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混合所有制公司中的国有股权——论国有股减持的理论基础   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
本文通过回答以下问题来建立国有股减持的理论基础 :国有股权在混合所有制公司中的作用是什么 ,以及国有股权比重应该如何调整。以截止 1 998年底的中国上市公司为样本 ,我们首次考虑了股权结构内生性可能 ,以及公司上市时 ,政府在决定国有股权比重过程中面临的逆向选择问题 ,即在上市前业绩较差的公司 ,由于其较差的初始业绩导致较低的可流通股发行额度 ,政府不得不保留更多的国有股 ,从而表现为上市前业绩越差 ,上市时国有股权比重越高的反向关系。给定中国上市公司面临的独特制度环境 ,我们有以下发现 :( 1 )公司上市后 ,国有股股东有助于改善公司业绩 ;( 2 )公司上市时 ,政府在决定国有股权比重过程中确实存在着逆向选择问题 ;( 3 )公司上市后 ,国有股权比重内生决定于公司利润最大化过程 ,上市后的业绩越差 ,国有股比例越低。分析结果的政策含义在于 :政府减持国有股不能“一刀切” ,而应以公司业绩为依据 ,首先在上市后业绩较差的公司进行减持。  相似文献   

公司多元化折价:寻租与投资偏差   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
韩忠雪  朱荣林 《财经研究》2005,31(11):137-144
相对于业务集中的企业来说,多元化公司往往出现市场价值贬损,尽管造成这一现象的原因多种多样,但部门经理寻租引致公司经理配置资源出现偏差,则是产生公司多元化折价的重要根源之一.文章基于这一思想,通过建立模型进行了深入分析,得出多元化公司往往出现折价并给出了影响折价的一些重要因素.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes rent seeking for agricultural import quotas and the associated waste of resources when politically contestable licenses are allocated to either or both importers and exporters. In a two‐stage simultaneous contest where firms seek rent for licenses and then bargain over the import/export price, it is shown that (1) rents are not dissipated completely because of uncertainty in allocation of “rights,” (2) the dissipation ratio increases if the country with a more competitive contest increases the probability of establishing licenses, (3) rent seeking may cause the market structure to change, (4) less rent is dissipated in the case of pre‐existing market power, and (5) allocation of multiple licenses decreases rent‐seeking outlays.  相似文献   

国有企业外部人控制:—个寻租视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国有企业的公共物品性导致国有企业蜕变为一个多重寻租网络。政府作为国有企业的外部控制人,借助政企不分、个人权力的无约束和责任体系弱化、多层委托与多重代理等体制性弊病的掩饰,与国有企业代理人合谋寻租,国有企业的"内部人控制"应运而生。可以说,国有企业若不存在"外部人控制","内部人控制"几乎不可能产生;国有企业若存在"外部人控制","内部人控制"便几乎一定会产生。"外部人控制"产生的必要前提是国有企业泛化为公共物品,而国有企业泛化为公共物品,必须具备以下条件:包括存在可供寻租的租金、存在制度性的寻租通道、存在租金和信息的传递系统。国有企业外部人控制具有极大的危害,主要表现为降低企业家的生产性努力水平和使得企业家行为寻租化。解决问题的关键在于进行产权改革,使产权得到清晰界定并得到有效保护,同时不会出现事后寻租的现象。  相似文献   

国有企业外部人控制:一个寻租视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国有企业的公共物品性导致国有企业蜕变为一个多重寻租网络.政府作为国有企业的外部控制人,借助政企不分、个人权力的无约束和责任体系弱化、多层委托与多重代理等体制性弊病的掩饰,与国有企业代理人合谋寻租,国有企业的"内部人控制"应运而生.可以说,国有企业若不存在"外部人控制","内部人控制"几乎不可能产生;国有企业若存在"外部人控制","内部人控制"便几乎一定会产生."外部人控制"产生的必要前提是国有企业泛化为公共物品,而国有企业泛化为公共物品,必须具备以下条件:包括存在可供寻租的租金、存在制度性的寻租通道、存在租金和信息的传递系统.国有企业外部人控制具有极大的危害,主要表现为降低企业家的生产性努力水平和使得企业家行为寻租化.解决问题的关键在于进行产权改革,使产权得到清晰界定并得到有效保护,同时不会出现事后寻租的现象.  相似文献   

The present paper analyzes how policy intervention should be designed so as to create industrialization. We focus on whether intervention should be targeted, promoting investment in specific firms or industries, or broad based, increasing the profitability of investment in general. Our main argument is that in areas with weak institutions, broad based policies should be chosen, while in areas with strong institutions, targeted policies may be less costly in moving the economy out of a poverty trap. The targeted policy is attractive because it internalized a demand externality, but is also more exposed to rent seeking, since “picking a winner” involves a greater measure of discretion in policy formulation and implementation. The broad based policy does not discriminate between industries and is, hence, less likely to be captured by rent seekers, but also does not take advantage of the demand externality.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to extend the rent–seeking literature to the equilibrium selection problem in competitive coordination games, i.e., games in which more than one equilibrium exists, and individuals' preferences are opposed. We analyze alternative correlated equilibria: contractual agreements and legally enforced equilibria. The latter are to be understood as the outcome of rents–seeking contests in which players invest resources in order to set a norm. The contest is analyzed in its basic two–person setting and later generalized to the two–populations case. There we show that the outcomes depend on the relative payoff structure of the game, the technological properties of the contest, and the population distribution. Finally, the efficiency analysis focuses not only on the extent of the rent dissipation, but also on the comparative analysis of the inefficiencies that arise in the market (not coordinated) equilibrium.  相似文献   

行政垄断、寻租与腐败——转型经济的腐败机理分析   总被引:56,自引:0,他引:56  
本文试图利用寻租经济学的方法,对中国渐进转型过程中所产生的特有的腐败形式——行政垄断的本质、成因、形式、特征进行了分析;基于现有对转型经济中腐败现象的研究,提出了转型经济中腐败现象的新的分类;并对行政垄断,主要是行业垄断的经济损失规模及租金的耗散等问题进行了初步的研究;最后,回顾了中国反垄断改革的进展,并提出了进一步改革的议程。  相似文献   

We study how between‐group wealth and size asymmetries affect aggregate rent‐seeking efforts when two groups compete for the allocation of a pure public good. Unlike with previous analyses on between‐group asymmetries, we measure the utility cost of rent‐seeking in terms of the loss in private consumption an individual faces when contributing to this activity. Our main result is that fewer between‐group asymmetries do not necessarily imply greater aggregate rent‐seeking efforts. The result is at odds with the commonly held notion that the more homogeneous the contestants in a static rent‐seeking model, the greater the aggregate rent‐seeking efforts.  相似文献   

In this comment, I analyze Damania's political economy model (Environmental and Resource Economics 13: 415–433, 1999), correcting some flaws and clarifying some ambiguities. I arguethat the political parties are identical at the outset of the game. Onlyafter the parties have chosen the instrument (standards or taxation) and thestrictness of environmental policy do the environmentalists and thepolluting firms know which party to support in the election campaign. Inequilibrium, both parties choose the same platform, so that both have anequal probability of winning the election.  相似文献   

The paper describes the main characteristics of ownership structure of the Turkish companies listed on the Istanbul Stock Exchange. We present information on the pyrimidal and complex ownership structures within business groups, on the main owner classes, and on changes in large shareholdings. Ownership is highly concentrated in Turkey, families being the dominant shareholders. Changes in large shareholdings do not suggest the existence of an active market for share stakes. We also show that concentrated ownership and pyramidal structures have a negative effect on performance as reflected in lower return on assets, market to book ratios and dividend payments. We conclude by discussing some important problems introduced or fostered by the presence of this type of ownership structure.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationships between ownership structure and capital structure for non‐financial listed firms in Vietnam during the period 2007–2012. Although different approaches are applied in this research, all results from those models are consistent. The study finds that while foreign ownership has a negative impact on leverage, state ownership has a positive influence. Managerial ownership has a positive relation with debt level, while the effect of large ownership on debt level is not conclusive.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of political lobbying on the choice of environmental policy instruments. It is argued that the prevalence of pollution emission standards over more efficient policy instruments may result from rent seeking behaviour. The model further predicts that when an emission standard is used to control pollution, rival political parties have an incentive to set the same standard. There is therefore a convergence of policies. Moreover, it is shown that emission taxes are more likely to be supported and proposed by political parties which represent environmental interest groups. This feature appears to accord with the observed support for environmental taxes by Green parties in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere.  相似文献   

What determines the structure of labour market institutions? I argue that common explanations based on rent seeking are incomplete. Unions, job protection and egalitarian pay structures may have as much to do with social insurance of otherwise uninsurable risks as with rent seeking. In support of this more benign complementary hypothesis the paper presents a range of historical, theoretical and cross‐country evidence. The social insurance perspective changes substantially the positive analysis of the future of European labour market institutions. It is not clear that globalization and the ‘new economy’ will force countries to make their labour markets more flexible. These phenomena will probably increase the efficiency costs of existing institutions, but they may also make voters more willing to pay a high premium to preserve institutions that provide insurance.  相似文献   

Baumol认为企业家行为模式受到所在制度环境的影响,良好的制度环境会促进企业家从事增加社会福利的生产性活动,比如创新;而制度环境不佳会导致企业家从事攫取社会利益的非生产性活动,比如寻租。Baumol的企业家才能配置理论在中国具体情境中,是否有其适用性?以我国2009-2014年省级层面面板数据,利用各省份人均土地出让面积作为地区要素市场扭曲的工具变量,在有效控制内生性可能导致的模型估计偏误后,实证考察了要素市场扭曲对企业家寻租活动的作用效应。研究发现,转轨时期我国地区要素市场扭曲程度越深,企业家寻租活动就越多。进一步通过系数检验以及Bootstrap方法考察企业家寻租活动在地区要素市场扭曲和企业创新强度之间的中介效应,证实了“要素市场扭曲→企业家寻租活动增多→企业创新强度减弱”传导机制的存在,可为深化中国要素市场机制改革提供理论和实证支持。  相似文献   

股权再融资、盈余管理与大股东的寻租行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国上市公司处于大股东的超强控制状态,大股东与中小股东之间存在严重的信息不对称,导致大股东在股权再融资过程中表现出强烈的盈余管理动机.本文研究了我国资本市场参与者的行为与盈余管理之间的关系,并分析了对资本配置效率的影响效应.大股东通过操纵报告盈余来改变会计盈余的时间分布和误导投资者,从而攫取更多的隐性收益,造成资本市场配置效率的降低.研究结果表明:(1)大股东通过盈余管理在股权再融资过程中可以获得中小股东无法得到的隐性收益;(2)大股东的收益随着盈余管理程度的增加而提升,中小股东的财富随着盈余管理程度的增加而降低;(3)盈余管理程度的增加将降低上市公司的资本配置效率和企业价值.因此,大股东通过盈余管理实现了对小股东财富的掠夺效应,造成了上市公司资本配置效率、公司价值、声誉和后续融资能力的下降.  相似文献   

官员规模、公共品供给与社会收入差距:权力寻租的视角   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
官员规模、公共品供给效率以及社会收入差距是当下社会比较关注的问题,本文试图把三个问题纳入到一个故事框架下来分析和解释。生产的进行需要官员提供资源帮扶,这需要通过雇佣下级官员来做到;当私人利益进入上级官员的收益函数时,上级官员就会促使资源的供给"人为"稀缺来设租,从而便于下级官员从生产者处收取资源租金;而资源租金的收取使得下级官员的收益高于其外部选择权收益,从而增加了下级官员职位的竞争性,又由于上级官员对下级官员职位任命权的垄断,使上级官员从下级官员处收取职位租金。分析表明,权力的设租寻租行为是造成社会收入差距出现的一个重要原因;在一个能较好限制官员关注私人收益的社会中,官员规模较小、公共品供给效率较高且因权力寻租而造成的社会收入差距较小。  相似文献   

孟昌 《现代财经》2012,(8):5-12
政府干预的公共利益理论存在将应然命题先验地当做实然命题处理的缺陷。政府"应该是",但不必然"是"公共利益最大化者。对于新古典经济学公共利益理论的学理困境、新政治经济学租金分析范式对政府微观干预研究的意义,应予以分析与讨论。对政府管制的研究不可避免地要回答规范性问题,而最有说服力的回答不在于讨论价值观,而是分析管制可能导致的变化对公共利益的影响。租金分析是一个能最大限度地规避争论的研究方法。  相似文献   

In this paper, we report the impacts of share ownership on employee attitudes in China's privatized rural industries based on a survey administered in the Provinces of Jiangsu and Shandong. Our results indicate that, in general, employee shareholders have higher levels of job satisfaction, perceive greater degrees of participation in enterprise decision-making, display stronger organizational commitment, and have more positive attitudes towards the privatization process than nonshareholders in privatized firms. J. Comp. Econ., June 2002 30(4), pp. 812–835. Department of Economics, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; Economics Program, University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, British Columbia, Canada; and Department of Economics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. © 2002 Association for Comparative Economic Studies. Published by Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: P3, P2, J5.  相似文献   

本文以提高MBO在中国上市公司的运营效率为目的,重点对中国上市公司实施MBO四个交易环节中的寻租行为进行详细分析,揭示了若要大规模实行MBO,需要改进它的方向.在此基础上,本文提出了完善中国MBO应在合理定价、完善独立董事制度、健全法律法规以及规范公司股权结构和金融机构行为方面采取相应策略,以规避现存的寻租行为.  相似文献   

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