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中国企业参与生产国际分工显著提高了其竞争力,参与不同国家的生产国际分工和参与不同阶段的生产国际分工对企业竞争力的影响具有异质性。参与高收入国家的生产国际分工对企业竞争力的提升较为明显,参与零配件、资本品阶段的生产国际分工对企业竞争力提升影响更大。作用机制分析表明,参与生产国际分工使得中国企业的研发投入和生产效率得到了提升,生产国际分工带来的溢出效应促使企业竞争力提升在很大程度上是源自于企业增加了研发投入。  相似文献   

城乡二元化进程在不断的加快,与随之而来的国家农业改革中提出的城乡统筹兼顾政策还有待完善,但广大农民还是在地区要素流动理论的推动下,选择离开低收入的农村转而进入高收入的地区,由此带来的劳动力流失引致农业经济下滑、土地利用率低甚至弃耕和农产品生产量下降等问题,应引起关注。  相似文献   

本文运用社会网络分析方法测算生产性服务贸易网络特征:中心性、联系强度和异质性.在此基础上,本文基于60个国家和地区7年的数据,以Koopman等提出的价值链位置指数和制造业增加值率作为制造业全球价值链升级的测度指标,实证考察了生产性服务贸易网络特征与制造业全球价值链分工地位间的关系.结果显示,网络异质性与制造业全球价值链分工地位显著正相关,网络中心性和网络联系强度与制造业全球价值链分工地位无显著相关关系.这意味着生产性服务贸易来源多元化是制造业全球价值链升级的重要因素,尤其是进口的作用更为明显.这一结论主要存在于高收入经济体样本中,发展中经济体在生产性服务贸易网络中获得制造业全球价值链升级的能力很弱.  相似文献   

中部六省多数都是农业大省,农业人口多。能否大幅度提高中部地区农村居民人均年纯收入,是中部地区广大农民能否与全国同步进入小康的关键。文章重点对中部六省农村居民收入与全国和东部地区的差距、中部六省农村居民收入构成变化以及中部六省与全国和东部地区城乡居民收入差距变化进行客观描述。最后提出中部六省增加农村居民工资性收入、家庭经营性收入、财产性收入、转移性收入四个方面的具体措施。  相似文献   

与国外工会不同,中国工会具有维护国家稳定发展和保障劳动者权益双重职能定位,因此,进城农民工参与工会是否存在收入溢价效应还有较大争议。本文基于国家卫生健康委员会2017年流动人口动态监测数据,综合运用普通最小二乘法(OLS)和两阶段最小二乘法(2SLS)分析农民工参与工会对工资性收入及福利性收入的影响。研究发现:(1)参与工会的农民工月工资收入高出未参与者28.7%,可见,中国农民工参与工会存在收入溢价效应。(2)中国农民工参与工会的收入溢价效应存在地区差异,其中,北方地区收入溢价效应比南方地区高14.9%;西部地区收入溢价效应比中部地区高29.2%,比东部地区高31.9%。(3)参与工会农民工的福利性收入显著高出未参与工会者的35.8%,且地区差异也较为显著,北方地区比南方地区高6.6%。进一步分析发现,农民工参与工会收入溢价效应主要是通过工资集体协商、合同保护、提高维权意识及提高职业技能等运行机制实现的。  相似文献   

张峰 《经济与管理》2012,26(5):13-16,43
世界经济危机迫切要求实现中国产业结构升级。通过产品内国内分工,东部地区主要从事研发设计等现代服务业,劳动资本密集型产业转移到中西部地区,这样既实现了产业结构的整体升级,又维护了中国"世界工厂"的地位。产品内国内分工促进了中西部地区参与全国和世界分工过程,有利于缩小地区收入差距,是实现经济全国化,走向共同富裕的根本途径。  相似文献   

张勇 《经济问题》2008,(10):69-72
农业劳动力的顺利转移是我国下一步稳定发展和深化改革的前提,它主要受国家的制度、政策以及教育水平和地区收入差距的影响。目前,农业劳动力转移的最大障碍仍然是地区保护和户籍限制,以及由此带来的经济和教育资源分配的先天不平等。通过实证分析,农业劳动力转移不仅不是城市收入下降和失业的原因,而是城市经济增长和就业率增加的一个重要源泉和我国改革30年繁荣的一个基础。对农业劳动力转移的限制是中国很多地区贫困的一个根源,也是解决“三农”问题的关键。  相似文献   

石敏俊  张瑜  郑丹 《经济纵横》2023,(2):90-101
共同富裕是中国式现代化的本质要求,缩小地区间收入差距是推进共同富裕的重要途径。本文利用夜间灯光数据,探讨了中国城市群空间结构演变对地区间收入差距的影响及作用机制。研究发现,相比单中心模式,城市群多中心化具有缩小地区间收入差距的积极效应,为多中心结构的收入收敛效应提供了证据支持。中介效应检验证实,城市群的多中心结构主要通过扩大劳动力流动规模及深化城市之间的功能分工,起到缩小地区间收入差距的效果。其中,频繁快速的劳动力流动发挥了相对更强的中介效应。因此,可积极发挥多中心空间发展策略的积极作用,促进劳动力的自由流动、深化城市间功能分工,从而为缩小地区间收入差距、推进共同富裕创造有利的发展环境。  相似文献   

乌拉特前旗白彦花镇是西部民族地区农牧业历史上相对发达的乡镇。随着中国工业化、信息化经济的发展,当地农村居民收入结构出现工资性收入不断攀升,务农倾向不断下降的情况,因而要调整优化农村居民收入结构,提高收入水平稳定农业安全。同时农业发展与生态环保息息相关,关系到我国西部地区进行生态环境保护和建设,因而要通过政策对农民收入和农业发展的支持,以促进作为弱质产业的农业得以发展。  相似文献   

农业劳动力转移与经济增长的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业劳动力的顺利转移是中国深化改革和经济持续发展的前提,而劳动力转移主要受国家制度、政策、教育水平、地区收入差距和资本密度的影响。目前,中国农业劳动力转移的最大障碍仍然是地区保护和户籍限制以及由此造成的经济和教育资源分配的不平等;同时,对劳动力转移的传统偏见也在某种程度上形成了阻力。对农业劳动力转移的限制是中国很多地区贫困的根源之一,也是解决"三农"问题的关键所在。实证分析表明,农业劳动力转移不是城市居民收入下降和失业率上升的原因,而是城市经济增长、社会繁荣和就业率提高的一个重要源泉。  相似文献   

In the wake of the Great Recession, almost all countries suffered a severe and synchronized trade collapse unlike any seen since the Great Depression. To the extent that economic integration fosters trade among countries, this paper examines the role that international integration played in moderating the negative shock caused by the Great Recession on trade. The methodology adopted is a modified gravity model in which we control for the Great Recession, different forms of integration, as well as the interaction between integration and the recession. Measuring integration in three different ways, the findings show that countries that were more integrated fared better in trade – the extent of trade collapse was milder – than less integrated countries. Specifically, Regional Trade Agreement, as a form of trade integration, had a positive and robust effect on trade during the Great Recession. This positive effect is also robust across regions and countries around the world. In a nutshell, countries that are into some form of trade agreements are better-positioned to absorb negative demand-side shocks caused by economic recessions than similar countries without such agreements.  相似文献   

Many studies have been conducted to examine the direct effect of agriculture on the prevalence of malnutrition; however, there is little solid evidence on spatial spillover effects and much less on the heterogeneous effects stemming from spatial differences in nutritional conditions. We make up this gap by using a dynamic spatial Durbin model to characterize the impact of agricultural productivity on malnutrition in Africa. Our results show that countries in Eastern Africa are more likely to suffer from severe malnutrition than other regions. We find evidence for convergence in agricultural productivity across countries with moderate and high prevalence of malnutrition as disparities in their agricultural productivity narrow down over the sample period. It appears that the negative effect of agriculture on malnutrition is more evident in countries where the prevalence of malnutrition is lower. This implies that agricultural development does not play a substantial role in reducing malnutrition in the worst affected areas. We also report that poor agricultural development can deteriorate the nutritional status among neighboring countries in the short term, consistent with the spatial-locking effect of agriculture.  相似文献   

国际区域经济一体化是当今世界经济发展的新潮流,也是发展中国家面临的国际发展环境。参与国际区域经济一体化已经成为促进发展中国家经济发展的重要途径。发展中国家应选择哪些国家作为经济联盟伙伴,西方发展经济学界的激进主义反对南北合作而主张南南合作,近年来世界银行的经济学家的研究结果却表明,对于发展中国家来说,南北合作优于南南合作。多元化地选择联盟国家是发展中国家在国际区域经济一体化中的基本战略。  相似文献   

随着国际经济一体化趋势的进一步增强 ,各个国家或经济体之间的联系越来越紧密 ,任何一方的政治或经济动荡都会在一定程度上波及其它国家或地区 ,而这也对国际贸易的安全性提出了更大的挑战。在本文中 ,我们以日本对外贸易保险为研究对象 ,对它的制度、组织形式及具体运作特点加以分析并期望能对中国的贸易保险提供一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis of the procyclicality of stock exchanges regarding the economic activity of CEE and SEE countries, to measure the level of financial integration during the last decade of the transition period, and to compare these two groups of emerging countries. Our ARDL panel estimates support the hypothesis of procyclicality in the transition period in the CEE and SEE regions, and further financial integration, due to the opening up of the market economy and repricing of systematic risk, followed by large capital inflows, trade liberalization and industrial production, along with the implementation of institutional reforms regarding EU integration. In addition, the significant positive coefficient of capital inflows and negative coefficient of unemployment rate in the CEE and SEE panel ARDL results confirm the volatility of the transition process, as is obvious in higher industrial production, followed by the significant impact of import on CEE countries and the much higher significant impact of export on SEE countries.  相似文献   

Though not working toward an imminent transition to a monetary or currency union, the Central American Monetary Council (or CMCA, from Spanish Consejo Monetario Centroamericano) serves as an institution promoting economic and financial stability among five Central American countries (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua) and the Dominican Republic. Econometric studies conducted by researchers from CMCA have mostly focused on studying inflation levels of these countries, making use of econometric tools such as VECM and cointegration. We expand the study of inflation stability in the member countries of the CMCA by adopting a long memory and fractionally integrated approach and implementing cointegration methods that have not yet been used in the study of the Central American Monetary Council. Our results first show that all the series of prices are nonstationary, with orders of integration equal to or higher than 1 in all cases. Looking at long-run equilibrium relationships among the countries, we only found strong evidence of a cointegration relationship in the case of Honduras with El Salvador. All the other vis-a-vis relationships seem to diverge in the long run. Policy implications of the results obtained are also derived in the paper.  相似文献   

This paper studies the political economy of realignments to fixed exchange rates and suggests that the use of realignments is less likely when there are political benefits from stable exchange rates and when linkages across other issue areas increase the costs of realignment. More specifically for the case of the European Monetary System (EMS), the expectation is that realignments are related to partisanship, support for the broader European integration, trade integration, resource transfers from the European Community, as well as countries reacting to the political and economic costs of realignment in other EMS members. Hypotheses are tested using binomial logit models on monthly data on exchange rate realignments for all EMS countries from 1979 to 1993. I find lower realignment risk for left wing policy-makers and countries with more trade links to Germany, whereas more intra-European Community resource transfers appear to go to countries facing higher realignment risk. Also, realignments are less likely when the rest of EMS member countries have stable international reserves and their governments are pro-European.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of sectoral foreign aid and institutional quality on the economic growth of 74 developing countries from Africa, Asia and South America, and covers the period 1980–2016. We consider bilateral aid flows into three sectors, namely education, health and agriculture, and find that among the three types of aid, education aid is more effective for aid-receiving countries. The effect is conditional on the current level of institutional quality and varies substantially across regions. While education aid is more effective in South America, health aid is more effective in Asia and agricultural aid is more effective in Africa. As the level of institutional quality improves, the gap between the marginal effect of education, health and agricultural aids widen. Our findings have strong policy implication for donor countries and international aid organisations, which shows that it is more desirable to shift aid flows towards the education sector as the level of institutional quality improves.  相似文献   

The recent globalization of world economies has led the retail markets of developed countries towards increasing levels of integration and strategic interdependence. A non negligible share of retail and food markets is currently served by co‐operative societies. Consistently with this trend, the consumer cooperatives have recently experienced increasing levels of integration. The main aim of this paper is to study the welfare effects of coordination among consumer cooperatives competing in quantities in a mixed oligopoly against profit‐maximizing firms. We show that, in absence of agency problems, under increasing or constant returns to scale a higher output coordination of the consumer cooperatives does not affect the total welfare as long as a nonnegative profit constraint holds in these firms. On the other hand, under decreasing returns to scale, the consumer cooperatives contribute more to social welfare when acting on behalf of all consumers. This is because, by coordinating consumers’ preferences, these firms can reduce their market output, thus helping the market to come closer to the first best. All together these results seem to provide an argument in favour of the recent process of integration involving consumer cooperatives in many developed countries.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study is to analyse the causes of the growth of international agricultural and food trade in volume terms from 1951 to 2000. The results suggest that income growth has been the principal reason for this expansion, while exchange rate stability and the real price of agricultural products played only a minor role. Multilateral trade liberalization and trade costs, given their long-term stability, are not elements that could have stimulated their growth. Finally, the intensive liberalization of trade which took place in various economic regions, especially in Europe, became a key factor in promoting agricultural trade among the countries participating in regional trade agreements. The study results also indicate that the determinants of trade growth for these goods were different to those for other goods and other periods.  相似文献   

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