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市场经济是信用经济。企业信用是整个信用体系的基础与核心,是市场经济健康运行的客观要求,也是企业自身长盛不衰的基本条件之一。随着社会经济向更高层次发展,"企业守信"不仅是社会对企业的客观要求,还应是企业自身追求长久发展并对品格和能力等无形资源积极创造的要求。企业  相似文献   

曹平  王一流 《改革与战略》2010,26(12):61-63,67
基于人身保险合同的特殊性,在投保人缺位(死亡或者破产)的情形下,保险合同因为被保险人或受益人的利益而继续有效,而此时保险合同的解除权如何行使在我国《保险法》中未作明确规定,这就难免滋生纠纷并影响权益救济。根据各方当事人利益平衡原则,有必要从理论层面上探讨在投保人缺位情形下人身保险合同解除权行使规则,并从投保人和保险人两个角度对如何完善人身保险合同解除具体制度进行设计,提出立法对策和措施。  相似文献   

Between the gift and the market: the economy of regard   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
'The great transformation' from customary exchange to impersonal markets is incomplete. Reciprocal exchange pervades modern societies. It takes the form of 'gifts', reciprocated without certainty. Reciprocity is driven by the pursuit of 'regard'. Money is avoided in regard exchanges, because it is impersonal. Instead, regard signals are embodied in goods, in services, or in time (attention). The personalization of gifts authenticates the signal. Reciprocal exchange persists in family formation, in intergenerational transfers, in labour markets, in agriculture, the professions, in marketing, entrepreneurship, and also in corruption and crime. Reciprocal exchange is constrained by time and psychic energy, but is likely to persist as a preferred source of regard.  相似文献   

李莺 《改革与战略》2012,28(3):48-50,183
我国城镇化进程面临着资源风险、生态风险、农业风险和社会安全与稳定的风险,风险的症结在农村,化解风险的关键在政府有作为。文章认为,对农民工应"缓办户口,多发工钱",提高农民工的生活水平和支援农村的能力;在农业发展上,应聚集人才与推进农业规模化经营并重,走现代化农业之路;在城市建设中,应解决好建筑二步制施工与安全设防的问题。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the decline in imports of most important types of investment and consumer goods in 2012–2015 and the changes in the geography of imports, which affect the innovation potential of investments. The impact of these changes on the current standard of living of the population and the future modernization of the economy has been shown. The quantitative assessment of the impact of sanctions has been provided. Directions of competitive import substitution have been formulated.  相似文献   

江雪茹 《乡镇经济》2011,2(1):41-44
建国后,在不同的历史阶段,人民内部矛盾的根源性特征由于利益主体和具体的利益内容不同而反映出不同的时代特征,而党的领导人以马克思主义中国化的理论为指导,正确处理人民内部矛盾,对人民内部矛盾根源性问题的解决也反映了党执政水平的不断提高和执政能力的不断增强。  相似文献   

This work presents a methodological approach to the analysis of factors affecting the formation of the production dynamics in the real sector of the Russian economy based on the interindustry balances (IIBs). The conceptual feature of the developed technique is the integration of IIB tools and the instruments of production functions. The application of the developed method in investigations into the performance of RF industries in the 1990s and 2000s made it possible to obtain several fundamentally new scientific results, including those connected with estimating the scale of impact made by the technological factor and the factor of productive capacity utilization.  相似文献   

ECFA下海西对台进一步先行先试有其现实意义与必要性。实践中,在ECFA推进两岸整体层面的经贸活动自由化与经济一体化的进程中,可根据当时的两岸经济条件与两岸经济关系发展需要,通过构建起ECFA下海西对台经贸活动自由化先行先试的运作平台,在两岸货物贸易自由化、两岸服务贸易自由化、两岸资本投资自由化等方面,先行先试某些正在商谈或将要商谈的自由化与一体化内容。  相似文献   

人力资源管理是图书馆管理的关键,激励管理机制是人力资源管理的核心.适度运用激励机制,实施人才培养激励、按绩付酬的物质激励、精神文化激励和榜样激励可以激发馆员个体潜能和创造性,更好地实现图书馆工作目标--创建学习型图书馆.  相似文献   

中小企业开辟融资新渠道初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
商业代理制以其风险共担、服务优质和市场开拓能力强而成为市场经济条件下的一种新型营销方式。其在引入我国的 2 0年间的发展过程中 ,取得了令人瞩目的成绩 ,同时也出现了不少问题 ,面临很多困难。本文在分析我国发展商业代理制过程中出现的问题的基础上 ,提出了解决的对策和  相似文献   

The role of the fuel-and-energy complex (FEC) in the Russian economy has been described and A quantitative assessment of the impact of key parameters of the fuel-and-energy complex sectors on the volume and dynamics of the main macroeconomic indicators has been provided. In particular, the sensitivity of the GDP growth to changes in energy exports has been analyzed.  相似文献   

戊戌变法是中国近代史上一次具有深远影响的改革,尽管这次改革以失败而告终,但是光绪帝在戊戌变法中的作为不容忽视,具有历史必然性。晚清时期慈禧专权、甲午战争惨败、资产阶级维新派思想的出现,对光绪帝力图改革起到很大推动作用,同时光绪帝能够支持戊戌变法并在这场变革中有所作为,对19世纪末晚清时局产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

随着改革开放的深入,收入差距日益扩大,农民收入分配不公正已成为人们关注的焦点.在我国,“三农“的弱质性、农民压力集团的缺位、社会等级制度及片面的工业化政策是导致农民收入分配不公正的主要原因.因此,加大对“三农“投入、平等地对待农民及提高农民组织程度是解决我国农民收入分配不公正的有效对策.  相似文献   

论法国现代主义文学中的死亡主题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对死亡的思考,不仅是基督教文化的传统,而且是现代西方哲学各派,尤其是存在主义哲学所关注的问题。法国文学对死亡的探索是希望能够超越死亡,以实现生命的不朽,使人们漂泊无依的灵魂得到安置,使其在形而上的意义上获得永生。  相似文献   

董江 《改革与战略》2010,26(6):36-38
公共财政是与市场经济相适应的财政模式,公共财政不完善的市场经济也不是完善的市场经济。从公共财政的功能来看,财政理应在缩小贫富差距方面发挥主要作用,但是目前我国财政在这方面的实际表现却不尽如人意。文章认为,合理界定财政支出范围,理顺财政分配顺序,调整财政支出的区域结构,减少行政经费支出,加大对社会保障、"三农"领域和分配的支持与调节,是缩小我国贫富差距的路径。  相似文献   

学术不端行为是学术腐败的重要表现,是当前学术界必须解决的问题。期刊编辑应充分利用学术不端检测系统把好初审关,公正遴选审稿专家做好论文评审工作,在完善管理制度的同时注意提升自身素养。通过硬件检测系统、审稿专家库、反学术不端联盟等构建立体化反学术不端体系。  相似文献   

Between 1850 and 1880, capital per worker in United States manufacturing increased on average by at least 75 per cent, even after taking account of declining capital goods prices. During this same period, production shifted from small, labour‐intensive artisan shops to large capital‐intensive factories. Similar changes have occurred in many other countries at the same stage of industrialization. Establishment‐level data from the federal censuses of manufacturing, however, reveal that the shift in production in the United States accounts for a modest amount of the increased capital per worker. There, at least, capital deepening seems to have occurred in almost all firms everywhere.  相似文献   

吴波 《乡镇经济》2008,24(4):80-86
农民工是我国现阶段在农村劳动力向城镇转移过程中出现的一个庞大的特殊群体,农民工的社会保障是一个日益尖锐的特殊问题,正视它的存在并积极求索化解之道势在必行。文章在农民工社会保障理论基点的基础上,重点剖析了建立农民工社会保障存在的问题和障碍因素,并提出建立农民工社会保障的政策选择。  相似文献   

在2007-2008克利伯环球帆船赛各船队陆续抵达青岛,青岛站各项活动缤纷启幕之际,中共青岛市委副书记、市长.奥帆委主席夏耕接受了媒体记者专访,畅谈了对帆船赛、对青岛打造中国“帆船之都”的感受及美好愿景。  相似文献   

This article begins by analyzing the hirtorical importance of the introduction of the euro, the convergence criteria for membership in the European Monetary Union, the merits and defects of the euro as an international rival to the dollar, and the characteristics that have made past international currencies great. It goes on to consider the institutional gap in the world system arising from the absence of an official world currency and the threat to stability that arises in transition periods when a new international reserve asset or currency is phased in. It is argued that the introduction of the euro will involve diversification from the dollar that will require multilateral attention to the dollar-euro exchange rate.Distinguished Address presented at the Forty-Fifth International Atlantic Economic Conference, Rome, Italy, March 14–21, 1998.  相似文献   

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