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The innocent Tuwa people live in Kanas Lake, a world famous national reserve in northern Xinjiang. With therapid development of tourism today, Tuwa people are finally involved in tourism industry. The development of tourismis a two-edged sword. On the one hand, it boosts the revival of Tuwa culture, provides a large number of employmentopportunities and cross-cultural exchanges, and improves material welfare for Tuwa people. On the other hand, somedisadvantages have also resulted from tourism development, such as the unauthentic exhibition of Tuwa culture, limitedtourists, Tuwa group interaction, and limited material improvement for the Tuwa, etc. This paper takes Tuwa people asa case, illustrates the types, characteristics and the conditions for the development of Tuwa culture, explores the advan-tages and disadvantages resulting from the development of folk-custom tourism industry and then puts forwardsrecommendations on the protection for local cultures as follows: (1) attach great importance to Tuwa culture in thetourism development of Kanas Lake Visitor Attraction; (2) construct the aboriginal village with the consciousness ofprotection; (3) remove the Tuwa village; (4) consummate the management mode and let Tuwa people really benefit fromtourism; (5) restrict the grazing in the scenic spots and protect natural grassland; (6) promote Tuwa people’s ability ofself-supervision and self-management; (7) exhibit Tuwa culture authentically.  相似文献   

体育旅游作为近年新兴的旅游形式,其影响力在逐年增大。四川省盆缘山地区域具备独特的地理气候条件,是开展体育旅游的较佳场所。采用文献法和实地调研法,研究四川省盆缘山地体育旅游的资源基础和开发现状,并在此基础上提出可行的发展对策。  相似文献   

The importance of the local economy of the development of tourism resources in China's relatively underdeveloped minority areas is already common knowledge in academic and business circles. However it's necessary to research more on specific patterns of tourism development in these ethnic minority areas. This paper studies Wulong Stockade in Beichuan County in Sichuan Province and examines the distinctive experience of the local Qiang community about developing local tourism resources and the local funding of the development. It notes how the introduction of new re-afforestation laws of 1999 affected the traditional, agriculture-based economy and how a member of the communio: was a key motivator in initiating tourism as a new economic resource. It has also explored changes in the economic conditions of Qiang peasants since tourism began in Wulong Stockade, where local incomes have increased considerably. This paper focuses on a characteristic Qiang area in the mountains of western Sichuan, demonstrates the necessity and feasibility of community tourism development, and uggests that other ethnic minority mountain villages in rural areas draw lessons from Wulong Stockade's experience.  相似文献   

Due to the unique function of protected areas in species and nature resources conservation, sustainability has become the primary consideration in the development of ecotourism in protected areas. This paper focuses on this issue, and reviews the current literatures in this field, tries to give a comprehensive review which can also be organized in logical sense, classifies three major paradigms about the current research: research on the development of ecotourism in protected areas, research on the external indicators which affect the sustainability of ecotourism in protected areas, researches on the assessment of sustainability of ecotourism in protected areas, and finally points out that the further study in this field must be carried out by inter-disciplines, such as cultural economics and ecological economics.  相似文献   

The importance of the local economy of the development of tourism resources in China's relatively underdeveloped minority areas is already common knowledge in academic and business circles. However, it's necessary to research more on specific patterns of tourism development in these ethnic' minority areas. This paper studies Wulong Stockade in Beichuan County in Sichuan Province and examines the distinctive experience of the local Qiang community about developing local tourism resources and the local funding of the development, It notes how the introduction of new re-afforestation laves of 1999 affected the traditional, agriculture-based economy and how a member of the community was a key motivator in initiating tourism as a new economic resource. It has also explored changes in the economic conditions of Qiang peasants since tourism began in Wulong Stockade, where local incomes have increased considerably. This paper focuses on a characteristic Qiang area in the mountains of western Sichuan, demonstrates the necessity and feasibility of community tourism development, and suggests that other ethnic minority mountain villages in rural areas draw lessons from Wulong Stockade's experience.  相似文献   

本文以四川省为例对民族文化生态旅游可持续发展的评价问题进行了实证研究,通过因子分析确定了三个主导因素.并综合模糊二元对比决策方法.提出了建立模糊因子分析模型的思想,丰富了定量研究该问题的可操作性方法。  相似文献   

利用文献资料法、因果分析法与定量比较法,采用能值理论,创新定量评价土地利用的各类物能投入与产品、服务产出的相互关系,科学、准确地说明耕地利用可持续利用水平.结果发现,新野县耕地利用总能值投入不断上升,但环境资源能值投入下降,工业辅助能投入增加且超过60%;新野县耕地生态经济系统的环境负载率不断上升;各乡镇的可持续发展指标不断下降.  相似文献   

从西部地区省份在我国特殊生态功能的角度出发,以贵州省的息烽县为例,对其经济发展的薄弱现状和息烽县所处的生态屏障的地位入手,根据国家宏观调控政策对西部地区县域产业及经济发展的相关规定,明确息烽县经济发展的功能定位,确立了息烽县县域经济与产业规划发展的基本思路,指出了生态功能的优先考虑的地位,为西部省份其他地区的县域经济发展提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

冰雪旅游资源是黑龙江省发展旅游业的优越条件,其空间结构直接决定了区域旅游活动的开展状况,影响区域旅游整体竞争力。基于GIS技术,利用最近邻点指数NNI、紧密度指数、平均径路长等定量分析了黑龙江省冰雪旅游资源的空间分布模式以及空间交通网络结构的连接性和通达性。结果表明,黑龙江省冰雪旅游资源空间分布基本均匀,区域形态能为旅游活动的组织提供必要的基础,但还需完善。旅游交通的连接性和通达性都达到中等偏上水平,能够为目前的冰雪旅游提供交通基础,但是还没有达到最佳,需要完善交通网络。  相似文献   

文章根据长株潭地区的特点,以可持续发展理论为基础,建立长株潭地区城市森林可持续发展指标体系,并运用指标体系对该地区城市森林可持续发展能力进行了初步评价。结果表明,长株潭地区城市森林建设处于初级可持续发展阶段。  相似文献   

龙虎山作为广西中越边境跨国精品旅游线中的重要景点和首府南宁生态旅游的重点旅游目的地,开展低碳旅游具有重要的意义。通过分析龙虎山低碳旅游开发的资源优势,指出低碳化发展是打造广西第一低碳旅游区,实现产品转型升级,保护环境,促进可持续发展的必然选择,并对于如何实施提出了具体措施和对策。  相似文献   

Due to the difficult segmentation of land destiny, popularity destiny, industry destiny on the platform of common interests demand, the regional governance of production and living for the needs of the people in cross-regional areas, such as in the aspects of security, education, assignment and management of water resources, transportation, energy, environment protection and public health, the administrative border regional cooperation is relatively easy. These aspects are equivalent to public products. Just because of this, it leads to problems that nobody will not control. The governments, in order to realize regional economic coordinated development and to eliminate the regional interests parties of administrative regions economy in microcosmic, were adapting various self-protection measures, even including that "you may have your policy but I have my countermeasures" that is derived from inter-regional economic relations. The action of market segmentation has limited the flow of various economic development elements, especially the condition of "dead end highway", resource exploitation and use, difficult social security work in social living of the administrative boundary zone. This paper studies the typical economical district of Wuling mountain area in the obvious strategic position at the junction of Chongqing, Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei provinces from the angle of regional public management and public choice to present issue awareness and academic purpose.  相似文献   

西南地区花卉产业可持续发展对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
花卉产业是新兴的美丽产业和朝阳产业,也是我国加入WTO后具有竞争优势的产业之一。西南地区具有发展花卉产业得天独厚的条件,本文在提出花卉产业可持续发展理论的基础上,对推进西南地区花卉生产的可持续性、花卉市场体系建设的可持续性和花卉产业经济的可持续发展提出了一些对策和建议。  相似文献   

环鄱阳湖区民俗体育旅游资源开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着旅游中参与型、新异型趋势的发展,民俗体育旅游越来越多地受到人们的喜爱。环鄱阳湖区具有丰富的民俗体育旅游资源,为其民俗体育旅游开发奠定了良好的基础。为做好环鄱阳湖区的民俗体育旅游开发工作,提出了环鄱阳湖区民俗体育旅游开发的原则,同时也给出了适合环鄱阳湖区民俗体育旅游的产品模式及产品设计。  相似文献   

Traditional logistics takes economic interest as the final goal. The.frequency and changes of logistics activities have brought severe negative effects to the environment. At present, logistics industry, has become the dominant industry in the third industries, and it is also the main driver for economic development, As more emphasis has been attached to the philosophy of sustainable development, low carbon emission and environmental protection, environmental logistics has become the trend of logistics management. In this paper, basic theories of logistics, development economics etc. are employed, the dialectical relationship between environmental logistics and sustainable development are analyzed through statistics, and proposals are put forward to develop environmental logistics.  相似文献   

为深入探讨旅游业发展过程中对生态环境影响的程度与机理,研究选择地处滇西北生态脆弱区,旅游业发展较为迅速的云南省玉龙县作为研究对象,基于多期遥感影像,采用景观生态学中的空间格局指数分析研究区在旅游业起步的探索参与阶段(1988~1996年)和快速发展的发展巩固阶段(1996~2001年)的土地利用动态变化特征,并选择与玉龙县邻近,以农业为主导产业的永胜县进行横向对比。研究表明:以旅游业为主的人类活动是玉龙县土地利用变化的主要驱动力,导致景观格局的不连续性以及复杂程度不断提高;在旅游业发展更为快速的发展巩固阶段,旅游业相关的人类活动对于土地利用变化的驱动作用更为显著;玉龙县的发展实践表明,旅游业的发展尽管会对生态环境带来负面的影响,但在整体上会推动区域生态格局与功能的优化。  相似文献   

Nowadays,the environmental problem is very important forall the countries in the world.The shortage of resources,thepollution of the environment and the loss of the ecologicalbalance have become globe—wide issues.The contradic-tion made by the development of the economy,the use ofresources and the protection of the environment has be-come the major factor that confines the economic progressand endangers human’s life,and they have evoked highlyattention of the world.Tourism is an industry whi…  相似文献   

渔文化旅游资源开发研究——以浙江省象山县为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以具有中国渔文化之乡美誉的浙江省象山县为例,对渔文化旅游资源开发进行了探讨。象山渔文化是在历史发展过程中形成的,具有相对封闭性和兼容性、继承性和变革性、共同性和差异性、传统性与现代性等特征。通过实地考察和查阅相关资料,归纳和梳理了象山县渔文化旅游资源,并对旅游资源开发进行了地理位置优势、生态环境优势、客源市场优势和政策优势分析,最后提出了开发对策与建议。  相似文献   

安吉县在10年生态立县的基础上,自2008年开始实施"中国美丽乡村"建设.两年多来,"中国美丽乡村"建设获得了社会的广泛关注和高度认可,不仅体现了生态立县的成效,而且其取得的阶段性建设成效演示了新时期我国欠发达山区通过持续拓展山区的多种功能,开创性地实践了我国欠发达山区走第一产业、第二产业、第三产业联动,城乡均衡发展,生态富民及绿色低碳的跨越式发展之路,实现了农民增收、农业增效、农村发展的运作轨迹.在总结安吉这些重要新型发展路径的基础上,提出"中国美丽乡村"建设对我国欠发达山区新农村建设的一般性启示意义.  相似文献   

东道社区是旅游发展的重要利益主体之一,社区居民对旅游的态度和支持在目的地旅游业的健康持续发展中具有重要地位。在许多旅游地,社区因素没有得到足够的重视,社区居民在旅游发展中被边缘化,沦为弱势群体,并引发了一系列社会矛盾,直接威胁到旅游业的和谐健康发展。社会交换理论和社会表征理论是两种旅游态度研究的传统视角,它们在旅游研究领域的应用促进了旅游研究理论水平的提高。鉴于旅游社会心理现象的复杂性和旅游态度研究的重要性,需要从相关学科引入多元化的理论分析工具。相对剥夺理论是一种起源于20世纪40年代的社会心理学理论,在社会弱势群体的态度研究方面有较好的针对性,但在旅游研究中的应用几属空白。文章以贵州茂兰自然保护区为例,运用相对剥夺理论实证研究了旅游发展引发的相对剥夺现象和社区居民的态度问题。研究表明,社区居民的相对剥夺感与其对旅游发展的态度间有密切联系。相对剥夺感越强的社区,对旅游发展的负面态度越强;相对剥夺感越弱的社区,对旅游发展的态度越积极。同时,所构建的相对剥夺指数简便易行,能较好地定量刻画东道社区相对剥夺的差异。  相似文献   

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