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基于中国的宏观调控政策事实,本文在Gali(1992)基础上构建了包含数量型货币 政策、价格型货币政策和财政政策的SVAR模型,并运用1995年-2017年的宏观数据进行了实证 检验。SVAR模型的实证显示,数量型货币政策对产出和通胀均有正向效应,价格型货币政策 对当前宏观经济增长作用有限,扩张性财政政策对产出和通胀均有快速显著的正向刺激作用。  相似文献   

房地产价格传导货币政策效果的实证研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
货币政策作为调控宏观经济的重要政策手段,它的经济效果需要通过诸多渠道传导来得到体现。国内外学者关于房地产价格对货币政策传导的研究还处于起步阶段,特别是国内的研究还存在着较大的争议。为了进一步检验房地产价格对我国货币政策传导的效果,本文选取2001年3月至2005年12月的月度数据,运用Johansen协整检验、格兰杰因果检验、向量自回归模型(VAR)、脉冲响应函数和预测方差分解检验等多种计量方法,对我国房地产价格传导的货币政策效果进行实证分析,结果表明房地产价格传导我国货币政策存在着阻碍,并没有表现出显著的财富效应和投资效应,利率也不能充分发挥对房地产市场的调节作用,为完善房地产价格对货币政策的传导提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

中国开放经济下的财政和货币政策--规范和实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在对IS -LM -BP模型公式化的基础上 ,推导出开放经济下的财政政策和货币政策乘数 ;并对近年来我国财政政策和货币政策对经济增长的贡献进行了实证分析。结论是 :IS -LM -BP模型的分析方法在我国目前是适用的 ;我国财政政策乘数大于货币政策乘数。利用其测算的结果较接近官方公布的数字。  相似文献   

货币政策对居民收入分配的影响正目益受到研究者和决策者的关注。本文通过运用一个包含城乡居民两类家庭的DSGE模型,以我国2001-2012年含有131个变量的宏观数据为样本,进行FAVAR实证检验。研究结果表明,价格型的货币政策冲击对城乡居民收入的影响并不明显,城乡居民收入对价格型的货币政策冲击反应具有不确定性;数量型的货币政策对城乡居民收入的冲击效应较为明显,数量型量化宽松货币政策有助于拉动城镇居民的收入增长,但对农村居民收入会产生抑制作用。  相似文献   

在动态随机一般均衡模型下,利用1999年1月至2012年7月数据实证分析了我国财政政策与货币政策冲击对宏观经济的影响,以及两种宏观经济政策的相互作用。结果表明,财政政策和货币政策的扩张对宏观经济变量都有正向影响,其中短期内财政政策对经济的拉动作用明显,而货币政策对产出的影响则更为长远。此外,财政政策冲击会对货币政策产生较大影响,而货币政策冲击对财政政策的影响则较微弱。  相似文献   

我国已步入老龄化社会,人口年龄结构变化对宏观经济环境和经济政策将产生深远影响。在此背景下,研究人口老龄化对货币政策效果的影响机制具有重要理论价值和现实意义。本文在理论分析的基础上,首先选取1990—2021年中国宏观时间序列数据,使用SVAR基准模型和IVAR拓展模型对人口年龄结构影响货币政策的总体效果进行实证分析,进而选取中国1994—2020年30个样本省市自治区的面板数据,将老年抚养比引入货币政策效果方程。时间序列和面板数据的实证结果均发现,人口老龄化削弱了数量型和价格型货币政策的有效性,同时面板数据证明了人口年龄结构是货币政策效果区域异质性产生的原因之一。最后本文进一步探索人口老龄化削弱货币政策效果的具体渠道,通过对沪深交易所部分A股上市公司和上市商业银行微观数据进行分析,发现人口老龄化可通过信贷渠道和利率渠道削弱货币政策效果。本文结论提示,在制定和执行货币政策时,有必要考虑人口因素。  相似文献   

本文以我国1990~2011年间财政收支数据为样本,利用格兰杰因果检验及其结果构建了线性回归模型,分析了财政收支对货币政策及经济发展指标的影响,并对我国财政收支提出政策建议。  相似文献   

本文根据Granger因果检验和联立方程模型,利用我国1985—2003年的年度统计数据,对我国宏观经济政策与经济波动之间的关系进行了实证分析。研究结果表明,消费政策、投资政策和外贸政策对经济波动影响的显著性水平要高于财政政策和货币政策对经济波动影响的显著性水平,影响我国经济波动的关键政策并不是财政政策和货币政策,而是消费政策、投资政策和外贸政策。  相似文献   

民营企业在我国经济领域发挥着不可替代的作用,为探究结构性货币政策对民营企业非标融资的调节效应,本文构建两区制门限VECM模型对结构性货币政策利率和非标融资利率的联动机制进行实证分析,并将结构性货币政策与非标融资间的利率差划分为低偏离区制和高偏离区制.研究结果表明,结构性货币政策呈现出显著的逆周期调节机制,在低偏离区制下,通过结构性货币政策微调节就能重建其与非标融资利率的均衡关系.但是在高偏离区制下,结构性货币政策为应对金融利率的大幅波动,表现出被动调节状态,对市场利率预期的引导作用并不显著.基于此,得到如下政策启示:加强结构性货币政策的逆周期调控力度,并配合使用相应的财政政策巩固货币政策效果,畅通货币政策传导机制以防范金融风险,建立"利率走廊"机制,坚持利率市场化改革,以优化结构性货币政策对民营企业非标融资的调节效应.  相似文献   

通过建立一个四自变量两层级的面板向量自回归模型(PVAR),以2004年1月~2012年9月中国31个省际面板数据为研究样本,针对货币政策与财政政策的区域效应进行了实证检验。结果表明,经济发达地区的经济增长对货币政策中的存款准备金比率调整较为敏感,而经济不发达地区对货币政策中的公开市场操作的敏感性更强;财政政策对经济次发达地区和经济不发达地区的经济增长和物价水平增长的影响较为显著,对经济发达地区影响相对较小。  相似文献   

Conventionally, the policymakers relied on three policy alternatives to manage business cycles – debt-financed government spending, debt-financed tax rebate and interest rate. While the first two are fiscal policy instruments, the latter is a monetary policy instrument. This paper aims to capture interactions among Indian monetary and fiscal policy actions, and the impact of such policy actions on select macroeconomic variables for the period 1990Q1–2011Q4. The policy actions are identified using the sign restrictions approach combined with magnitude restrictions in a Structural Vector Autoregression framework, and interpreted using impulse responses and variance decomposition. The results show that Indian monetary policy responds to tax rebate shocks and spending shocks differently. In the case of a tax rebate shock, Indian monetary policy responds by reducing interest rates thereby accommodating fiscal expansion. On the opposite, monetary policy seems not to accommodate expenditure shocks. Interestingly, the monetary policy shock is accompanied by a fiscal expansion that threatens the credibility of the central bank actions, thus indicating fiscal policy dominance. A comparison of the efficacy of the policies suggests that the interest rate is more effective in stimulating output. Out of the two fiscal policy instruments analysed, the tax rebate seems to be the better option for stimulating output considering the output-debt trade-off.  相似文献   

本文透过我国货币当局资产负债表,深入观察并揭示反映经济发展规律与本质的货币运行特征。以财政政策的四大主要政策工具为主线,采取定量与定性相结合方法,分析财政政策对货币运行特征的影响机理与程度,以便我们能够全面系统地了解、观察和把握财政政策与货币政策协调空间和互动架构。  相似文献   

In this paper, I propose an econometric technique to estimate a Markov‐switching Taylor rule subject to the zero lower bound of interest rates. I show that linking the switching of the Taylor rule coefficients to the switching of the coefficients of an auxiliary uncensored Markov‐switching regression improves the identification of an otherwise unidentifiable prevalent monetary regime because of the presence of the zero lower bound. Using a Markov‐switching fiscal policy rule as the auxiliary regression, I apply the estimation technique to U.S. data. Results show evidence of monetary and fiscal policy comovements, with monetary policy reacting weakly to inflation when fiscal policy is focused on real activity as opposed to debt stabilization, and vice versa.  相似文献   

We study the impact of Chinese monetary and fiscal policy shocks and the interaction of the two policies on stock markets. We find that, first, when we focus on the contemporaneous correlation, Chinese fiscal policy has significant, negative contemporaneous relationships with stock market performance, while monetary policy’s impact on stock market performance varies, depending on the fiscal policy. Second, with respect to the lagged variables, Chinese monetary and fiscal policy both have a significant and direct positive effect on stock market performance. Meanwhile, interaction between the two policies plays an extremely important role in explaining the development of stock markets.  相似文献   

Building on the work of Lev and Thiagarajan (1993) and Abarbanell and Bushee (1997 and 1998) this paper tests whether market-based information including dividend yield (Fama and French, 1998), firm size (Reinganum, 1981), and the ratio of book value to market value (Fama and French, 1992) add explanatory power to accounting data for predicting future earnings. The paper also tests whether earnings changes and the predictability of those changes are conditioned on monetary policy. It is found that the ratio of book value to market value is significantly related to earnings changes. Analyst forecast accuracy differs depending on monetary policy regime, but this difference is not due to differing interpretation of fundamental signals on financial statements appearing under differing monetary policy regimes. It is also found that there is a significant relation between monetary policy, earnings changes, and the level of signals concerning earnings changes.  相似文献   

In standard macroeconomic models, equilibrium stability and uniqueness require monetary policy to actively target inflation and fiscal policy to ensure long‐run debt sustainability. We show analytically that these requirements change, and depend on the cyclicality of fiscal policy, when government debt is risky. In that case, budget deficits raise interest rates and crowd out consumption. Consequently, countercyclical fiscal policies reduce the parameter space supporting stable and unique equilibria and are feasible only if complemented with more aggressive debt consolidation and/or active monetary policy. Stability is more easily achieved, however, under procyclical fiscal policies.  相似文献   

This paper constructs a two‐country core–periphery New Keynesian model of a currency union to address the interaction between the objectives of regionally directed fiscal policy constrained by a single currency and the aggregate use of fiscal policy in face of the zero lower bound (ZLB) on policy interest rates. We identify an optimal path of aggregate and relative fiscal policy responses to a negative region‐specific demand shock. Our results show that (i) in a monetary union, the optimal policy response to an asymmetric reduction in demand concentrated in the periphery always entails a relative shift of fiscal expenditure toward the worse‐affected regions, (ii) though no aggregate fiscal response is required outside the ZLB, and (iii) optimal union‐wide fiscal policy is expansionary at the ZLB. Therefore, optimal policy always entails an expansion in the periphery at the ZLB, but the optimal fiscal response in the core regions can be either expansionary or contractionary depending on the parameters of the model. However, (iv) fiscal expansion in the core is warranted if the periphery cannot implement an expansion due to constraints on public spending.  相似文献   

In the aftermath of the 2000-2001 crisis in Turkey, the banking sector was in turbulence, requiring immediate action. The rescue operation significantly increased the public debt ratio with respect to gross domestic product. At the beginning of 2002, the central bank of Turkey announced that it was going to implement an implicit inflation-targeting regime. The fiscal dominance caused by the high debt ratio severely constrained the conduct of monetary policy. Other obstacles to the conduct of monetary policy included a high level of exchange rate pass-through, inflation inertia, and a weak banking sector. This paper offers an account of the monetary policy experience of Turkey in the postcrisis period and provides lessons for policymakers in other emerging markets.  相似文献   

关于进一步完善结构性减税政策的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由美国次贷危机引发的国际金融危机,不仅冲击了许多发达国家,而且波及广大发展中国家,我国同样遭受影响。为应对这场金融危机,我国实施了积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,取得了良好的效果。本文着重分析我国应对金融危机的结构性减税政策,说明了实施结构性减税政策的原因,介绍了结构性减税政策的内容,总结了结构性减税政策实施的成效与存在的问题,提出了进一步完善结构性减税政策的建议。  相似文献   

Until recently, Turkey’s economy was characterized by high inflation, undisciplined public finance management, and a fragile banking system and experienced multiple economic crises. After the economy was hit by another crisis in 2001, the central bank became independent, adopted inflation targeting as the monetary policy framework, and implemented reforms to adopt a more stringent fiscal policy. Inflation rates decreased to single-digit levels within 3 years after the independence of the central bank. This article analyzes the end of the high inflation period in the context of monetary and fiscal policy interactions within a Markov-Switching Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium model in which monetary and fiscal policies are allowed to switch between different regimes.  相似文献   

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