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Topical issues of enhancing innovative activity in regions of Russia are studied using the LASSO method for ranking various factors in terms of their impact on the release of innovative products in a particular region. It has been shown that, when developing national concepts of socioeconomic development, it must necessarily be taken into account that it is wrong to focus on average regions as regional specific features. The forecast calculations of the volume of innovative goods, works, and services have been carried out for the most important regions of the Siberian Federal District. Urgent problems of innovative activity have been identified for regions of Russia with different levels of development.  相似文献   

The role of development institutions and their transformation that occurred in the 20th century is examined in the article. The importance of these institutions for the economic development of Russia is shown. Institutional measures and mechanisms to facilitate the disclosure of the potential development of peripheral regions of the South of Russia are considered.  相似文献   

Assessments of the level of interregional differences by per capita GRP in current and constant prices are presented in the article. The tendencies of inequality in economic development of the regions of Russia in 1990–2013 have been studied.  相似文献   

The paper presents statistical data on the state of scientific and innovative activities in the regions of Northwest Russia. The dynamics of their main indicators has been analyzed. Scientific factors that affect the effectiveness of innovative activities have been identified. The values of factors and their connection with the final results by region have been determined. The advisability of developing statistical accounting of process innovations and implementation of scientific potential of the region is noted.  相似文献   

The article deals with a relatively new phenomenon for Russia, i.e., social entrepreneurship. Based on an analysis of international experience in the development of social enterprises, their characteristics have been studied, the advantages and risks in support of social enterprise in meeting the social needs have been revealed, and the problems and prospects of development of social entrepreneurship in Russia have been discussed.  相似文献   

The article considers the development of Islamic banking in Russia using the example of the Islamic financial organization Financial House Amal. Islamic investment treaties and tools used in Financial House Amal have been analyzed. The basic concepts and tasks of the Accounting and Audit Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) have been considered. The main conclusions on the introduction of Islamic finance in Russia have been proposed.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the trade and economic relations between Russia and European Union. It has been shown that the existing substantial qualitative imbalance in the mutual trade f lows is largely due to the level of development of innovation systems in Russia and the European Union. Arguments have been presented for implementing an import substitution strategy in regions of Russia in the existing political and economic situation (the sanctions against Russia and the depreciation of the ruble). Proposals have been presented for the development of import substitution in regions of Russia (in the case of the Vologda oblast).  相似文献   

This article analyzes the prospects for the development of air transport in remote and inaccessible regions of Russia with a low population density. The influence of the economic and geographical specificity of such regions on the duration and cost of air travel is studied. A complex of organizational and technological solutions and government support measures aimed at improving the quality and accessibility of air carriages for the population of sparsely populated regions is suggested.  相似文献   

The article has analyzed the prospects for the development of Russia’s aircraft industry in the context of international economic sanctions. It has been shown that the forced localization of the entire technological chain of aircraft production in Russia may lead to the increase in the contribution of the industry to Russia’s GDP. However, since the national labor productivity is lower than the world average, the development of the industry’s production potential would require a significant rise in investment.  相似文献   

Possible measures on the development of agricultural tourism in Russia are considered in the article. Experience of foreign countries is analyzed and the significance of this sphere for solving of social and territorial matters is demonstrated. Possible economic effects of implementing measures on the development of rural tourism in Russia are estimated.  相似文献   

The article shows that indicators of spatial distribution of employed and economic potential are becoming the key indicators of the economic development of Russia. It has been revealed that the localization of these resources determines the regional differentiation in labor productivity. Regression relationships between labor productivity, employment, urbanization parameters, agglomeration and localization have been determined. The forecast of regional localization of employment on macroregions of Russia has been carried out.  相似文献   

The current state and possibilities of ensuring Russia’s food security in the dairy market have been analyzed. The development limitations of the resource base of dairy farming and the domestic demand for dairy products have been described.  相似文献   

The article has considered the main trends in the development of the a world transport system and general manifestations of prospective trends have been noted, including orientation to qualitative aspects of functioning and competition and interaction with various participants in the transport services market, as well as ambiguous consequences of rapid development of transport in modern conditions. Priority directions of the development of transport (on an example of a railway) in Russia have been given based on the positions of their connection to world trends.  相似文献   

This article has studied the specific role of the northern regions of Russia in the processes of modernizing the economy, which is defined by the fact that their industrial system is aimed at the raw production sector, as well as at a large investment potential. We have shown several lines of improving the innovative policy determined based on expert assessments.  相似文献   

This article reviews the status and trends in the development of science-intensive and high-tech industries in Russia. Basic provisions of the long-term forecast of the dynamics of high-tech industries are given. Its parameters are grounded in the forecast of the economic development of Russia until 2030, developed by the Institute of Economic Forecasting.  相似文献   

This paper provides a comparative assessment of innovation-based development in Russia and several OECD and BRICS countries. Several tiers of countries have been introduced based on the assessment. The impact of various factors on innovation performance has been calculated for each tier using the tier average values of indicators that correspond to these factors. As a result, the most common features that are typical for a given level of development of an innovation environment are identified. The analysis provides a basis for recommendations regarding a strategy for innovation-based development of the Russian Federation.  相似文献   

The article analyzes the dynamics of the technical efficiency of agricultural organizations since the beginning of the reforms. The presence of a considerable number of non-effectively used and redundant resources, because of both the poor organization of farms and the insufficient development of market institutions in Russia, has been discovered. In general, based on the analysis, it has been concluded that there is a positive impact of market reforms on technical efficiency of agricultural organizations.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the possible impact of irrigation on the development of agriculture in the Volga River Basin and Black Sea Basin. Scenarios of the development of agriculture in Russia up to 2030 under the conditions of the expansion of irrigation and persistence of the current situation with irrigation have been calculated and analyzed based on the IMPACT-3 econometric partial equilibrium model.  相似文献   

The central government spends just under one-half of its development budget outside Jakarta. The centre provides more than one-third of total development spending carried out in the regions. Central development spending in the regions on primary and secondary sector activities and on education and culture is especially significant. The spatial distribution of consolidated public development expenditure is very unequal. However, central spending mitigates inequality in the geographic distribution of subnational development expenditure, at least to a certain extent. Agood deal of central government spending in the regions appears to be on tasks that have been turned over to subnational governments and is therefore illegal under current decentralisation legislation. Central support of specific decentralised activities could be implemented more transparently and efficiently through the government's specific purpose grant.  相似文献   

A quantitative model of Russia’s information and communication technologies (ICT) ecosystem has been proposed that describes the main relationships between its participants, as well as the impact of environmental factors on the functioning of the ICT ecosystem. Based on the model, we have assessed the long-term (until 2030) potential for the development of Russia’s ICT sector in the case of the state’s active and stimulating strategy and the formation of an advanced system of institutions. We have also evaluated the contribution of the ICT sector to the macroeconomic dynamics while implementing the target scenario.  相似文献   

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