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This field experiment support for the idea that response-enhancing techniques developed in the direct mail advertising field may be generalized to mail surveys of commercial populations. Significant response-speed techniques. It was also discovered that none of the three techniques tested significantly affected response-quality. The results of this study suggest that response-rate and-speed are stimulated by different factors which must be treated as distinct components when designing a mail survey. Finally, the findings imply that the experimental factors' effect on response-speed is an additive combination of factor interactions and main effects. This, in turn, suggests that the impact of the experimental manipulation on response-speed operates through a more complex process than the one generally found for the response-rate criterion. Acknowledgement The authors wish to express their appreciation to the funders of the study: The University of North Carolina Research Council and the Center for Applied Research at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.  相似文献   

The effects of manipulation of appeal types, anonymity/nonanonymity, and the promiselno promise of feedback of research results on response patterns were examined using a sales population. The results indicate that the use of these techniques can enhance the response patterns from salespeople. Specifically, the egoistic appeal, the interaction of egoistic appeal with anonymity, and feedback were shown to influence response rate, response speed, and response completeness.  相似文献   

In a study involving the mailing of some 3,150 questionnaires, the ability of six kinds of incentives to augment survey responses was tested against a no-incentive control condition. Two of the incentives were small prepaid monetary amounts (25¢ and $1.00), while the remaining four consisted of the opportunity for respondents to win cash prizes valued at either $50, $100, $150, or $200. The use of such cash prizes enabled an approximate test of the just-noticeable-difference principle in terms of both its absolute and differential threshold hypotheses. The 25¢ and $1.00 incentives yielded response rates that were significantly larger than that of the control group. No confirmation of the differential threshold hypothesis was evidenced, at least over the range of cash prizes employed in the present study. In contrast, the absolute threshold hypothesis received support. Suggestions for further research in this area were also identified.  相似文献   

Anonymity is frequently offered to recipients of mail questionnaires in order to secure their cooperation and thus increase the response rate obtained. Individuals desiring to remain anonymous may, however, choose to respond differently to the instrument than known respondents because their identities are secret. Thus, a potential source of bias is introduced whenever anonymity is made available. This article examines the responses of identified and anonymous respondents to a mail questionnaire in order to determine the extent to which such bias occurred.  相似文献   

Response quality (accuracy) is replacing response quantity (response rate and nonresponse error) as the major issue in survey research methodology. Using a survey of 500 members of the general public from four cities, the authors examine an important aspect of response quality: uniformed response error. By asking respondents to evaluate the past performance of a fictitious public agency, the authors examine the effect that using a monetary inducement to increase the response rate to a mail survey has on uniformed response error. In addition, the ability of a “Don’t know” option to reduce uninformed response error is analyzed. The important impact that uniformed responses can have on response quality is documented. deceased  相似文献   

Although most marketing researchers and texts recommend guaranteeing respondents anonymity in mail surveys, emirical evidence on this issue is dated, and often is based on results from student or occupational samples. The present study examines the impact of anonymity on item omission, response bias, and response quality. Based on a representative sample of respondents from a Southern SMSA, it was found that lack of anonymity had minor effects on response variables. Anonymous respondents provided slightly less information to complex questions, and lower-income respondents, nonwhites, and homeowners were more likely to identify themselves on the return envelope. Yet, the responses of these groups did not differ substantively from answers of other respondents on the range of questionnaire items examined.  相似文献   

经济增长质量问题研究综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文将理论界近年来关于经济增长质量问题的讨论情况,从经济增长质量的内涵、提高经济增长质量的意义、提高经济增长质量的措施、评价经济增长质量的指标体系等方面作了综述.  相似文献   

近几年来,根据国内外形势,为了保持国民经济持续以较高速度发展,我国实行了稳健的货币政策,起到了一定的积极影响,但在实施中,商业银行的“慎贷”、“惜贷”,对非国有经济金融服务不够,消费信贷力度不强等原因,制约了货币政策充分发挥作用,因此,必须适当增加供应量,加强与财政政策等的协调,发展完整金融市场和中小企业金融服务体系,大力发展消费信贷,优化信贷结构,以促进货币政策更好地发挥应有作用。  相似文献   

电子货币对央行货币政策的影响及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电子货币已逐步取代传统的通货成为主要的金融支付工具,是当代经济繁荣发展的不可缺少的推动力之一。在分析电子货币对货币与货币政策影响的基础上,提出了一些具体的对策与建议。  相似文献   

推行养老金信托是我国老龄化背景下势在必行的选择,其为破除我国日益扩大的养老金缺口提供了一条行之有效的解决路径.优化养老金信托的法律激励工具,通过准入门槛的设置、税收制度的设计、信息披露的监管、入市条件的优化、退出机制的保障,既可保障养老金的运营安全,避免权力寻租,又可形成规模效益,实现保值增值,还可加强社会监督,促进信息公开.  相似文献   

货币定义问题是货币经济学研究的重要内容。金融创新和技术进步不断改变着货币定义,使货币定义呈现出模糊性特征。通过梳理货币定义的演化,分析实行传统货币政策前提条件的存在问题,从而准确地把握实施货币政策的着力点。  相似文献   

在后金融危机时代,金本位制复辟的呼声渐高。从历史的角度,对金本位制的兴衰史、特点、崩溃的原因及影响进行分析,从世界范围内经济增长、黄金储备分布、危机传导机制三方面原因入手,论证金本位制复辟的不合理性。在此基础上,提出货币制度重建的几点建议。  相似文献   

引入国际经济部门之后,IS—LM模型扩展为IS—LM—BP模型,财政政策、货币政策的效果或被放大,或被抑制,完全不同于封闭经济情形下的分析。以IS—LM—BP模型为切入点,分别对固定和浮动汇率制度下的财政、货币政策效果进行了分析。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化程度的日益提高,各国间的经济依赖度越来越深,经济开放程度的不断提高使得货币控制已经不完全取决于国内的经济因素,研究与其他国家的经济联系就越发显得重要。本文通过Granger影响关系、VAR模型的冲击反应和误差方差分解方法证实,我国国际收支状况的变化引致外汇储备变化,对以外汇占款形式的基础货币投放产生影响,从而对宏观经济运行产生作用。  相似文献   

贷款利率上限的取消,赋予了商业银行通过风险溢价覆盖高风险贷款的自主权,有利于其对小企业开展贷款业务.但由于商业银行经验不足,风险数据积累的时间短,相关政策不配套等原因,实际运作的情况并不理想.应该从完善风险管理原则及激励约束机制入手,借鉴国际先进经验,以便更好地开拓小企业贷款业务.今后还应逐步放开信用社的贷款利率上限,使它们能成为小企业外源性资金供应的主力军.  相似文献   

以近十年来我国经济发展变化以及货币政策执行情况为出发点,对货币政策在实施过程中产生的影响进行深入分析。研究发现:第一,确实存在货币政策行业非对称现象,即对于同一货币政策,各行业对其敏感度不同;第二,财务结构是影响企业对货币政策敏感程度差异的重要原因;第三,不同财务指标在货币政策传导机制中所起的作用效果不同,营运资本的作用较小,总资产规模和负债率的作用较大,资产规模较小的企业比资产规模较大的企业更易受到货币政策冲击的影响。  相似文献   

Following the lead of Reingen and Bearden (1983), this study examines the effectiveness of positive social labeling, particularly in conjunction with other factors, as a means of influencing verbal and behavioral compliance in a multistage marketing survey context. Such results offer a systematic extension to the labeling literature and provide further insight into labeling’s role as a practicable method of shaping and stimulating respondent behavior.  相似文献   

近几年来,我国会计信息失真现象日趋严重,对我国的经济发展及国际声誉都有极大的影响。由于会计信息直接出自会计人员之手,因此,加强对会计人员的管理成为解决这一问题的一种思路。本文探讨了现在试点推行的会计人员委派制的利弊,得出会计人员的最终管理模式应是实行会计人员社会化的结论。  相似文献   

通过对社会主义市场经济条件下,大学生自身的特点及其在市场经济作用下表现出的特征,总结社会主义市场经济条件下高校学生思想政治教育应重点抓素质教育,并且提出相关的教育途径.  相似文献   

在文献回顾的基础上,依据自制问卷,以四川外语学院三、四年级为调查对象,运用SPSS13.0进行统计分析,以全面了解外语专业本科生创新能力与素质现状。调查显示:目前外语专业本科生在创新能力与综合素质方面仍然存在不足,部分因子分值偏低,特别是部分创新因子分值较低;创新能力是一个持续培养与发展的过程,与大学入学前的教育密切相关;提高学生的创新能力,必须从提高学生的综合素质着手;大学生的创新能力、综合素质与学生家庭所在地、经济状况无相关性。在现状调查的基础上,提出构建外语专业本科生创新教育与素质教育模式。  相似文献   

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