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In a centrally planned economy, non-market-clearing prices fixed by the state cannot be used directly to estimate consumer behavior models. This paper represents an attempt to overcome this problem by utilizing prices in a parallel “free” market. An equilibrium model incorporating parallel markets is discussed and a demand curve arising from this model is estimated using data for the markets for meat and milk in the USSR. the price and income elasticities of demand for these goods are found to be significantly higher than those estimated for the United States.  相似文献   

Trends in gross domestic product (GDP) and total factor productivity (TFP) growth in the former socialist economies seem to indicate that these economies were converging to unusually low long-run growth rates in the late 1980s. In this paper we develop an endogenous growth model of entrepreneurship that is able to account for the difference in long-run performance between centrally planned economies and market-oriented ones. Long-run growth rates of output and productivity are determined by the growth of the stock of managerial knowledge, which in turn depends on the share of the population involved in entrepreneurial activities and on the time that spent on those activities. We analyze the effect of two characteristics of centrally planned economies on their growth performance. First, in centrally planned economies factors of production are distributed by the central planner to the firms' managers through a contest that uses up some of the managers' productive effort. Second, the leadership is “egalitarian,” in the sense that it treats individuals with different abilities equally. We show that these two features reduce the fraction of people becoming entrepreneurs/managers, as well as their managerial effort, which in turn reduces long-run output and TFP growth. Furthermore, we find that centrally planned economies have lower income inequality and slightly higher capital–output ratios, which is consistent with these countries' experiences.  相似文献   

In a centrally planned economy (CPE) that has eliminated detailed central planning of output and foreign trade and introduced some domestic price flexibility and organic linkages to world-market prices, the exchange rate can take on more than an accounting function. This paper contrasts the effects of exchange-rate adjustment in such a “modified” CPE (or MCPE) with those in a market economy. There are a number of reasons why MCPE authorities might eschew devaluation as a policy instrument, despite the possibility that it would be more effective in some cases in improving the trade balance than in a market economy.  相似文献   

Starting from a bilateral comparison of consumption levels in Poland and Austria in 1964, 1973, and 1978, the authors calculate the implicit price indexes for both countries. The confrontation of the implicit and official price indexes seems to prove that official data grossly understate price inflation and overstate real growth of consumption in Poland. The causes of this discrepancy are mainly seen in the systemic difficulty of properly measuring price changes in Poland's “shortage economy.” This problem may arise in all international comparison between centrally planned and market economies when official price indices are used.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of an open centrally planned economy. In a framework that allows disequilibrium and (informal) quantity rationing, we seek to represent both the effects of domestic macroeconomic processes on trade flows and the effects on domestic macro variables of foreign-sector phenomena. We investigate the adjustment of the system to exogenous shocks and the policy trade-offs facing the planners, using a diagrammatic apparatus analogous to the Swan and Mundell diagrams for an open developed market economy. The model is also intended to serve as a basis for specification of empirical models of the macroeconomic aspects of foreign trade in centrally planned economies.  相似文献   

This paper presents some general-equilibrium models of the parallel market in centrally planned economies. The models are based on the hypotheses that private firms can operate more efficiently than bureaucratically-run state enterprises and that Soviet-type economies are characterized by price controls and quantitative allocations. The state's enforcement policy is explicitly modeled. Although the welfare implications of the parallel market for workers are ambiguous in general, under a variety of circumstances they turn out to be negative. For instance, responding to the shortage created by price controls, illegal firms divert resources from the official economy into the parallel market. The result is a higher price in the parallel market without any increase in the total supply of the good.  相似文献   

A formal model of intermediate product reallocation through Second Economy markets in a centrally planned economy is discussed. The principal result is that there exists an equilibrium allocation determined in these Second Economy markets in spite of fixed official prices and centrally monitored trading at these prices. It is always a constrained Pareto optimum with respect to the initial plan-generated allocation. Hence, Second Economy markets can effectively and “second best” efficiently ration the intermediate-product “sellers' market” of a centrally planned economy.  相似文献   

Antidumping duties, undertakings, and foreign direct investment in the EU   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We study the effects of EU antidumping policy when foreign firms can ‘jump’ antidumping duties through foreign direct investment (FDI) in the EU. We show that duty jumping or duty pre-empting FDI occurs if the EU administration has broader objectives than protecting EU industry's profitability and if cost advantages of foreign firms are transferable abroad. The (expectation of) price undertakings reduces the incentives to engage in FDI and may even discourage FDI as long as products are not too differentiated. The results are consistent with recent empirical findings on antidumping jumping FDI.  相似文献   

文章以中国出口导向型经济实践为基础,通过理论建模确立了五个理论假说,它们分别阐明了出口补贴、企业所有权、贸易报复威胁以及WTO贸易制度与外国对华反倾销风险之间的关联性。文章还采用Poisson模型的GEE、FE和RE回归方法,估计了印度、美国、欧盟、阿根廷、土耳其、巴西、南非和澳大利亚等8个国家和地区1995-2009年对华反倾销调查的面板数据,从经验上验证了外国对华反倾销调查的数量与中国的出口退税和对外反倾销调查强度成正比,与外资控制在华出口企业所有权的强度成反比。  相似文献   

The process of transition of the Polish economy from a centrally planned to a market economy started in the 1980s by a series of attempts to introduce economic reforms. By 1990–95, more important changes took place. The political and economic changes in the German Democratic Republic began near the end of 1989. The first step was the monetary union of both German states in June 1990. Although German unification (in October 1990) took place relatively later than the Polish reforms, the East German changes were greater. This paper discusses various macroeconomic indicators in both regions for the period 1990–95. These indicators are the dynamics and structure of gross domestic product, population number and employment, unemployment rate, and consumption structure.  相似文献   

This article discusses how the “decision style” of an administrator influences the adoption and use of particular decision models. Several “interactive” and “analytical” decision models often used to guide decision making are described and critiqued to point out their virtues and deficiencies. Propositions are suggested that contend that “systematic,” “judicial”, “speculative”, and “intuitive” styles have clear-cut preferences for a particular decision model. This model seems to be used, even when another would be more suitable. Effective decision makers are postulated to adapt their styles, or at least to see the benefits of different styles. Mixed-mode models are proposed that seem to simulate the behavior of successful decision makers.  相似文献   

Due to the current labor market problems and to the increase in personal “free time,” the “other half” of the economy is attracting increased attention: the household economy, the informal sector, black labor, the shadow economy, etc. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the current terminology and conceptual diversity in this field, in order to clarify the notions and thus the theoretical approaches which are a prerequisite for further work at the present stage of research.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the potential job content and skill requirements of the American economy in 1980 under three alternate economic futures. Detailed occupational manpower requirements are generated on the basis of a “Status Quo” economy, a “Social Welfare” economy, and a “Defense” economy in the near future. Occupational manpower requirements are then translated into a Job Family-Skill Content classification to determine how these alternate national priority choices may affect future requirements for specific jobs, skills, educational preparation, and vocational training. The results obtained indicate the job families and skill classifications most sensitive to changes in basic economic parameters, and also identify long run trends in manpower and educational requirements unaffected by shifting social priorities and patterns of federal expenditures. The implications of these findings for manpower and educational planning are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Industrial R&D in a market economy is mainly implemented in the private sector, therefore public funding is a very important tool of government to guide private R&D activities. This paper investigates the experience of funding national programs in a number of industrialized countries, and reaches some preliminary conclusions: (a) To reduce opportunistic behavior and ingrain intrinsic incentive in firms, both competition and cost-sharing principles should be used concurrently in underwriting firms' R&D projects. (b) Competition principles can be applied across many candidate projects around the same time or a series of one-of-a-kind projects over a longer time horizon. (c) The major threat to application of competition principles is that there is no “real competition” due to few qualified candidates in specific technological fields or in some, especially small, countries. (d) In practice, the appropriate cost-sharing level is difficult to determine. Fifty-fifty is used as a rule of thumb in many countries to simplify the decision making and circumvent “bounded rationality.” (e) Full cost endorsement may be another “quantum” alternative for projects urged by government but not felt to be very relevant by firms.  相似文献   

This paper analyses quantitatively the causes of the foreign exchange crisis in Turkey in the late 1970s through application of a multisector computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. The model incorporates some mechanisms that simulate the actual workings of the foreign exchange market during the turbulent foreign exchange disequilibrium period 1978–1980. It features the simultaneous operation of both quantitative controls and premium rationing schemes. Factors contributing to the foreign exchange crisis are analysed through counterfactual simulations which examine the implications for the Turkish economy of use of a flexible exchange rate, no oil price shock in the 1978–1980 period, and maintaining a constant price-level deflated affective exchange rate. Our results indicate that while exchange rate policy played an important role in bringing about the foreign exchange crisis, the influence of other factors was substancial.  相似文献   

One challenge for planners is to discover conditions under which a society has a positive and growing “net worth” in terms of its human resources and to bring about and maintain those conditions. We discuss the utility and validity of the concept of people as “assets” or “liabilities”, the structure and cultural contexts for a proposed model of the dynamics of value that account for opportunity costs; and links between information technologies and human resources management, including planned development of these resources.  相似文献   

Weitzman's analysis of the share economy contrasts fixed-wage and fixed-share contracts; this paper notes that neither is an optimal labor contract, rendering the comparison suspect. Given this comparison, though, share contracts may be superior to wage contracts in an economy characterized by a “macroeconomic externality,” whereby firm-level employment decisions affect the demand for other firms' goods.  相似文献   

A simple approach is developed for analyzing the possible bias involved in converting CMEA countries' statistics on transferable ruble (TR) trade into dollars. This bias is a function of the degree of price distortion in TR trade and whether the conversion is made “backward” using the TR/dollar rate set by the CMEA, or “forward” using the country's official cross rate between the TR and the dollar. Illustrative calculations of conversion bias for the European members of the CMEA for 1983 show considerable differences in “forward” conversion bias among some of these countries, given identical hypothetical price distortions in each country's TR trade.  相似文献   

Using a finite-horizon general equilibrium model with uncertainty and money, we characterize situations where tax arbitrage opportunities may arise for international portfolio investors in an economy with heterogeneous capital income taxation when there is some scope to evade taxes on foreign capital income. We derive tax-modified uncovered interest parity conditions and forward rates similar to the no-tax ones, but augmented by tax-induced “risk-premium” terms; covered interest parity conditions remain unaffected by the introduction of capital income taxes, a consequence of our approach of bounding tax-based arbitrage without restricting arbitrage per se.  相似文献   

We consider the Shapley–Scarf house allocation problem where monetary transfers are allowed. We characterize the class of mechanisms that are strategy-proof, ex post individually rational, ex post budget-balanced, and “collusion-proof.” In these mechanisms, the price of each object is fixed in advance, and the objects are reallocated according to the (unique) core assignment of the Shapley–Scarf economy associated with the prices. The special case in which all prices are zero is the core mechanism studied by Shapley and Scarf. Our mechanisms are compelling alternatives to the Groves mechanisms, which satisfy neither budget balance nor our condition of collusion-proofness. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: C71, C78, D71, D78, D89.  相似文献   

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