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以我国A股制造业上市公司为样本,探究高管团队双元异质性与企业国际化绩效的关系,并得出以下结论:首先,高管团队价值观异质性对国际化绩效有显著负向影响,而高管团队知识异质性对国际化绩效有显著正向影响;其次,高管团队价值观异质性与战略业务调整之间的关系为显著负相关,而高管团队知识异质性与业务调整之间的关系为显著正相关,战略业务调整与国际化绩效之间呈现倒U型关系变动,战略业务调整在高管团队异质性与企业国际化绩效之间有非线性中介效应;最后,组织环境不确定性对高管团队异质性与战略业务调整二者关系的影响存在单一门槛效应。  相似文献   

郭秋秋  孙慧 《财会通讯》2021,(19):58-61
文章利用2013—2018年A股上市公司数据,实证检验了创新投入对国际化绩效的影响以及环境不确定性的调节作用,并进一步从企业异质性特征进行分组分析.结果表明:企业经费投入和人员投入都能够显著提升国际化绩效,且这一作用在非国有企业、高内部控制、高政府补助企业中表现得尤为明显;环境不确定性分别与经费投入和人员投入形成协同效用,分别增强了经费投入和人员投入对企业国际化绩效的促进作用,且这一作用突出体现在非国有企业、高内部控制、高政府补助企业中.  相似文献   

三一重工是一家位于湖南长沙的大型工程机械企业,业务涉及研发、制造和销售的全流程,产品涵盖了混凝土输送泵、混凝土搅拌站、压路机、履带起重机等多种工程机械类型。三一重工近年来在企业增长方面有着突出的成绩,但其增长的背后也面临着巨大的风险与挑战。  相似文献   

本文旨在分析战略柔性、突破性创新与企业绩效之间的关系,以及环境不确定性和组织合法性分别在战略柔性与突破性创新,突破性创新与企业绩效关系中的调节作用。通过以362家高新技术企业为研究对象进行调查,采用SPSS19.0软件对数据进行统计分析,结果发现:战略柔性(资源柔性、能力柔性)对突破性创新具有显著影响,突破性创新直接显著影响企业绩效。市场不确定性正向调节战略柔性与突破性创新的关系,技术不确定性仅正向调节资源柔性与突破性创新之间的关系,组织合法性正向调节突破性创新与企业绩效之间的关系。最后,探讨了研究结论的管理启示以及未来的研究议题。  相似文献   

随着城市面临的冲击和压力日益复杂,城市亟需转型发展。增强城市韧性是城市转型和新型城市建设的重要方向,韧性城市建设是城市可持续发展的创新模式之一。以四川德阳市为例,系统介绍了全球100韧性城市项目(100RC)的韧性城市定义特性、分析框架、战略编制方法及工具,并在100RC体制机制创新模式基础上提出未来韧性城市研究方法亟需本土化。  相似文献   

环境不确定性的加剧,容易滋生会计舞弊行为,同时,内部组织文化的缺位,也会影响会计行为。组织文化对优化会计行为起着基础性作用,而人们对于环境不确定性的态度,也会引发会计管理问题。文章通过探讨环境不确定性和组织文化对于会计行为的影响,由此提出培养优良的企业文化形成内部软约束和完善组织控制监督机制,是规避会计舞弊行为的有效途径。  相似文献   

随着信息时代的大发展,企业的发展环境也出现了翻天覆地的变化。从前的企业发展模式属于固定的、范围较小的经营模式。而信息时代的信息大爆发,使企业的生存环境从狭小、地域特色较大的小环境一下子跨越成为世界性范围的大环境中。这就要求企业为了寻求生存空间和发展方向,需要进行战略性选择。在此环境下,如何决定企业的未来发展方向,就是关乎企业未来命运的重要战略选择。  相似文献   

企业经营环境的不确定要求企业必须不断地对企业薪酬战略进行调整以保证其与环境的动态匹配。文章首先分析企业薪酬战略的内涵,其次分析企业在不同的宏观环境、产业环境和企业内部环境下如何设计出合理的薪酬战略。  相似文献   

A decade ago, the Chief Executive Officer of Albert Einstein Healthcare Network (AEHN), anticipating a tumultuous and largely unpredictable period in its industry, undertook to convert this organization from one that was basically stable and complacent to one that was agile, “nimble, and change‐hardy”. This case study, while briefly addressing AEHN's approaches to business strategy and organization design, focuses primarily on the human resource strategy that emerged over time to foster the successful attainment of organizational agility. Although exploratory, the study suggests a number of lessons for those who are—or will be—studying or trying to create and sustain this promising new organizational paradigm. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   


Human resources and human resources management system create competitive advantage in today's global market economy that provides wider access to technology, finance and other resources. HRM research has set a new trend with its linkage process with business strategy and organizational performance to find a place for the profession and add value to the organization. This paper intends to unveil the business strategic models, HRM practices and organizational performance in Indian software companies. The study has found that there is a significant difference among HR practices in software companies in India based on Miles and Snow's strategic types, viz., prospectors, defenders, analyzers and reactors. Although reactors showed their difference from other strategic types, no significant difference was found among three proactive strategic types, viz. prospector, defender and analyzer. With regard to performance analysis, it was found that prospectors have a comparative advantage over other strategic types in almost all performance parameters. Although incentives and stock options have a greater overall impact on performance parameters, there is a lot of difference among factors that influence organizational effectiveness in three proactive strategic types.  相似文献   

本研究通过分析各种外部环境不确定性因素对酷漫居企业的影响,探讨环境不确定性、联盟关系风险和组织间协作绩效之间的关系,得出结论并给出相关建议。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的发展,越来越多的中国企业积极参与全球竞争,实施国际化经营战略.然而,在国际化战略实施过程中,海外企业的人力资源管理面临重大挑战.本文以国有制造企业DK公司为例,分析中国企业在发达国家运营面临的挑战,挖掘和梳理其培训体系的探索和实践,从培训体系建立的目标、课程设计、培训师队伍、培训实施策略以及培训的持续改进等方面介绍中国企业走出去过程中的最新培训模式.通过案例分析,得到如下管理启示:培训目标与组织国际化战略相联系是培训体系建立的核心;母国与东道国的文化融合是培训体系建立的关键;来华培训、东道国现场培训和传承培训相结合的三步走实施策略是培训体系建立的有效途径.最后,本文讨论了本案例研究存在的局限与未来研究展望.  相似文献   

本案例以海信集团有限公司(简称海信)国际化战略为核心,探讨在全球化背景下海信实施国际化经营战略的路径与海信海外直接投资的模式。该研究对同一背景下的中国其他企业进行国际化经营具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

理论界对商业模式创新的驱动因素研究仍处于探索阶段。基于交易成本和动态能力理论,考察了环境包容性与环境不确定性对企业商业模式创新的影响。实证结果表明:环境包容性、技术波动和竞争强度促进企业商业模式创新,而需求不确定性阻碍商业模式创新。  相似文献   

组织二元性理论为解决研发管理中探索与开发的平衡问题提供了新的视角,但对于实践案例尚缺乏系统性的整理与思考.本研究以某高新技术企业研究院为例,从组织架构、领导和绩效管理三个方面阐述了结构二元性、领导二元性和情境二元性在具体管理情境中的运用,并给出了相应的管理启示.  相似文献   

Based on original data on Italian firms specializing in medium‐ and low‐tech industries, we study the relationship between firms’ upstream and downstream internationalization and their propensity to introduce products or processes that reduce environmental impact. Preliminary evidence suggests that geography plays an important role in green firms’ activities and supply chains. More precisely, results suggest that firms that outsource to and rely on non‐local suppliers are less likely to engage in environmental innovations. Moreover, we verify that firms engaged in export activities play a similar and negative role, regardless of the export intensity and typology of foreign markets (i.e. developed versus emerging). Tapping global flows of knowledge by being a part of a multinational group positively spurs the development of green innovations, as for FDIs. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

This research elaborates a theory which explains how Japanese-managed organizations use rewards to encourage individuals to co-operate in organizational goal achievement. I contend that in Japanese organizations the small work group and the community of fate ideology are important intermediary social constructs between individuals and rewards. I illustrate this model by showing that at Toyota Motor Manufacturing in Kentucky, rewards are not tied directly to individual performance, but instead are used to nurture the bonds within the work team and to reinforce belief in the community of fate ideology. the work team and belief in the community of fate ideology in turn, positively impact individual co-operation in organizational goal achievement thereby enhancing the influence of the rewards on individuals.  相似文献   

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