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国家商务部、北京市人民政府、全国投资促进机构联席会议和世界银行于11月11日至12日在北京共同主办了"首届国际投资促进论坛".  相似文献   

正在泛珠合作十周年之际,泛珠9+2各方再次聚首羊城,畅谈合作、共谋发展。在此,我谨代表广东省委、省政府,向长期以来致力于泛珠区域合作和关心支持广东改革发展的各位领导、各界朋友表示衷心的感谢!十载耕耘成果丰硕。自2004年以来,在党中央、国务院正确领导和各方共同努力下,泛珠合作取得显著成效,显示出强大生  相似文献   

本文介绍了国际直接投资发展的新趋势及我国利用外资的现状,分析了国际产业转移的新形势,提出我国要抓住机遇吸引外资。  相似文献   

在“第二届中信国际经济论坛”开幕式上的致词(1994年10月5日)国务院副总理李岚清今天,第二届中信国际经济论坛在这里开幕。在此,我谨对论坛的隆重举行表示热烈的祝贺,并对李光耀先生、舒尔茨先生以及众多国际知名公司的领导人、著名专家学者和各位来宾的光临...  相似文献   

韩倩 《经济》2010,(11)
10月15日,由中央财经大学、新疆财经大学联合举办的第二届公共采购国际论坛在中央财经大学顺利召开.这次论坛是首届公共采购国际论坛基础上,在欧盟资助的Asialink公共采购法高校合作项目下召开的又一次学术盛会.  相似文献   

由中国科技咨询协会主办的第二届中国咨询业发展论坛于2月25日到26日在上海浦东举行。科技部部长徐冠华向论坛发来祝词。中国科协书记处书记宋南平出席大会。来自全国各地的咨询专家和咨询业协会代表230余人出席论坛。  相似文献   

王娅 《环境经济》2006,(8):29-32
党的十六大之后,中共中央提出了树立科学发展观,构建社会主义和谐社会的重要思想。党的十六届五中全会又把建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会作为我国国民经济与社会发展的一项重要战略任务。目前,环境友好型社会的理念日益深入人心,已经成为社会各界的共识。如何落实科学发展观,  相似文献   

各位来宾,各位朋友,女士们,先生们: 第12届世界生产力大会在中国的香港和北京召开,各国各地区的政府官员、专家学者和企业家相聚一起,探讨共同关心的生产力持续发展和提高生活质量问题很有意义.我代表中国政府向出席会议的嘉宾和代表表示热烈欢迎!  相似文献   

第一届环境影响评价国际论坛今天召开.这是中国环境影响评价事业中的一件大事,我首先代表国家环保总局对在座的国内同仁、国际友人和朋友参加本次论坛表示热烈的欢迎!对到会的香港特别行政区环境运输工务局局长廖秀冬女士、海南省人民政府副秘书长和国际环境影响评价协会主席方格先生以及所有关心中国环境保护事业的朋友们表示诚挚的谢意!  相似文献   

中国吸引外资的国际地位及趋势   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
20世纪90年代以来,外商直接投资(FDI)在全球经济中的地位越来越重要,FDI在中国经济中的作用也是无庸置疑的。然而,流入中国的FDI在今后是否能够维持或进一步发展,不仅仅取决于中国经济的自身状况,FDI在全球的发展规律和分布特点也起着非常重要的作用。因此,在研究FDI流动状况的  相似文献   

There are a number of theoretical reasons why foreign direct investment (FDI) into a host country may depend on the FDI in proximate countries. Such spatial interdependence has been largely ignored by the empirical FDI literature, with only a couple recent papers accounting for such issues in their estimation. This paper conducts a general examination of spatial interactions in empirical FDI models using data on US outbound FDI activity. We find that estimated relationships of traditional determinants of FDI are surprisingly robust to inclusion of terms to capture spatial interdependence, even though such interdependence is estimated to be significant. However, we find that both the traditional determinants of FDI and the estimated spatial interdependence are quite sensitive to the sample of countries one examines.  相似文献   

我国对外直接投资的成效评价与发展对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国对外直接投资起步于1979年的改革开放初期,经过二十多年来的探索和发展,已逐步形成了一定的规模。近些年来,我国不仅一跃成为吸收外资的大国,在对外投资方面,也有较大的发展。商务部公布的统计数据显示,截至2003年底,我国共设立境外中资企业7470家,中方协议投资金额114.27亿美元,海外企业资本存量已超过300亿美元。目前,我国已成为发展中国家重要的对外投资大国,成为主动参与经济全球化的重要力量。对外直接投资的发展有助于促进本国经济的增长,它对国民经济的贡献是多方位的,也是综合性的,既有静态效益,也有动态效益。首先,在开放经济…  相似文献   

为推进金融体制改革,降低国有银行的不良资产率,1999 年,经国务院批准,信达、华融、长城、东方四家国有金融资产管理公司先后成立,分别接收中国建设银行、中国工商银行、中国农业银行和中国银行剥离的约 1.4 万亿不良资产。由于剥离的不良资产规模大、情况复杂,在经营主体单一、技术经验缺乏和专业人才不足的情况下,仅仅依靠四家资 产管 理公司和 国内 的 投资者,很难在规定时限按预期目标高效回收不良资产。为促进国有资产的增值保值,引入先进的资产处置技术和管理经验,提升我国的不良资产处置水平,有必要吸引境外投资者积极参与我 国不 良…  相似文献   

Empirical studies of bilateral foreign direct investment (FDI) activity show substantial differences in specifications with little agreement on the set of included covariates. We use Bayesian statistical techniques that allow one to select from a large set of candidates those variables most likely to be determinants of FDI activity. The variables with consistently high inclusion probabilities include traditional gravity variables, cultural distance factors, relative labour endowments and trade agreements. There is little support for multilateral trade openness, most host‐country business costs, host‐country infrastructure and host‐country institutions. Our results suggest that many covariates found significant by previous studies are not robust.  相似文献   

Using a panel of Chinese domestic enterprises over the 2002–2008 period, we assess the effect of the state-owned commercial bank shareholding reform on the domestic enterprises' outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) decisions. We find that a modern market-oriented bank system significantly increases the likelihood of OFDI, especially for the purpose of facilitating trade and services.  相似文献   

Migrant networks and foreign direct investment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although there exists a sizeable literature documenting the importance of ethnic networks for international trade, little attention has been devoted to studying the effects of migrants on foreign direct investment (FDI). The presence of migrants can stimulate FDI by promoting information flows across international borders and by serving as a contract enforcement mechanism. This paper investigates the link between the presence of migrants in the US and US FDI in the migrants' countries of origin, taking into account the potential endogeneity concerns. The results suggest that US FDI abroad is positively correlated with the presence of migrants from the host country. The data further indicate that the relationship between FDI and migration is stronger for migrants with tertiary education.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on an apparent conflict between the theory of foreign direct investment (FDI) and recent trends in the globalized world. The bulk of FDI is horizontal rather than vertical, and standard theory predicts that horizontal FDI is discouraged when trade costs fall. This seems to conflict with the experience of the 1990s, when trade liberalisation and technological change led to dramatic reductions in trade costs yet FDI grew much faster than trade. Two possible resolutions to this paradox are explored. First, horizontal FDI in trading blocs is encouraged by intra-bloc trade liberalisation, because foreign firms establish plants in one country as export platforms to serve the bloc as a whole. Second, cross-border mergers, quantitatively more important than greenfield FDI, are encouraged rather than discouraged by falling trade costs.  相似文献   

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