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本文利用Malmuiqst生产率指数测算了国内37家信托公司2004-2009年的全要素生产率,结果显示中国信托公司全要素生产率平均增长率为54.4%,全要素生产率的增长主要来自于技术变化(40.7%),技术效率变化的贡献较小(9.8%)。在此基础上构建了影响我国信托公司全要素生产率的面板模型,检验结果表明费用率和资本充足率等因素是降低信托公司全要素生产率的变量,公司规模、资产收益率和市场份额则是提高信托公司全要素生产率的变量。通过系统GMM(System Generalized Method of Moments,SYS-GMM)估计方法对模型的稳健性进行了分析,发现面板模型和系统GMM方法估计结果较为一致。  相似文献   

金融作为现代经济的核心,作用于经济的深度和广度日趋明显,没有金融的持续推动,经济就不可能持续向前发展。本文运用中国1992~2009年的省际面板数据,实证分析了金融发展的规模扩张、结构调整及效率变化三个方面对城市化、工业化和农业现代化产生的影响。研究发现,金融发展规模、结构和效率从整体上并没协调推动我国的城市化、工业化和农业现代化进程;金融发展正面临金融部门储蓄一投资转化率不足,资金利用效率低下,结构失调的多重瓶颈;各产业之间的发展不均衡,有“各自为战”的倾向,彼此之间没有起到相互促进的作用。在此基础上,本文就金融发展促进“三化”协同推进提出了简要的政策建议。  相似文献   

基于非期望产出SBM模型测度Malmguist生产率指数,揭示中国绿色全要素生产率增长的空间不平衡特征,进一步探究其成因,结果表明:东部地区绿色全要素生产率增长较快,中部地区次之,西部地区相对较慢。从结构组成因素看,“十五”时期和“十二五”时期技术进步的差距是导致不同地区绿色全要素生产率增长差异的主要原因,而“十一五”时期则以技术效率为主。从外部影响因素看,缩小城市化、产业结构合理化和市场化在地区间的不平衡可以有效促使不同地区绿色全要素生产率实现均衡发展。  相似文献   

经营效率是企业在经营活动中所发生的投入和产出之间的关系,是企业综合竞争力的集中体现。运用数据包络分析的BCC模型和DEA-Malmquist模型,分别从静态和动态两个角度对中国7家保险集团2010—2014年的经营效率值进行了测算,结果表明,中国保险集团的总体经营状况良好,技术效率处于逐年递增的状态。规模效率已经不再是制约保险集团发展的主要因素,且各保险集团规模效率的差距在逐年缩小。中国各保险集团全要素生产率逐年递增,技术进步和技术创新是促进其提高的关键因素。DEA无效率单元的差额变数分析显示,多数保险集团存在不同程度的投入冗余和产出不足,各类要素冗余投入存在很大的调整空间。  相似文献   

利用数据包络法(DEA法)中的CCR模型及BCC模型分析了在金融危机前后中国再保险公司的综合效率、纯技术效率及规模效率,并对效率变化作出解释;利用Malmquist指数模型分析了我国再保险公司的全要素生产率(TFP),并对全要素生产率变化做分解分析.  相似文献   

基于2006—2019年中国30个省份的面板数据,运用空间杜宾模型与面板门槛模型,分析了数字经济对绿色全要素生产率的影响及地区间的异质性,并进一步探索了数字经济对绿色全要素生产率提升作用中存在的技术和资本门槛效应。研究发现:绿色全要素生产率存在显著的时间依赖性和空间溢出性;从“本地—邻地”视角看,数字经济的发展对提升绿色全要素生产率具有直接效应和溢出效应;分区域结果表明,数字经济发展对中部和西部地区绿色全要素生产率的促进作用要强于东部地区;研发投入在数字经济对绿色全要素生产率的提升作用中发挥了单一门槛作用,当跨越门槛值后促进效应会呈现递减的规律。  相似文献   

本文运用BCC-DEA模型,以2010-2019年长江经济带11个省(市)绿色金融为研究对象,从综合效率、纯技术效率和规模效率对绿色金融投入产出效率进行静态分析。运用Malmquist指数模型从技术效率、技术进步、纯技术效率、规模效率、全要素生产变化指数等多个角度动态分析了绿色金融效率的问题。研究结果表明,长江经济带各个区域相互之间发展绿色金融的情况存在失衡现象,下游比中上游地区发展好,中上游地区表现存在一定的滞后性以及未来还有较大的发展和改善空间。从整体来看,经济发展与绿色发展政策促进绿色金融发展,技术进步是全要素生产率提高的主要引擎。应加大区域合作、加强技术创新、完善绿色金融体系,促进长江经济带绿色金融效率的提升。  相似文献   

运用空间杜宾模型,检验2005-2018年中国省际全要素生产率变化对居民消费的空间溢出效应。结果表明:全要素生产率未对服务消费产生空间溢出效应;全要素生产率对制造品消费和食品消费呈现出了显著的正向空间溢出效应,即全要素生产率的增长促进了相邻地区的制造品消费与食品消费;全要素生产率的增长促进了本地居住消费。制造品消费、食品消费和居住消费对服务消费创新资源的挤占,导致全要素生产率变化影响服务消费效果不明显。  相似文献   

江西作为我国欠发达省份,FDI、城市化与经济实力一直处于较低水平,如何提升三项指标,加速江西崛起是迫切需要解决的难题。本文根据江西省1984~2010年时序数据,用协整检验和Granger因果检验,构建联立方程模型,分析上述三个指标的关系及各自影响因素。得出以下结论:第一,工业化是推进城市化的主要手段;第二,市场规模及市场开放度是吸引FDI的主要原因,城市化的推动对FDI的流入有反向作用;第三,经济增长的原动力在于城市化和地区投资。  相似文献   

本文运用2000~2017年我国30个省域的面板数据,采用面板交互项模型和面板门限回归模型实证分析了当存在要素价格扭曲的情况下金融集聚对城市化的影响。研究结果表明:一方面,金融集聚将通过极化效应提升城市化,资本和劳动要素的价格扭曲将会抑制金融集聚对城市化的极化效应;另一方面,金融集聚与城市化之间存在金融集聚与资本、劳动及要素价格扭曲交互项的单一门限效应,当超越这一门限值时,金融集聚对城市化的影响作用会发生反转。因此,纠正要素价格扭曲才能更好发挥金融集聚的极化效应,提升城市化。  相似文献   

测度1995-2015年中国粮食虚拟耕地资源进口量,构建扩展的引力模型,考量虚拟耕地资源进口的影响因素.结果表明:不同粮食品种贸易中所隐含的虚拟耕地进口量具有差别.汇率、价格、技术、经济距离以及区域合作是影响中国粮食虚拟耕地进口的重要因素,经济规模和人口数量只对部分品种的虚拟耕地进口有影响.  相似文献   

Land Values, Land Use, and the First Chicago Zoning Ordinance   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article examines whether the pattern of urban land use should have been regulated by local government in the 1920s, the decade in which many cities adopted their first zoning ordinances. The study is based on the assumption that land values are influenced by the mix of land use on the block. Conditions for land-value maximization are derived, and the circumstances under which land-use zoning can increase land values are discussed. Empirical land-value and land-use functions are estimated for Chicago in 1921, two years before the first Chicago zoning ordinance was adopted. The empirical results for land values imply that the land-use zoning system adopted in 1923 could not have brought about a general increase in land values. The empirical results for land use document the regularities in the use of land prior to the introduction of zoning.  相似文献   

Even though land-use convenants are a pervasive feature in residential land markets, they are typically subsumed into the economist's picture of zoning and related land-use regulation. In contrast to the traditional approach, the premise of this study is that land covenants differ from zoning in important respects. This study examines the characteristics of covenants as an institution and why it exists as a distinct method of private control in land markets. The approach taken here emphasizes the role of credible commitment in explaining why covenants differ from both zoning and private contracts among individuals. The paper also examines why covenants tend to vary spatially within urban areas, presenting two theories to evaluate the evidence from an urban housing market.  相似文献   

博弈论视角下的耕地保护制度与失地农民补偿体系研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目前,我国耕地保护的现状和失地农民补偿体系存在的问题应当引起我们的高度重视。基于博弈论的分析和当前现状,中央政府应对现有的耕地保护制度进行创新,改革当前的失地农民补偿体系,提高保护耕地补贴,妥善处理好中央、地方、农民之间的利益关系,贯彻落实科学发展观,建设美好和谐的人类家园。  相似文献   

Hedonic price models for determining marginal implicit prices of open-space amenities and nonresidential land use were estimated using housing data from the census. Alternative model specifications were compared to evaluate the effects of aggregating land-use data by alternative levels of census geography as well as the use of different sample sizes of census blocks. It was determined that land use is best aggregated at the block group level and that entire populations or very large sample sizes of census blocks should be used with hedonic models.  相似文献   

粮食安全问题不仅是生存与发展的经济问题,也是一个社会问题,直接关系到社会发展与稳定。运用灰色关联理论,分析影响江西省粮食生产与耕地数量变化的主要因素,并预测到2020年在粮食安全战略下江西省耕地保有量。研究结果表明:粮食作物播种面积、人口数量等因素影响突出,因此,在粮食生产中应进一步加强政策支持、基础设施建设、科技指导和融资创新等。  相似文献   

邱峰 《吉林金融研究》2013,(3):32-37,41
新型城镇化与房地产业紧密相连。新型城镇化对房地产行业而言,是一种机遇,也是一种挑战,须在耕地的保护基础之上,通过完善土地流转制度、户籍管理制度、社会保障制度等,并配以产业化、公共产品的承接以及适宜的房价,形成相辅相成、协调推进的良性循环局面,最终达到二者的协同发展。  相似文献   

Formalizing land rights has been promoted as a way to encourageagricultural investment and stimulate land markets, yet littleis known about the benefits of such policies in Sub-SaharanAfrica, where the preconditions for success are less favorable.The analysis uses a large sample of plots from an intensivelytitled rice-growing area of Madagascar and compares land-specificinvestments, land productivity, and land values for titled anduntitled plots cultivated by the same household. Having a titlehas no significant effect on plot-specific investment and correspondinglylittle effect on land productivity and land values. These resultsare broadly consistent with a simulation of a theoretical modelof investment under expropriation risk calibrated to the samedata. A cost–benefit analysis suggests that the currentsystem of formal titling should not be extended in rural Madagascarand that any new system of land registration would have to bequite inexpensive to be worthwhile.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a hedonic property value analysis for an urban watershed in New Haven County, Connecticut. We use spatially referenced housing and land-use data to capture the effect of environmental variables around the house location. We calculate and incorporate data on open space, land-use diversity, and other environmental variables to capture spatial variation in environmental quality around each house location. We are ultimately interested in determining whether variables that are reflective of spatial diversity do a better job of describing human preferences for housing choice than broad categories of rural versus urban areas. Using a rich data set of over 4,000 houses, we study these effects within a watershed that includes areas of high environmental quality and low environmental quality as well as varying patterns of socioeconomic conditions. Our results suggest that, in addition to structural characteristics, variables describing neighborhood socioeconomic characteristics and variables describing land use and environmental quality are influential in determining human values. We also find that the scale at which we measure these spatially defined environmental variables is important.  相似文献   

Expansion of cultivated land diminishes the extent of forestlandsor reduces the length of fallow periods and, hence, reducesthe amount of natural vegetation. The increase in land undercultivation has a direct output-increasing effect at the costof reducing natural capital and agricultural productivity. Theevidence for western Côte d'Ivoire is consistent with,and provides an explanation for, the declining agriculturalproductivity observed in Sub-Saharan Africa during the pastfew decades. This article uses a theoretical model to determine the levelof land cultivation that maximizes village income, using datafrom Côte d'Ivoire for 1985–87. An important partof the land is under common property, usually at the villagelevel. The results show that farmers do not internalize evena small fraction of the external cost of bio-mass in their landallocation decisions. The lack of internalization of the socialcost of the biomass resource leads to large income losses atthe village level—as much as 14 percent of village income.These losses are many times larger than the usual estimatesfor conventional distortions.  相似文献   

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