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教育、人力资本与经济增长   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李锋 《亚太经济》2002,(5):14-16
本文从人力资本开发的角度对HPAES的经济增长进行了理论与计量分析,认为HPAES地区较高的人力资本水平对其经济增长起到较强的促进作用,而且政府在促进教育发展和人力资本形成的过程中扮演了重要角色.与此同时,也不能忽视HPAES地区人力资本开发现状与其经济发展要求之间还存在着一定的差距.  相似文献   

The article presents an analysis of existing approaches to calculating the volume of human capital on the level of the national economy. Possible approaches to calculating the retrospective dynamics of this indicator for Russia based on available statistical information are analyzed. The questions of constructing a model of the production function, comprising the index of human capital as a factor, are illustrated.  相似文献   

We examine the mechanism by which human capital affects economic growth and convergence, using provincial level panel data from China. We specify alternative measures of human capital and apply them to an enhanced growth model, which we estimate parametrically, nonparametrically, and with a threshold model. Our results show that economic convergence is pronouncedly conditional on human capital across all measures. The positive “benefit of being backward” due to lower initial income is almost trumped by the negative impact of low levels of human capital in the poorest areas.  相似文献   

Using a panel of Chinese cities over the period 1991–2010, we examine the determinants of economic growth, focusing on the role of foreign direct investment (FDI) and human capital. Consistent with the predictions of a human capital-augmented Solow model, we find that the growth rate (along the path to the steady-state income level) of per capita GDP is negatively correlated with population growth rate and positively correlated with investment rate in physical capital and human capital. We find that FDI has a positive effect on the per capita GDP growth rate and this effect is intensified by the human capital endowment of the city. The latter suggests that one way that human capital contributes to growth is to serve as a facilitator for technology transfers stemming from FDI. Furthermore, we find some suggestive evidence that the FDI-human capital complementary effect is stronger for technology-intensive FDI than for labor-intensive FDI. Our results are robust to alternative measures of human capital, model specifications, and estimation methods.  相似文献   

Human capital is one of the most important factors to promote economic growth. It is critical both on theory and practice to study how human capital investment and accumulation promote the economic growth in China. The thesis takes Lucas's Human Capital Spillover Model as the analysis tool. Through SPSS 14.0 software, it uses the serial data from 1992 to 2006 to analyze the human capital's correlation and contribution to the economic growth, so as to find out why the human capital contribution to economic growth is low. And then, in order to increase the human capital accumulation, it puts forward the relative strategies which include paying more attention to the importance of human capital, greatly developing education, improving the quality of human capital and investing more on the human capital of enterprises.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship capital and economic growth   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper shows how and why the Solow growth accounting frameworkis useful for linking entrepreneurship capital to economic growth.The knowledge filter impedes the spillover of knowledge forcommercialization, thereby weakening the impact of knowledgeinvestments on economic growth. By serving as a conduit forknowledge spillovers, entrepreneurship is the missing link betwninvestments in new knowledge and economic growth. Entrepreneurshipis an important mechanism permeating the knowledge filter tofacilitate the spillover of knowledge and ultimately generateeconomic growth. The emergence of entrepreneurship policy topromote economic growth is interpreted as an attempt to promoteentrepreneurship capital, or the capacity of an economy to generatethe start-up and growth of new firms.  相似文献   

A new but simple model of the impact of foreign capital–in particular foreign direct investment–on the economic growth rate of poor countries is described and tested. A feature of this model is that it aims to allow separately for structural economic effects and the direct impact on the balance of payments position. Results confirm the favourable impact of aid flows and domestic savings, but suggest that direct investment is associated with structural effects that retard growth. An attempt is made to interpret these results in a wider context than usual for the purpose of assessing possible policy implications.  相似文献   

Total capital and economic growth   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In contrast to the official estimates of gross private domestic investment and associated capital stocks prepared by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), the author presents estimates of total investment and capital, human and nonhuman, tangible and nontangible, by all sectors of the U.S. economy. Total investment is 3.1 times the BEA estimate in 1929, rising to 4.1 times in 1990. It accounts for almost half of adjusted GDP in the latter year. As hypothesized, real total capital stocks rise at about the same 2.9 percent average annual rate as real gross domestic product 1929–90, 0.1 percentage points more in the total economy and 0.2 points less in the predominant business sector. Increases in nontangible capital (mainly education, training, health, and research and development—“R&D”-) largely explain the growth in total tangible factor (capital) productivity in the whole economy. Nontangible, human capital has grown relatively faster in the business sector than in the entire economy, helping to explain its more rapid productivity advance. The author recommends that when BEA shifts to the U.N. standard system of accounts, it include nontangible and human tangible investments and capital in “satellite” accounts, as well as tangible investments for all sectors in the core accounts. This will greatly facilitate the analysis of economic growth. Presidential Address at the Thirty-Sixth Atlantic Economic Society Conference, October 7–10, 1993, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  相似文献   

We construct a measure of human capital using micro datasets on labor composition of age, gender, education, and wage rate and analyze its role in economic growth for the Korean economy. Over the past three decades, human capital has grown steadily at about 1% per year, contrasting to a continuously declining trend of total work-hours. This growth has been driven by the rise of better-educated baby-boom cohorts. A growth accounting exercise shows that human capital contributes significantly to economic growth; it accounted for 0.5% points of annual GDP growth over the period. Human capital is projected to remain a major growth factor over the next two decades as the increase in educational attainment continues. Increased employment rate of elderly or female workers reduces the aggregate human capital growth while increasing the available labor. Polices to improve human capital of female or elderly workers help to increase aggregate human capital growth.  相似文献   

Conservation capital and sustainable economic growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An endogenous growth model, which links pollution to ineffectiveinput-use, is developed to examine the potential for achievingbalanced growth while preserving the environment through investmentin conservation capital. We derive conditions under which individualpreferences for environmental quality and private incentivesfor investment in conservation capital can lead to non-decreasingenvironmental quality with balanced growth even in the absenceof environmental regulations. Additionally, conditions underwhich investment in conservation capital can enable an environmentallyregulated economy to achieve a higher rate of sustainable balancedgrowth than otherwise are analysed.  相似文献   

Over the last four decades, the relative price of investment goods in Africa has gone through a relatively large decrease, resulting in a steady convergence towards the levels recorded in high-income countries. This fact begs the following question: To what extent might the relative price decrease be a driving force behind the economic performance of this continent? The paper addresses this question from the perspective of a panel ARDL approach, using the Solow growth model—augmented with barriers to investment—as a framework. The results reveal that a one-unit decrease in the relative price of investment leads, in the long term, to a 4% increase in per capita GDP, an increase that could be neutralised by a 6.5 percentage points decrease in the savings rate. The findings contribute to the case for a policy mix that combines policies geared towards reducing investment distortions with those promoting savings mobilisation.  相似文献   

Human Capital, Trade, and Economic Growth. — Human capital, because of its special role in innovative activity and technological progress, has formed the bedrock of the new theories of endogenous growth. However, it not only serves as an engine of growth but also as a productive input along with labor and physical capital. In this study, the authors find evidence of the importance of both roles of human capital. They also find that the relationship between growth and the external effects of human capital vary according to trade regime. When literacy rates are relatively high, open economies grow about 0.65 to 1.75 percentage points more than closed economies.  相似文献   

一、资本流动的古典分析分析资本项目可兑换与经济增长之间的关系之前,首先要分析资本流动。在古典经济理论中,假定资本稀缺国家的资本边际产品要大于资本富裕国家的资本边际产品,即MPk(LDCs)>MPk(DCs),如果资本完全自由流动,那么资本从资本富裕国家向资本稀缺国家的流动将会同  相似文献   

孙富安 《特区经济》2005,(9):313-314
一、人力资本要求产权具有客现性西奥多·舒尔茨最早创立了现代经济学人力资本理论,他是从探索经济增长和社会富裕的秘密而逐步踏上人力资本研究之路的。舒尔茨认为,单纯从自然资源、实物资本和劳动力的角度,不能解释世界各国生产力提高的全部原因,除了那些已知的经济增长要素外,一定还有重要的生产要素被“遗漏”掉了,这个要素就是人力资本。所谓人力资本,即为人们花费在教育、培训、保健等方面的开支所形成的资本,这种资本凝结和贮存在特定的人身上,体现为人的智力、知识和技能等。当代西方经济学认为:资本采取两种形式,即物力资本和人力…  相似文献   

I investigate the link between business regulatory reforms and economic growth in 172 countries. I create a 5 year dataset on business regulatory reforms from the World Bank’s Doing Business reports. Then, I test the hypothesis that business regulatory reforms increase economic growth, using data on micro-economic reforms. These data do not suffer the endogeneity issues associated with other datasets on changes in economic institutions. The results provide a robust support for the claim that business regulatory reforms are good for economic growth. The paper establishes that, on average, each business regulatory reform is associated with a 0.15% increase in growth rate of GDP.  相似文献   

The impact of intersectoral labour reallocation on economic growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper explains economic growth differences in an aggregateproduction function framework, where labor reallocation fromagriculture to modern sectors influences labor efficiency growth.The econometric analysis uses a panel of 65 developing and industrialcountries over 1960-90. The results highlight: (i) differencesin the impact of labor reallocation on growth, resulting fromvariations in the intersectoral wedge in labor productivities;(ii) the significance of labor reallocation effects, even aftercontrolling for capital accumulation, initial conditions andcountry effects, and adjusting for endogeneity; (iii) theirrole in explaining slow productivity growth in Africa; and (iv)the role of initial conditions and capital accumulation in explainingdifferences in labor reallocation rates.  相似文献   

《China Economic Review》2006,17(1):70-83
This paper provides a quantitative assessment of the effect of various types of capital flow on the growth process of the East Asian countries, including China. The empirical analysis was based on dynamic panel data and we found; first, that domestic savings contribute positively to long-term economic growth. Second, we confirmed that FDI is growth enhancing and that its impact is felt both in the short and long run. Additionally, FDI influence on growth is much higher than domestic savings. Third, short-term capital inflow has adverse effect on the long-term as well as short-term growth prospects and it appears to be sensitive to long-term capital inflows. Fourth, long-term debt has positive effect on growth but its effect does somewhat disappear in the long-term. By and large, the observed positive contribution of FDI in the growth process of East Asian economies is a robust finding. From policy perspective, the evidence convincingly suggests that countries that are successful in attracting FDI can finance more investments and grow faster than those that deter FDI.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effect of health investment, and hence of health capital, on physical capital accumulation and long-run economic growth in an extended Ramsey model with an Arrow–Romer production function and a Grossman (1972) utility function. The paper concludes that economic growth is related to both the health growth rate and the health level. While growth in health capital always facilitates economic growth, the gross effect of health level on the rate of economic growth depends on how it affects physical capital accumulation. If the negative effect of health on economic growth through its influence on physical capital accumulation is not taken into consideration, then health level has a positive effect on the rate of economic growth by improving the efficiency of labor production. However, since health investment may crowd out physical capital investment and thus influence physical capital accumulation, excessive investment in health may have a negative effect on economic growth. Empirical tests of these theoretical hypotheses using panel data from individual provinces of China produce results that are consistent with our theoretical conclusions.  相似文献   

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