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本文对<金融论坛>2005~2009年的624篇学术性载文进行了统计分析.通过对<金融论坛>载文被CSSCI来源期刊引用的情况、引用期刊的情况、高频被引载文、高频被引作者、基金资助载文以及载文被人大"复印报刊资料"全文转载情况的定量统计,分析其在金融研究领域的学术地位和影响力.分析表明:<金融论坛>的他引比率较高且基本...  相似文献   

<正>为推动我国经济金融研究事业发展,创造经济金融领域中青年学者良好交流平台,我刊与浙江工商大学金融学院合作,拟于2016年11月在浙江工商大学举办中国金融论坛·第七届《金融研究》论坛,邀请金融领域权威专家和征文入选论文作者共同探讨经济金融领域重大理论和政策问题。论坛征文和有关安排如下:一、论坛主题  相似文献   

<正>为推动我国经济金融研究事业发展,创造经济金融领域中青年学者良好交流平台,我刊与武汉大学经济与管理学院合作,拟于2015年11月在武汉大学举办"中国金融论坛:第六届《金融研究》论坛",邀请金融领域权威专家和征文入选论文作者共同研讨经济金融领域重大理论和政策问题。论坛征文和有关安排如下:  相似文献   

<正>为推动我国经济金融研究事业发展,创造经济金融领域中青年学者良好交流平台,我刊与浙江工商大学金融学院合作,拟于2016年11月在浙江工商大学举办"中国金融论坛:第七届《金融研究》论坛",邀请金融领域权威专家和征文入选论文作者共同研讨经济金融领域重大理论和政策问题。论坛征文和有关安排如下:一、论坛主题第七届《金融研究》论坛主题拟定为"构建现代金融体系,推进供给侧结构性改革",学术研讨议题包括:(一)宏观调控的创新与完善;(二)金融市场的建设与发展;(三)金融业的双向开放;(四)金融业与供给侧结构性改革;(五)金融监管体制改革与创新;(六)金融产  相似文献   

<正>近期,我编辑部接到作者反映,有个别不法人员冒充《金融研究》编辑部工作人员,对向《金融研究》投稿的作者,或者正在匿名评审文章的作者索要版面费、评审费等费用。为此,《金融研究》特声明如下:  相似文献   

<正>时代金融2008年8月下半月刊第36页《以"恒通巴士"为例看服务贸易的组合发展模式》一文的作者为伍诗晴。  相似文献   

<正>2009年6月30日,齐鲁金融论坛——临沂分坛开坛暨临沂市首届金融文化节正式启动。山东省金融学会副会长、人民银行济南分行副行长王敏,临沂市政协副主席仇景阳为"齐鲁金融论坛——临沂分坛"开坛揭牌,并为临沂市首届金融文化节标识揭牌。  相似文献   

<正>《武汉金融》杂志是由中国金融学会、武汉金融杂志社主办的全国中文核心期刊、湖北省社科类优秀期刊。杂志围绕金融中心工作,反映经济金融理论研究与探索成果,探讨与指导金融实务。《武汉金融》杂志设有:金融论坛、金融创新、区域经济  相似文献   

为方便读者、作者及时了解《金融论坛》的最新内容,《金融论坛》已经开通了微信公众号,名称为“金融论坛”。读者、作者通过以下方式可以关注《金融论坛》微信公众号:(1)在微信上搜索“金融论坛”或“finance forum”;(2)扫描封底“金融论坛”二维码。  相似文献   

<正>第五届中国-亚欧博览会丝绸之路金融论坛(部长级)将于今年9月21日在乌鲁木齐举办。本届论坛由中国人民银行主办,是贯彻和落实国家"一带一路"战略,大力推进金融向西开放,务实促进丝绸之路经济带沿线国家金融合作与交流的重要举措。现开展主题研究有奖征文和丝绸之路金融论坛LOGO设计方案征集活动。有关事宜如下。一、征文活动  相似文献   

本文对《国际金融研究》2005~2010年的共计821篇载文进行了定量研究,通过对载文的研究内容、研究方法、基金资助、作者所在单位、合著情况、参考文献、被引频次等方面的统计分析,探析2005年以来我国国际金融研究的发展态势,并对今后国际金融研究的方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

运用词频统计及共现方法分析了2000~2009年国内学术期刊《财经理论与实践》所发表的2000余篇论文的所有关键词及被引情况,得出该刊近10年的学术轨迹情况、被相关期刊的引用情况、高影响力作者及高影响力论文的情况。研究结果反映了国内金融学研究领域的现状、特征及动向。  相似文献   

This study aims to provide a bibliometric literature review (BLR) on the applications of high-frequency data in finance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first BLR on this topic. It aims to map the evolution of the literature, identifying the leading sources of knowledge in terms of the most influential journals, articles, and authors. It also provides a chronological development of the conceptual and intellectual structures of the networks in this topical research area. Using the Scopus database, the study identifies 2920 articles on the application of high-frequency intraday data in finance. These had been published in 393 journals during the period from 1977 to 2019. A thorough content analysis of the 100 most influential papers (ranked based on average citations per year) is also provided concerning research attributes in terms of datasets, asset classes, country of analysis and the major themes and sub-themes of these papers. The Journal of Banking and Finance is the leading journal in terms of the number of publications, whereas the Journal of Finance is the leading journal in terms of citations received on this topic. Tim Bollerslev is the leading author in this area in terms of the total number of publications (36), total citations (7241) and h-index (30). The most cited article in terms of total citations and average citations per year is Andersen, Bollerslev, Diebold, and Labys (2003) titled “Modeling and forecasting realized volatility”, which has appeared in Econometrica. The majority of the top 100 surveyed papers are empirical (66%). Volatility modeling as a major theme is the front runner with 29% of the surveyed papers. The theme “Volatility modeling” has most often been studied with Realized Volatility. The Trade and Quote (TAQ) database and 5-minute interval data appear to be the most favored choices in terms of data usage in high-frequency finance research. 56% of the surveyed papers have used the data on stocks, with NYSE stocks being the most popular, while US financial markets are the most commonly studied markets (65%).  相似文献   

This study reviews papers from the Eastern Finance Association's Symposium on Corporate Finance, Incentives, and Strategy. I identify the common themes underlying these papers and place the studies in the broader context of contemporary academic finance research. Further, I discuss new directions for future research in corporate finance that are suggested in these studies.  相似文献   


This is an attempt to review some of the breakthroughs in economic research as they impacted the nascent field of financial mathematics over the last 25 years. Because of the prominent role of Finance and Stochastics in the definition of this emerging field, I try to view things through the lens of its published papers, and I try to stay away from financial engineering applications.


Acknowledgments are a special kind of intellectual partnership. Acknowledged scientists in published papers are called subauthors. We examine collaboration patterns between authors and subauthors in four finance journals from 1994 to 2013: the Journal of Finance, the Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of Financial Economics and the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. We employ social network analysis and discover that the majority of subauthors form a compact giant component with small average distances between the nodes. Moreover, the subauthorship network in finance has a non-overlapping structure, exhibiting low clustering coefficients and a plethora of cohesive groups of nodes.  相似文献   

This paper is written with two goals in mind. The first is to offer a critical discussion of papers by Bauguess, Moeller, Schlingemann, and Zutter [Bauguess, Scott, Moeller, Sara, Schlingemann, Frederich and Zutter, Chad, 2009. Ownership structure and target returns. Journal of Corporate Finance, this issue], and Offenberg [Offenberg, David, 2009. Firm size and the effectiveness of the market for corporate control. Journal of Corporate Finance, this issue], both of which appear in this special issue. The second goal is to offer some perspectives about new questions that these papers bring to light.  相似文献   

Ranking Journals Using Social Science Research Network Downloads   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I use a new approach to rank journals, namely the number and percent frequency of articles a journal publishes that are heavily downloaded from the Social Science Research Network (SSRN). I rank 18 accounting and finance journals, and I identify five journals not considered by the two most recent major published ranking studies of publications by accounting faculty, namely (in rank order): Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Accounting Studies, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Journal of Corporate Finance, and Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting. I show that financial accounting faculties are more likely to post their working papers to SSRN, and papers posted by financial faculties generate more downloads. I mitigate this bias in favor of the financial area by providing separate rankings based on authors in the financial versus non-financial areas.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of three research methods employed in managerial accounting: experimental, survey and field research. We do this by drawing on the three papers published in this issue of the Journal. These three papers provide the reader with a 'behind the scenes' exposé on the problems, choices and decisions confronted by the researcher during the method phase of the empirical study. The complexities associated with method are rarely reported in published papers nor is there any explanation of why effort is devoted to particular methodological issues. It is, however, important for the novice researcher to recognise these choices and problems, both when selecting a particular method, and in designing a study. We attempt to critique these papers in terms of choice of method and also the extent to which each of the studies satisfies the three 'maxims' of scientific method, namely, construct validity, internal validity and external validity. Our review demonstrates the trade-offs that are necessarily made when designing a research study. There are, however, ways in which the effects of these trade-offs can be minimised and we provide guidance as to how the study design might be improved to achieve this.  相似文献   

Finance department chairpersons report that the role of published research is more important than ever in influencing appointment and promotion decisions of finance professors. This study and one conducted 15 years ago focus on the pivotal role of finance chairpersons in the evaluation of their faculties' journal publications. These studies show that the major factor influencing the finance chairpersons' evaluations of publications is the journal in which an article is published. Journals of high merit are perceived to have low acceptance rates and vice versa. These estimates of perceived acceptance rates are not correlated with actual acceptance rates. Because perceived acceptance rates play a key role in evaluating faculty publications, there is a need for finance chairpersons to know the relative difficulties of publishing in leading finance and related journals.  相似文献   

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