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商业模式。我们做互联网产品的人也要适应这种革新。我们耍做出能够很好的发行这类新的视频内容的产品。盈利模式上很多,无外乎广告、电子商务,无外乎我们跟用户进行包月收费,我想重点谈一下最后一个向用户收费的话题。  相似文献   

囚徒的困境博弈及其应用浅析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
博弈论是西方经济学中的重要理论,是研究各方策略相互影响的条件下,理性决策人的决策行为的一种理论。本文就《经济博弈论》一书的基本内容作了简要的分析,针对囚徒的困境博弈模型做了重点分析,并表达了对博弈和博弈论的理解和看法。  相似文献   

在我国新旧经济体制的转轨过程中,由于种种原因造成国有资产大量流失。本文利用博弈论的“囚徒困境”模型分析了在国有资产博弈中国有资产所有者和国有资产经营者之间的博弈关系 ,从而得出结论 :我国目前在资产权益和收益方面的博弈总体上处于国家所有者的低级有规则合作与企业经营者的低级无规则合作博弈 ,向前者的中级有规则合作与后者的低级有规则合作博弈转轨时期。在这种博弈格局中存在不对称博弈规则 ;这种不对称的博弈格局是导致国有资产流失的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

现行交通拥挤收费的研究大多基于拥挤的外部成本角度,本文通过博弈论工具,考察了出行者之间、出行者和交通管理者之间的双重博弈,分析了纯策略、混合策略下影响交通拥挤收费的因素,并且找到了满足纳什均衡的拥挤费率。  相似文献   

陈洪琳 《价值工程》2011,30(16):120-121
员工的绩效考核对于企业的人力资源管理来说,是一项重要但难度很大的工作。在绩效考核中,人力资源部门、部门主管以及员工之间存在着各种合作上的问题。本文尝试将其三者引入到博奕论中的"囚徒困境"模型中,借其模型能解决在绩效考核中部门主管,员工和人力资源部门间的合作问题。  相似文献   

电信资费"恶性降价"的博弈分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文用博弈论方法分析如今电信运营商降价大战并非是其扩大市场份额的最佳手段,相反很可能会陷入“囚徒困境”,导致行业危机。  相似文献   

近几年来,中国价格战愈演愈烈,几乎所有的行业、所有的产品都面临着价格战的威胁。在国内的彩电、电冰箱、空调、手机等行业,由于产品的雷同化、趋同化造成的降价是迫不得已的,但执迷于过度的价格战,则只能使市场陷入恶性竞争的怪圈。在完全竞争的市场条件下,价格战博弈只会造成企业利润大大减少,甚至导致企业的倒闭。企业要想在激烈的竞争中求得生存与发展,只能打价值战而非价格战。  相似文献   

"限塑令"执行一年多以来,超薄塑料袋在集贸市场中仍然存在。本文将引入商贩间的囚徒困境博弈模型来说明超薄塑料袋屡禁不止的原因。通过进一步求解博弈模型得出:加大监管力度、打击超薄塑料袋生产商、改变消费者塑料袋的需求方向能够使得"限塑令"在集贸市场上发挥功效。  相似文献   

宋灿 《中外企业家》2013,(6Z):30-30
囚徒困境作为博弈论一个经典案例,常被运用来分析现实的经济问题,反映了个体理性的存在导致集体理性的缺失及个体理性的内在矛盾。其说明正是由于个体理性使然,在利己主义的基础上反而促进了社会利益增长的问题。  相似文献   

The identity, motivation, and experiences of philanthropists have become increasingly popular topics of study in a wide range of disciplines, yet no equivalent attention has been paid to the askers, despite research showing that almost all donations are solicited in some way. The propensity to be asked for contributions has been found to be positively related to the propensity to give, but despite the usefulness of this finding, it reinforces the suggestion that solicitation is a binary variable, such that people are either asked or they are not asked. This paper, drawing on data from in-depth interviews with 73 successful fundraisers in the UK and Canada, highlights the importance of the quality, as opposed to simply the quantity, of solicitation. Three important factors that lie behind successful “asks” are identified and discussed: First, they are made within relationships of trust rather than as a result of a transactional approach. Second, they occur as a result of fundraisers' ability to be an “honest broker” between donors and the organisations they might support. And third, they rely on the fundraisers' skills in reframing complex issues and finding alignment between the recipient organisation's needs and the philanthropic aspirations of the donor. The paper concludes with implications for practice.  相似文献   

We develop a stochastic differential game of capitalism to analyze the role of uncertainty. In the deterministic game, the firm’s rent is completely taxed away and the firm stops investing completely. In the stochastic game, the government does not tax the firm’s rent completely. The firm posts a positive rate of investment if the firm’s rent exceeds the labor’s income. Although the cooperative solution is indeterminate, cooperation is always Pareto optimal compared to the non-cooperative Markovian Nash equilibrium. For individual rationality, we apply a payoff distribution procedure based on Yeung and Petrosyan (2006) to derive a subgame-consistent solution.  相似文献   

《Labour economics》2005,12(2):191-203
We investigate a duopsonistic wage-setting game in which the firms have a limited number of workplaces. We assume that the firms have heterogeneous productivity, that there are two types of workers with different reservation wages and that a worker's productivity is independent of his type. We show that equilibrium unemployment arises in the wage-setting game under certain conditions, although the efficient allocation of workers would result in full employment.  相似文献   

在我国目前经济发展阶段,邮政体制改革是一个难题. 一方面,邮电分营以后,邮政的各项财务指标大大下降;另一方面,又面临已开放业务竞争对手"政企不分"的指责.为了迎合政府扭亏增盈的要求,邮政不得不采取了一些短期化的会计手段,从而进一步削弱了自身的长远发展能力.  相似文献   

本文建立了存在道德风险的风险投资家和风险企业家的分段投资报酬激励模型,以期为风险投资家改进和完善最优报酬激励业绩评价方法提供依据。  相似文献   

One key task for HR departments and managers is to design the structure of teams in the firm. Two main dimensions when carrying out this decision are the size of the teams and the combination of specialized expertise within the team. In this article, we apply cooperative game theory to model this decision. First, we introduce production games. These games are an enhancement of team games and allow the modeling of teams. Together with the coalition structure approach of cooperative game theory, we analyze two standard situations of team theory.  相似文献   

几年前我曾经讲过一个观点,说房地产的问题可能要分为三个部分来看:首先,房地产与宏观经济的关系非常密切,相互影响的程度很高;其次,房地产和金融紧密相联系,在美国这个专业都被放在金融系;最后才是房地产自身的问题。  相似文献   

本文从博弈的角度进行研究,得出结论:公司治理结构对内部控制的影响体现在权力的博弈中,只有各种权力在博弈中达到均衡,内部控制才会逐渐完善。  相似文献   

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