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A bstract . Orthodoxy in economics gives pride of place to the hypothesis of compensating differentials. Applied to job quality criteria, such as wage levels, job stability, and wage growth, the compensating differentials hypothesis implies that negative or positive job quality characteristics should— ceteris paribus —rarely coincide. Originating in the late 1960s from studies of American inner-city labor markets, dualist labor market theory has raised doubts about this assumption. At its core, dualist analysis proposes that a dualism exists between a primary' labor market where jobs possess several of the following traits: high wages, good working conditions, employment stability and job security, equity and due process in the administration of work, and chances for advancement and a secondary market where jobs tend to involve low wages, poor working conditions, considerable variability in employment, and little opportunity to advance (Doeringer and Piore 1971). In the 1980s, there were several attempts to apply dual or segmented labor market theory to European economies, including the German labor market. The mixed findings of these analyses have cast doubt upon the transferability of dualist theory to these contexts.  相似文献   

Wenzhe Li 《Economic Affairs》2018,38(1):106-124
Several major central banks have experimented with targeted monetary policy to improve credit resource allocation. This policy only applies to ‘eligible’ banks. For example, The People's Bank of China conducted seven targeted reductions of reserve requirements during 2014–15. This article documents the phenomenon of targeted monetary policy and evaluates its effects. The results show that, in the case of China, this policy has generated an extra significant, positive return on the stocks of eligible banks, amounting to 1.2–1.3 per cent in a four‐day treatment period. This substantial return gives commercial banks an extra incentive to align with the policy goals of central banks.  相似文献   

The work–life balance literature has recently identified the need for construct refinement. In response to these discussions, this research describes the development and validation of a concise measure of work–life balance, based on individuals' subjective perceptions of balance between their work and other aspects of their lives. The structure, reliability and validity of this unidimensional, four-item measure was confirmed in four independent heterogeneous samples of workers employed in Australia and New Zealand (N = 6983). Work–life balance was negatively associated with work demands, turnover intentions and psychological strain, and positively associated with both family and job satisfaction, confirming the research hypotheses. Evidence of these relationships over time was also demonstrated. This research confirms that this new measure of work–life balance demonstrates robust psychometric properties and predicts relevant criterion variables.  相似文献   


In this paper, we make multi-step forecasts of the annual growth rates of the real GDP for each of the 16 German Länder simultaneously. We apply dynamic panel models accounting for spatial dependence between regional GDP. We find that both pooling and accounting for spatial effects help to improve the forecast performance substantially. We demonstrate that the effect of accounting for spatial dependence is more pronounced for longer forecasting horizons (the forecast accuracy gain is about 9% for a 1-year horizon and exceeds 40% for a 5-year horizon). We recommend incorporating a spatial dependence structure into regional forecasting models, especially when long-term forecasts are made.  相似文献   

The present study extends the established theoretical lenses for understanding the work–family interface beyond conflict and enrichment, suggesting role balance as a theory for understanding how balance among roles can be beneficial for employees. The present study develops a measure of work–life balance and tests whether work–life balance is beneficial beyond conflict and enrichment for all employees. Two employee studies were conducted on (1) 609 parents and (2) 708 non-parents, and structural equation modeling confirmed that the balance dimension was distinct from other work–life dimensions and outcomes, and the analysis of multiple models showed that work–life balance plays a significant indirect mediation effect between conflict and enrichment toward outcomes. Overall, work–life balance was important and broadly identical for both samples with consistent effects toward job and life satisfaction, and psychological outcomes, with work–life conflict being detrimental, work–life enrichment beneficial and work–life balance providing additional benefits, especially toward life satisfaction. The findings provide greater generalizability and highlight the importance of balance for all employees, especially those typically excluded in the work–family literature such as single and childless employees.  相似文献   

In the criminology literature, the iron law of paternalism suggests that women receive less serious sanctions in the judicial system. This examination of three years of grievance outcomes (n= 1216) and arbitration outcomes (n= 1146) tests this iron law in the context of organizational disciplinary and dispute resolutions. These data, across several levels of outcomes (win, lose, compromise), controlling for the severity of grievances (disciplinary/nondisciplinary) and arbitrations (termination/nontermination) provide no support for the paternalistic thesis. Moreover, we find no support for the paternalistic thesis with regard to either the incidence or length of suspensions as a function of gender.  相似文献   

Quality & Quantity - Many public opinion surveys compare trust in a number of different information and (mediated) knowledge sources, typically using closed questions with a set of answer...  相似文献   

Recently, there are renewed calls to develop new models addressing the intricacies of women-owned businesses and the women that head them. A new conceptual model of women’s entrepreneurship that involves relationships between business-family-interface and firm performance is introduced in our paper. We test the model based on data from countries around the world and show that the model’s links depend on the country context. As a result, we identify new boundary conditions to the domain of female entrepreneurship. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent evidence based on US data suggests that the quarter or month of birth (QOB or MOB) may be endogenous, since family characteristics can explain up to 50% of the effects of QOB on the education outcomes and earnings of adult males. In this study, based on a sample of one million Taiwanese siblings, we examine university admission at age 18 as our outcome variable and find that at school entry, the oldest (September born) children are 31–38% more likely to be admitted into university at age 18 than the youngest (August born) children, indicating strong seasonality in university admission. The inclusion of controls for family background is found to explain only a small portion of these effects, particularly for males. Given that such results are at odds with the recent US evidence, we revisit the US Census data and find that when racial differences are properly controlled for in the estimation, even a rich set of family characteristics is capable of explaining only a minor proportion of the QOB effects. Furthermore, using data from the US and Indonesia, we find that seasonal temperature variation is unlikely to be an important contributor to the US‐Taiwan disparity. Our findings imply that the validity of using QOB or MOB as an instrumental variable may be dependent on the population being studied and the sample selected.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate that the linkage between human resource management (HRM) practices and organizational performance is tenuous. Some key intermediate elements evidently have not been accounted for. In an era where intangibles have become the source of wealth and progress, intellectual capital could be one of the missing links. Therefore, this study predicts that the three components of intellectual capital, namely, human capital, relational capital, and organizational capital, mediate the relationship between HRM practices and organizational performance. Data from 277 hospitals, with a response rate of 56%, confirm the mediation role of intellectual capital in explaining the effect of HRM practices on organizational performance.  相似文献   

This paper theorizes and tests the effects of sustainable development of supply chains on cost‐reduction (lean), environmental (green) and financial (profitable) performance. Based on the resource orchestration theory, we argue that internal, supplier and customer sustainable development each orchestrate different types of resource and therefore their effects vary. Structural equation modeling of data from a survey of 203 Thai manufacturers was used to test a new theoretical model. Results confirm that financial performance was achieved through cost reduction created by customer sustainable development supported by internal and supplier sustainable development. On the other hand, better environmental performance created by internal sustainable development generated no financial gains. However, internal, supplier and customer sustainable development positively affected each other, and by acting together they made firms lean, green and profitable. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

Using a panel of mainly unquoted UK firms over the period 2000–09, we document a significant effect of changes in the interest burden from debt‐servicing on firm survival. The effect is found to be stronger during the recent financial crisis compared with more tranquil periods. Furthermore, the survival chances of bank‐dependent, younger, and non‐exporting firms are most affected by changes in the interest burden, especially during the crisis. Our results are robust to using different estimation methods and different interest burden measures They suggest that one way for policymakers to mitigate the effects of financial crises by limiting firm failures would be to prevent financing costs from rising, especially for those firms more likely to face liquidity constraints.  相似文献   

Bias research began at the end of the 1960s anddeveloped rapidly in the following decades for obvioussocial and political reasons, and due to the importantimpact that this issue has on the field ofpsychological and educational measurement. Since then,several methods have been proposed for the study anddetection of item bias or differential itemfunctioning (DIF). This paper presents a simulationstudy comparing the potential of some of these methodsfor detecting DIF: two IRT-based techniques (area measures), three 2-based procedures (MantelHaenszel, Logit Model and Logistic Regression) and theRestricted Factor Analysis method. The results showthat the technique that appears to do the best job isthe Mantel Haenszel statistic. Moreover, all detectiontechniques tend to overidentify DIF items, that is,some of the items labeled with DIF may in fact bewithout DIF. This tendency is slightly reversed in theLogistic Regression procedure.  相似文献   

This study addresses work–family conflicts and job attitudes of white-collar single women and the ensuing work-related attitudes in a developing country context. After an overview of gender roles in Arab society, several hypotheses were advanced and tested. Although married females reported higher family–work conflicts than single females, the latter group faced a host of strains, which are presented and analyzed. Despite being educated, single females were underpaid and their upward mobility seemed to be significantly hampered. They reported lower job satisfactions and had high intentions to leave their organization. Implications for further research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This study uses a unique data set of individual video game titles to estimate the effect of an exhaustive set of observable characteristics on the likelihood of a video game becoming a blockbuster title. Due to the long‐tailed distribution of the sales data, both ordinary least squares and logistic regression models are estimated. The results consistently show that blockbuster video games are more likely to be released by one of the major publishers for popular hardware platforms. Results also show that games of higher quality are significantly more likely to sell a greater number of units than those of a lower quality. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Are overheating housing markets and rising interest rate risks becoming a breeding ground for yet another banking crisis? We assess these risks for the German case. We find that they are indeed building up and may very well form the basis for a new banking crisis – unless prevented through responsible banking decisions, supervisory guidance, and policy adjustments.  相似文献   

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