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We examine the dynamics and transmission of conditional volatilities with multiple structural changes in return volatility using Bai and Perron (2003)’s methodology, across five major securitized real estate markets as well as employing a multivariate regime-dependent asymmetric dynamic covariance methodology (MRDADC) that allows the conditional matrix to be both time- and state-varying. Our results imply that a multiple-regime time varying asymmetric variance and covariance approach is important in modeling real estate securities valuation and selection and portfolio optimization, and is consistent with popular beliefs that market volatility changes over time. Our MRDADC models detect the presence of significant mean-volatility linkages across the five major securitized real estate markets under different volatility regimes and would have implications for global investor in terms of estimating a dynamic risk-minimizing hedge ratio in international portfolio management.  相似文献   

While the long memory property is examined in the literature for the US REIT returns, this paper extends the analysis to international securitized real estate markets with the hope of finding answers or confirming prior stock market evidence regarding the presence (or absence) of long memory volatilities for 40 weekly real estate indices (original and hedged). Using a battery of five econometric tests on three alternative risk measures; weekly observed absolute and squared mean deviations and conditional variances, we find statistically significant evidence of long memory in the volatility structure of most securitized real estate markets studied. Volatility persistence is particularly strong in Asia, but is not consistent throughout the period of study.  相似文献   

We study international correlation and volatility dynamics of publicly traded real estate securities using monthly returns from 1984 and 2006. We also examine, for comparison, the correlations among the corresponding stock markets. A multivariate dynamic conditional correlation model captures the time-varying correlation within the full period. We confirm lower correlations between all real estate securities market returns than those between the stock market returns themselves. Some significant variations and structural changes in the correlation structure happened within the sample period. We detect a strong and positive connection between real estate securities market correlations and their conditional volatilities. We also find the international correlation structure of real estate securities and the broader stock market are linked to each other. Our results have economic motivations regarding the potential integration of international real estate securities markets and the possibility of including information on changing correlations and volatilities to design more optimal portfolios for international real estate securities.
Kim Hiang LiowEmail:

This paper analyzes the relationships between local and global securitized real estate markets, but also between securitized real estate and common stock markets. First, the volatility transmissions across markets are examined using an asymmetric t-BEKK (Baba-Engle-Kraft-Kroner) specification of their covariance matrix. Second, correlations from that model and tail dependences estimated using a time-varying copula framework are analyzed to assess whether different dynamics underlie the comovements in the whole distribution and those in the tails. Third, we investigate market contagion by testing for structural changes in the tail dependences. We use data for the U.S., the U.K. and Australia for the period 1990–2010 as a basis for our analyses. Spillover effects are found to be the largest in the U.S., both domestically and internationally. Further, comovements in tail distributions between markets appear to be quite important. We also document different dynamics between the conditional tail dependences and correlations. Finally, we find evidence of market contagion between the U.S. and the U.K. markets following the subprime crisis.  相似文献   

We apply a multivariate asymmetric generalized dynamic conditional correlation GARCH model to daily index returns of S&P500, US corporate bonds, and their real estate counterparts (REITs and CMBS) from 1999 to 2008. We document, for the first time, evidence for asymmetric volatilities and correlations in CMBS and REITs. Due to their high levels of leverage, REIT returns exhibit stronger asymmetric volatilities. Also, both REIT and stock returns show strong evidence of asymmetries in their conditional correlation, suggesting reduced hedging potential of REITs against the stock market downturn during the sample period. There is also evidence that corporate bonds and CMBS may provide diversification benefits for stocks and REITs. Furthermore, we demonstrate that default spread and stock market volatility play a significant role in driving dynamics of these conditional correlations and that there is a significant structural break in the correlations caused by the recent financial crisis.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of U.S. monetary policy surprises on securitized real estate markets in 18 countries. The policy surprises are measured by both the surprise changes to the target federal funds rate (the target factor) and surprises in the future direction of the Federal Reserve monetary policy (the path factor). The results show that most international securitized real estate markets have significantly positive responses to surprise decrease in current or future expected federal funds rates, though such responses vary greatly across countries. Also, while the U.S. securitized real estate market reacts mainly to the target factor, foreign securitized real estate markets react to the path factor. Furthermore, we find that the cross-country variation in the response to the target factor is correlated with the country’s exchange rate regime and its degree of real economic and particularly financial integration, while the cross-country variation in the response to the path factor is mainly related to the country’s degree of financial integration.  相似文献   

This study considers whether securitized real estate and stock markets have long-term co-memories and implications for short-term adjustment. Our results offer reasonable support for fractional cointegration (characteristic of a long memory process) between securitized real estate price, stock market price and key macroeconomic factors in some economies. The implication is that where fractional cointegration prevails, securitized real estate and common stocks are substitutable assets over the long run and these assets may not be held together in a portfolio for diversification purpose. Furthermore, short-run analysis indicates that the speed of adjustment towards the long-run equilibrium is faster for fractional integrated vector error correction model (FIVECM) than VECM as the former incorporates a long history of past cointegration residuals. Additional comparisons of the two models’ forecasting accuracy show that incorporating fractional cointegration in a VECM model improves the forecasting performance over conventional VECM models. Our results reinforce the notion that cointegration, fractional cointegration and short-run adjustment dynamics are important in understanding market integration/segmentation.  相似文献   

How shocks in one market influence the returns and volatility of other markets has been an important question for portfolio managers. In the finance literature, many studies found evidence of volatility spillovers across international markets, as well as between spot and futures markets. Although real estate is often regarded as a good vehicle for diversification, the dynamics of its volatility transmission have been largely ignored. This paper provides the first study to examine volatility spillovers between the spot and forward (pre-sale) index returns of the Hong Kong real estate market through a bivariate GARCH model. Transaction-based indices were used so that our volatility modelling was free from any smoothing problem. Our results showed that real estate returns exhibited volatility clustering, and the volatility of the forward market was more sensitive to shocks than the spot market. Moreover, volatility was mainly transmitted from the forward market to the spot market, but not vice versa.
S. K. WongEmail:

??Tail dependence?? characterizes the cross market linkages during stressful times. Analyzing tail dependence is of primary interest to portfolio managers who systematically monitor the co-movements of asset markets. However, the relevant literature on real estate securities markets is very thin. Our study extends the literature by using the flexible symmetrized Joe-Clayton (SJC) copula to estimate the tail dependences for six major global markets (U.S., U.K., Japan, Australia, Hong Kong, and Singapore). In implementing the SJC copula, we model the marginal distributions of returns through a semi-parametric method which has never been applied to real estate returns. Our major findings suggest that international markets display different strength and dynamics of tail dependence. We extensively discuss the implications of our findings for financial practices such as portfolio tail diversifications, portfolio selections, portfolio risk management and hedging strategies. Our study also demonstrates that the widely used linear correlation is an inadequate measure of market linkages, especially during periods of crisis.  相似文献   

This paper uses fractional cointegration analysis to examine whether long-run relations exist between securitized real estate returns and three sets of variables frequently used in the literature as the factors driving securitized real estate returns. That is, we examine whether such relationships are characterized by long memory (long-range dependence), short memory (short-range dependence), mean reversion (no long-run effects) or no mean reversion (no long-run equilibrium). The forecasting implications are also considered. Empirical analyses are conducted using data for the U.S., the U.K., and Australia. We find strong evidence of fractional cointegration between securitized real estate and the three sets of variables. Such relationships are mainly characterized by short memory although long memory is sometimes present. The use of fractional cointegration for forecasting purposes proves particularly useful since the start of the financial crisis.  相似文献   

There are a lot of previous studies on calendar effects. However, most of them use traditional methods like regression. Hui et al. Habitat International 48, 38–45, (2015b) incorporated Shiryaev-Zhou index with logistic regression to study the Halloween and January effects of eight securitized real estate markets, but they fixed the moving-window size to be 130 days. How the change in moving-window size affects the calendar effects cannot be seen. In this study, we also apply the Shiryaev-Zhou index, but we allow the moving-window size to vary. Furthermore, we incorporated Shiryaev-Zhou index with analysis of mean (ANOM) and logistic regression to examine calendar effects of general equity and securitized real estate indices of Hong Kong, Japan, US, UK, France and Germany during the period 1996 – 2014. The results show that our new methods can detect additional channels of significant calendar effects of which normal methods fail to show. Furthermore, the general equity indices show significant Halloween and January effects. However, for the securitized real estate indices, the Halloween and January effects are less significant or even go into reverse in some cases. This study has two main implications. Firstly, investors can formulate a better trading strategy to earn more profits. Secondly, trends and phenomena found in equity markets may not be applicable to real estate markets, so investment rules on equity markets may not work on real estate markets.  相似文献   

This study extends research on the day-of-the-week effect towards European real estate indices. We examine this anomaly for several European securitized real estate index returns between 1990 and 2003. Although the countries under analysis have unique country-specific patterns, we find that eight out of eleven European countries exhibit abnormally high Friday returns. Moreover, two different Europe indices also exhibit the Friday anomaly. The anomaly is robust with respect to extreme observations, alternative specifications and several well-known calendar effects.  相似文献   

As the globalization of world financial markets continues unabated the issue of benefits arising from international diversification becomes increasingly important. Due to the fixed geographical nature of the underlying product, securitized property might be considered immune from the effects of globalization, and to this extent researchers have considered the issue of international property market interdependence using a variety of statistical procedures. In this paper the question of interdependence across securitized property markets is examined by combining the Inoue (1999) cointegration methodology with the structural time series procedure of Harvey (1989). In the event of commonality of movement across property markets, this approach permits the researcher to isolate and visualize common movement, an operation that may be helpful to a portfolio manager trying to understand cross market activity. The results indicate that there is some unifying force across international property markets and that this unifying force may stem from the United States. The results also suggest that, at least to some extent, shocks to securitized property markets produce a similar response to stock market shocks.  相似文献   

Topics in real estate markets have attracted much attention recently. In this article, we first address the risk-hedging issues of speculators based on an American put option pricing model, and then investigate their risk-hedging behaviors using a generalized swing option so as to take capacity effects into account. Semi-analytic solutions are derived, and examples are presented. Results have important implications in the real estate markets and contribute to the operational research literature on risk measuring and risk management.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the stochastic behavior of weekly stock market returns in the U.S., Japan, and the U.K. during the period 1984 to 1994. The analysis is carried out using an augmented version of Bollerslev's [7] multivariate GARCH model with structural dummies to test for differences in the mean, volatility, and covariance structure of returns during the pre- and post-October 1987 crash periods. In addition, the paper explores the issue of the volatility reversion and time-varying behavior of correlation structure of returns in these markets. Mean-spillovers exist from the U.S. and Japan to the U.K. The magnitude of these spillovers is, however, low. Volatility spillovers exist from the U.S. and, to a lesser extent, from Japan to the U.K. Mean returns in all three markets and volatility in Japan and the U.K. are the same during the two periods, while volatility in the U.S. is lower during the post-crash period. With the exception of the correlation of returns between Japan and the U.K., which has doubled since the October 1987 crash, the remaining correlations are statistically similar during the two periods. Simulations performed indicate that volatility is reverting in the sense that, when it departs from its long-run equilibrium level, it tends to revert back to that level.  相似文献   

This study is based on survey data on investor expectations for 40 metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) in the US over the period from 2003:Q2 to 2014:Q2. The paper has two main objectives. These are firstly to identify whether expected rates of return across different commercial real estate markets are positively spatially correlated and secondly to analyze the role of core markets like New York, Washington, DC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago in the information-spreading process. All the tests conducted are conditional on the maintained hypothesis that expected returns across different markets are spatially uncorrelated. To carry out these tests, we regress a measure of excess return in each of the 40 markets on (contemporaneous) measures of expected returns in other markets, controlling for the interaction between (neighboring) markets. We find very large spatial interaction coefficients across different markets. Our basic estimates yield a spatial correlation coefficient of near one and statistically significant at standard levels. Chow tests allow rejection of the hypothesis that core markets like New York, Washington, DC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago are no different than markets like Cleveland, Columbus, Orlando, Pittsburgh, Salt Lake City, St. Louis, and Tampa in explaining the covariances of the rates of return among different commercial real estate markets. Tests of structural change also imply that core markets currently play a more prominent role that in the past in the transfer of information from one market to another.  相似文献   

In this paper we offer direct evidence that financial intermediation does impact underlying asset markets. We develop a specific observable symptom of a banking system that underprices the put option imbedded in non-recourse asset-backed lending. Using a dataset for 19 countries and over 500 real estate investment trusts, we find that, following a negative demand shock, the “underpricing” economies experience far deeper asset market crashes than economies in which the put option is correctly priced.
Susan WachterEmail:

Boom‐bust cycles in real estate markets have been major factors in systemic financial crises and therefore need to be at the forefront of macroprudential policy. The geographically differentiated nature of real estate market fluctuations implies that these policies need to be granular across regions and countries. Before the financial crisis that started in 2007 property markets were overvalued in a range of European countries, but much like in other constituencies active policies addressing this were an exception. An increasing number of studies suggest that borrower‐based regulatory policies, such as reductions in loan‐to‐value or debt‐to‐income limits, can be effective in leaning against real estate booms. But many of the new macroprudential policy authorities in Europe do not have clear powers to determine them. Moreover, the cross‐border spillovers they may give rise to suggest the establishment of a well‐defined macroprudential coordination mechanism for the single European market.  相似文献   


Using data from the recent referendum in Britain to leave the E.U., we document a link between political uncertainty and real estate values. Specifically, we find that real estate values in areas of London that have a high concentration of E.U. passport holders declined significantly more than the rest of the city following the Brexit vote. In addition, we find that areas with concentration of highly-educated residents also experienced a disproportionately large price decline. These findings suggest that real estate markets are forward looking, incorporate information quickly, and are segmented.


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