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High-speed rail (HSR), as an efficient and environmentally sustainable mode of transportation mode, has received increasing attention in many countries over the past decades. While the literature on HSR's technology development and the assessment of the socioeconomic impact of the system has increased substantially in recent years, it remains unclear how the understanding of the socioeconomic impact system has evolved, and what the characteristics of various research focuses are. The objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive examination of the evolution of the high-speed rail literature, with a focus on socioeconomic impact analysis. Specifically, the following research questions are addressed: what is the global trend of scientific publication on the socioeconomic impact analysis of HSR? What specific focuses are uncovered from this trend? And what are the future directions of research in this field? A thorough understanding of the literature helps scholars better identify the research gaps, needs and directions for future research endeavors. In addition, it may also facilitate the decision-making for future investment in HSR through a better understanding of the potential impacts of the system.  相似文献   

While language enables communication, it also provides a reassuring quality more closely related with issues linked with trust, social capital, and cultural identification. Research on the role of language as a learning process is widespread but there is little evidence on its role as a signal for cultural affinity. We pursue this latter avenue of research and show that subtle language affinity is positively linked with change in socioeconomic outcome variables when using English‐speaking data for cities in the Golden Horseshoe area in Southern Ontario during the period 1991 to 2001.  相似文献   

Using data from national surveys, studies of gay men, and obituaries, the socio-economic position of gay men is examined. The evidence shows that gay men have higher incomes than heterosexual men, and that they are highly concentrated in certain occupations. The difference between the occupational distribution of gay and straight men is as great as that between men and women. The economic position of gay men appears to result from several factors in addition to discrimination. Gay economic power and gay preferences for economic dealings with other gays serve to shield them from antigay bias.  相似文献   

Socioeconomic Conditions and Property Crime:   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A comprehensive review of the crime literature indicates varying and often opposing hypotheses of relationships between property crime and socioeconomic conditions such as poverty, business cycle conditions, demographics, criminal justice system actions, and family structure. Employing measures of each of the hypothesized factors, time-series models for robbery, burglary, and vehicle theft are estimated from yearly and national Uniform Crime Report (UCR) data for the period 1959 through 1992 and are used to test these hypotheses' current empirical relevance. The empirical findings selectively confirm the importance of macroeconomic stability and criminal justice system actions in reducing property crime activity. In contrast, decreases in absolute poverty and general income inequality are associated with increased criminal activity; and age demographics and family/community structure apparently have little impact on any of the analyzed property-crime trends, A reduction in inflation apparently decreases property crimes.  相似文献   

SARS凸显经济社会发展六大典型问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非典型肺炎是一场突如其来的灾难,这次疫情既对我国经济社会发展造成一定程度的不利影响,同时也使我国许多典型问题得到了充分暴露。虽然这些典型问题在抗击非典过程中已经通过非常措施  相似文献   

一、稳定、强大的政府是实现社会经济平稳转型的重要前提 从世界历史发展来看,在社会经济转型时期,政治和社会稳定是一个国家实现经济长期发展的前提.只有在一个稳定的政治、社会环境中,各个经济主体才会确信他们获得的报酬与其在经济活动的贡献存在一种相对稳定的关系,并且会积极地工作和从事创新活动,从而会推动社会经济的长期发展;相反,一个政治不稳定、社会关系趋于紧张甚至发生严重冲突的国家要实现社会经济的长期发展是不可想象的.  相似文献   

The arguments for and against transfer pricing schemes so far have focused on profit‐seeking approaches based on tax differentials, or on evasion of government enforced goods and fund flow restrictions. This article shifts to a value‐seeking framework where transfer prices act as strategic tools that may enhance value for the multinational with a foreign affiliate by exploiting financial and/or tax arbitrage that also lead to ownership arbitrage. The results show that there is an optimal level of transfer price depending on the specific exchange rate distribution when the cost structure allows for a penalty for overcharging. Moreover, this article introduces a new form of tax arbitrage benefit of transfer prices that is based on present value of tax shields.  相似文献   

The main question analyzed in the article is how uncertainty in the asset price of owner-occupied housing capital affects user costs and consequently housing demand. The analysis is performed within the framework of a dynamic model of planned housing careers. Owner-occupied housing has a dual role as both an asset and a consumption good—a consumption good both now and in the future. By holding owner-occupied housing capital, the risk associated with future purchase of housing can be reduced. Taking account of this, it is shown that the risk premium in the user cost is negative for consumers on a sufficient increasing path of future housing consumption. Hence, the demand for owner-occupied housing of a risk-averse consumer can be increasing in asset price volatility. This result is contrary to the “conventional wisdom” in housing economics and can be identified only within an analytical framework that takes account of the dynamic aspects of housing market behavior.  相似文献   

李晴  刘宏伟 《物流技术》2011,(19):141-142,153
网络型企业是当代企业发展的一种组织创新模式,它的产生标志着合作已经成为了当今世界经济发展的一个新特征。通过对网络型企业含义的理解与认识,提出自己对网络型企业的定义,主要从流通的角度,结合物流理论与实践分析了网络型企业的内涵与特征,并对近年内兴起的网络型物流企业模式进行分析。首次对网络型企业进行流通分析,是一种创新,具有一定的理论与实践意义。  相似文献   

网络型企业是当代企业发展的一种组织创新模式,它的产生标志着合作已经成为了当今世界经济发展的一个新特征.通过对网络型企业含义的理解与认识,提出自己对网络型企业的定义,主要从流通的角度,结合物流理论与实践分析了网络型企业的内涵与特征,并对近年内兴起的网络型物流企业模式进行分析.首次对网络型企业进行流通分析,是一种创新,具有一定的理论与实践意义.  相似文献   

We argue that laissez‐faire capitalism in its current form is unsustainable, and that if it is to survive, we need to develop a new moral capitalism. An underexplored source on the subject that may provide insight into current difficulties is the Hebrew Bible. We explicate four basic principles of the Hebrew Bible and Talmud on economic affairs, and show how these ancient ideas can be used to create a more moral economic system.  相似文献   

Just peace is the desired condition and there exists a presumption against war. That presumption may be overridden by injustice that disrupts the just peace. Once the peace is broken, war is permissible under the following conditions: the war must be declared by the legitimate authority; there must be a just cause (defense against aggression, punishment against guilt, violation of rights, defending the innocent, or protecting those values required for decent human existence); the right intention (pursuit of stated cause, pursuit of lasting peace, and right attitude) must guide the move to war; the response of war must be proportional (producing more good than evil, appropriate to remedy the extent of injustice); success in waging war is probable; conformity to international law; all other attempts to remedy the injustice perpetrated or imminently threatened must have been attempted and exhausted.  相似文献   

Past research has examined reactions to traditional, gender- and ethnicity-based affirmative action programs. However, research has not examined reactions to affirmative action based on socioeconomic status (SES), even though such programs are promoted by the U.S. government (e.g., Work Opportunity Tax Credit) and thus act as a de facto supplement to traditional affirmative action. Based in theories of self-interest, Study 1 compared reactions of men and women to a traditional affirmative action program and a hypothetical, SES-based affirmative action program in terms of general perceptions of such programs and organizational attractiveness. While women had more positive reactions to traditional affirmative action, men had more positive reactions to SES-based affirmative action. Study 2 took a different approach, examining the reactions of potential job applicants to four hypothetical job ads which included different types of diversity statements. We found that job ads that mentioned any type of specific diversity statement - either based on race and gender or based on SES - were perceived as less fair than job ads that did not include specific diversity statements. Results of the studies are discussed in terms of self-interest theories of affirmative action and considerations of SES-based programs as a supplement to traditional affirmative action.  相似文献   

A bstract . Botswana's record of economic growth and political stability stands in sharp contrast to the economic stagnation and political turmoil endemic to Africa. Its progress was based on its fortuitous endowment of mineral wealth , and sound macroeconomic management. In effect, diamond, copper, nickel and coal mining has transformed Botswana from a least-developed, rural, agriculture-based economy into one of Africa's fastest growing, non fuel mineral exporting countries The Government has forged fiscal linkages between the companies operating in the mining sector and its public revenue collections. However, no such strong linkages have been established to the agricultural sector—particularly, to remote, rural , traditional farming areas where most of the country's people live. The growth strategy has produced underdevelopment and economic stagnation in rural agriculture, as well as increasing economic dependency on the Republic of South Africa.  相似文献   

文化导向的城市复兴:一个批判性的视角   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以文化推动城市复兴是现今世界盛行的发展策略,但是这种文化导向的发展策略却并不是城市复兴的"万能钥匙",在实施过程中不仅对城市经济、社会的发展与空间塑造产生了许多问题,而且也给文化的发展造成了变异和危机.通过一个批判性的视角,对文化引导的城市复兴策略失效性进行了分析,以期为中国当前的城市复兴实践呈现一个冷静的思考.  相似文献   

The expatriate literature needs to move beyond maladjustment as a primary reason for expatriate failure. This article draws on the psychological contract as a valuable lens to observe changes in expatriate behavior that may determine expatriate success or failure on international assignments. Prior research on the expatriate psychological contract has focused solely on an expatriate's social exchange relationship with the assigning parent company. This article offers a dual‐foci perspective of the expatriate psychological contract and suggests that expatriates’ perceptions of psychological contract breach arise from two sources—the assigning parent company and the receiving host company. The conceptualization of breach with dual foci forms the basis for the proposed model of expatriate failure. The model proposes that differences in expatriates’ contexts will influence their likelihood of perceiving breach and that breach, once perceived, will affect expatriate behavior through its influence on sense‐making, affect, conation, and attitudes. The propositions developed in this article provide a foundation for future theorizing and empirical work on expatriate cognitions of psychological contract breach. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

传统的领导力发展研究和实践皆注重于领导者个人,即通过改变领导者个人的素质、能力或行为来提升领导者的领导力水平.在当前的新兴时代背景下,企业实现发展不能仅依靠领导者个人,而是需要调动广大追随者的力量.有鉴于此,本文提出追随者中心视角下的企业领导力发展并对此进行初步探索.在指出当前对追随者的认识误区基础上,本文分别从领导者影响追随者和追随者的自我修炼角度展开了具体讨论.本文从追随者中心视角来理解企业领导力发展,为领导力的实践和培育提供了新的思考角度.  相似文献   

通过建立交通参与者之间抢行的博弈模型,对双方的博弈行为进行均衡分析,分析结论表明宣传教育和交通处罚可以促成交通礼让行为,然后从博弈的角度提出了解决城市交通拥堵问题的一些对策.  相似文献   

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