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王博  徐飘洋 《金融研究》2021,498(12):57-74
本文构建包含异质性企业、双重金融摩擦和“双支柱”政策的DSGE模型来探究碳税和碳交易这两种碳定价政策对中国宏观经济的长短期影响和作用机制。研究发现:(1)两种碳定价政策均会导致经济在短期出现一定衰退,但在长期则有助于推进经济高质量发展,达到更高的均衡水平;(2)在面对碳排放技术冲击时,相比碳税政策,碳交易政策下,碳价大幅波动会进一步加剧经济波动,在碳交易市场中对碳价设定上下限,可以有效地减轻碳排放技术冲击所导致的经济波动;(3)面对气候政策冲击,包含金融部门风险规避的双重金融摩擦会进一步加剧气候政策对宏观经济的负面影响;(4)在经济转型过程中,结构性供需不平衡会引发一定的通胀现象,但此时货币政策不宜对通胀做出过多反应,而应刺激产出,支持绿色发展,推动供需平衡,从根源上解决通胀问题。引入“双支柱”调控后发现,考虑到经济转型风险的宏观审慎政策能显著减弱气候政策所导致的经济波动和金融不稳定,提高居民福利。  相似文献   

传统经济理论假设经济下行冲击只有波动效应而不具有水平效应,忽视了回滞现象。回滞会使产出水平下降后难以通过自身调整得以回复,对宏观政策的调控效力具有不可忽视的影响。本文在检验我国存在产出回滞特征的基础上,结合我国财政支出的生产性特征,通过干中学机制,将回滞特征纳入动态随机一般均衡模型,研究了回滞现象下我国的财政政策效力和福利成本。研究结果表明:(1)中国产出存在回滞特征,利用无约束的不可观察模型识别出中国产出回滞特征十分明显;(2)产出回滞对财政乘数的影响极大,与无回滞特征模型的估算结果相比,纳入回滞特征的基准模型估算的累积乘数值和净现值乘数值约为前者的5倍;(3)产出回滞对福利成本具有重要影响,基准模型中的补偿系数估算值为0.478,约为无回滞模型估算结果的1.7倍。  相似文献   

经济波动的福利成本研究给出了货币政策的福利边界,该领域的早期分析认为,经济波动造成的福利成本微不足道,这一结论成为新古典宏观经济学政策无效论的一个重要支撑。但随着分析技术的不断改进以及学术思想的不断拓展,尤其是增长效应、危机效应等新的福利机制不断被挖掘出来,使得我们对经济波动影响社会福利的机制有了更深入的了解,也使得早期结论受到相当的质疑。  相似文献   

随着我国宏观杠杆率不断攀升,系统性风险成为政策制定者关注的重点,宏观审慎政策工具成为应对当前风险挑战的重要手段。本文构建了一个DSGE模型,将逆周期资本缓冲宏观审慎政策工具纳入其中,将宏观杠杆率作为宏观审慎政策调控的信号,以福利效应最大化为标准,研究在多元化的外生冲击环境下,货币政策和宏观审慎政策的最优制度安排。研究结果表明:一是通过货币政策防范金融风险的效果存在局限;二是宏观审慎政策和货币政策配合的双支柱调控框架有助于降低经济波动,改善社会福利;三是宏观审慎政策效果的充分发挥需要货币政策配合。根据上述结论,本文提出政策建议如下:一是货币政策和宏观审慎政策在目标、工具、手段上应该相互独立。二是要完善货币政策和审慎政策的协调配合,加快双支柱政策框架体系建设。  相似文献   

货币政策与宏观审慎监管具有协同性,央行专注于维持物价稳定的货币政策可以熨平金融资产价格波动,达到防止金融系统性风险的金融监管目标。在不同经济状态下,货币政策对经济和金融变量的效应具非对称性。在本文的DSGE模型中,系统性风险的产生是内生的,由于其他变量的反应,简单货币政策意外收紧并不一定会降低系统性风险,当金融部门脆弱时往往会造成强冲击。宏观审慎货币政策添加了逆周期资本要求和金融脆弱性反应,高风险状态下其"逆周期缓冲"机制会减弱意外性货币政策的负面影响,获取更高的福利收益,同时兼顾通货膨胀和产出的目标要求,从而更有效地平缓经济波动和维护金融稳定。  相似文献   

利率平滑:我国货币政策操作的新范式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闵远光 《上海金融》2006,55(10):21-24
利率平滑是各国中央银行普遍采用的货币政策操作方式,也正逐渐成为我国货币政策操作的新范式。利率平滑操作是宏观经济均衡价格发现机制,可以平滑经济波动,降低经济波动的福利成本,稳定金融市场,减小经济调整成本,减少政策的动态不一致,增强货币政策可预测性。我国应进一步建立和改善利率平滑操作所需要的市场经济环境,促进经济平稳健康发展。  相似文献   

如何理性看待中国宏观税负水平?本文从三方面进行了分析:宏观税负国际比较、社会福利支出国际比较、单位劳动者税收占劳动力成本比重国际比较。研究发现,仅按宏观税负概念计算出来的中国宏观税负并不高,但若考虑社会福利支出水平和单位劳动者税收占劳动力成本比重,中国的宏观税负水平相对较高。并从结构性减税、增加福利支出、提高收入水平、降低非税负担等方面提出政策建议。  相似文献   

本文利用1990年第一季度—2018年第四季度38个经济体的宏观审慎政策和资本异常流动数据,采用probit模型进行实证分析。结果表明,宏观审慎政策的实施能够有效降低资本异常流动发生的概率,特别是在减少资本流入激增和资本外逃的发生方面。具体来说,宏观审慎政策每收紧一次,资本流入激增和资本外逃发生的概率分别降低2%和3.4%。不同类别的宏观审慎工具对资本异常流动的影响也存在差异。总的来说,发达经济体宏观审慎政策的实施效果比新兴市场经济体更好。本文进一步探讨这一差异背后的制度性原因,发现汇率制度越灵活、金融发展水平越高,宏观审慎政策对减少资本异常流动,特别是减少资本流入激增和资本外逃的发生越有效;随着制度质量的提高,宏观审慎政策对减少资本流入激增和资本外逃的有效性提高,但对资本撤回的有效性降低。以上发现对我国宏观审慎政策实施和资本流动管理具有重要的政策含义。  相似文献   

本文基于跨境金融关联视角对宏观审慎政策能否抑制国际性银行危机传染这一重要的理论与实践问题进行了实证研究。选取亚洲金融危机和全球金融危机时期遭受冲击的10个代表性国家作为样本,构建Logit模型和多元回归模型探讨本国及具有金融关联的国家协调实施宏观审慎政策对本国系统性银行危机传染的影响。研究表明,具有金融关联的国家出现金融危机会显著增加本国系统性银行危机的发生概率,具有金融关联的国家实施宏观审慎政策对本国信贷的影响比对房价的影响更明显,本国及具有金融关联的国家协调实施宏观审慎政策会显著降低本国系统性银行危机的发生概率。在调整银行危机指标及考虑贸易关联和流动性风险的影响后,研究结果依然保持稳健。本文的研究结论揭示了加强宏观审慎政策协调有助于维护全球金融稳定,对于中国政策当局强化宏观审慎管理具有极其重要的政策含义。  相似文献   

加强宏观审慎有效监管,使宏观审慎政策有效发挥作用,对于防范发生系统性银行危机、守住不发生系统性金融风险的底线至关重要。本文基于124个经济体1990—2017年的跨国面板数据,研究宏观审慎政策防范系统性银行危机的效果,并探讨其作用机制和异质性。研究结果表明,紧缩型宏观审慎政策能够降低系统性银行危机的发生概率。作用机制方面,紧缩型宏观审慎政策通过抑制信贷扩张,降低了系统性银行危机的发生概率。异质性分析方面,宏观审慎政策在发达经济体、金融体系为市场主导型及金融发展程度较高的经济体更为有效。此外,宏观审慎政策在经济周期不同阶段的效力也存在差异,防范系统性银行危机的效力在经济上行阶段更为有效。本研究对于宏观审慎政策实施与政策工具选择、防止信贷过度扩张与防范系统性银行危机方面,提供了重要的经验证据和政策启示。  相似文献   

郭凯明  陈昊  颜色 《金融研究》2022,501(3):1-19
制造业是立国之本、强国之基,是大国经济的压舱石,更高水平、更有竞争力的制造业是高质量发展的基础。改革开放后中国制造业发展既受益于推动对外开放和融入全球贸易体系,也深刻影响了世界分工格局和外国福利水平。本文结合长期收入效应、投资结构变迁、国际贸易失衡等中国经济特征建立了一个两国多部门结构转型模型,从理论和定量上研究了贸易成本对中国制造业发展和外国福利提升的影响。本文发现:1995-2010年中国出口贸易成本持续下降,既增强了中国制造产品的比较优势,使制造业产出增长了29%,分别提高了制造业就业比重和产出比重4.7个和5.1个百分点;也由此降低了全球消费品价格,对同期外国总体福利水平提升的贡献率接近15%。对中国制造产品加征关税提高中国出口贸易成本,会显著降低外国福利水平。本文结论表明,中国是经济全球化的受益者,更是贡献者。本文为全面提高对外开放水平构建新发展格局提供了现实依据,并为加快建设制造强国、推动高质量发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Liquidity, redistribution, and the welfare cost of inflation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The long-run welfare costs of inflation are studied in a micro-founded model with trading frictions and costly liquidity management. By modelling the liquidity management decision, the model endogenizes the responses of velocity, output, the degree of market segmentation, and the distribution of money. Compared to the traditional estimates based on a representative agent model, the welfare costs of inflation are significantly smaller due to distributional effects of inflation. The welfare cost of increasing inflation from 0% to 10% is 0.62% of consumption for the US economy. Furthermore, the welfare cost is generally non-linear in the inflation rate.  相似文献   

This paper studies the welfare costs and the redistributive effects of inflation in the presence of idiosyncratic liquidity risk, in a microfounded search‐theoretical monetary model. We calibrate the model to match the empirical aggregate money demand and the distribution of money holdings across households and study the effects of inflation under the implied degree of market incompleteness. We show that in the presence of imperfect insurance the estimated long‐run welfare costs of inflation are on average 40% to 55% smaller compared to a complete markets, representative agent economy, and that inflation induces important redistributive effects across households.  相似文献   

郝大鹏  王博  李力 《金融研究》2020,481(7):38-56
本文构建包含国际投资者、外资企业和银行流动性冲击的DSGE模型来探究美联储货币政策变动和政策不确定性对我国宏观经济的影响和作用机制。研究发现:(1) 美联储加息会导致我国产出、投资和通货膨胀的下降、汇率贬值、国际资本外流和银行系统流动性紧张。随着金融摩擦程度的增加和银行杠杆率的上升,美联储加息对我国产出、投资和资产价格的负面影响会进一步增强。(2) 美联储货币政策不确定性的增加会直接导致外资企业的投资、劳动需求和产出的下降,并对我国总产出、总投资和资产价格产生明显的负向外溢效应,进一步加剧我国宏观经济的波动。(3)为应对美联储的利率变动,适当限制国际资本流动能有效稳定我国经济波动和改善社会福利,而实施固定汇率和央行盯住美国利率的政策会加大宏观经济的波动,并导致社会福利下降。  相似文献   

In monetary models where M0 has no social costs and a positive demand for cash and deposits is taken as a primitive, we show that the compensating variation in endowment is the exact general equilibrium measure of welfare costs of perfectly anticipated inflation. As a consequence, we show that a good approximation to the welfare costs of inflation is given by the area under the compensated demand for M0, a result that brings us back to Bailey (J Polit Econ 64:93–110, 1956). The estimated welfare costs of inflation are bounded at less than a quarter of a percent of the GDP for the U.S. economy.   相似文献   

This paper establishes that the closing method matters when the small open economy model is used for welfare analysis. The differences stem from the impact of the closing method on debt dynamics. When the ad-hoc parameters are set so that the current account volatility is controlled for across models, the welfare properties of versions with portfolio adjustment costs (PAC) and debt elastic interest rates (DEIR) are significantly different from the version with an endogenous discount factor (EDF). Nevertheless, this outcome is an artifact of an unrealistically dispersed distribution of the net foreign assets under PAC and DEIR, and can disappear under alternative calibrations of the ad-hoc parameters. In this sense, a seemingly innocuous application of PAC and DEIR versions may imply spurious results regarding welfare especially if a highly volatile economy is studied. Under commonly used functional forms, the spuriousness of welfare implications is found to be more radical under DEIR than PAC.  相似文献   

Recent empirical research has identified a significant amount of volatility in stock prices that cannot easily be explained by changes in fundamentals; one interpretation is that asset prices respond not only to news but also to irrational “noise trading.” We assess the welfare effects and incidence of such noice trading using an overlapping-generations model that gives investors short horizons. We find that the additional risk generated by noise trading can reduce the capital stock and consumption of the economy, and we show that part of that cost may be borne by rational investors. We conclude that the welfare costs of noise trading may be large if the magnitude of noise in aggregate stock prices is as large as suggested by some of the recent empirical litrature on the excess volatility of the market.  相似文献   

What are the steady-state implications of inflation in a general-equilibrium model with real per capita output growth and staggered nominal price and wage contracts? Surprisingly, a benchmark calibration implies an optimal inflation rate of -1.9 percent. The analysis also shows that trend inflation has important effects on the economy when combined with nominal contracts and real output growth. Steady-state output and welfare losses are quantitatively important even for low values of trend inflation. Further, nominal wage contracting is found to be quantitatively more important than nominal price contracting in generating the results. This conclusion does not arise from price dispersion per se, but from an effect of nominal output growth on the optimal markup of monopolistically competitive labour suppliers. Finally, accounting for productivity growth is found to be important for calculating the welfare costs of inflation. Indeed, the presence of 2 percent productivity growth increases the welfare costs of inflation in the benchmark specification by a factor of four relative to the no-growth case.  相似文献   

Lucas (1987, 2003) estimates that the cost of economic fluctuations is low; a social planner would pay no more than 0.1% of (permanent) consumption to eliminate all future business cycle fluctuations. The current paper extends Lucas’ calculations by studying the costs of fluctuations arising from asset bubbles. We estimate two classes of costs: consumption volatility due to asset bubbles in a representative agent economy and consumption volatility that arises because households have heterogeneous exposure to the bubble assets. We show that the magnitude of welfare costs is primarily driven by the existence of heterogeneity. Our benchmark calibration implies that the asset bubbles of the last decade generated a social welfare cost equal to a permanent 3% reduction in the level of national consumption. If assets are held proportionately across the population, these welfare costs fall by an order of magnitude. Our calculations are sensitive to the details of the calibration, including the degree of balance sheet and trading heterogeneity, the coefficient of relative risk aversion, and the magnitude of the asset bubble. Our preferred specifications generate welfare costs ranging from 1% to 10% of (permanent) national consumption.  相似文献   

郭进  徐盈之  白俊红 《金融研究》2022,505(7):135-153
通过构建住房和便利设施供给内生的空间均衡模型,运用人口调查数据和反事实检验方法,本文考察了住房成本和便利设施水平变动影响异质性劳动力流动的微观机制及其福利效应。研究发现:(1)住房成本随着异质性劳动力向城市集聚而显著上涨,但城市便利设施水平的提高主要得益于高技能劳动力就业规模的扩大,低技能劳动力就业增长的贡献并不显著;(2)住房成本上涨与便利设施水平提高进一步推动了异质性劳动力在城市间的流动与配置,反映在城市体系上,使得城市的规模分布分别呈现出扁平化和向大城市极化的特征;(3)就福利效应而言,住房成本上涨压缩了工资溢价带来的福利水平提升空间,但一定程度上缓解了高、低技能劳动力福利差距的扩大趋势;更高水平的便利设施促进了福利水平的提升,但也加剧了高、低技能劳动力之间的福利不平等状况。城市规模对上述福利效应存在放大机制。  相似文献   

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