化特点,就进一步加强员工情绪管理、提高思想政治工作实效的课题进行探讨。  相似文献   

员工压力管理是人力资源管理中的一个新课题。对于企业而言,压力管理的核心就是减轻员工的压力和心理负担对其造成的不良影响。企业在熟知员工压力来自何方时要以管理的方式进行疏导,对于员工的内心压力源、意见等,采取正确的态度来审视。做得好,对企业的发展能起到推动作用,达到良性循环。[编者按]  相似文献   

员工工作压力研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济的快速发展,竞争的加剧,员工工作压力问题也越来越突出,倍受人们关注,已逐步成为管理学、心理学和社会学研究的重要问题。学界关于员工压力的研究已取得了一些成果。本文旨在总结和梳理国内外关于工作压力的研究成果,以期为缓解当前日益严峻的员工工作压力状况寻找理论指导和解决路径。  相似文献   

员工队伍建设有各种路径,本文着重从人文关怀角度对此问题作初步探讨——践行人才理念,就是对员工最大的人文关怀;从“贡献度、忠诚度、风险度”三方面给予每位员工科学、公正的综合评价;拓宽职业提升通道分化同质竞争压力;开展主动性压力管理为员工谋取心理福利。  相似文献   

高校教师肩负着教学、科研等多重任务,随着社会转型和高等教育改革的全面推进,他们的工作压力越来越大.长期高强度的压力影响了高校教师的身心健康,给我国高等教育事业的发展带来极大的隐患.从关心教师群体健康和推动中国教育事业发展的角度出发,通过问卷调查法,针对高校教师这一群体,运用聚类分析剔除高校教师压力测量量表中重叠的信息,对高校教师压力源进行主成分分析.结果显示,高校教师职业压力较大.通过进一步分析高校教师压力源,发现高校教师压力主要来自工作保障压力、角色压力、工作无乐趣压力、教学保障压力、人际关系压力和工作负荷压力.  相似文献   

李琦 《中国外资》2011,(13):138-138
<正>都说职业化员工是企业常青的基石。那么何为职业化?其实,职业化就是一种工作状态的标准化、规范化、制度化,即在合适的时间、合适的地点,用合适的方式,说合适的话,做合适的事。使员工在知识、技能、观念、思维、态度、心理上符合职业规范和标准。它要求人们把社会或组织交代下来的岗位职责,专业地完成到最佳,准确扮演好自己的工作角色。以国际通行的概念分析,职业化的内涵至少包括四个方面:一是以"人事相宜"为追求,优化人们的职业资质;二是以"胜任愉快"为目标,保持人们的职业体能;三是以"创造绩效"为主导,开发人们的职业意识;四是以"适应市场"为基点,修  相似文献   

商业银行压力管理因素调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近商业银行经营管理面临巨大的压力,企业方面在缓解员工精神压力方面的努力却相当落后,当前对金融行业员工的压力研究已经成为迫切需要解决的问题。为了解和掌握当前商业银行员工的压力状况,本研究以广州为例,调查商业银行员工的压力源、压力感、压力结果、压力应对策略、自我效能感,探索银行压力管理存在的诸多问题,提出组织层面构建压力体系的设想。  相似文献   

据了解,基层营业网点特别是实行柜员制网点员工的工作压力较大,他们不仅在生理上要经受满负荷甚至是超负荷的工作压力,而且在心理上也要时刻警惕,防止业务出错.还要面对任务、改革和竞争带来的心理压力。同时.一些单位也缺乏了解和关心员工思想状况的意识和措施。长期在“高压”下工作,员工容易身心疲惫,士气低落,服务质量难以保证,甚至可能因思想素质、心理素质不过关而导致行动出现偏差。对此.基层行处要注意了解员工的思想动态及实际困难,及时解决员工对待单位改革措施、经营策略上存在的一些思想“疙瘩”,  相似文献   

人是生产力中最活跃的因素。调动人的积极性、主观能动性是推进工作落实的关键。近年来,随着银行各项改革步伐的加快以及同业竞争日益激烈,传统的思想观念、工作模式受到前所未有的挑战,给员工带来工作上的压力。本文就目前工商银行邢台分行员工面临的压力问题,结合最新研究的压力管理策略,浅析银行员工职场压力特点与疏导工作;并从邢台分行的实践中总结出压力疏导的方式、方法,以期帮助员工深入认识、觉察目前工作中的压力,以较好地适应、调节、应对压力,促进员工身心更加和谐健康,提升工作的满意度和成就感。  相似文献   

如果不能很好地调适员工情绪,则可能会使员工产生情绪麻木、情绪爆发甚至是情绪疾病,最终损害农行的形象。要实现排解情绪压力,一是要尊重员工,给予其公平对待,给员工一种主人翁的尊严和损益共担的归属感。二是要适时开展情绪管理讲座,让员工主动自觉管理  相似文献   

本文首先分析中国工伤认定范围存在的一些问题,接着提出界定工伤立法精神、完善劳动关系认定、举证责任分配、完善工伤申请程序、建立有效的工伤认定争议处理程序等一系列政策建议。  相似文献   

The increasing dominance of Asian manufacturing firms in the global economy has raised an important issue: whether these firms' superior manufacturing performance is caused by their management control systems, the national culture of their employees, or the interaction of these two factors. This experimental study provides a direct test of the effects of national culture and management control system on manufacturing performance. The dimension of national culture studied was individualism (vs collectivism) because this work-related attribute has been noted as a major difference between Asian and Western cultures. In turn, the focus on cultural individualism motivated a study of two aspects of management controls: work flow interdependence and pay interdependence. The results are consistent with cultural individualism and management controls having independent, but not interactive, effects on manufacturing performance. The potential implications of these findings and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Psychosocial risks in the workplace have been identified as some of the most significant emerging risks, particularly since issues such as work-related stress, which is closely linked to psychosocial risks, are widely recognised as major challenges in modern occupational safety and health. This paper presents the policy framework and key initiatives that have been implemented for the management of psychosocial risks in the workplace in Europe. It discusses several approaches and initiatives, both from a hard and soft law perspective, that have been implemented at European Union and national level. Within this context, it discusses the key issues that pertain to the development of national approaches, focussing as an example on the Management Standards for work-related stress developed in the UK and their recent adaptation in Italy. The Italian approach is discussed in detail as an example that may highlight key process elements in the development of psychosocial risk management policies, and promote good practice in this area through lessons learned. It is concluded that it is more pressing now than ever for a critical evaluation of efforts employed so far to address psychosocial risks to be conducted, and an approach at European level to be developed that will allow both flexibility and a certain level of benchmarking across members states. Such an approach can be supported by European bodies, responsible for surveillance and promotion of good practice, working in collaboration with similar national bodies.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of local religiosity on employee treatment, proxied by workplace safety incidents. Using the establishment-level data compiling on the incidents of work-related injuries, we find that employees of the establishments in more religious counties get less injured than those in less religious counties. We further find that a reduction in occupational accidents is more evident for establishments in counties dominated by one religious denomination, strengthening our argument on community solidarity and homophily stemming from religious networks. Firms whose establishments are located in high religiosity counties are less likely to violate workplace conduct and more likely to take workplace safety measures. Moreover, firms with more work-related injuries exhibit poorer firm performance. Overall, our findings suggest that local religiosity has a value implication through human capital protection.  相似文献   

依据企业员工调查问卷数据,基于自我决定理论,考量悖论式领导对员工工作绩效的作用机制和边界条件。结果表明:悖论式领导与员工角色内绩效、角色外绩效均显著正相关,和谐型工作激情在其中发挥中介作用,强迫型工作激情仅中介悖论式领导与角色内绩效之间的关系;角色认同削弱了悖论式领导与和谐型工作激情的正向关系,但会强化悖论式领导对强迫型工作激情的负向影响。  相似文献   

Rosow JM  Zager R 《Harvard business review》1983,61(2):12-6, 20-2, 26-30
Today's work environment is full of contradictions. On the one hand there aren't enough jobs to go around and on the other some people who have jobs would trade pay for time off. Some managers, at least managers of one-fifth of the labor force, are resolving this contradiction with an elegantly simple solution. They are installing some version of alternative work schedules: flexitime, permanent part-time jobs, job sharing, compressed workweeks, and work sharing, which give employees more control over their professional and personal lives and give employers, for instance in an economic downturn, a way, a way to keep experienced workers on the job without straining budgets. The authors of this article, both of whom have helped develop alternative work schedules, describe the five forms and how numerous employers across the country are adapting them to their purposes. They predict that eventually most U.S. employees will be working under some form of the new schedules.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of capital market frictions on firms’ workplace safety. Using Regulation SHO as a natural experiment, we find a significant increase in work-related injury rates of pilot firms. The effect is stronger for firms in more competitive industries and with high financial constraints, and weaker for firms whose employees have high negotiating power and with good corporate governance. Further tests suggest that managers’ myopia shifts their focus away from investments in workplace safety when workplace safety is not related to firm performance. Overall, the results highlight how capital market frictions affect firms’ investment in human capital.  相似文献   

Stress is rampant, stress is growing, and stress hurts the bottom line. A 1999 study of 46,000 workers revealed that health care costs are 147% higher for those who are stressed or depressed, independent of other health issues. But what exactly is stress? It usually refers to our internal reaction to negative, threatening, or worrisome situations--a looming performance report, say, or interactions with a dismissive colleague. Accumulated over time, negative stress can depress you, burn you out, make you sick, or even kill you--because it's both an emotional and a physiological habit. Of course, many companies understand the negative impact of cumulative stress and offer programs to help employees counteract it. The problem is that employees in the greatest need of help often don't seek it. Since 1991, the authors have studied the physiological impact of stress on performance, at both the individual and organizational levels. Their goal largely has been to decode the underlying mechanics of stress. They've sought not only to understand how stress works on a person's mind, heart, and other bodily systems but also to discover the precise emotional, mental, and physiological levers that can counteract it. After working with more than 50,000 workers and managers in more than 100 organizations, the authors have found that learning to manage stress is easier than most people think. They have devised a scientifically based system of tools, techniques, and technologies that organizations can use to reduce employee stress and boost overall health and performance. In this article, they use the story of someone they call Nigel, a senior executive with whom they've worked, to describe how these techniques reduce stress in the real world.  相似文献   

Using Glassdoor's list of “Top CEOs by Employees' Choice,” we adopt a regression discontinuity (RD) specification to establish a causal link between the employee approval of CEOs and firm value. Having a CEO included in the top list results in an increase in firm performance in both stock returns and return on assets. Having a top CEO significantly increases a firm's employee efficiency, attraction to future employees, hiring of high-quality laborers such as inventors, and attraction to the customers. Our findings establish that the CEO-employee relationship is an important, though intangible, component of a corporation, and we emphasize the critical role of perceived corporate culture in the spirit of Guiso et al. (2015).  相似文献   


The present research examines the relationship between internal branding and employees’ behavioral performance and proposes a research model that includes employees’ perceived brand authenticity and work engagement as sequential mediators to explain the examined relationships. Structural equation modeling with partial least squares (PLS-SEM) in SmartPLS 3.0 statistical software is used to validate the proposed research model. The results of a self-administered online survey distributed to 95 frontline employees in a Kuwaiti bank confirm the positive direct effect of internal branding on employees’ behavioral performance. Interestingly, mixed results are obtained regarding the mediating effects of work engagement and brand authenticity. Overall, the results indicate that employees’ perceived brand authenticity is the missing link for internal branding and its effects on employees’ work engagement and behavioral performance. The findings provide important theoretical and practical implications for researchers and practitioners on the use of internal branding to promote the brand promise to frontline employees and support employees' brand-building behaviors.


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