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This paper aims to find unit cost of a product for firms. It establishes a linear cost model to find unit cost. Linear goal programs assume a direct relationship between independent variable and dependent variable. Dependent variable of linear model is unit cost. Independent variables are cost accounting variables. They are supply cost, labor cost, and administration cost. This study assumes a direct relationship between supply-labor-administration costs and unit cost. Therefore, it establishes a linear cost model. The major research question of this study is to apply linear goal programming to cost accounting. The goal of this linear program is to find unit cost of product. This study uses quantitative method and human capital method. The main research result is linear costing model itself.  相似文献   

Environment is one of the significant factors to the people and our life, because it is fundamentally joined to everything we require for human beings to subsist. Many fields in the society are influenced by the environment. For these reasons, the Vietnamese government issued the Law on Environmental Protection Tax in 2010 to prove this essential matter. Therefore, the organizations have utilized their tools to record the related transactions into the journals for taking an interest in the nature conditions for substantial development. Based on the accounting aspects, Vietnam has no theories about the environment accounting. Hence, this article will provide some basic information and a general picture of the green accounting information system in the environmental condition. Moreover, this paper will analyze the relationship between the environment and company's output by applying the environmental management system (EMS) in the accounting system. However, this paper only provides the overall contents about the environment accounting in Vietnam and this limitation will present this problem for further articles.  相似文献   

The objective of improving the state accounting system is to build a state accounting system based on a single and complete database which is applied uniformly across all public authorities and agencies from central to local. Such an accounting system must ensure a reliable and smooth flow of information among all the entities that take part in the preparation, allocation, execution, and finalization of the state budget. In order to improve the quality of financial information, to harmonize, and to develop accounting profession globally, the trend of international economic integration requires the standardization of accounting legislative framework among countries and first of all, the harmonization and unification of the preparation, presentation, and disclosure of financial information. Financial statements of each business in the private sector and financial statements of the government in the public sector in different countries should be transparent and presented in accordance with the accounting standards and principles and in line with international practices so that the financial information will be able to be compared and evaluated. Therefore, financial statements of each entity in the public sector and the consolidated financial statements of public sector entities issued by the government in different countries must be prepared and presented in a unified form to suit the international public sector accounting standards. Accordingly, with the application of the interview method in research, the main objective of this article is to focus on searching for the bases and consideration for the application of international public sector accounting standards in Vietnam in current conditions. This article consists of eight sections: (1) what are international public sector accounting standards? (2) accounting entities of the public sector; (3) the limitations of current public sector accounting in Vietnam; (4) financial information to meet the requirements of state management and to comply with international practices; (5) the advantages of applying international public sector accounting standards in Vietnam; (6) the difficulties and challenges of applying international public sector accounting standards in Vietnam; (7) learning experiences from other countries; and (8) conclusion.  相似文献   

Based on the premise that ethics education leads to creation of the required (acceptable level of) ethical awareness, the general streamline of accounting ethics literature is strongly in favor of teaching adequate, efficient, and effective accounting ethics. This paper takes the position that this premise must be checked in an educational setting in which accounting ethics education lacks the characteristics of being adequate, efficient, and effective. Accordingly, a questionnaire with two parts was distributed to accounting students about to graduate from the University of Bahrain (UoB). The first part is an exploratory investigation consisting of 21 variables/questions. The second part is an experimental investigation consisting of 13 hypothetical accounting cases representing various ethics violations. The general tendency by an accounting student based on the two parts indicates that he/she holds an acceptable level of ethical awareness, despite the fact that accounting education programs lack an adequate, efficient, and effective approach to teaching accounting ethics.  相似文献   

An accounting professional is called a "Certified Public Accountant Financial Advisor (CPAFA)" in Turkey and the profession has a notable status in the country. Individuals choosing this profession have to complete a minimum 3-year internship program before becoming members of this profession. They have to pass an exam both to start and finish the internship program. The profession and the reasons for choosing it are highly significant issues. Therefore, the present study was conducted to investigate the factors directing the professional choices of prospective individuals who wish to be CPAFAs and the significance of such factors. Along with these objectives, a nation-wide study was conducted on candidates who took the CPAFA internship exam in periods of 2012-3, 2013-1, and 2013-2 (three periods). The factors affecting candidates' choices to be an accountant professional were gathered under five groups. The factors "influence of immediate surroundings", "prestigious social status of the profession", "high life-long income potential", "flexible working hours", and "future guarantee of the profession" had higher factor loadings than other factors.  相似文献   

森林生物多样性价值传统会计从未进行核算,其确认与计量成为会计核算中亟待解决的难题。本文在分析森林生物多样性资产特殊性基础上,从会计角度得出森林生物多样性资产及其所产生的生态效益符合会计要素确认条件;森林生物多样性价值会计计量尺度应采用货币计量和非货币计量两种形式,计量属性可采用“历史成本 公允价值”的模式的结论。  相似文献   

Classical management accounting (MA) Focusing on the facilitating perspective, focuses on decision facilitating and influencing (Demski & Feltham, 1976). MA has to provide information to managers and depending on the problem complexity, they have to solve problems in a dyadic way. A dual process model, the heuristic systematic model (HSM), expands this so-called manager-accountant-dyad and shows different cases of actual human information processing. Managers and accountants either process systematically or heuristically. So far, many concepts have been designed in relation to the normative concept of the economical rational principle. Consequently, recent research only uses systematic information processing, based on the principle of the economic man. In this paper, a decision-behavior oriented approach tries to describe actual decision makers such as managers and accountants and shows new possibilities within MA. Therefore, the potential of heuristic information processing is analyzed, based on the phenomenon of ecological rationality as one shape of bounded rationality. Thus, different cognitive heuristics in business economics are identified and analyzed. Furthermore, the outstanding performance of heuristics compared with more complex calculations is shown. Unfortunately, these findings have been limited to marketing and investments so far. Significant research is needed, regarding conditions for applications and success factors of heuristics in business economics. New empirical findings have to be explicitly transferred to MA.  相似文献   

公允价值与会计计量原则   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
历史成本原则是会计计量的原则,它要求登记入账的各种资产必须按取得时的实际成本计价,即按取得该项资产时所实际支付的货币总量计量,即使物价发生变动也不得调整其账面价值。历史成本原则是会计核算的基本计量原则,但是,在新发布的会计具体准则中运用了公允价值这一新的计量模式。历史成本与公允价值在会计计量原则中是什么关系,是否需要将公允价值作为一种具体会计计量属性,本文对此予以探讨。  相似文献   

在“决策有用观”会计目标的指导下,美国财务会计准则委员会制定的财务会计准则离财务会计工作的固有规律越来越远,导致财务造假事件越来越严重,会计的真实性原则(客观性)受到严重挑战,第七号概念框架的颁布使这一现象走到了极端。之所以会出现如此结果,是因为美国财务会计准则委员会以偏概全,依个别代表整体做法的必然结果。文章从会计的本质出发,指出:会计目标应该是分层次性的,“决策有用观”只是在特定经济环境下使用会计信息子系统的目标,它不能代表整个会计信息系统的目标,整个会计信息系统的总目标应该是“四观合一”的目标体系。  相似文献   

本文在金融危机引发对公允价值会计论争的现实背景下,对相关会计基本理论问题进行了新的反思:认为会计基本职能是反映和控制;会计目标具有状态依存特征、是动态发展的概念;计量属性在未来相当长时期内将呈现历史成本与公允价值并存的模式;谨慎性原则的理解和运用将因经济周期的不同而不同。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the development of an activity-based costing (ABC) system in a private Italian healthcare firm. Findings shed light on the role of the cost accounting system in price assessment: It outlines new opportunities for the identification of the service mix offered as well as for price optimization. Because private companies provide services both within the public system--where the National Health System (NHS) provides fixed reimbursement fees--and within the private system--where prices are defined by each company. Accurate cost information is extremely important to support managers in the analysis of the service mix profitability offered in each system. For the business segment in which companies do not have flexibility in setting prices, cost information enables managers to identify services which may present profitability problems. For the business segment where price flexibility exists, cost information supports the identification of pricing errors so that charges can be better defined.  相似文献   

运用传统会计知识和经验、兼容演绎法和归纳法对人力资本理念下的现代企业会计进行创新思考,先演绎成包括会计假设、会计确认、会计计量、会计账户、会计记录、会计报告六个一体化的理论方面,后归纳为包涵传统会计、人力资源会计两个立体化的观念层次,形成了人力资本理念下的现代企业会计理论模块与观念构架。  相似文献   

文章试图解释企业在确认、计量会计利润时存在的一个佯谬(paradox):从短期而言,会计利润是一个充满估计和选择的不确定性结果,但从长期而言,它又是公允的,相对确定的。文章首先对不确定性进行了阐释,接着重点分析了会计利润与不确定性之间的关系,最后得出结论:截取某个区间企业会计利润确实是一些不确定的事件,但从长期来看企业利润又是相对确定的。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyze the implementation level of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) in the member states of the European Union (EU). After an introduction of the legislative framework in the EU and a review of the literature about the implementation of IPSAS in the EU member states, this paper classifies, on the basis of a survey, the states according to their formal implementation levels of IPSAS. It also analyzes the types of accounting (cash basis accounting, modified cash basis accotmting, accrual accounting, and modified accrual basis accounting) used by the states studied. The survey shows that there are important disparities among the member states, both for the application of IPSAS and for the type of accounting that is used. Furthermore, it appears that even if IPSAS is not legally adopted in most European member states, there is a tendency to use modern accounting systems based on accrual accounting close to IPSAS.  相似文献   

This paper explores the value creation of business process management (BPM) and managerial accounting system (MAS) using a case study. The findings show that BPM shortens the management chain and increases the connections among functions in the organization by right reassignment. Accounting indicators in MAS provide necessary information about business processes, which assists performance evaluation in BPM, and meanwhile, incentive schemes give enough motives, which guide employees to take actions in accordance with the organizational strategies and processes' goals. The information effect and motive effect of MAS increase employees' work satisfaction and their cooperation with each other. In the end, the integration of BPM and MAS improves the organizational economic performance, thus creating value for the organization. The results explain the reason why so much BPM fails in practice, because right assignment, performance evaluation system, and incentive schemes constitute organizational architecture, which is critical to organizational value. Additionally, the value creation of BPM and MAS depends on their coordination with the external environment, the internal situation, and the organizational strategy. From the view of managerial accounting perspective, MAS not only changes with the organization development but also facilitates the organization development.  相似文献   

董素云  任永红 《价值工程》2010,29(20):23-24
2006年2月财政部新颁布的企业会计准则中,一个重大变化是按照现行国际惯例引入了公允价值,改变了历史成本计量属性在我国会计准则中一统天下的局面。本文对公允价值的概念以及引入公允价值在我国可能出现的问题和建议进行简单的分析。  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study are to put forth the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Turkey (Kayseri) and to examine research on this concept and the relationships between CSR and accounting information systems. Research data were gathered from 100 accounting managers who work in businesses with 250 or more employees in Kayseri. The dimensions of CSR were considered as business policies, environmental policies, market policies, and social policies, and the effects of these factors on accounting information systems were tested. Market policies and social policies dimensions of CSR had no significant impact on accounting information systems. Business policies and environmental policies dimensions of CSR had significant impacts on accounting information systems. Two basic conclusions were drawn from the current study: The business policy dimension of CSR had significant impacts on accounting information systems; the business policy and environmental policy dimensions of CSR together had significant impacts on accounting intbrmation systems.  相似文献   

金希萍 《价值工程》2005,24(5):83-85
会计确认和会计计量在生成会计信息的过程中,一直是人们议论的焦点。但会计确认标准定得过于模糊,大家对会计确认标准的理解不同,会导致对会计信息的处理不同;会计计量属性是选择历史成本还是公允价值,应根据交易事项的特点和性质来确定,不能一概而论。  相似文献   

在中国的历史上,八股文长达几百年,其影响远未完全消失,八股文的流毒是现代文风八股,需要纠正,八股文还可借鉴,古为今用。现代西式八股是会计实证研究固定文体的戏称,会计实证研究方法的优点可资借鉴,洋为中用,西式八股文的影响,需要消除。会计范式是具有典范性的标准样式。会计范式有会计工作范式、会计理论范式和会计研究范式等。会计研究范式是多样的:会计实证研究范式的完善,会计规范研究范式的回归,会计系统研究范式的实施。  相似文献   

作业会计和有效产出会计是管理会计中先进的决策控制方法,由于这两种方法的原理不同,单独使用会为制造企业的产品组合和资源供给提供存在差异的信息,从而导致不同的管理决策。本文首先对比研究两种会计方法的原理,解析信息差异的原因;其次,将作业会计与有效产出会计相结合,探讨性地提出基于作业会计和有效产出会计的成本核算系统模式。  相似文献   

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